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Learning to See in the Spiritual World
GA 350

7 July 1923, Dornach

III. Developing Honesty in Thinking

[ 1 ] In the last lecture I told you that contemporary humanity cannot know anything because our thinking nowadays does not lead to real knowledge. In earlier times, say a thousand or fifteen hundred years ago, whoever wanted to learn anything had to undergo special training in thinking. People did not believe that they could understand anything of the spiritual world with their ordinary, everyday thinking, and therefore there existed a kind of schooling of thinking. Today, on the other hand, none of the education we receive enables us to educate our thinking in any real way.

[ 1 ] This means that we are quite unable to think. I will give you an example that you probably saw in the newspaper a few days ago.6The report appeared in the Basler Nachrichten, July 5, 1923. There was an article on a very common dream, a recurrent dream of flying. We can all remember dreams of flying, floating, or falling. Such dreams often occur soon after we go to bed. But you know all this. In this article a writer, versed only in today's natural scientific thinking, attempts to explain this kind of dream. You will see that this kind of thinking leads nowhere in such matters. He says: "This dream of flying, according to Dr. Richard Traugott, is actually induced or triggered by a contraction of the body." What is the writer saying here, what does he believe? He thinks that at the time of going to sleep the body contracts or twitches. But, I ask you, has it not happened to you that you have had this same experience when you are awake? And when does it happen to you? As far as my own experience goes, this kind of sudden jolt or start happens when you are afraid. It is when you experience something startling or frightening that you experience that kind of bodily jerking or contracting. The same thing can happen if, let's say, you go out onto the street and you see a man whom you believed to be in America. At the moment you notice him, your body is jolted—because you are surprised. Now you could not imagine that starting with what has just been described you would feel yourself flying! The problem is that people can invent all kinds of ideas, but those ideas do not particularly fit the observation. The thoughts seem to fit as long as one makes experiments in the laboratory with lifeless matter; but the minute one tries to explain something real, they don't fit anymore.

[ 1 ] Let us continue with this writer. He says: "The cause of this contraction resides in the difference of muscle tension in sleeping and in waking. In the waking state there is a constant flow of energy from the central nervous system to the muscles." He assumes that in the waking state there are constant electric currents moving between the muscles and the nerves. "These energy currents create the muscle tension necessary for the maintenance of the bodily balance that the harmonious interplay of the musculature requires. In sleep this muscle tension largely disappears. During the period of going to sleep the reflexivity of the spinal cord actually increases, and thus the relaxation of the muscle tension, or rather the stimulus that this process exerts on the spinal cord, easily leads to this twitching reflex." So presumably, in the nervous system of the spinal cord there is a stimulus that is continuous and that increases the muscle tension. The writer goes on: "Other sensations that exist in our organs, particularly the rising and falling movements of the chest musculature and the rib cage, may even more directly influence the development of this feeling of flying, floating in the air, or swimming." In other words, muscle tension increases, contracting the body to such an extent that finally, when we are asleep, we experience a condition like that of flying or swimming.

[ 1 ] Now, after all this, just think back in your own experience to when you were breathless (panting) and your chest was tight. Did it ever occur to you that you were having a swimming sensation—not to mention the sensation of flying? On the contrary, in such moments you feel particularly heavy. The article goes on to say other things. For instance, attention is called to the amount of pressure and resistance we feel, when awake, on our bodies where they rest on something. Then, supposedly, when we fall asleep, we become aware of the lack of pressure and resistance. But really, gentlemen, this doesn't make sense. After all, when we are awake and walk, we actually are supported only on a very small surface! We feel that we are walking on the soles of our feet. Of course, when we sit down, we are resting on a larger surface than the soles of our feet. But even if you were to add the surface area of both these places where the body contacts the outside world, this still does not compare to the surface we need when we are asleep. So, as you can see, this kind of thinking really leads one to talk nonsense. This kind of thinking is what passes for science today. Our same scientist tells us that the electric currents in the nerves are stronger when we are asleep; they stimulate the muscles, and they cause the sensation of flying—so that one believes one is flying. Or he tells us that the support disappears when we sleep! One can hardly believe what he goes on to say, for he speaks of: "the disappearance of the perception of pressure and resistance, that in the waking state is present in all the parts of the body that need a support . ." It is not to be believed that he could fail to take into account that there is a much larger surface being used in sleep. But he doesn't care about this, because contemporary thinking never really reaches any real explanations or clarifies what really happens when we go to sleep.

[ 1 ] Let me now clarify what really happens when we go to sleep. From this you will see how one can really achieve insight into the higher, spiritual world. First I will show you this in an image. Remember that this is only an image! Let's assume you have here someone's physical body. (He draws it on the blackboard, left) Within it, there is an etheric, supersensible body—I will draw it in yellow. This fills out the physical body and is invisible. When we are asleep, these two bodies remain behind in the bed. When we are awake, the astral body is also within those two bodies—I will draw the astral body in red here. Within the astral body there is the ego, the fourth member—I will show it in violet. This, then, is the human being when awake: physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego—inserted one within the other.

[ 1 ] Let us now look at our sleeper: when he is in bed, he has only a physical body and an etheric body (drawing, center). Outside these are his astral body and ego (drawing, right). What lies in the bed therefore may be compared to a plant, for the plant also has a physical body and an etheric body. If a plant had no etheric body it would be a stone, and it would not be alive and could not grow. So what is lying in bed is like a plant—the plant does not think, and what lies in bed does not think in the sense of conscious thought. But it is also true that thoughts are in there somewhere, as I have already explained to you; and sometimes these thoughts are even more clever than those we use when we are conscious. However, there are no daytime thoughts such as we are used to, and in this respect what lies in bed is like a plant.

[ 1 ] But when we describe what lives outside that which lies in bed, this feels no boundaries. You can start to have an explanation of this, if you notice that when you leave the boundaries of your body, your consciousness disappears. When you are in your physical body, your astral body has to be as big as it is; but when you leave it, then your astral body suddenly grows—it grows to gigantic dimensions, because the physical body no longer contains it and makes it small. At the moment you go to sleep, at the moment you move out of your physical body, you feel as if you were growing larger and larger.

[ 1 ] Now, let's say you drink a glass of something. I guess I'd better not talk about a glass of alcohol, or else the word would be spread that I speak in favor of alcohol. As you know this is a rather unpleasant issue in Switzerland these days. So let us say you drink a glass of water with a little raspberry juice. If you put some raspberry juice in a glass of water, you can taste the raspberry juice easily. If, however, instead of a glass, you take a small bucket containing the equivalent of five bottles of water, and if you put only the same amount of raspberry juice in it as you put earlier in your glass, the raspberry juice is diluted—spread out over a much larger amount of water. You have much less of the raspberry taste. When I was a little boy, I grew up in the vicinity of a winery. There were big cellars with barrels of 400 buckets of wine. If we had filled one of these with water instead of wine and had added a little raspberry juice and stirred it, you could have drunk the water without at all realizing there was raspberry juice present. This is clear, I am sure. Now, gentlemen, as long as the astral body is as small as the physical body it is like the raspberry juice in the glass of water; your astral body expands only to the limit of your physical body. But when you leave the physical body in sleep, it no longer contains the astral. The astral body spreads out, just as the raspberry juice spreads out in the 400 buckets of water. Therefore in your astral body you have no consciousness. Consciousness is created through the fact that the astral body is concentrated or contracted.

[ 1 ] Here you have a true explanation for what actually happens when you go to sleep. As long as we are awake, our astral body is in our fingers and our toes, in all our muscles. When we feel the astral body in our muscles, we have the feeling of being dependent on our physical body. The physical body is heavy. We feel the heaviness of the physical body. In the moment we leave the physical body, we leave behind its heaviness. In this brief moment before consciousness has completely disappeared in sleep, we no longer feel the heaviness. We do not feel that we are falling, for in fact we are rising; we feel, rather, that we are floating into the air. This sense of not being bound to a physical body, this sense of enlargement, is what we experience as flying or swimming. We can feel ourselves moving freely until consciousness disappears and we go to sleep completely. In contrast to what has just been described, all the natural scientist can say is: our muscles twitch. And, as you well know, when our muscles twitch we feel them more than we usually do, and when that happens, it does not make us feel that we are flying—on the contrary, that is when we feel most narrowly tied to the physical. Another example is that when someone is surprised—Wow!—his mouth gapes open. This is because he is then so much connected with his muscles that he can no longer control them. The experiences of one's muscles twitching in surprise, or loosing control when "wowed," are the opposite of those prevailing when we go to sleep. When we go to sleep, we leave behind our muscles; therefore there cannot be a contraction of the muscles. When we lie down and rest on a larger surface of our bodies, there is rather a relaxation of the muscles. We do not need to hold our muscles together by means of our astral body. They relax, they do not become tenser. Because we no longer need to exert an influence on them, we believe that we are free of our muscles, and because of this we fly away with our lighter astral body.

[ 1 ] Now consider for a moment what I told you last time about learning to think in a way opposite to our everyday thinking. Here you can see how today's ordinary thinking, when trying to explain the human being, results in the opposite of the truth. Therefore the first thing you must do is to think correctly—which really means being able to think the opposite of what holds true in the physical world.

[ 1 ] People have lost the habit of thinking correctly. They can no longer think in such a way that they can reach the spiritual world through thinking.

[ 1 ] There are many people today who speak our language, and this language contains the word "spirit," so they use it. The problem is that they no longer have any real picture of what the word "spirit" means. They can make mental pictures only of physical things. But if we want to think of the spiritual, we come to something without physical characteristics, and therefore to something that you cannot perceive in the physical world. But thinking nowadays is so tainted that people actually wish to see the spiritual world in a physical way. As a result of this, they become what we call spiritists. They say to themselves: If a physical body can move a table, the fact that I can do this means I exist. Then they continue: If a spirit exists, it must also be able to move a table. And this is how the practice of "table-tapping" originated. People rely on table-tapping for signals from the spiritual world. This is because their thinking has become twisted or warped. Their thinking is materialistic in nature. It says: I must have the spiritual, but I must have it in a physical guise. Spiritism is the most materialistic concept of all, and it is very important to understand that.

[ 1 ] Now perhaps someone will say: But I have been present where people sat around a table and linked hands in a chain, and the table started to move and hop around, and all kinds of things of that sort. The external facts are true. It is quite possible to sit around a table, to make a chain of hands, and at some point the table will be set in motion. But this is the case when any small motion in some way starts a larger motion. If we have a railroad train with a locomotive and an engineer, the driver does not get out of his engine and go to the back of the train and start pushing it when he wants to start moving. In fact, he would not be able to do that. He would never be able to set a train into fast motion in this way. As you well know, the engineer makes a very small motion, and the train soon starts to move very fast and pull many cars. Why? Because the connections are established in the right way so as to result in the train moving. In this way, physically, a very small motion starts a larger motion.

[ 1 ] This is the case in the purely physical process of people creating a chain of hands around a table. They then start to twitch very slightly and, lo, and behold! from these small motions a larger motion results. This motion is transferred through the material plane. But this is really a very ordinary physical event.

[ 1 ] Now, if there is one person among those present at the table-tapping who has any thoughts in his subconscious, then these thoughts are translated into the twitching of the finger tips, causing a response, which forms letters which we can then read. However, what we read as an answer in such cases was always present somewhere in the subconscious of one of the people there. This is true, no matter how clever the answers seem to be. I have explained to you that when a person enters into the subconscious, he is entering something much more profound than his ordinary consciousness. This is can be seen in the practice of table-tapping. Nevertheless, the fact of people turning to spiritism is proof of the strength of materialism in our time.

[ 1 ] Ordinary thinking does not bring us to any true explanation of what a human being is. That was obvious from the newspaper article I mentioned here today wherein there was an attempt simply to explain a flying dream. The author of the article explains it in exactly the opposite way to which it should be explained. People no longer seem able to study things of real interest. I have often talked to you about dreams. Let me now repeat a few important facts.

[ 1 ] Let's say someone dreams he is in Basel in some town square. Suddenly—in dreams everything is possible—he finds himself standing in front of a fence.

[ 1 ] The fence has pickets: here one, there another; and here one is missing and there is a gap; and then another picket, and another gap. Now he dreams that he wants to jump over the fence, and he impales himself on one of the pickets, and this hurts—hurts so much that he wakes up and notices that he has not been impaled, but rather that he has a terrible toothache. He has a toothache and it wakes him up. He has a missing tooth in his upper jaw and he also has another missing tooth and this is what he saw in his dream picture as missing pickets in a fence. There was an exact correspondence to his upper jaw and its missing teeth. He then touches one of his teeth and he finds out which one hurts him. There is a cavity, and it hurts. One can certainly have such a dream.

[ 1 ] What is really happening here? This whole episode was actually played out in the dreamer's waking life. You can really say: So long as I was asleep, I was happy; I did not feel my awful toothache. Why not? It is because the astral body was outside the physical body, and the etheric body does not feel the toothache. You can hit a stone as much as you want, and even break little pieces off it, but the stone as such does not feel it. You can tear a plant and the plant will not feel it, because it does not have an astral body—it has only an etheric body. You would soon stop picking roses and other flowers in the meadows, if the plants were to hiss like snakes because it hurt them. However, it does not hurt the plant, and a human being, when asleep, is like a plant. As long as we are asleep, the tooth does not hurt. But when the astral body slips back into the physical body, as soon as this happens, we 'inhabit' our teeth. Then, you see, the astral body is in the teeth. Only when we are completely in our body do we feel what hurts our body. When we are not quite within our body, what hurts appears to us as an external object.

[ 1 ] Say, for instance, I burn a match: when looked at from without I will see it burning white. But if I had somehow lived within that match with my conscious astral body, I would not have only seen it externally. I would have felt it as a pain! In the case of the teeth, until I am fully in my body, when I first slip in, I feel them as if they were external objects, and I therefore make an external picture of them for myself that in some way resembles some aspect of them. Since I cannot make quite the right picture, which I could do only through spiritual science, I make a picture of a row of pickets instead of a row of teeth. Where there are gaps in my row of teeth, I have gaps in the row of pickets. As you can see, as a result of the confused picture that arises as a consequence of not quite being fully in the body, there is an error. Because when we are asleep we are outside our bodies, the inner is interpreted as the outer. I have been able to study what happens in such cases when observing little children as I taught them. They have no feeling as yet for the correct use of speech and I have often experienced that a child who has just started to write "Zahn," the word for tooth, will instead write "Zaun," the German word for fence. Such a child has to be told that this is false, wrong. Somehow the child was scared entering his body—not leaving it, but entering it. This does not cause a flying dream but a fearful dream, a nightmare. The child has a nightmare and somehow expresses this in the form of the fence dream. There is a connection between the child's misuse of words and the images of the dream. The images of the dream come into existence through words. There are always verbal connections. These help us to see more clearly what is really happening.

[ 1 ] The man I referred to before—Richard Traugott—has written a great deal about dreams, most of it is as absurd as what he wrote about the flying dream.7For example: The Dream, Psychologically and Cultural-Historically Viewed, Würzburg, 1913. When he speaks, equipped with ordinary science, he says exactly the opposite of what is actually the case. He does not understand that because the astral body grows larger when leaving the physical body it perceives itself as flying, and that when it is forced to shrink on reentering it pictures itself as someone (or something) who is squeezed somehow. The muscles tighten, causing an anxiety dream. The anxiety dream occurs precisely when the man who wrote the article would claim that there should be a flying dream. It is also possible to have anxiety dreams when the process of going to sleep does not proceed properly. Let's say, for example, that you are lying down and you have the sensation that you are being strangled by someone. This can happen if you are in the process of going to sleep and somewhere there is a disturbance, so that you cannot go to sleep, but you keep trying to do so anyway. You pass in and out of sleep, and returning into your body correctly is not quite possible because you are still tired. This can be felt as a strangling sensation, because the astral body is being forced in some way, and cannot quite enter correctly. Knowing this kind of thing, you can explain all these matters much better.

[ 1 ] This brings us to the fact that one more thing is necessary if we really want to know the spiritual world. One must be absolutely clear about the fact that the physical body is not involved here. One must be able to live in the astral body alone, in a way that does not involve the physical body at all. If one wants to know the spiritual world, one must induce a sleeplike condition in oneself. In ordinary life this occurs only when one slips out of one's physical body, which is viewed externally as the condition of sleep. But as I mentioned in my example of the raspberry juice in the large casks of water, in sleep the astral body (or juice) normally becomes gigantic and this must not be allowed to happen. The astral body must be held together through an inner effort of another body. Do not think now about the astral body and the human ego, just think again about the image of the drops of raspberry juice. Create a vivid image of a glass of water with only one drop of raspberry juice in it. The raspberry juice expands in the water to the limit of the glass, but it is still perceptible. But if you assume a container a hundred thousand times larger, then you would not be able to perceive anything of the juice, and this is comparable to our normal inner experience in sleep. Now, imagine for a moment that this drop of raspberry juice takes on an impish character. I put this impish drop in a cask with four hundred buckets of water; it has a real temper and says to itself: I am not going to let myself get mixed up in all this water, I am going to remain myself. Were this to happen, you would then have a huge casket with one drop of raspberry juice in it; and if you reached this drop with the tip of your tongue, if you went through all that water to the exact spot where the raspberry juice held itself together, then you would actually taste the sweetness of that single drop.

[ 1 ] I must stress here that I am speaking only metaphorically about the raspberry juice with its impish character. The opponents of Anthroposophy can be quite funny at times. There was once an article in a Hamburg newspaper in which Anthroposophy was insulted from all possible sides; and there, it is true, I was actually seen as an imp or devil, and in that case indeed it was meant very seriously, as if I myself were not just an imp but the devil's own helper—as if I were the very devil come into the world. To return therefore to the image I gave you: the drop of raspberry juice is only a devil's imp insofar as it can keep itself quite small when it is put into the water.

[ 1 ] In the case of the astral body, it is possible for it to stay as small when it leaves the physical body as it is when it is within the physical body; but it can develop the forces necessary to do this only by learning to think sharp, well-honed thoughts. I told you we must develop independent thinking. This independent thinking is much stronger than the weak thinking possessed by most people.

[ 1 ] The first requirement for knowledge of the spiritual world is very sharp and well-honed thinking. The second requirement is the ability to think backward. The outer physical world proceeds forward, therefore one needs to learn to think in reverse. This strengthens one's thinking. One must learn that truth which I told you about last time: the part is greater than the whole. This once again is something that contradicts what the physical world seems to indicate; but if one can do this one can put oneself into the spiritual world. All these things I have mentioned cause the astral body to remain small in spite of the fact it is not contained in the physical body—so that it does not simply flow out into the common astral ocean.

[ 1 ] All these requirements fit together, but you must be careful that all these things are taken with the same sobriety and the same scientific attitude with which the physical world is ordinarily examined. The moment we slip into fantasy, we are finished with the scientific. Our clear and definite approach must never be allowed to turn into fantasy.

[ 1 ] Let's take the case when one has a pain in one's big toe. You feel this pain through your astral body. If we had only a physical body, we would not feel the pain; and likewise if we had only an etheric body, we would not feel the pain. If this were not true, the plant would squeal when it was plucked! But we squeal when we have a pain in our big toe—of course, we don't actually squeal, but you know what I mean. We all feel like making a noise when we experience a pain of this kind. Why is this?

[ 1 ] Our astral body is spread throughout our whole physical body, and when our astral body reaches the spot where something in our big toe is out of order, this is brought up to the brain by the astral body, and we have a mental picture of our pain. But let's assume someone has a sick brain that does not allow him to register the pain in his big toe in that certain spot in the brain where it is normally felt. One needs a healthy place in one's brain to be able to register the pain in one's big toe. Assuming this spot in the brain is sick, and remembering what I have told you—that neither the soul nor the astral body can become sick—the pain in your big toe cannot be registered. What happens under these conditions? The specific place in the individual's physical brain is sick, but this still leaves the etheric aspect of the brain. The etheric aspect of the brain that remains is not properly supported by the physical part, and we may therefore ask: What will the etheric body do in such a case? The etheric body makes a great deal of this toe; not only does it notice it, it makes a mountain of it. The pain to the etheric body will appear to us as little beings, little mountain-climbing beings sitting in this mountain. So here we have the big toe transferred into a spatial picture, into a large space—just because the brain is sick. If this were to happen to you, you would swear that there was a mountain in front of you. In actuality this mountain is only your big toe, and it is clear that this is a delusion. It is very important to protect oneself from such sick delusions when one penetrates into the spiritual world, or else one can slip into total fantasy. How can we avoid these delusions? This has to be done through real schooling. We must learn what can result when the physical body becomes sick in any way, so that we will not be confused when merely physical manifestations appear to be real spiritual occurrences! For this reason we must learn truly active thinking, thinking backwards, thinking such as I described last time—a thinking very different from our ordinary thinking in the physical world. In this way one will be protected against delusion, and one will recognize the physical origin of what we have just described. In earlier times people were prepared so to penetrate safely into the spiritual world. There was a real method or art of preparation, which was called dialectic. This meant that people really had to learn to think. Nowadays, if one were to suggest to people that they must first learn to think, they would pull our hair out—for everyone is convinced that they already know how to think. But if one looks back to earlier times, it is actually true that there was a real schooling of thinking, or a dialectic. One had to be able to think both forward and backward, and one had to be able to form concepts in the right way.

[ 1 ] How, we might ask, did this training take place? It took place through the activity of speaking, and at the same time as one spoke, one learned to think. I have just given you an example of this, when I talked of children first learning to speak and then learning to think. But of course such thinking is at first entirely childlike. Nowadays this childlike thinking is preserved by people throughout life, although it is worthless in later life. If one were to continue to learn thinking through speaking this way, then one would have to ensure that with each in-breath and each out-breath the air moved correctly in and out for correct speaking is connected with correct breathing. For speaking to be rightly connected to the breathing process the air must come in and go out in the proper manner.

[ 1 ] Much depends on one's being prepared for correct speaking, because correct speaking prepares one for correct breathing. Whoever knows how to breathe correctly can also speak for a long time without becoming tired. Through the art of dialectic, one once learned how to speak and breathe correctly, and therefore how to think properly. These days, however, people are no longer able to think properly, for their breath keeps bumping into the organ of their breathing at every moment. Just listen to some academics when they speak. First of all, they do not speak very much in general; they usually read, and they use their eyes very much for support. But if you listen to an academic speaking, for the most part it is as if the person were short of breath. It is as if he were constantly bumping into his own body.

[ 1 ] For this reason everything that is said becomes a picture of the physical body. Whether one has a sick spot in one's brain, and consequently makes a mountain, with mountain spirits, out of a painful big toe; or whether one keeps bumping into oneself with one's breath whenever one thinks, with the result that true thinking cannot emerge—it is all the same. Because your breath is constantly bumping into your physical body, you will perceive the whole world as a physical phenomenon. Now, what really is the source of this materialism? Materialism comes from two facts: people do not know how to think correctly, and they do not breathe out correctly. It seems to them as if the whole world were made up of pressure and thrust—which they have in themselves—because they have not been prepared through right thinking. Therefore we can say: A person is a materialist because he cannot get out of himself; inwardly, he keeps bumping into himself.

[ 1 ] Let us return for a moment to Mr. Traugott. What he should really say is that the flying dream is caused by the fact that we go out of ourselves, and the astral body starts to grow larger. However, he does not conclude this. He thinks, indeed he thinks a great deal. And what happens if someone wants to think, and think some more, when in fact he is unable to think? What really happens? First of all, you will see him frown, and if this doesn't help he will hit his forehead and thus tighten his muscles, and then he tightens them some more, and he may even hit himself again so that his muscles are really tight. What is Mr. Traugott really doing when he is thinking about dreams. Instead of looking at things as they really are, he tightens his own muscles, and what he finds is what he himself is doing—muscle tension. I've got it he says: the dream is caused by muscle tension! He confuses his own attempt at thinking about dreams with reality. We can all learn something from Mr. Traugott. We can learn what is happening to him when he thinks about things, and when you yourself read the story. What happens today when we read what people print is that we learn what they themselves imagine is true. Whenever we read the newspapers today, we have to say we really learn very little about what is really happening in the world, but we do learn what the people who sit in the editorial rooms would like to be happening in the world.

[ 1 ] The same is true of today's materialistic science. Through it you will not learn what the world is; rather, you will learn what materialist professors think about the world. If you penetrate this a little, you will see that Anthroposophy has no intention of deceiving the world, but in fact it wants to put honesty in the place of deception and illusion, and in place of what is often untrue, very often consciously so.

[ 1 ] You may see from this discussion that honesty, inner honesty, is the fourth quality that must be present if we are to be able to reach into the spiritual world. If you contemplate the world in this way, you will see there is very little honesty operating in the world, and it is no surprise that not much of it can be seen in science.

[ 1 ] We have therefore seen four required qualities: independent thinking, thinking not linked to the outer world, thinking whose quality is completely different from the physical world, and thinking honestly. We will look at other characteristics next time.

Blackboard 1
Blackboard 1
Blackboard 2
Blackboard 2

Entwickeln innerlicher Ehrlichkeit

[ 1 ] Meine Herren, ich habe Ihnen im letzten Vortrag ausgeführt, daß heute der Mensch nichts erkennen kann, denn das Denken, das man heute hat, taugt eigentlich auch nicht dazu. Früher, selbst noch vor, sagen wir tausend, tausendfünfhundert Jahren, hat derjenige, der etwas lernen wollte, erst sein Denken ausbilden müssen. Man hat nicht geglaubt, daß man mit dem gewöhnlichen Denken, das man hat, schon irgendwie die geistige Welt begreifen kann, und es war eine Art von Schulung des Denkens da. Heute wird durch all unsere Bildung, die wir haben, der Mensch gar nicht dazu veranlaßt, irgendwie sein Denken auszubilden. Daher kann er eigentlich in Wirklichkeit auch gar nicht denken.

[ 2 ] Das will ich Ihnen zunächst an einem Beispiel erklären, das Sie in diesen Tagen in der Zeitung haben lesen können.

[ 3 ] Ein oft wiederkehrender Traum ist der sogenannte «Flugtraum». Wir träumen zu fliegen, zu schweben oder zu fallen, und zwar sehr häufig gleich nach dem Zubettgehen.

[ 4 ] Also, Sie kennen ja alle diese Tatsache, daß Sie schon im Traum geflogen sind. Das will nun einer, der nur an das naturwissenschaftliche Denken gewohnt ist, erklären. Sie werden gleich sehen, daß man mit diesem Denken überhaupt zu gar nichts kommt, wenn es sich um solche Dinge handelt.

[ 5 ] Dieser Traum, führt Dr. Richard Traugott in der «Natur» aus, wird durch ein wirklich stattfindendes ruckartiges Zusammenzucken des Körpers hervorgerufen.

[ 6 ] Also, was glaubt der Mann? Der glaubt, wenn man am Einschlafen ist, so zuckt der Körper zusammen. Nun frage ich Sie, meine Herren: Sie sind doch öfter, auch wenn Sie wach gewesen sind, zusammengezuckt? Wann zucken Sie zusammen? — Ich denke, Sie zucken zusammen, wenn Sie einen Schreck erleben, wenn Sie irgend etwas erleben, was Sie in Schrecken und vielleicht in Ängste versetzt, was Sie furchtbar überrascht im Augenblick. Dann zucken Sie zusammen. Sie können zum Beispiel auch zusammenzucken, wenn Sie, sagen wir, da draußen herumgehen und plötzlich einen Menschen sehen, von dem Sie glauben, er ist in Amerika; wenn Sie den wahrnehmen, dann zucken Sie zusammen, weil Sie überrascht sind. Aber Sie werden sich niemals einbilden, wenn Sie anfangen zusammenzuzucken, daß Sie meinen, Sie fliegen! Es fällt Ihnen doch wirklich, man kann schon sagen, im Traum nicht ein, daß, wenn Sie zusammenzucken, Sie dann meinen, Sie fliegen. Also Sie sehen, von was für verwirrten Gedanken man da überhaupt ausgeht, wenn man meint, daß man die Vorstellung vom Fliegen bekommen könnte, wenn man mit dem Körper zusammenzuckt. Sie sehen daraus: Der Mensch macht sich Gedanken, aber in dem Momente, wo man damit irgend erwas am Menschen erklären will, passen sie gar nicht. — Diese Gedanken passen so lange, als man im Laboratorium mit leblosen Stoffen experimentiert, aber in dem Momente, wo man etwas erklären soll, paßt es nicht mehr.

[ 7 ] Nun geht es weiter:

[ 8 ] Die Ursache dieses Zusammenzuckens liegt in dem unterschiedlichen Verhalten der

[ 9 ] Muskelspannungen im Wachen und im Schlafen: Beim Wachen gehen den Muskeln des Körpers von seiten des Zentralnervensystems ständig Energieströme zu,

[ 10 ] - also er nimmt an, daß beim Wachen von den Nerven in die Muskeln immer elektrische Ströme, Energieströme hereingehen —

[ 11 ] die die Muskeln in diejenige Spannung versetzen, die zur Erhaltung des Körpergleichgewichtes zu dem notwendigen gleichmäßigen Zusammenspiel der Muskulatur überhaupt

[ 12 ] erforderlich sind; im Schlaf fällt diese Muskelspannung zum größten Teil fort, und da in der ersten Periode des Schlafes...

[ 13 ] - also gleich, wenn man eingeschlafen ist —

[ 14 ] u. die Reflexerregbarkeit des Rückenmarks gesteigert ist, so bewirkt der Vorgang der Muskelentspannung bezichungsweise der durch ihn auf das Rückenmark ausgeübte Reiz, leicht jenen Ruckreflex,

[ 15 ] - also es soll nun auf das Nervensystem im Rückenmark ein Reiz aus geübt werden; der soll nun weiterwirken, und der spannt die Muskeln

[ 16 ] stärker — das heißt eben das Zusammenzucken des Körpers. Andere faktisch vorhandene Organempfindungen mögen noch direkter auf das Zustandekommen des Gefühls vom Fliegen,

[ 17 ] Schweben in der Luft, Schwimmen hinwirken: insbesondere die rhythmischen, sich hebenden und senkenden Bewegungen der Atmungsmuskulatur und des Brustkastens, - nun bedenken Sie, wenn Sie ins Keuchen kommen und der Brustkorb angespannt wird, ob Sie da schon einmal das Gefühl gehabt haben, daß Sie fliegen! Da fühlen Sie sich ja erst recht schwer —

[ 18 ] sowie namentlich auch der Wegfall der Empfindungen des Druckes und des Unterlagen widerstandes, die wir im Wachen an allen den Körperstellen haben, die auf einer Unterlage aufruhen.

[ 19 ] Nun, meine Herren, sehen Sie, wenn man geht, im Wachen, dann ist man auf einer ganz kleinen Unterlage; man hat das Gefühl, daß man auf seinen Fußsohlen geht. Und wenn man beim Wachen sitzt, so hat man eine etwas größere Unterlage als bloß die Fußsohlen. Denn auch wenn Sie diese Unterlage hinzuaddieren, zusammenzählen mit der Größe der Unterlage der Fußsohlen, so ist sie ja immer noch klein im Verhältnis zu dem Raum, den man als Unterlage einnimmt, wenn man schläft. Nun sagt der Herr: Es fällt der Unterlagendruck weg. Es ist doch ein größerer Unterlagendruck da, wenn Sie sich niederlegen und eingeschlafen sind, als wenn Sie im Wachen gehen oder sitzen! Also Sie sehen, wie man mit diesem Denken dazu kommt, einfach Unsinn zu behaupten. Und das ist heutige Wissenschaft über den Menschen!

[ 20 ] Er meint also: Da gehen elektrische Ströme in die Nerven hinein. Die sind stärker, wenn man schläft, da zucken die Muskeln, und nun kommt man zur Vorstellung des Fliegens, also man glaubt, man fliegt; oder es fallen die Unterlagen weg im Schlafe! Es ist eigentlich nicht zu glauben, was da gesagt wird.

[ 21 ] Auch der Wegfall der Empfindungen des Druckes und des Unterlagenwiderstandes, die wir im Wachen an allen den Körperstellen haben, die auf einer Unterlage aufruhen.

[ 22 ] Es ist gar nicht zu glauben, daß ein Mensch sich einen solchen Einwand nicht macht, daß man doch im Schlaf auf einer viel größeren Unterlage aufruht. Aber er tut es nicht, weil eben das heutige Denken dann, wenn es nicht solchen Unsinn behauptet, überhaupt nicht zu Erklärungen kommt.

[ 23 ] Nun wollen wir uns einmal einiges davon klarmachen — denn daraus werden Sie sehen, wie man zu der Erkenntnis von einer höheren, geistigen Welt kommt -, was da wirklich geschieht, wenn der Mensch einschläft.

[ 24 ] Ich will Ihnen das zunächst ganz bildlich aufzeichnen. Sie wissen ja, daß das nur eine Verbildlichung ist. Aber nehmen Sie an, Sie hätten hier den physischen Körper eines Menschen (Zeichnung links). In diesem physischen Körper des Menschen steckt nun extra der Ätherkörper, der übersinnliche Körper drinnen; den will ich gelb einzeichnen. Der ist also da drinnen, der füllt ihn aus. Also der ist unsichtbar.

[ 25 ] Diese zwei Körper nun, der physische Körper und der Ätherleib, die bleiben während des Schlafens im Bette liegen. Jetzt, wenn wir wachen, da ist in diesen zwei Körpern noch der astralische Körper drinnen — das will ich so zeichnen, daß ich da noch das Rote darüber mache -, und da drinnen steckt außerdem noch das Ich, das vierte Glied. Das will ich undeutlicher zeichnen (violett). So ist der wache Mensch: physischer Leib, Ätherleib, Astralleib und Ich; die stecken ineinander.

[ 26 ] Schauen wir uns jetzt den schlafenden Menschen an. Der schlafende Mensch, der hat im Bette liegen nur den physischen Leib und den Ätherleib (Mitte). Das da hier ist im Bette. Außer dem Bette sind der astralische Leib — der ist herausgegangen — und das Ich, der Ich-Leib (Rechts). Dasjenige, was im Bette liegen geblieben ist, das ist wie eine Pflanze, denn die Pflanze hat auch einen physischen Leib und einen Ätherleib. Wenn die Pflanze keinen Ätherleib hätte, wäre sie ein Stein. Da würde sie nicht leben, würde nicht wachsen. Also dasjenige, was im Bette liegen bleibt, ist wie eine Pflanze. Die Pflanze denkt nicht. Das, was da im Bette drinnen ist - Sie wissen es ganz genau -, das denkt auch nicht in dem Sinne, daß das Denken bewußt ist. Die Gedanken sind da drinnen, das habe ich Ihnen neulich erklärt, sogar heller als die Gedanken, die wir verwenden, wenn wir bewußt sind, aber bewußte Gedanken sind nicht da. Das ist wie bei der Pflanze.

[ 27 ] Aber nun heraußen, da ist der Mensch so, daß er keine Begrenzung mehr spüren kann. Sie können sich sogar erklären, woher das kommt, daß, wenn wir da herausgehen aus dem Körper, sogleich das Bewußtsein schwindet. Wenn Sie nämlich in Ihrem Körper drinnen sind, so müssen Sie Ihren astralischen Körper so groß machen, als der physische Körper ist. Wenn Sie herausgehen, dann fängt plötzlich der astralische Leib an, riesig groß zu werden, herauszugehen nach allen Seiten, weil der physische Leib ihn nicht mehr anzieht, nicht mehr klein macht. So daß Sie in dem Momente, wo Sie einschlafen, herausrücken aus Ihrem physischen Leib; da werden Sie immer größer und größer.

[ 28 ] Nun denken Sie sich, Sie trinken ein Glas — damit nicht die Sage herauskommt, ich rede jetzt für den Alkohol, Sie wissen, das ist ja jetzt ein unangenehmes Thema in der Schweiz geworden -, so will ich sagen: Sie trinken ein Glas Wasser mit ein bißchen Himbeersaft. Wenn Sie in ein Glas Wasser ein bißchen Himbeersaft hineintun, dann haben Sie den Geschmack von Himbeersaft. Denken Sie aber, Sie nehmen statt dieses Glases ein so großes Gefäß, in das fünf Flaschen Wasser hineingehen, und Sie geben nur so viel Himbeersaft hinein, als Sie früher in das Glas hineingetan haben, und rühren es gut um, da muß sich der Himbeersaft über viel mehr Wasser ausdehnen, da haben Sie schon weniger Himbeergeschmack. Nun, sehen Sie, ich bin aufgewachsen, als ich ein kleiner Bub war, in der Nähe einer Weinhandlung; da gab es einen Keller mit einem Faß von vierhundert Eimern Wein. Wenn man das mit Wasser angefüllt hätte, also ein Faß mit vierhundert Eimern voll Wasser, nicht voll Wein, und hätte da die paar Tropfen Himbeersaft hineingegeben und hätte das Ganze durcheinandergerührt, da hätten Sie trinken können von dem Wasser und hätten nichts mehr geschmeckt von dem Himbeersaft. Das ist ja klar. Nun, meine Herren, solange Ihr astralischer Leib so klein ist wie Ihr physischer Leib, ist es wie der Himbeersaft in einem Glas Wasser: Ihr astralischer Leib ist nur so weit ausgedehnt, als Ihr physischer Leib reicht. Wenn Sie im Schlafe herausgehen, da zieht der physische Leib das nicht mehr zusammen, da wird der astralische Leib ausgedehnt, so wie der Himbeersaft in den vierhundert Eimern Wasser auch ausgedehnt wird. Und daher haben Sie in diesem astralischen Leib kein Bewußtsein mehr drinnen, denn das Bewußtsein entsteht dadurch, daß sich der astralische Leib zusammenzieht.

[ 29 ] Jetzt werden Sie aber auch eine richtige Erklärung kriegen von dem, was vorgehen soll, wenn wir einschlafen. Solange wir wachen, da steckt der astralische Leib in unseren Fingern drinnen, in unseren Zehen drinnen; überall in unseren Muskeln steckt der Astralleib drinnen. Wenn wir nun in unseren Muskeln den astralischen Leib fühlen, dann haben wir eben das Gefühl, wir sind abhängig vom physischen Leib. Der physische Leib ist schwer. Wir fühlen die Schwere des physischen Leibes. In dem Moment, wo wir herausgehen, lassen wir den physischen Leib mit seiner Schwere zurück. Wir fühlen uns in diesem Momente, bevor das Bewußtsein im Schlaf geschwunden ist, nicht mehr schwer. Wir fühlen nicht, daß wir herunterfallen, denn wir heben uns herauf; wir fühlen eher, daß wir heraufschweben. Dieses Größerwerden, dieses Nichtmehr-Gebundensein an den physischen Leib, das fühlen wir als Fliegen oder Schwimmen. Wir können uns frei bewegen, bis uns das Bewußtsein schwindet und wir ganz einschlafen.

[ 30 ] Also was sagt nun der Naturwissenschafter der Gegenwart? Er sagt: Wir zucken mit den Muskeln zusammen. — Nun, wenn wir mit den Muskeln zusammenzucken, fühlen wir ja unsere Muskeln mehr, als wir sie gewöhnlich fühlen! Da bilden wir uns nicht ein, daß wir fliegen, sondern da fühlen wir uns beim Zusammenzucken erst recht an den physischen Körper gebunden. Denken Sie nur einmal, wenn einer steht und erstaunt ist, so reißt er den Mund auf. Warum reißt er den Mund auf? Weil er eben in seinen Muskeln so stark drinnen ist, daß er sich gar nicht mehr beherrschen kann. Also gerade dieses Zusammenzucken und dieses In-den-Muskeln-Leben, das ist das Gegenteil von dem, was wir beim Einschlafen haben. Beim Einschlafen gehen wir gerade aus unseren Muskeln heraus. Also es handelt sich nicht um das MuskelnZusammenziehen, sondern um das Schlaffwerden der Muskeln. Wenn wir uns niederlegen und auf einer größeren Unterlage sind, da haben wir nicht nötig, die Muskeln mit unserem astralischen Leib zusammenzuhalten; sie erschlaffen. Und nicht weil sie stärker gespannt werden, sondern weil sie schlaffer werden, weil wir gar nicht mehr auf die Muskeln eine Einwirkung ausüben müssen, deshalb glauben wir frei zu sein von den Muskeln, und wir entschweben mit unserem leichteren astralischen Leib.

[ 31 ] Nun denken Sie sich, daß ich Ihnen ja das letzte Mal gesagt habe: Man muß lernen, umgekehrt zu denken. — Hier sehen Sie es: Derjenige, der so denkt, wie man es gegenwärtig gewohnt ist zu denken, der kriegt, wenn er beim Menschen etwas erklären will, das Gegenteil von dem heraus, was wahr ist. - Man muß sich also zuerst ein richtiges Denken angewöhnen, das auch das Gegenteil von dem denken kann, was im Physischen ist. Die Leute haben sich abgewöhnt, richtig zu denken, so zu denken, daß man mit dem Denken ins Geistige hineinkommt.

[ 32 ] Nun gibt es wirklich heute sehr viele Menschen, die zwar unsere Sprache reden, und unsere Sprache hat auch das Wort «Geist», aber die Menschen können sich nichts mehr vorstellen unter Geist. Sie können sich nur etwas Physisches vorstellen. Und nun muß man ja — das haben Sie gesehen -, wenn man sich das Geistige vorstellen will, zu etwas kommen, was gar keine physischen Eigenschaften hat, was man also im Physischen nicht sieht. Nun ist das Denken der Menschen heute schon so verdorben, daß sie auch das Geistige physisch sehen wollen. Sie werden daher nachher Spiritisten. Sehen Sie, der physische Leib, der kann einen Tisch bewegen. Die Leute sagen: Wenn ich einen Tisch bewegen kann, so bin ich existierend. Wenn ein Geist existierend sein soll, so muß er auch einen Tisch bewegen können. — Nun ja, da fangen sie dann an, Tischrücken zu machen, und dann lassen sie sich durch das Tischrücken die geistige Welt beweisen! Das ist deshalb, weil das Denken krumm, verbogen ist. Das Denken ist materialistisch; das will auch den Geist auf physische Weise da haben. Der Spiritismus ist das Allermaterialistischste, was es gibt. Das muß man nur erst begreifen.

[ 33 ] Nun wird vielleicht der eine oder andere von Ihnen sagen: Aber ich war ja schon dabei, wenn sich Menschen um den Tisch herum setzten, angefangen haben, ihre Hände zu einer Kette zu machen, und dann haben sich Tische bewegt, sind gesprungen, und alles mögliche. - Das Äußere, das ist schon richtig: Sie können sich um einen Tisch herumsetzen, können eine Kette herum machen, und die Geschichte kann unter Umständen den Tisch in Bewegung versetzen. Aber sehen Sie, das ist ja gerade so, wie wenn ich durch irgendeine andere kleine Bewegung eine große Bewegung hervorrufe. Denken Sie sich doch nur, Sie hätten einen Eisenbahnzug. Der Eisenbahnzug hat vorn eine Lokomotive und den Lokomotivführer darauf. Nun, der Lokomotivführer, der steigt nicht ab von der Maschine und stellt sich hinten hin und schiebt auch. Da würde es ihm wohl nicht recht gelingen, einen Schnellzug in rasche Bewegung zu versetzen. Sie wissen, der Lokomotivführer macht nur eine ganz kleine Bewegung, und der Schnellzug fährt sehr schnell, und die Maschine zieht viele Wagen. Warum? Ja, weil die Umschaltung da in der richtigen Weise vorhanden ist. Da wird durch eine kleine Bewegung auf physischem Wege eine große Bewegung bewirkt.

[ 34 ] Geradeso ist es ein rein physischer Vorgang, wenn die Leute um den Tisch herum eine Kette schließen und dann anfangen, kleinwinzige Zuckungen und dergleichen zu machen. Und siehe da, diese kleinen, winzigen Zuckungen setzen sich um durch die Materie — die ist nämlich so kunstvoll gestaltet - in große Bewegungen. Das ist ein ganz gewöhnlicher physischer Vorgang zunächst.

[ 35 ] Wenn nun da einer darunter ist, der mit seinem Unterbewußtsein irgendwelche Gedanken hat, dann setzen sich diese Gedanken in die zuckenden Finger fort. Und dann kriegt man auf diese Weise auch Antworten und kann das ablesen im Alphabet. Aber dasjenige, was man da als Antworten kriegt, das ist immer im Unterbewußtsein vorhanden von irgend jemandem, der da ist, selbst wenn die Antworten noch so geistreich sind. Ich habe Ihnen ja erklärt, daß der Mensch, wenn er ein wenig nur ins Unterbewußte hereinkommt, viel geistreicher ist, als er in seinem Bewußtsein ist. Das kommt auch durch das Tischrücken zum Vorschein, Also, daß die Leute Spiritisten geworden sind, das ist eben geradezu ein Beweis, daß der Materialismus in unserer Zeit groß ist.

[ 36 ] Mit dem gewöhnlichen Denken kann man überhaupt nicht zu irgendwelchen Erklärungen kommen, die auf den Menschen irgendeinen Bezug haben. Sehen Sie, da versuchte also einer in diesem Zeitungsartikel, den ich heute anführte, einen Traum zu erklären, den Flugtraum. Er erklärt ihn gerade auf die entgegengesetzte Art, wie er erklärt werden soll! Aber die Leute können überhaupt so etwas, was im höchsten Grade interessant ist, nicht mehr studieren. Ich habe Ihnen ja schon öfter etwas erzählt über die Träume; ich will Ihnen heute einige gewichtige Tatsachen noch einmal hervorheben.

[ 37 ] Denken Sie sich einmal, meine Herren, jemand träumt. Er träumt, daß er in Basel über irgendeinen Platz geht. Aber plötzlich findet er im Traum ist das ja möglich -, daß vor ihm ein Zaun steht. Der Zaun hat da hier eine Latte, da wieder eine Latte, da fehlt eine Latte; da hat er eine Latte, da hat er eine, da fehlt wieder eine Latte. Jetzt träumt er weiter, er will über diesen Zaun hinüberspringen und spießt sich auf auf der Latte. Das tut ihm weh. Jetzt wacht er auf. Ja, jetzt merkt er: Donnerwetter, du hast dich ja gar nicht aufgespießt auf der Latte, aber einen furchtbaren Zahnschmerz hast du! - Zahnschmerzen hat er und wacht mit diesen Zahnschmerzen auf. Sein Gebiß hat da oben eine Lücke, dann hat es hier oben’ wieder eine Lücke. Das ist das, was er gesehen hat als Zaun mit fehlenden Latten. Das entspricht ganz seinem oberen Gebiß mit den fehlenden Zähnen. Dann greift er sich auf seinen einen Zahn, und das ist gerade der, der ihm weh tut. Der ist hohl geworden und schmerzt. Solch einen Traum kann man wirklich haben.

[ 38 ] Was ist denn da aber eigentlich geschehen? Nicht wahr, der ganze Vorgang hat sich ja im Wachleben abgespielt. Sie können sich sagen: Solange ich geschlafen habe, war ich glücklich, da habe ich meinen unsinnigen Zahnschmerz nicht gespürt. Ja, warum spürten Sie den Zahnschmerz nicht beim Schlafen? Weil Sie mit Ihrem astralischen Leib draußen waren. Der physische Leib und der Ätherleib spürt ja den Zahnschmerz nicht. Einen Stein können Sie beklopfen wie Sie wollen, ein Stückchen herunterschlagen — der Stein als einzelner spürt es nicht. Die Pflanze können Sie auch zerreißen — sie spürt es nicht, weil sie noch keinen Astralleib, weil sie nur einen Ätherleib hat. Sehen Sie, manche würden sicher das Rosenabreißen und Blumenabreißen auf der Wiese schon unterlassen, wenn die Pflanzen immer so zischen würden wie die Schlangen, weil es ihnen weh tut! Aber es tut der Pflanze eben nicht weh. Und der Mensch ist wie eine Pflanze, wenn er schläft. Solange er schläft, tut ihm also der Zahn nicht weh. Wenn man nun hereinschlüpft mit seinem astralischen Leib, kommt man beim Hereinschlüpfen an dem Gebiß an. Sehen Sie, erst wenn man ganz im Körper drinnen ist, spürt man dasjenige, was einem im Körper weh tut. Wenn man noch nicht ganz drinnen ist, so kommt einem das, was einem weh tut, so vor wie ein äußerer Gegenstand.

[ 39 ] Denken Sie sich, meine Herren, ich brenne hier ein Zündhölzchen an; da sehe ich, wie es verbrennt. Wenn ich darin gesteckt hätte, würde ich es durch meinen Astralleib nicht bloß sehen, sondern da würde ich es spüren als einen Schmerz. Solange ich noch nicht ganz drinnen bin in meinem Körper, sondern eben erst hineinschlüpfe, ist meine Zahnreihe wie ein äußerer Körper, da spüre ich es wie einen äußeren Körper und mache mir ein Bild, das ähnlich ist. Geradeso wie ich mir von den äußeren Gegenständen Bilder mache, so mache ich mir, wenn ich noch halb draußen bin, von meiner Zahnreihe ein Bild, und weil ich mir das richtige Bild noch nicht machen kann — das kann ich mir erst durch Geisteswissenschaft machen —, so mache ich mir das Bild einer Zaunreihe statt einer Zahnreihe. Und weil ich drinnen in meiner Zahnreihe Lücken habe, sind in der Zaunreihe die Latten ausgelassen. Sie sehen, es entsteht beim Hineinschlüpfen durch die Verwirrung, daß man noch nicht ganz drinnen ist in seinem Körper, ein Irrtum. Man hält das Innere für ein Äußeres, weil man im Schlafe eben draußen ist. Da ist das Innere ein Äußeres.

[ 40 ] Sehen Sie, was einem da passiert, das habe ich tatsächlich schon gesehen bei kleinen Kindern. Wenn man die unterrichtet, so haben sie noch kein Gefühl für das ganz richtige Sprechen. Und ich habe es wirklich schon erlebt, daß einer, der eben angefangen hat zu schreiben, statt «Zahn» Zaun, Zäune geschrieben hat, und jetzt hat man ihm gesagt: Das ist falsch! — So hat der Angst gekriegt beim Hereinschlüpfen, nicht beim Herausschlüpfen, sondern beim Hereinschlüpfen. Da hat man aber nicht einen Flugtraum, sondern einen Angsttraum. Wie beim Alpdruck kriegt das Kind Angst und macht noch das daraus — und nun ist aus dem Zahn ein Zaun geworden. Das Kind machte den Fehler. Und Sie werden immer sehen: durch solche Wortverbindungen kommen die Bilder des Traumes nämlich zustande! Irgendwelche Wortverbindungen sind immer da. Und da kann man nun einsehen, was da eigentlich geschieht.

[ 41 ] Sehen Sie, wenn einer so redet - dieser Richard Traugott hat übrigens schon viel über den Traum geschrieben, was ebenso unsinnig ist wie dasjenige, was er jetzt über den Flugtraum schreibt - und mit dem ganz gewöhnlichen Wissen der Gegenwart nur ausgerüstet ist, so sagt er das Gegenteil von dem, was wirklich ist. Denn er versteht nicht, daß, weil der astralische Leib groß ist beim Hinausgehen, er sich wie ein Flieger vorkommt, und weil der astralische Leib wieder eingezwängt wird, wenn er wieder hereingeht, kommt er sich vor wie einer, der sich durchdrücken muß. Seine Muskeln anspannen, ist gleich Angsttraum. Der Angsttraum tritt gerade dann ein, wenn der Mann, der den Artikel geschrieben hat, glaubt, daß der Flugtraum eintreten solle. Auch beim Einschlafen kriegen Sie nur Angstträume, wenn das Einschlafen nicht ganz richtig vonstatten geht. Denken Sie sich, Sie liegen irgendwo und Sie kriegen das Gefühl, es würgt Sie jemand. Das geschieht dadurch, daß Sie eben im Einschlafen sind, aber irgendwo ist eine Unruhe, und jetzt können Sie nicht richtig einschlafen. Nun probieren Sie es - bald heraus, bald herein. Beim Hereinkommenwollen, was Sie aber doch wieder nicht können, weil Sie noch müde sind, da würgt es Sie, weil der astralische Körper hereinkommen will, sich hereinzwängt, aber doch nicht richtig hereinkommen kann. Weiß man diese Sache einmal, dann kann man alle diese Dinge besser erklären.

[ 42 ] Und dieses wird Sie auch darauf bringen, daß etwas anderes noch notwendig ist, wenn man die geistige Welt erkennen will. Man muß sich durchaus ganz klar darüber sein, daß da der physische Körper nicht mitwirken kann. Gerade in dem muß man leben können, was der astralische Leib ist. Will man die geistige Welt erkennen, dann muß man also etwas zustande bringen, wobei man sonst einschläft. Wenn man im gewöhnlichen Leben ist und man schlüpft mit seinem astralischen Leib heraus aus dem physischen Leib, schläft man ein. Ja, sehen Sie, da ist eben die Geschichte mit dem Weinfaß, die ich Ihnen vorhin angeführt habe. Da wird der astralische Leib riesig groß. Wenn Sie nun den astralischen Leib erkennen wollen, so müssen Sie durch innere Kraft den astralischen Leib zusammenhalten können. Denken Sie sich einmal, was geschieht, wenn ich jetzt einen Augenblick statt des astralischen Leibes und des Ichs des Menschen wiederum den Himbeersafttropfen setze. Schauen wir uns das einmal ganz bildhaft an. Da haben wir das Wasserglas und da drinnen einen Himbeersafttropfen. Der Himbeersafttropfen, der dehnt sich jetzt aus. Ist er im Wasserglas drinnen, da spürt man ihn noch. Nehmen Sie aber etwas an — das kann ich natürlich nicht zeichnen —, was jetzt hunderttausendmal so groß ist: da würden Sie nichts mehr sehen davon, wenn ich das in entsprechender Verteilung hell machen würde. Ebensowenig kann man aber etwas spüren. Denken Sie aber, der Tropfen, das wäre ein Teufelskerl, und ich gebe ihn in dieses Weinfaß mit vierhundert Eimer Wein hinein - verzeihen Sie, nicht Wein, Wasser — und der Himbeersafttropfen, das ist ein richtiger Teufelskerl, der sagt sich: Da lasse ich mich nicht beimischen, ich bleibe der Himbeersafttropfen! — Nun ist da das Weinfaß oder Wasserfaß, und der Himbeersafttropfen bleibt ganz klein. Wenn Sie nun just mit Ihrer Zunge hinunterkämen, durch das Wasser durchleckten und kämen hin an die Stelle, wo der Himbeersafttropfen klein geblieben ist, da würden Sie die Süße vom Himbeersafttropfen spüren. Der muß sich also wehren.

[ 43 ] Ich sage, er ist ein Teufelskerl, nur um einen Ausdruck zu haben. Die Gegner der Anthroposophie sind ja manchmal sehr spaßig. In einem Hamburger Blatt stand einmal, nachdem die Anthroposophie nach allen Seiten beschimpft worden war, was ich sei, und da stand, daß ich eigentlich der Teufel wäre! Also das war ganz ernsthaftig gemeint, daß da der Teufel in die Welt gekommen wäre. Ich sage nur, er wäre insofern ein Teufelskerl, der Himbeersafttropfen, als er sich klein erhalten kann auch wenn man ihn in das Wasser hineingibt. Das ist mit dem astralischen Leib erwas anderes, wenn er sich so klein erhalten kann, wie er im physischen Leibe drinnen ist, wenn er herauskommt. Jetzt muß man eben die Kraft entwickeln, den astralischen Leib so klein zu behalten. Das kann man eben dadurch, daß man ein scharfes Denken entwickelt. Ich habe Ihnen gesagt, man müsse ein selbständiges Denken entwickeln. Ein selbständiges Denken ist aber ein stärkeres Denken als dieses schwache Denken, das diese Leute haben. Die erste Bedingung ist ein starkes Denken. Die zweite Bedingung ist ein Rückwärtsdenken-Können. Die äußeren physischen Dinge laufen vorwärts. Lernt man rückwärts denken, dann lernt man noch stärker denken. Und lernt man noch dasjenige, was ich Ihnen das letzte Mal gesagt habe: Jeder Teil ist größer als das Ganze - was also widerspricht dem Physischen -, dann lernt man sich hineinversetzen in die Welt, die eben nicht wie das Physische ist, sondern das Gegenteil von dem Physischen ist, Dann lernt man sich hineinversetzen in die geistige Welt.

[ 44 ] Durch all diese Dinge wird eben bewirkt, daß der astralische Leib, trotzdem er aus dem physischen Leib herausgeht, sich kleiner erhalten kann, daß er nicht ausfließt im allgemeinen astralischen Meere.

[ 45 ] Das ist also durchaus zusammenstimmend. Aber Sie müssen sich auch ganz klar darüber sein, daß diese Dinge alle mit eben derselben Nüchternheit und Wissenschaftlichkeit betrachtet werden müssen, wie die Dinge des äußeren physischen Lebens betrachtet werden. Sobald man ins Phantasieren hineinkommt, dann geht es nicht mehr mit der Geisteswissenschaft. Phantastisch darf man eben nicht werden.

[ 46 ] Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel an, Sie haben, nun, ich will es deutlich sagen, einen Schmerz in der großen Zehe. Diesen Schmerz in der großen Zehe spüren Sie nur durch Ihren Astralleib. Wenn Sie nur den physischen Leib hätten, würden Sie keinen Schmerz spüren. Wenn Sie bloß den Ätherleib haben, würden Sie keinen Schmerz spüren, sonst würde eben die Pflanze quieksen, wenn man sie anfaßt, die Blume quieksen, wenn man sie anfaßt. Nun, Sie quieksen, wenn Sie einen Schmerz in der großen Zehe haben, das heißt, Sie quieksen vielleicht nicht, aber Sie wissen schon, was ich damit meine. Wir quieksen also, wenn wir einen Schmerz in der großen Zehe haben. Nun, warum quieksen wir? Schen Sie, wir haben ja unseren astralischen Leib über den ganzen physischen Leib ausgebreitet. Wenn wir jetzt mit dem astralischen Leib an die Stelle ankommen, wo irgend etwas in unserer großen Zehe unordentlich ist, dann bringen wir das durch den astralischen Leib bis ins Gehirn herauf. Jetzt machen wir uns eine Vorstellung von unserem Schmerz.

[ 47 ] Nehmen Sie aber an, jemand habe ein krankes Gehirn. Wenn jemand ein ganz gesundes Gehirn hat, so hat er in diesem Gehirn auch eine Stelle, durch die er den Schmerz in seiner großen Zehe wahrnehmen kann. Dazu braucht man eine gesunde Stelle im Gehirn, damit man den Schmerz in der großen Zehe wahrnehmen kann. Nehmen wir aber an, diese Stelle im Gehirn wäre krank. Ich habe Ihnen gesagt: Die Seele kann nicht krank werden, der Astralleib kann nicht krank werden, aber das physische Gehirn kann krank werden. - Wenn nun diese Stelle im Gehirn krank ist, kann der Schmerz in der großen Zehe nicht wahrgenommen werden. Was tut der Mensch? Ja, meine Herren, ein Stückchen des physischen Gehirns ist krank; aber, sehen Sie, an der Stelle ist noch immer der Ätherleib des Gehirns. Der Ätherteil des Gehirns, der da sitzt, der wird jetzt nicht unterstützt durch den physischen Teil. Was tut der Ätherteil? Der Ätherteil, der macht aus Ihrer großen Zehe einen Berg. Er nimmt nicht mehr die große Zehe bloß wahr, sondern er macht einen Berg daraus, und den Schmerz, den gestaltet er um zu lauter kleinen Geistern, Berggeistern, die da drinnen sitzen. So sehen Sie (Zeichnung $. 192): Jetzt haben Sie hier Ihre große Zehe; die haben Sie herausgesetzt in den Raum, weil Sie ein krankes Gehirn u gehabt haben. Und jetzt schwören Sie darauf, vor Ihnen steht ein hoher Berg! Aber der ist eben bloß Ihre große Zehe. Das ist eine Wahnidee.

[ 48 ] Meine Herren, man muß sich davor hüten, solche Wahnideen zu haben, wenn man in die geistige Welt eindringen will, sonst kommt man eben in die Phantasterei hinein. Wodurch kann man denn das erreichen? Das muß man wiederum zunächst durch eine Schulung erreichen. Man muß wissen, was alles vom physischen Körper kommen kann, wenn er irgendwo krank ist. Dann wird man nicht mehr das, was einem als richtiger Geist erscheint, mit dem verwechseln, was nur aus dem physischen Körper aufsteigt.

[ 49 ] Also zu dem tätigen Denken, zu dem Rückwärtsdenken, zu dem Denken, das ich Ihnen das letzte Mal beschrieben habe, wo man ganz anders denkt als in der physischen Welt, muß auch das kommen, daß man genau weiß: Das und das rührt nur von deinem physischen Körper her. — Diese Vorbereitungen, die muß man haben.

[ 50 ] Sehen Sie, in der Vorbereitung, die man früher gehabt hat, damit die Menschen ein wenig in die geistige Welt auf die alte Art eindringen konnten, gab es auch eine gewisse Kunst. Man nannte sie die Dialektik. Das heißt: Man hat denken lernen müssen. Heute, wenn man jemandem zumuten wollte, er solle erst denken lernen - ja, der würde einem alle Haare ausreißen, denn jeder Mensch glaubt, er kann schon denken. Aber es ist schon so, wenn man in die früheren Zeiten zurückgeht, daß eben die Leute erst ein gewisses Denken lernen mußten. Dieses Denkenlernen nannte man die Dialektik. Da mußte man vorwärts, rückwärts denken, da mußte man auch die Begriffe in der richtigen Weise setzen lernen.

[ 51 ] Und wodurch war das? Das war dadurch, daß man das Denken am Sprechen lernte. Ich habe Ihnen einmal gesagt, daß das Kind auch zuerst sprechen und dann denken lernt, aber natürlich ist das zunächst kindlich. Heute behält der Mensch das ganze Leben hindurch diese Kindlichkeit, aber sie taugt nichts mehr für das spätere Leben. Wenn man am Sprechen fortwährend denken lernt, dann kriegt man bei jedem Ausatmen und Einatmen die Luft richtig herein und hinaus. Denn das Sprechen hängt eben mit dem richtigen Atmen zusammen. Man kriegt die Luft richtig hinein und richtig heraus. Es hängt sehr viel davon ab, daß man sich einrichtet auf richtiges Sprechen, weil dieses richtige Sprechen einen auch auf richtiges Atmen einrichtet. Derjenige, der richtig atmen kann, kann lange sprechen; derjenige, der nicht richtig atmen kann, der ermüdet sehr bald, wenn er zusammenhängend lang spricht.

[ 52 ] Durch diese Dialektik, durch diese Kunst hat man richtig sprechen und dadurch auch richtig denken gelernt. Heute können ja die Leute nicht richtig denken, denn sie stoßen alle Augenblicke mit ihrem Atem an ihrem Atmungsorgan an. Hören Sie manchmal irgendeinem heutigen Gelehrten zu, wenn er spricht. Nun, erstens sprechen die wenigsten, sie lesen meistens ab; da nehmen sie ganz andere Dinge noch zu Hilfe, die Augen und so weiter, durch dieses unterstützen sie sich. Aber hören Sie ihnen zu, wenn sie sprechen: Es kommt einem meistens vor, als ob die Leute kurzatmig wären und immer anstoßen würden an ihren eigenen physischen Körper.

[ 53 ] Dadurch wird Ihnen alles zu einem Bild vom physischen Körper. Ob Sie nun hier im Gehirn eine kranke Stelle haben und dadurch Ihnen Ihre große Zehe zu einem Berg mit allerlei Berggeistern wird, oder ob Sie mit dem Atem immerfort anstoßen beim Denken, ihn nicht herauskriegen, das ist einerlei: Die ganze Welt kommt Ihnen als ein Physisches vor, weil Sie fortwährend mit Ihrem Atem am physischen Körper anstoßen. Wovon rührt denn das eigentlich her, dieser Materialismus? Der Materialismus rührt davon her, daß die Leute nicht richtig denken können, nicht richtig ausatmen, daß Sie anstoßen. Daher glauben sie, die ganze Welt besteht nur aus Stoß und Druck. Stoß und Druck - das haben sie nämlich in sich, weil sie sich vorher nicht durch ein richtiges Denken vorbereiteten. Und so könnte man sagen: Wenn heute einer Materialist ist, so ist er es deshalb, weil er nicht aus sich heraus kann, weil er überall innerlich an sich anstößt.

[ 54 ] Sehen wir uns noch einmal diesen Herrn Traugott an. Der sollte eigentlich sagen: Der Traum vom Fliegen, der kommt daher, weil wir aus uns herausgehen und der Astralleib anfängt, größer zu werden. — Aber auf das kommt er nicht, denn er denkt nach, furchtbar denkt er nach! Nun, meine Herren, denken Sie sich nur einmal: Wenn einer anfängt nachzudenken, der eigentlich nicht denken kann, was tut er? — Erst runzelt er die Stirn, nachher, wenn das noch nicht zum Denken führt, schlägt er sich an die Stirn. Was will er denn da eigentlich? Er will die Muskeln anspannen, er spannt die Muskeln; und wenn sie nicht genug gespannt sind, so will er sie noch schlagen, daß sie sich erst recht spannen. Was tut denn der Herr Traugott, wenn er über den Traum nachdenkt? Statt die Dinge anzuschauen, wie sie sind, spannt er seine eigenen Muskeln, und da findet er nun, was er selber tut: Muskelspannung, sagt er, aha! Der Traum ist gleich Muskelspannung. — Er verwechselt aber nur seine eigenen Gedanken vom Traum mit der Wirklichkeit. Sie können nur etwas lernen von dem Herrn Traugott — was dem passiert, wenn er über die Dinge nachdenkt —, wenn Sie diese Geschichte lesen. Es ist ja auch sonst heute so: Wenn man das liest, was die Leute drukken lassen, dann erfährt man, was die sich selber darüber einbilden. — Wenn man heute eine Zeitung liest, so muß man sich sagen: Was in der Welt vorkommt, darüber wirst du aus der Zeitung wenig erfahren, aber was die Herren, die in der Redaktionsstube sitzen, gern hätten, daß es in der Welt vorkomme, das wirst du erfahren.

[ 55 ] So ist es auch mit der materialistischen Wissenschaft. Sie erfahren durch sie nicht, was die Welt ist, sondern was die materialistischen Professoren heute über die Welt denken. Wenn Sie einmal dahinter kommen, dann werden Sie sehen, daß die Anthroposophie eben nicht die Welt hintergehen will, sondern gerade Ehrlichkeit an die Stelle der Listigkeit und Illusion und desjenigen, was manchmal ganz bewußt unwahr ist, setzen will.

[ 56 ] Sie sehen also: Ehrlichkeit, innerliche Ehrlichkeit, das ist die vierte Eigenschaft, die vorhanden sein muß, um in die geistige Welt hineinzukommen. Wenn Sie die Welt so betrachten, werden Sie schon sehen: Ehrlichkeit ist nicht viel in der Welt vorhanden. Kein Wunder, daß sie auch nicht in der Wissenschaft vorhanden ist.

[ 57 ] Damit haben wir vier Eigenschaften für das Denken betrachtet: Klar, selbständig denken, unabhängig von der Außenwelt denken, ganz anders denken als die physische Welt ist, und nun ehrlich denken. Andere Eigenschaften werden wir dann das nächste Mal betrachten.

Wandtafel 1
Wandtafel 1
Wandtafel 2
Wandtafel 2

Developing Inner Honesty

[ 1 ] Gentlemen, in my last lecture I explained to you that today man cannot recognize anything, because the thinking that one has today is actually not suitable for it. In the past, even as late as, let us say, a thousand, fifteen hundred years ago, a person who wanted to learn something first had to develop his thinking. It was not believed that one could somehow grasp the spiritual world with one's ordinary thinking, and there was a kind of training of thinking. Today, with all our education, people are not encouraged to develop their thinking at all. Therefore, in reality, they cannot think at all.

[ 2 ] Let me explain this to you with an example that you may have read about in the newspapers recently.

[ 3 ] A recurring dream is the so-called “flight dream”. We dream of flying, floating or falling, very often just after going to bed.

[ 4 ] So, you are all familiar with the fact that you have already flown in a dream. Now, someone who is only accustomed to scientific thinking wants to explain that. You will soon see that you can't get anywhere with this kind of thinking when it comes to such things.

[ 5 ] This dream, as Dr. Richard Traugott explains in 'Nature', is caused by a real jerking of the body.

[6] So what does the man believe? He believes that when you are about to fall asleep, your body jerks. Now I ask you, gentlemen: haven't you often jumped even when you were awake? When do you jump? I think you flinch when you experience a shock, when you experience something that horrifies you and perhaps frightens you, that takes you by surprise in the moment. Then you flinch. For example, you can also flinch when you, let's say, are walking around outside and suddenly see a person whom you think is in America; when you perceive that, you flinch because you are surprised. But you would never imagine that when you start flinching, you think you are flying! It really does not occur to you, even in your dreams, that when you flinch you think you are flying. So you see, what confused thoughts one starts from when one thinks that one could get the idea of flying by flinching with the body. You see from this: Man forms thoughts, but in the moment when you want to explain something about man with them, they don't fit at all. These thoughts fit as long as you experiment with inanimate substances in the laboratory, but in the moment when you are supposed to explain something, they no longer fit.

[ 7 ] Now it continues:

[ 8 ] The cause of this wince lies in the different behavior of

[ 9 ] muscle tension when we are awake and asleep: when we are awake, the central nervous system is constantly sending energy currents to the muscles of the body,

[ 10 ] – so he assumes that when we are awake, electrical currents, energy flows, are always entering the muscles from the nerves –

[ 11 ] which put the muscles into the tension that is necessary to maintain the body's equilibrium for the necessary even interplay of the musculature in general.

[ 12 ] are necessary for maintaining the body's equilibrium; during sleep, this muscle tension largely disappears, and since in the first period of sleep...

[ 13 ] - so immediately after falling asleep —

[14] and the reflex excitability of the spinal cord is increased, the process of muscle relaxation, or rather the stimulus it exerts on the spinal cord, easily causes that jerk reflex,

[ 15 ] - so now a stimulus is to be applied to the nervous system in the spinal cord; this is to have a further effect, and this tenses the muscles

[ 16 ] stronger – which is precisely what the flinching of the body means. Other organ sensations that are actually present may contribute even more directly to the feeling of flying,

[ 17 ] floating in the air, swimming: in particular, the rhythmic, rising and falling movements of the respiratory muscles and chest, - now consider, when you start gasping for breath and your chest tightens, whether you have ever had the feeling that you are flying! You feel quite heavy then –

[ 18 ] as well as the loss of the sensations of pressure and underlying resistance that we have when we are awake at all the parts of the body that rest on a surface.

[ 19 ] Now, gentlemen, when you walk in the waking state, you have a very small base; you have the feeling that you are walking on the soles of your feet. And when you are sitting awake, you have a somewhat larger surface than just the soles of your feet. Because even if you add this surface to the size of the surface of the soles of the feet, it is still small in relation to the space you occupy when you are sleeping. Now the Lord says: There is no longer any pressure from the surface. There is actually more pressure from the support when you lie down and have fallen asleep than when you walk or sit while awake! So you see how this kind of thinking can lead to utter nonsense. And this is today's science about the human being!

[ 20 ] So he says: electrical currents enter the nerves. These are stronger when you are sleeping, the muscles twitch, and now you come to the idea of flying, so you think you are flying; or the supports fall away during sleep! It is actually hard to believe what is being said.

[ 21 ] The loss of sensation of pressure and the resistance of the support, which we have in the waking state on all parts of the body that rest on a support.

[ 22 ] It is hard to believe that a person does not object to the fact that during sleep we rest on a much larger surface. But he does not do so because, if today's thinking does not claim such nonsense, it does not come to any explanations at all.

[ 23 ] Now let us try to understand a little about what really happens when a person falls asleep, for from this you will see how one comes to the realization of a higher, spiritual world.

[ 24 ] I will first draw this quite figuratively. You know, of course, that this is only a visualization. But suppose you had the physical body of a human being here (drawing on the left). Now, inside this physical body of the human being is the etheric body, the supersensible body; I will draw that in yellow. So it is inside, filling it up. It is invisible.

[ 25 ] Now these two bodies, the physical body and the etheric body, remain in bed during sleep. Now, when we are awake, the astral body is still inside these two bodies – I will draw that by adding a red color – and in there is also the I, the fourth link. I will draw that less clearly (purple). This is how the awake person is: physical body, etheric body, astral body and I; they are all intertwined.

[ 26 ] Now let us look at the sleeping person. The sleeping person, when lying in bed, has only the physical body and the etheric body (center). That is here in bed. Outside of bed are the astral body – which has gone out – and the I, the I-body (right). What remains in the bed is like a plant, because a plant also has a physical body and an etheric body. If the plant had no etheric body, it would be a stone. It would not live and would not grow. So what remains in the bed is like a plant. The plant does not think. What is in the bed – you know it very well – does not think either in the sense that it is conscious of thinking. The thoughts are in there, I explained to you the other day, even brighter than the thoughts we use when we are conscious, but conscious thoughts are not there. It is like with the plant.

[ 27 ] But now outside, man is such that he can no longer feel any limitation. You can even explain to yourself why, when we go out of the body, consciousness immediately fades. When you are inside your body, you have to make your astral body as large as the physical body. When you leave, the astral body suddenly begins to expand enormously, moving out in all directions, because the physical body no longer attracts it, no longer makes it small. So that the moment you fall asleep, you move out of your physical body; there you become bigger and bigger.

[ 28 ] Now imagine you are drinking a glass – so that the myth does not come out, I am now talking about alcohol, you know, that has now become an unpleasant subject in Switzerland – I will say: you are drinking a glass of water with a little raspberry juice. If you put a little raspberry juice in a glass of water, you will taste the raspberry juice. But if you imagine that instead of this glass you are taking a large vessel that holds five bottles of water, and you add only as much raspberry juice as you previously added to the glass, and stir it well, the raspberry juice has to expand over much more water, so you will have less raspberry flavor. Well, you see, I grew up as a little boy near a wine store; there was a cellar with a barrel of four hundred gallons of wine. If you had filled it with water, that is, a barrel with four hundred gallons of water, not of wine, and had added a few drops of raspberry juice and had stirred it all up, you could have drunk from the water and would have tasted nothing more of the raspberry juice. That is clear. Now, gentlemen, as long as your astral body is as small as your physical body, it is like the raspberry juice in a glass of water: your astral body is only extended as far as your physical body reaches. When you go out while you are asleep, your physical body no longer contracts, and your astral body is expanded, just as the raspberry juice is also expanded in the four hundred buckets of water. And that is why you no longer have consciousness in this astral body, because consciousness arises from the astral body contracting.

[ 29 ] Now you will also get a proper explanation of what happens when we fall asleep. As long as we are awake, the astral body is in our fingers, in our toes; the astral body is everywhere in our muscles. When we feel the astral body in our muscles, we have the feeling that we are dependent on the physical body. The physical body is heavy. We feel the heaviness of the physical body. The moment we go out, we leave the physical body with its heaviness behind. We no longer feel heavy in this moment, before consciousness has disappeared in sleep. We do not feel that we are falling, because we are rising; we feel rather that we are floating up. This growing larger, this no longer being bound to the physical body, we feel as flying or swimming. We can move freely until consciousness fades and we fall asleep completely.

[ 30 ] So what does the modern scientist say? He says: We flinch. — Now, when we flinch, we feel our muscles more than we usually feel them! We do not imagine that we are flying, but rather, when we flinch, we feel even more bound to our physical bodies. Just think, when someone is standing and is amazed, they open their mouths wide. Why do they open their mouths wide? Because they are so absorbed in their muscles that they can no longer control themselves. So this wincing and this living in the muscles is the opposite of what we have when we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we are just letting go of our muscles. So it is not a matter of the muscles contracting, but of them becoming limp. When we lie down and are on a larger surface, we do not need to hold the muscles together with our astral body; they become limp. And not because they are more tensed, but because they become flabbier, because we no longer have to exert any influence on the muscles at all, so we believe we are free of the muscles, and we float away with our lighter astral body.

[ 31 ] Now, remember that I told you last time: You have to learn to think the other way around. — Here you see it: the one who thinks the way you are currently used to thinking, when he wants to explain something about a person, gets the opposite of what is true. One must therefore first get into the habit of thinking correctly, which can also think the opposite of what is in the physical. People have unlearned how to think correctly, to think in such a way that one can enter into the spiritual through thinking.

[ 32 ] Now there are really very many people today who speak our language, and our language also has the word “spirit,” but people can no longer imagine anything under spirit. They can only imagine something physical. And now, as you have seen, if you want to imagine the spiritual, you have to come to something that has no physical properties at all, something that cannot be seen physically. Now, people's thinking is already so corrupt that they also want to see the spiritual physically. They therefore become spiritists afterwards. You see, the physical body can move a table. People say: if I can move a table, then I exist. If a spirit is to exist, then it must also be able to move a table. Well, then they start doing table turning, and then they let the table turning prove the spiritual world to them! This is because their thinking is warped. Their thinking is materialistic; it also wants the spirit to be there in a physical way. Spiritualism is the most materialistic thing there is. You just have to understand that.

[ 33 ] Now perhaps one or the other of you will say: But I was already there when people sat down around the table, started making their hands into a chain, and then tables moved, cracked, and all sorts of things happened. The outward appearance, that is quite right: you can sit around a table, you can make a chain around it, and under certain circumstances the story can set the table in motion. But you see, that is exactly the same as when I cause a large movement through some other small movement. Just imagine you had a train. The train has a locomotive at the front and the engine driver on it. Now, the engine driver does not get off the machine and stand at the back and push too. He would not be able to set a fast train in rapid motion. You know, the engine driver makes only a very small movement, and the express train moves very fast, and the engine pulls many cars. Why? Yes, because the switchover is done in the right way. A small movement causes a large movement in a physical way.

[ 34 ] It is just as much a purely physical process when people around the table close a chain and then begin to make tiny twitches and the like. And lo and behold, these small, tiny twitches are transmitted through matter - which is so artfully designed - into large movements. This is a very ordinary physical process at first.

[ 35 ] If there is someone present who has certain thoughts in his subconscious, then these thoughts will be transmitted to the twitching fingers. And then you also get answers in this way and you can read them in the alphabet. But the answers you get are always present in the subconscious of someone who is there, no matter how clever the answers are. I have already explained to you that a person, when he enters into his subconscious even a little, is much more clever than he is in his consciousness. This also comes to light through table turning, so that people have become spiritualists, which is just proof that materialism is great in our time.

[ 36 ] With ordinary thinking, you can't come up with any explanations that have any relevance to people at all. You see, in the newspaper article I quoted today, someone tried to explain a dream, the dream of flight. He explains it in exactly the opposite way it should be explained! But people are no longer able to study anything like that, which is highly interesting. I have often told you something about dreams; today I will emphasize some important facts again.

[ 37 ] Just imagine, gentlemen, someone is dreaming. He dreams that he is walking across some square in Basel. But suddenly he finds – it is possible in dreams – that there is a fence in front of him. The fence has a slat here, another slat there, a missing slat there; there is a slat there, there is one there, another slat is missing there. Now he dreams on, he wants to jump over this fence and impales himself on the slat. That hurts him. Now he wakes up. Yes, now he realizes: Gosh, you didn't get impaled on the crossbar, but you have a terrible toothache! He has a toothache and wakes up with this toothache. His teeth have a gap up there, then there's another gap up here. That is what he saw as a fence with missing slats. This corresponds entirely to his upper dentition with the missing teeth. Then he grabs his one tooth, and that is precisely the one that hurts him. It has become hollow and aches. You can really have such a dream.

[ 38 ] But what actually happened? The whole process took place in your waking life. You can say to yourself: As long as I was asleep, I was happy, I didn't feel my nonsensical toothache. Yes, why didn't you feel the toothache while sleeping? Because you were outside with your astral body. The physical body and the etheric body do not feel the toothache. You can knock on a stone as much as you like, knock off a piece of it – the stone as an individual does not feel it. You can also tear up a plant – it does not feel it because it does not yet have an astral body, only an etheric body. You see, some people would certainly refrain from tearing up roses and flowers in the meadow if the plants always hissed like snakes because it hurts them! But it does not hurt the plant. And the human being is like a plant when he sleeps. So as long as he sleeps, his tooth does not hurt him. When you now slip in with your astral body, you arrive at the teeth when you slip in. You see, only when you are completely inside the body do you feel what hurts in the body. If you are not yet completely inside, what hurts seems to you like an external object.

[ 39 ] Imagine, gentlemen, I am lighting a match here; I see how it burns. If I were inside it, I would not only see it through my astral body, but I would feel it as pain. As long as I am not yet completely inside my body, but am just slipping into it, my row of teeth is like an external body, I feel it like an external body and make an image for myself that is similar. Just as I form images of external objects, so too, when I am still half outside, I form an image of my row of teeth, and because I cannot yet form the correct image – I can only do that through spiritual science – I form the image of a row of fence posts instead of a row of teeth. And because I have gaps in my row of teeth, the fence has gaps in its pickets. You see, when you slip into it, because of the confusion of not being quite inside your body yet, you make a mistake. You mistake the outer for the inner, because in sleep you are outside. There the inner is an outer.

[ 40 ] Do you see what happens to a person? I have actually seen it happen to small children. If you teach them, they don't yet have a feeling for how to speak correctly. And I have actually experienced it that someone who had just started writing would write “Zaun” instead of “Zahn” (tooth), and now you have told him: That's wrong! — So he got scared when slipping in, not when slipping out, but when slipping in. But then one doesn't have a dream about flying, but a nightmare. As in a nightmare, the child gets scared and makes something out of it — and now the tooth has become a fence. The child made the mistake. And you will always see: it is through such word combinations that the images of the dream come about! There are always some word combinations. And now you can see what is actually happening.

[ 41 ] You see, when someone talks like that - by the way, this Richard Traugott has already written a lot about dreams, which is just as nonsensical as what he is now writing about flying dreams - and is only equipped with the most ordinary knowledge of the present, he says the opposite of what really is. For he does not understand that because the astral body is large when it goes out, he feels like an aviator, and because the astral body is constricted again when it goes back in, he feels like someone who has to push through. Tensing his muscles is tantamount to having a nightmare. The nightmare occurs precisely when the man who wrote the article believes that the dream of flying should come true. Even when falling asleep, you only have nightmares when the process of falling asleep is not quite right. Imagine you are lying somewhere and you get the feeling that someone is choking you. This happens because you are just falling asleep, but there is a restlessness somewhere, and now you cannot really fall asleep. Now you try it – now coming in, now going out. When you want to come in, but you can't because you're still tired, it chokes you because the astral body wants to come in, squeezes in, but still can't really come in. Once you know this, you can better explain all these things.

[ 42 ] And this will also make you realize that something else is necessary if you want to recognize the spiritual world. You have to be absolutely clear about the fact that the physical body cannot participate in this. You have to be able to live in what the astral body is. If you want to recognize the spiritual world, then you have to achieve something that would otherwise make you fall asleep. When you are in your normal life and you slip out of your physical body with your astral body, you fall asleep. Yes, you see, there is the story of the wine barrel that I mentioned to you earlier. There the astral body becomes huge. If you now want to recognize the astral body, you have to be able to hold the astral body together through inner strength. Imagine what happens if I now replace the astral body and the ego of the person with the drop of raspberry juice for a moment. Let's look at it pictorially. There is the water glass and there is a drop of raspberry juice in it. The drop of raspberry juice expands. As long as it is in the glass, you can still feel it. But if you assume something – I can't draw this, of course – that is a hundred thousand times larger, you would no longer see it if I were to make it light in the appropriate distribution. But you can't feel anything either. But imagine that the drop is a real character, and I put it in this wine barrel with four hundred gallons of wine – excuse me, not wine, water – and the raspberry juice drop, that's a real character, it says to itself: I won't let myself be mixed in, I'll stay the raspberry juice drop! Now there is the wine cask or water cask, and the raspberry juice drop remains very small. If you were to go down with your tongue, lick through the water and come to the place where the raspberry juice drop has remained small, you would feel the sweetness of the raspberry juice drop. So it has to defend itself.

[ 43 ] I say he is a hellion, just to have a term. The opponents of anthroposophy are sometimes very funny. In a Hamburg paper, after anthroposophy had been reviled from all sides, they said what I was, and they said that I was actually the devil! They were quite serious about that, that the devil had come into the world. I am just saying that the raspberry juice drop would be a hell of a guy in that it can remain small even when it is added to water. It is different with the astral body if it can remain as small as it is inside the physical body when it comes out. Now one must develop the power to keep the astral body so small. This one can do precisely by developing a sharp thinking. I have told you that one must develop independent thinking. But independent thinking is stronger than the weak thinking that these people have. The first condition is strong thinking. The second condition is the ability to think backwards. External physical things move forward. If you learn to think backwards, you learn to think even more strongly. And if you also learn what I told you last time: that every part is greater than the whole – which, of course, contradicts the physical – then you learn to put yourself in the world that is not like the physical, but is the opposite of the physical. Then you learn to put yourself in the spiritual world.

[ 44 ] All these things have the effect that the astral body, although it leaves the physical body, can maintain itself smaller, that it does not flow out into the general astral sea.

[ 45 ] That is absolutely consistent. But you must also be quite clear about the fact that these things must all be considered with the same sobriety and scientificity as the things of the outer physical life. As soon as one begins to fantasize, then it no longer works with spiritual science. One must not become fantastic.

[ 46 ] For example, let us say you have, well, let me be clear about it, a pain in your big toe. You only feel this pain in the big toe through your astral body. If you only had the physical body, you would not feel any pain. If you only have the etheric body, you would not feel any pain, otherwise the plant would squeak when you touch it, the flower would squeak when you touch it. Well, you squeal when you have a pain in your big toe, that is, you may not squeal, but you know what I mean. So we squeal when we have a pain in our big toe. Now, why do we squeal? Well, we have spread our astral body over our entire physical body. Now, when we arrive at the spot with the astral body where something is amiss in our big toe, we bring it up to the brain through the astral body. Now we visualize our pain.

[ 47 ] But suppose someone has a diseased brain. If someone has a perfectly healthy brain, they also have a place in that brain through which they can perceive the pain in their big toe. For that, you need a healthy place in the brain to perceive the pain in the big toe. But suppose that place in the brain is diseased. I told you: the soul cannot get sick, the astral body cannot get sick, but the physical brain can get sick. Now, if this part of the brain is sick, the pain in the big toe cannot be perceived. What does the person do? Yes, gentlemen, a small part of the physical brain is sick; but, you see, the etheric body of the brain is still there. The etheric part of the brain, which is sitting there, is not supported by the physical part. What does the etheric part do? The etheric part makes a mountain out of your big toe. It no longer merely perceives the big toe, but makes a mountain out of it, and the pain it transforms into little spirits, mountain spirits, that sit inside. So you see (drawing $. 192): Now you have your big toe here; you have placed it in space because you had a diseased brain. And now you swear that there is a high mountain in front of you! But it is just your big toe. That is a delusion.

[ 48 ] Gentlemen, one must beware of having such delusions if one wants to penetrate into the spiritual world, otherwise one just ends up fantasizing. How can one achieve this then? This must first be achieved through training. One must know what can come from the physical body when it is sick somewhere. Then one will no longer confuse what appears to be a real spirit with what only arises from the physical body.

[ 49 ] So for active thinking, for backward thinking, for the thinking that I described to you last time, where you think quite differently than in the physical world, you also have to know exactly that this and that only comes from your physical body. — You have to have these preparations.

[ 50 ] You see, in the preparation that people used to have in order to penetrate the spiritual world a little in the old way, there was also a certain art. It was called dialectics. That means you had to learn to think. Today, if you wanted to expect someone to learn how to think first, they would pull out all your hair, because everyone thinks they can already think. But it is true that when you go back to earlier times, people first had to learn a certain way of thinking. This learning to think was called dialectics. You had to think forwards and backwards, and you also had to learn to put the concepts in the right way.

[ 51 ] And what was the cause of this? It was because one learned to think in terms of speech. I once told you that the child also first learns to speak and then to think, but of course this is childish at first. Today man retains this childishness throughout his whole life, but it is no longer good for later life. When one continually learns to think in terms of speech, then with every inhalation and exhalation one gets the air in and out correctly. Because speaking is connected with correct breathing. You get the air in and out correctly. It depends a great deal on focusing on correct speech, because correct speech also focuses you on correct breathing. Those who can breathe correctly can speak at length; those who cannot breathe correctly tire very quickly when speaking at length.

[ 52 ] Through this dialectic, through this art, one has learned to speak correctly and thus also to think correctly. Today, people cannot think correctly because they bump into their respiratory system with their breath every few moments. Do you sometimes listen to some modern scholars when they speak? Well, first of all, very few of them speak, they mostly read from notes; then they use completely different things, the eyes and so on, and with that they support themselves. But listen to them when they speak: it often seems as if people are short of breath and always stumbling over their own physical body.

[ 53 ] This makes everything an image of the physical body for you. Whether you have a diseased area here in the brain and as a result your big toe becomes a mountain with all kinds of mountain spirits, or whether you keep bumping into your breath when you think, and can't get it out, it's all the same: the whole world appears to you as physical, because you keep bumping into your physical body with your breath. Where does this materialism actually come from? Materialism comes from the fact that people cannot think properly, do not breathe out properly, that they bump into things. Therefore, they believe that the whole world consists only of impact and pressure. Impact and pressure - that is what they have inside them because they did not prepare themselves beforehand by thinking properly. And so one could say: if someone is a materialist today, it is because he cannot get out of himself, because inwardly he bumps into himself at every turn.

[ 54 ] Let us take another look at Mr. Traugott. He should actually say: The dream of flying comes about because we go out of ourselves and the astral body begins to grow larger. But he does not come to that, because he thinks, thinks terribly! Now, gentlemen, just imagine: when someone who actually cannot think starts to think, what does he do? First he frowns, then, if that doesn't lead to thinking, he hits himself on the forehead. What does he actually want? He wants to tense the muscles, he tenses the muscles; and if they are not tense enough, he wants to hit them so that they tense up properly. What does Mr. Traugott do when he thinks about the dream? Instead of looking at things as they are, he tenses his own muscles, and there he finds what he himself does: muscle tension, he says, aha! The dream is like muscle tension. But he only confuses his own thoughts about the dream with reality. You can only learn something from Mr. Traugott – what happens to him when he thinks about things – when you read this story. It is the same today: If you read what people have printed, you will learn what they themselves think about it. — If you read a newspaper today, you have to say to yourself: you will learn little from the newspaper about what is happening in the world, but you will learn what the gentlemen sitting in the editorial office would like to happen in the world.

[ 55 ] It is the same with materialistic science. You will not learn from it what the world is, but what materialistic professors think about the world today. Once you understand this, you will see that anthroposophy does not want to deceive the world, but rather to replace cunning and illusion and that which is sometimes quite consciously untrue with honesty.

[ 56 ] So you see: honesty, inner honesty, is the fourth quality that must be present in order to enter the spiritual world. If you look at the world that way, you will see that there is not much honesty in the world. No wonder it is not present in science either.

[ 57 ] So we have considered four properties for thinking: clear, independent thinking, thinking independently of the outside world, thinking completely differently than the physical world is, and now honest thinking. We will consider other properties next time.

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