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Learning to See in the Spiritual World
GA 350

18 July 1923, Dornach

IV. Learning to Live Correctly in the Outer World

There are many questions still pending from those asked recently, but I will tie in some of these with the recent subject of dreams. We shall start with a question that seems to have broken many scholars' heads, and that is the question of the lizard's tail.

As you know, if we see one of these large lizards and grab it by the tail, the tail breaks. In fact, it is very difficult to catch such lizards because, when the tail breaks, the lizard runs away quite happily without its tail. The tail seems brittle and scientists attempt to establish whether the tail is really torn away or if it is somehow left behind by the animal. Contemporary science proceeds in a materialistic way and therefore tends to assume that the animal simply has weak muscles in that part of its tail and that these muscles just cannot hold together under the strain of being caught.

But there is a little-noticed fact that is undervalued, which is that when the lizard is caught and kept in captivity for a long time it loses the ability to let go of its tail. It is as if the tail becomes stronger and therefore increasingly difficult to pull off. The peculiar thing is that when the lizard is in the wild he loosens his tail easily, and when he is in captivity he holds onto it. What is really going on here?

You see, people direct their thoughts toward the musculature around the tail, instead of looking at all the facts, facts that would very easily give the answer to why the lizard in captivity does not lose its tail. The missing evidence is that the animal in the wild is scared when one tries to catch it, because it is very unusual for it to be caught and may actually be the first time this has happened to it. The first time a man comes into its vicinity the lizard is scared and becomes so brittle that it lets go of its tail. Once the lizard becomes used to the proximity of people—when people are constantly near it—the lizard loses its fear and likewise stops losing its tail.

Even a superficial observation of all the facts in this situation leads us to conclude that fear plays a very important role in the case of the lizard. But we must examine this fear more carefully and say: The fear that this lizard has when people come near it to catch it—this somehow comes out of the animal when it is caught, though normally it remains inside. It is this fear that holds the matter in the tail together and makes it strong!

Let me introduce here a remarkable phenomenon of human life. As you know, when people who are very dependent on their soul life become scared they get diarrhea. The fear causes diarrhea. How can we understand the meaning of this? This means that whatever is normally held in their intestines is no longer held together as it was. What was it that held things together in the intestines? When fear rises up in the soul it stops holding things together in the intestines, but when fear remains in the intestines it holds things together.

The same thing is true of the lizard. If one looks at a lizard, it is like one's own lower body: it is completely filled throughout with the soul quality of fear.

It is especially true of the tail that it is completely filled with fear; and when this fear is pressed out or expressed, the tail breaks. The fear, however, normally remains within the animal. The animal does not feel the fear while in captivity because it is used to people, and because of this the fear can remain in the tail and hold it together. Here we see a very important quality of soul that has a certain significance for the bodily constitution.

Human beings also contain fear. We have fear in our big toe, in our legs, in our belly—there is fear everywhere. This is not everywhere the case however. Fear does not normally rise above the diaphragm—it does so only when we have nightmares. Nevertheless, fear does have a role to play: it holds our organism together. It is in our bones that fear lives most strongly. The bones are strong and hard because a terrible fear lives in them. It is fear that holds the bones together. When we feel our bones too much, our bones get soft. Those children who were fearful at the time when their bones were not yet completely hardened, develop weak bones—a condition called rickets. It is possible to cure children with rickets by reducing their fear through some soul work. But it would be quite false to say that this fear in us is something of the soul: that we need only approach the fear in a somewhat higher manner in order to have an experience of a higher kind of knowledge. To enter this subject in the wrong way would not be good, for we would make ourselves sick in body and soul at the same time. We must do something entirely different.

In order to gain knowledge of the spiritual world—I have already given you various other means—we must learn to live correctly in the outer world. How do people really live in the outer world these days? As we said recently, we freeze terribly, and often we sweat a lot, and this is how most people normally experience living in the world. First they sweat, then they freeze. This is not the only way one can live into the outer world, however. Rather one should try to cultivate a certain capacity, so that when it is cold one isn't just cold but rather one becomes aware of a kind of qualitative experience that goes with it, namely that of fear. When one is aware of fear, one easily notices that with the return of warmth fear disappears. When a person cultivates a certain awareness of fear connected with the coming of snow; when the warm rays of the sun bring a certain pleasant comforting feeling—that person is in fact living into the outer world in a way that leads to higher knowledge. This belongs with the other requirements I have tried to describe to you. It is really true that whoever wants to gain higher knowledge must feel something when he comes close to a glowing piece of iron, and he must feel something different when he approaches a piece of flint. When he approaches the glowing iron, the feeling should arise: here is something that is related to my own warmth and is good. But when he picks up a piece of flint he should feel a sense of strangeness and a somewhat fearful mood. (You can see immediately that whoever wants to gain higher knowledge cannot be nervous, as we say these days, or else he would drop the piece of flint the minute he takes it into his hand, because he is afraid of it!) One must be brave and conquer the fear. At the same time we cannot be like a moth that takes so much pleasure in the light that it flies right into it, to its death

The example of the insect flying into the flame gives you a good idea of the relationship of a flame to the spiritual world. We really must acquire a sensitivity to the inner feeling for whatever is at hand out there in nature. What will this produce? Let us examine things as they are now. Materialists assert above all that the earth has a crust of hard stone—they believe in this hard rock of the earth because they can walk on it and when they touch it, it is hard. Materialists believe in this hard rock, but whoever wants to gain higher knowledge should experience a certain fearfulness of this same hard rock. This fear is totally absent when a man finds himself in the warm air. I will draw the warmed air above the hard rock. (He draws on the blackboard.)

When one considers the warm air, fear is totally absent. (To show the warmth of the air I will color it red.) Yet it is possible to enter a condition such that even the warm air would make one afraid. This is the case when one attempts to get closer and closer to the feeling that one gets from the warm air. In a person who feels more and more comfortable living in the quality of the warm air, the warmth too will eventually cause fear. It seems strange, but the better one feels, the more fearful one becomes! When one gets used to feeling completely at ease in warmed air, when one becomes more and more used to the warmth and is fully at ease inside all of nature, then one can find spiritual knowledge. At this point something quite remarkable happens—I will try to make it clearer for you. Most people try to keep cool, to cool off when they get warm—all they know is that it is very pleasant to get cooled off. But if, instead of this, one were to remain warm, if one were to soak up the good feeling of the warmth—then whatever it is that I have drawn here schematically (yellow) would start to fill itself with all kinds of images (upper light) and the spiritual world would literally arise: the spiritual world which is contained in the air, which one does not normally feel and is not conscious of, because in most cases one cannot tolerate the warmth in the air. When one becomes accustomed to seeing those beings in the air, one gradually reaches the point where one can tell oneself: when I take a stone in my hand, it is very hard; but when I become more and more aware of the spiritual, when I am able to penetrate into the spiritual, when there is more and more activity around me—not just the sensory world but also the spiritual world—I can do something more. I cannot slip into the hard ground with my physical body of flesh and blood, but with my astral body I can actually slip into the earth (lower red). This is very interesting—at the moment that one starts to perceive the spiritual world in the realm of the air, at that moment one slips so far out of one's body that stones are no longer perceived as obstacles—and one can actually dive into the hard earth the way a swimmer dives into water. What is interesting is that we cannot penetrate into the air as spirits, for there are already other spirits there, but in the earth, which is empty of spirit, it is very easy to gain entrance—one can dive under as a swimmer does.

In between the solid and the gaseous elements we have the watery element (blue). This rises and falls as rain. Up above, as I am sure you have seen, there are sometimes formations of lightning (upper red). The water is between the hard earth and the air; it is thinner than earth and denser than air. What is the meaning here? This is something that is easiest to understand if we consider lightning.

According to the scientists, lightning is an electric spark. Let us examine why, according to them, it is an electric spark. You probably know all this but I will repeat it. If we take a sealing-wax rod and we rub it with a leather strap, it becomes electric; and if we have little pieces of paper, they are attracted by the rod; and so it is possible to electrify all kinds of objects by rubbing them. This is often shown to children in school. But there is also the specific need for something else. If you do this experiment in a very humid room, you will not be able to electrify a rod or anything else. First you have to dry everything thoroughly with a dry cloth; then, and only then, can you produce some electricity, for water does not produce electricity.

Now, according to the scientists there are clouds up above that rub against each other and somehow produce electric sparks. Even the child can tell you that in order to produce electricity you must remove all water, for if there is anything wet in the apparatus you will not be able to produce any electricity—even a child can tell you this. This is the kind of nonsense we are being told: it is clearly impossible to produce lightning by clouds rubbing against one another.

Think for a moment whither the water evaporates—it rises and reaches higher and higher into the region of the spiritual; it moves away from matter empty of spirits here-below and rises into the spiritual world above. It is actually spirit that produces what looks like our electric spark. For, as we rise, we move higher and higher into the regions of the spiritual. Matter is present only in proximity to the earth. Higher up, it is surrounded by the spirit. Therefore, at the moment when the water vapor rises and reaches the region of the spiritual, the flash is produced. The water First becomes more spiritualized and then it falls down again, "densified".

If one observes nature correctly, one is forced to come to spiritual subjects; but if one absolutely refuses to take the spiritual into consideration, one is then left with no alternative but to make all kinds of absurd statements like the ones you heard about the flying dreams or the lizard's tail or the cause of lightning. Everywhere we can look, it is clear that it is impossible to explain nature if one does not bring in the spiritual.

We will now try to proceed further. When one stands on the earth, starting from the feet and moving up, one is always related to the lower spiritual beings, and one can dive in like a swimmer. When we move out of our physical body with our astral body, we can actually penetrate into our solid surroundings and find ourselves within solid matter. (We cannot however do this with the surrounding air.) We can actually wander around, but this wandering around in the solid element has very important aspects. When we conduct ourselves correctly in relation to warmth then we come to the point of seeing spiritual beings in the air. But when we go out of our body at night and unite ourselves with the earthly in a spiritual form, then it can happen, when we awake, that we can still sense something around us of what we experienced when we were in the hard matter of the earth. Something remains in the soul.

Some of you may have noticed on awakening that it is easy to hear very soft sounds; and if, as you wake, you are really attentive you may have an experience similar to hearing someone knocking at the door. It is quite remarkable that when we live into the air with our soul there arise images, and when we live into the solid earth—into matter—with our soul, as a swimmer does who dives into water, then we experience tones.

It is very important to know that all hard matter continuously produces sounds that of course we cannot hear if we are not inside of it. All solid matter continuously contains tones and we can hear them on waking up only because we are still half in our surroundings. These sounds can have a very special meaning in certain cases. It is completely true, for example, that it sometimes happens, when a person dies at some distance, that someone else may hear on waking what sounds like a knocking at the door. This knocking sound is related to the dead.

Now of course it is very difficult for one to understand these things properly. But just think: You would all be unable to read, that is, to make sense of signs or letters on paper, if you had not first learned to read. In the same way one cannot immediately understand the wonders at work when one hears tones on waking up. You do not of course have to believe that there is actually a dead person standing at the door knocking with his fingers. But the dead do reside on earth in the first days after death, and they do live in the solid material of the earth. The fact that tones arise in connection with solid bodies does not necessarily have to seem very remarkable. It was quite widely known in the past when people paid attention to such things. People can have a premonition when someone at a distance dies. This means that someone has died and is still bound in his soul to the solid earth. Tones arise out of the dead when they abandon the earthly realm. It is just as easy to hear the sounds that are made at a distance as it is to read a telegraph message from someone who has transmitted from America. These kinds of long distance effects transmitted through matter are present on earth and are always there, and in days when people paid attention to these things the connection of the spiritual with the earthly was well known. This is not some fairy tale it is actually something that was perceived in earlier times.

As you can see, we are now entering an area that is described nowadays as superstition. But it is actually possible to explain these things scientifically, just as other scientific things are explained only you must know how to do this accurately.

One could come to the point of perceiving the spiritual world in the air: that is, if men were not so "poor me" as they so often are today. (The more civilized men become, the more depressed and plaintive they become in a certain way.) Those whose daily work forces them to live in great heat have no time during work hours to perceive the spiritual world and so they lose the opportunity to perceive the spiritual world contained in the air. The fact that one can see spiritual beings in the air is not in itself a dangerous thing; everybody could perceive those beings without further delay and without it in any way being dangerous.

However, in the case of hearing, if that seizes a person too strongly, and one enters a condition where one hears all kinds of things—that is a danger. The reason is that there are people who can come gradually to the point where they hear all kinds of things—they hear all kinds of things told to them. Such people are on the road to madness. There is a simple reason why there is never a danger in seeing the spiritual beings that are in the air. I will make it clear by using a comparison. If you were in a boat and you fell into the water you could drown but then, if someone pulled you up, you could have all kinds of experiences, except that of drowning: you would not actually drown. In the same way, if the human soul goes out and up it can see all kinds of things; however if it sinks into solid matter, it does in a way drown spiritually. This spiritual drowning happens when people lose their own consciousness in that they give it up to all kinds of things that are told to them inwardly. It is not a very serious danger when a man sees the spiritual outwardly. This is the same as walking around in the world, and just as a man is not afraid of a chair that is in front of him, so gradually he stops being afraid of spiritual beings and actually enjoys what he sees. But when things are heard inwardly, then we sink into the solid earth with our whole spiritual life, with our whole soul life, and it is possible to drown in that—one stops being truly human. Therefore one must always look with some caution and wakefulness at those people who say that all kinds of things have been told to them inwardly. That is always dangerous. Only the human being who is firmly rooted in the spiritual world and knows his way about can understand what is really being said, which amounts to this: it can never be higher beings speaking in a case like this it can only be spiritual beings of a lower nature.

I have told you these things in great detail so that you can see that as human beings we must come to a completely different conception of the outer world if we want to penetrate into the spiritual world. Of course there are people who can say: Why have the spirits made it so difficult for us to get to know them? But gentlemen, just think what kind of being a human would be if one didn't really have to make an effort to penetrate to the spiritual world—if one was always within it. One would be a purely spiritual automaton. A human being only comes to a proper relationship to the spiritual world, to the degree that he or she has really worked at it. It does indeed take the hardest inner effort in order to research and explore the spiritual world. It is not difficult to take one's ease at a laboratory bench and to make all kinds of experiments. It is quite easy to cut up corpses and thereby learn all manner of things but it takes inner work to really penetrate into the spiritual world, and for this kind of work the contemporary, educated world is too lazy. Because of this laziness people say: I have made these exercises on how to reach knowledge of the higher worlds—but I didn't see anything. The problem is that such people believe that these things have to be given to them outwardly, not that they have to work and conquer them inwardly. This indeed is in keeping with what people nowadays want—they want everything to be ready-made for them. As I have mentioned to you already, human beings these days want to put everything on film. They want to make a film of everything so that they can look at everything from the outside.

If we want to make progress—real progress, spiritually—we must make sure that no matter what we take up from the world, we will work it through. Therefore, in the future, those people will penetrate most deeply into the spiritual world who will as much as possible avoid having everything on film for their comfort. Rather they should choose to think everything through for themselves, to think along, so that when people tell them things about the world they will be participants in the thinking. As you can see, I have not shown you a film! Even if we had time for it, I would not attempt to present things to you with a film. I have done a few drawings, but these were done at the time and you could see them being made, so you could see what I was trying to do with every stroke and were able to think along with me.

This is also what needs to be introduced in the education of children. As few finished drawings or pictures as possible should be given, and as many as possible that are done in an impromptu manner, because in this way the child works inwardly with the teacher. In this way people become awakened to an inwardness that leads to a deeper living into the spiritual and thus enhances their understanding of the spiritual. Also one should not give children finished theories this makes them dogmatic. What really matters in all cases is that they are brought into autonomous activity this in turn will make the whole body freer.

I want to mention one other subject which arises from the questions I received from you. Many of you have read that potatoes were introduced into Europe at a particular time in history, for the people of Europe were not always potato-eaters. In fact a rather interesting story is related to this. There is an encyclopedia, in which I myself collaborated—but not in the article in question, for in this there is something comical, namely: According to the article, it is universally said that Drake introduced the potato into Europe. There is in Offenburg, which is now occupied by the French, a Drake monument. I looked it up in a conversational dictionary,8Pierers Konversation-Lexicon, Seventh Edition, in twelve volumes, Berlin and Stuttgart, 1888-1893. and there it stood: The monument was erected to Drake in Offenburg, for it is rumored (wrongly) that he brought potatoes to Europe. One can say if anything is even attributed to a person, people in Europe will build a monument to him. But this is not what I wanted to talk about rather, that at a particular time potatoes were introduced.

Let us now take a closer look at potatoes. When we eat potatoes we are not really eating a root the roots are the little things dangling off the potatoes, and these are removed along with the peel when one cleans them. The potato itself is actually a thickened stem. An ordinary plant grows and it has a root and then a stem—and if the stem becomes thicker, as is the case with the potato, there arises a kind of knot or tuber, which is really a thickened stem. You should remember this when you are eating a potato—you are eating a thickened stem. We should ask, what does it mean for us that with the introduction of the potato into Europe we learned to like the taste of thickened stems?

If you look at a whole plant, it is made up of root, stem, leaves, and flower. (This is drawn.) A plant is something quite remarkable. The roots down there become very similar to the soil insofar as they contain many salts; and the flower up here is very similar to the warm air, so that it is as if through the heat of the sun the flower were continuously cooked. As a result the flower contains many oils and fats. In other words, when we look at the plant we find roots at the bottom, and the root is rich in salts, whereas the flower is rich in oils. Therefore when we eat roots we introduce many salts into our intestines these salts in turn make their way to the brain and stimulate it. If for instance someone suffers not from migraine headaches but from ordinary headaches—the type that seem to fill your head—it is very good for that person to eat roots. One can see how a certain salty sharpness is present in those roots, and this can already be established by the taste. If you eat a flower, the plant is in fact already half-cooked; the oils are already on the outside and this is what primarily fattens the stomach and the intestines and, in turn, affects the lower body. These are the kinds of things doctors have to take into account when they prescribe teas. There will never be a very strong influence on the head if someone cooks flowers in the tea on the other hand, if you cook the roots, they will have a strong effect on the sick person's head.

So you can see that when considering the human being we pass from the stomach to the head or from the bottom to the top. With plants, we must do the opposite. To find the correspondence, we must proceed from the flower to the root. Remember—this may enlighten you as to the meaning of potatoes—that the root is connected with the head. The potato has a tuber, which is something that is not entirely turned into a root. Thus when you eat potatoes you are eating, by preference, plants that have not quite become roots. If one limits one's self to the eating of potatoes—too many potatoes—it is not possible to pay a proper amount of attention to the brain, so that all these potatoes stay down below in the digestive tract.

This is why we say that potato-eaters neglect their heads or brains. You will only perceive this connection if you are an adept of spiritual science. But one can say that ever since the habit of eating potatoes has become firmly established, the head has become less capable, and it is the tongue and throat that have been particularly stimulated. This is why the potato is particularly appreciated as a side dish for people, because it stimulates the body below the head, leaving the head itself unburdened.

If, on the other hand, we eat red beets, we develop a great craving for the activity of thinking. This happens unconsciously. Potatoes only make one crave the next meal. Potatoes make one hungry because they don't quite reach the head. In contrast to this, the red beet satisfies so quickly because it actually reaches all the way to the head, and that is the most important thing. Of course it is very unpleasant for people to disturb their ease with thinking. Therefore they will very often eat potatoes more readily than red beets just for this reason: that to do so does not stimulate their thinking. They become lazy and their thinking becomes lazy. The red beet on the other hand stimulates thinking—it is a true root—insofar as it actually makes one want to think, and anyone who does not want to think does not like red beets. If you need to have your thinking stimulated, the salty stimulation of radishes, for instance, might be necessary. Anyone who is not quick in the head will get good results eating radishes—because the addition of radishes to his meals will set his thoughts into movement.

So we can now see a remarkable thing: the radishes stimulate thinking, and it is not necessary to be really active oneself thoughts come naturally as a result of eating radishes thoughts so strong that they also stimulate very powerful dreams. On the other hand, one who eats a lot of potatoes will not have strong thoughts, and his dreams will make him heavier. If you habitually eat potatoes, you will find yourself constantly tired and always wanting to sleep and dream. You can see that there is enormous cultural and historical meaning in what foods people actually have access to.

One could say from what I have shown you: The way things really are we live completely in matter, from matter, and yet this is not true. I have often told you that human beings have a totally new body every seven years it is constantly being renewed. Whatever matter was in our body eight to ten years ago is nowhere to be found now: it has been expelled. We have cut it away in the form of our nails and with our hair it has run out of us with our sweat—it all goes out. Some of it goes out more quickly and some more slowly, but eventually it all passes out. So what is the true story? Well, this is more or less the way it goes. I will start by giving you a schematic drawing. Let us say this is the human being, who is constantly producing tissue, and expelling it, and always absorbing new matter and of course it is easy to think: Well, it comes in through the mouth and it goes out in feces and urine. In this way the human body is seen as a kind of tube. The matter enters while we are eating, and then is expelled after we have held onto it for awhile: this is more or less the way digestion is presently thought of. But in the real human being nothing at all of earthly matter naturally goes in—this is an illusion. What really happens is the following: Let's say we eat potatoes. This does not mean that we actually absorb anything from the potatoes. Something in the potatoes stimulates us, it stimulates our throat, it stimulates our larynx etc.—everywhere the potatoes go to work, and the result of this is that we receive the strength to expel the potatoes again. In this process of expulsion, something from the earth comes into us, but it comes from the ether, not from solid matter, and it is this that builds us up in the course of the seven years. We are really not built up from earthly matter. When we eat, we do so in order that we may be stimulated. In reality we are built from what is above us, so that all the ideas and conceptions people have of food coming in and food going out again, with the side effect of leaving some material inside, do not at all fit the situation. To repeat: what is really happening is that a stimulation occurs and in response to this stimulation a counter-force enters from the ether, and our whole body is built up from the ether. Nothing that we have in us is built from earthly matter. It is like this: when we push at something and there is a counter-push and a kind of reflexive push coming back to us, we must not confuse the pushing with the reflex action. We must not be confused by the fact we need food. The actual purpose of food is that we do not become lazy in the reconstitution of our bodies. We must not confuse this stimulating activity with the fact we happen to be taking in material food.

Now of course there can be all kinds of irregularities that enter the normal situation—such as, if we eat too much, the food stays in us too long, and we accumulate matter that should not be there—fat. And if we take in too little, then we are not stimulated enough and we absorb too little of what we need from the spiritual world, from the etheric world, which is so necessary for we do not build ourselves from the earth and its matter but rather we actually build ourselves up from what is outside the earth.

If it is the case that within around seven years the body is renewed, the heart is also renewed. The heart that I carried in me eight years ago is not there anymore. It has been completely renewed by what surrounds the earth—by light. Your heart is actually compressed sunlight, and what we have taken in as nourishment has only given us the necessary strength to concentrate the sunlight. All our organs are built from our light-surroundings. All that we eat, that we take in by way of nutrition, affords only stimulation.

The only thing that food does give us is that it builds a kind of inner chair, in which we feel ourselves, as we would feel the pressure against us of a chair. In ordinary life, as a result of this resistance we have the feeling of our self, our ego, and this is related to the physical material we have in us. You feel your body as you are constantly pressing upon what you have made out of the cosmos. When you sleep, you do not feel it, because you are constantly outside yourself. You feel your body, for it is like a kind of resting bed that is made for you. In some cases it can be hard and bony and in others it can be softer, but it is really like a bed in which one goes to sleep. Of course you know the difference between a soft feather bed and a wooden bench—we feel a difference as a result of which one we have. However, we also feel in the one condition as in the other that this does not concern the real, essential human being. The real human being is what sits inside of it all. I will explain to you next time how all this is related to higher knowledge.

When people nowadays want to reach knowledge, they do not deal directly with human activity rather, they concern themselves with whatever it is that their 'chair' offers them.

Blackboard 1
Blackboard 1
Blackboard 2
Blackboard 2

Sich-Einleben in die äußere Welt - Ernährungsfragen: Wirkung von Kartoffeln, Roter Rübe und Rettich

[ 1 ] Es blieben ja noch manche von den Fragen, die neulich gestellt worden sind, zurück. So wie ich neulich einmal angeknüpft habe an eine Bemerkung eines Gelehrten über den Traum, so will ich auch heute anknüpfen an etwas, was einem gegenwärtigen Gelehrten doch viel Kopfzerbrechen gemacht zu haben scheint — wir werden dadurch schon auch auf unsere Besprechung kommen -: das ist der Eidechsenschwanz. Sie wissen, wenn man insbesondere eine größere Eidechse hat und sie am Schwanz packen will, dann bricht der Schwanz ab. Man sagt: die Eidechse ist spröde. Und man kann wirklich sehr schwer Eidechsen, die größer sind, bekommen, wenn man sie am Schwanz faßt, denn der Schwanz ist spröde, er bricht ab, und sie läuft ganz flott weiter ohne Schwanz. Die Versuche der Gelehrten gehen dahin, zu ergründen, ob der Tierschwanz tatsächlich ausgerissen wird oder ob er von dem Tier zurückgelassen wird. Nun geht die gegenwärtige Wissenschaft von dem Materialismus aus, und dadurch denkt man nach, wie das Tier sehr schwache Muskeln hat, die diese Teile des Schwanzes zusammenhalten, und wie es diese Muskeln nicht mehr zusammenhalten kann, wenn es abgefangen wird.

[ 2 ] Nun besteht aber eine merkwürdige Tatsache, und die berücksichtigen die Leute dabei sehr wenig. Das ist die Tatsache, daß doch die Eidechsen, wenn sie gefangen sind, längere Zeit in Gefangenschaft gelebt haben, diese eigentümliche Art, den Schwanz leicht ausgerissen zu bekommen, verlieren. Dann stärkt sich der Schwanz, und dann kann man ihn nicht so leicht ausreißen; dann hält er besser. Das ist eine eigentümliche Erscheinung, daß die Eidechsen, wenn sie draußen sind, den Schwanz leicht verlieren; wenn sie in der Gefangenschaft sind, hält er besser. Woher kommt das?

[ 3 ] Sehen Sie, da denken nun die Leute lange nach, wie das durch die kleinen Muskeln da am Schwanz bewirkt werden könnte, währenddem doch gerade die Tatsache sehr leicht darauf führt, woher das rührt, daß das Tier in der Gefangenschaft weniger leicht den Schwanz ausgerissen erhält. Das rührt davon her, daß das Tier doch etwas Angst haben wird, wenn man es draußen abfangen will. Das ist doch nichts Gewöhnliches, wenn es draußen abgefangen wird. Das kommt zum ersten Mal vor. Da kommt zum ersten Mal ein Mensch in seine Nähe, da hat es Angst, und dadurch, daß es Angst hat, wird es so spröde, daß es den Schwanz verliert. Wenn es sich in der Gefangenschaft an die Menschen gewöhnt, wenn die Menschen alle Augenblicke in seine Nähe kommen, da hat es keine Angst mehr und verliert den Schwanz nicht.

[ 4 ] Wir sehen also, wie schon eine ganz oberflächliche Betrachtung darauf führt, daß da die heillose Angst bei der Eidechse eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Nun müssen wir aber weitergehen und sagen: Ja, diese Angst, die die Eidechse hat, wenn der Mensch in ihre Nähe kommt und sie abfangen will, die ist ja nur etwas, was beim Tier herauskommt, wenn der Mensch es abfängt, was aber immer im Tier drinnen steckt, und diese Angst ist es, die die Materie des Tieres, den Stoff des Tieres zusammenhält und stark macht.

[ 5 ] Dafür werde ich Ihnen eine ganz merkwürdige Erscheinung im Menschenleben anführen. Sie werden schon gehört haben, daß Menschen, die sehr stark abhängig sind von ihrem Seelenleben, wenn sie Angst verspüren, dann Durchfall bekommen. Die Ängstlichkeit macht Durchfall. Und was bedeutet das? Das bedeutet, daß dasjenige, was in den Gedärmen ist, nicht mehr zusammengehalten wird. Ja, was hat denn diese Sache in den Gedärmen zusammengehalten? Sehen Sie, wenn die Angst in die Seele heraufzieht, dann hält sie die Dinge in den Gedärmen nicht mehr zusammen; wenn die Angst aber unten in den Gedärmen ist, hält sie den Stoff zusammen.

[ 6 ] Und so ist es auch bei der Eidechse. Wenn man eine Eidechse ansieht (es wird gezeichnet), so ist diese Eidechse geradeso wie unser eigener Unterleib fortwährend im ganzen mit Angst ausgefüllt, also mit etwas Seelischem. Und insbesondere ist der Schwanz durch Angst ausgefüllt. Wenn das Tier seine Angst herauspreßt, dann zerbricht der Schwanz, aber die Angst bleibt doch im Tiere stecken. Das Tier fühlt die Angst nicht, wenn das Tier in der Gefangenschaft ist, weil es sich an die Menschen gewöhnt hat, und die Folge davon ist, daß die Angst dann den Schwanz zusammenhalten kann. Da sehen wir eine ganz bestimmte seelische Eigenschaft, welche eine gewisse Bedeutung hat für die körperliche Beschaffenheit.

[ 7 ] Wir Menschen haben auch die Angst in uns. In unserer großen Zehe, in den Beinen, in dem Bauche, überall steckt die Angst. Nur über das Zwerchfell traut sie sich nicht herauf, kommt nur herauf, wenn wir Angstträume haben. Aber in uns steckt die Angst. - Doch die Angst hat ihren guten Zweck; die hält unseren Organismus zusammen. Und in den Knochen, da steckt die allermeiste Angst. Die Knochen sind so fest, weil da eine furchtbar starke Angst drinnen steckt. Die Angst ist es, die die Knochen fest hält. In dem Augenblick, wo man zu stark seine Knochen spürt, kriegt man Knochenerweichung. Daher werden Sie bei ängstlichen Menschen, solchen, die schon in der Jugend ängstlich waren, wo die Knochen noch nicht hart sind, sehr leicht die Knochen weich sind, aber die Leute ängstlich sind, dies bestätigt finden, und man kann daher rachitische Kinder dadurch, daß man ihnen die Angst durch irgend etwas austreibt, namentlich auch auf seelische Weise heilen. Aber es wäre doch ganz falsch, wenn man sagen würde: Also steckt in uns die Angst, etwas Seelisches. Wir brauchen nur die Angst etwas höher herauf zu ziehen, dann könnten wir höhere Erkenntnisse kriegen. — Das wäre nicht gut, weil wir uns da zugleich seelisch und körperlich krank machen würden. Wir müssen vielmehr etwas anderes tun.

[ 8 ] Sehen Sie, wir müssen, wenn wir Erkenntnisse der geistigen Welt gewinnen wollen - ich habe Ihnen ja schon die anderen Mittel gesagt -, wir müssen uns richtig in die äußere Welt hineinleben, richtig hineinleben. Nun, wie leben sich denn die Leute in die äußere Welt hinein? Sie haben ja das in den letzten Wochen wieder wunderbar sehen können. Nicht wahr, wir haben fürchterlich gefroren, und nachher haben wir wieder fürchterlich geschwitzt. Nun also, so leben sich die meisten Menschen in die Welt hinein, daß sie nichts weiter spüren, als daß sie das eine Mal fürchterlich schwitzen, das andere Mal fürchterlich frieren. Aber das ist nicht das einzige, wie man sich in die äußere Welt hineinleben kann, sondern es ist so, daß man in sich ausbildet eine bestimmte Fähigkeit, daß man nicht nur friert, wenn es kalt wird, sondern wenn es kalt wird, hindeutet auf das Kalte und eine Art von Angst kriegt, und daß man weiß, wenn es warm wird, da vergeht einem diese Angst. Wenn man das in sich ausbildet, daß man eine gewisse Angst vor dem Schnee hat und ein gewisses Wohlgefühl vor den warmen Sonnenstrahlen, dann ist das einfach etwas, was zu der höheren Erkenntnis führt, was dazugehört zu dem anderen, was ich Ihnen geschildert habe. Und es ist schon einmal so: Derjenige, der höhere Erkenntnis gewinnen will, der muß, wenn er zu einem glühenden Stück Eisen herangeht, etwas fühlen, und er muß, wenn er zu einem Kieselstein herangeht, etwas fühlen. Wenn er zu einem glühenden Eisen herangeht, muß er innerlich das Gefühl haben: Das ist etwas mit deiner eigenen Wärme Verwandtes, das tut dir wohl. - Aber wenn er einen Kieselstein in die Hand nimmt, dann muß ihm das unheimlich sein, es muß ihm ängstlich zumute sein.

[ 9 ] Nun, meine Herren, daraus sehen Sie aber zugleich, daß derjenige, der höhere Erkenntnisse erwerben will, nicht nervös sein darf, wie man heute sagt, sonst würde er ja, wenn er einen Kieselstein in die Hand nimmt, den gleich fallen lassen, weil er ihm Angst macht. Man muß mutig sein und die Angst ertragen. Und ebenso darf er es nicht machen wie die Mücke, die so große Wollust am Licht hat, daß sie sogar hineinsaust und ihren Tod findet. Gerade an dem Insekt, das in die Flamme hineinsaust, sehen Sie, wie die Flamme verwandt ist mit dem Geistig-Seelischen.

[ 10 ] Und so können wir sagen: Wir müssen uns erwerben ein inneres Gefühl, eine innere Empfindung für dasjenige, was da draußen in der Natur vorhanden ist. - Was kommt dadurch heraus? Ja, sehen Sie, meine Herren, die Erde hat zunächst das feste Gestein (Zeichnung $. 201, hell unten). An das feste Gestein der Erde glauben die Materialisten, denn da können sie darauf gehen; das ist, wenn man es angreift, hart. An das feste Gestein glauben die Materialisten. Aber gerade vor dem festen Gestein bekommt derjenige, welcher höhere Erkenntnisse erwerben will, eine gewisse Ängstlichkeit.

[ 11 ] Diese Ängstlichkeit, die ist gar nicht vorhanden, wenn der Mensch in der erwärmten Luft ist. Ich will da die erwärmte Luft nun darüber zeichnen, über das feste Gestein. Wenn der Mensch die erwärmte Luft betrachtet, dann ist diese Ängstlichkeit gar nicht vorhanden, denn die erwärmte Luft - ich will sie dadurch erwärmt zeichnen, daß ich sie etwas rötlich mache —, die macht nicht ängstlich. Aber man kann es doch dahin bringen, daß einen die erwärmte Luft auch ängstlich macht. Das ist gerade dann der Fall, wenn man versucht, mit demjenigen, was man da fühlt gegenüber der erwärmten Luft, immer mehr und mehr fertig zu werden dadurch, daß es einem gefällt. Denken Sie: Da ist einer, der fühlt sich immer wohler und wohler in der erwärmten Luft. Jetzt fängt die erwärmte Luft aber an, ihn auch ängstlich zu machen! — Je wohler man sich fühlt, desto ängstlicher macht die erwärmte Luft.

[ 12 ] Wenn man also jetzt sich gewöhnt, sich recht wohl zu fühlen bei der erwärmten Luft, wenn man sozusagen sich an die Wärme immer mehr und mehr gewöhnt - solche Dinge sind notwendig, man muß sich in die ganze Natur hineinstellen, wenn man geistige Erkenntnis gewinnen will-, dann fängt die Sache an, ganz merkwürdig zu werden. Ich will es Ihnen noch deutlicher machen. Die meisten Menschen suchen sich wieder abzukühlen, wenn ihnen warm wird. Da kennen sie natürlich nichts anderes, als daß ihnen gern kühler wird. Aber wenn man aushält die Wärme, wenn man darinnenbleibt in der Wärme, wenn man die Wärme gerade als Wohlgefühl empfindet, dann fängt dasjenige, was ich Ihnen hier in der Luft schematisch gezeichnet habe (gelb), an, ganz merkwürdig sich mit allerlei Bildern (hell oben) anzufüllen, und es beginnt richtig aufzutreten die geistige Welt - die geistige Welt, die sonst in der Luft enthalten ist, die aber der Mensch nicht fühlt in der Luft, nicht wahrnimmt in der Luft, weil er die Wärme der Luft nicht aushalten will.

[ 13 ] Wenn man sich angewöhnt hat, alle diese geistigen Wesenheiten, die in der Luft enthalten sind, die aber der Mensch nicht wahrnimmt, weil er die Wärme der Luft nicht aushalten will - wenn man sich angewöhnt hat, diese Wesenheiten zu sehen, dann kommt man auch nach und nach darauf, in bezug auf das feste Gestein etwas Merkwürdiges wahrzunehmen. Da kommt man nämlich darauf, daß man sich sagt: Ja, wenn ich mit meiner tapsigen Hand auf einen Stein greife, da ist er hart. Aber wenn ich nun immer mehr und mehr anfange, Geistiges wahrzunchmen, wenn ich immer mehr und mehr ins Geistige hineinkomme, wenn immer mehr und mehr um mich nicht nur das Sinnliche, sondern auch das Geistige ist, ja, da kann ich zwar nicht mit meinem physischen Körper aus Fleisch und Blut in den Erdboden hineinschlüpfen, aber mit meinem astralischen Leib, von dem ich Ihnen gesprochen habe, kann ich anfangen in den Erdboden hineinzuschlüpfen. — Das ist sehr interessant: In dem Momente, wo man anfängt, im Luftraum Geistiges wahrzunehmen durch all die Mittel, von denen ich Ihnen gesprochen habe, in dem Momente schlüpft man selber so weit aus seinem Leibe heraus, daß man die Steine gar nicht mehr als Hindernis empfindet, sondern untertaucht, wie der Schwimmer ins Wasser, in den festen Erdboden. Da geht man selber hinein (Zeichnung, rot unten). Das ist außerordentlich interessant. In die Luft kann man nicht hineingehen als Geist, weil einem da andere Geister erscheinen. In den Erdboden - der ist eigentlich für den Geist leer -, da kann man leicht hineinkriechen, da kann man untertauchen wie ein Schwimmer.

[ 14 ] Und, sehen Sie, der Mittelzustand ist der mit dem Wasser (blau). Das Wasser verdunstet nach oben und kommt als Regen wieder herunter. Da oben — das haben Sie schon gesehen -, da bilden sich oftmals Blitze (rot oben). Das Wasser ist zwischen dem festen Erdboden und der Luft. Es ist dünner als der feste Erdboden, es ist dichter als die Luft. Ja, was heißt denn das? Das heißt etwas, was man am besten sieht, wenn man zum Blitz hinaufschaut. Beim Blitz, da sagen die Gelehrten: das ist ein elektrischer Funke. Warum ist das nach den Gelehrten ein elektrischer Funke? Nun, Sie wissen ja vielleicht schon — sonst sage ich es Ihnen jetzt -, wenn man eine Siegellackstange nimmt, diese mit einem Lederlappen, einem Stück Leder reibt, dann wird sie elektrisch, und wenn man dann kleine Papierschnitzel hat, dann werden sie von der Siegellackstange angezogen. Und so kann man die verschiedensten Körper durch Reiben oder auf andere Weise elektrisch machen. Das wird den Kindern in der Schule schon gezeigt.

[ 15 ] Aber da ist etwas ganz Bestimmtes notwendig. Wenn man nämlich in einem dunstigen Schulzimmer ist, da wird keine Siegellackstange elektrisch — die anderen Dinge werden dann bei Experimenten auch nicht elektrisch -, und man muß zunächst mit einem ganz trockenen Tuch alles sauber abwischen, weil das Wäßrige keine Elektrizität erzeugt. Dann kann man Elektrizität erzeugen. Nun sagen die Gelehrten: Da oben sind die Wolken, die reiben sich aneinander und machen den elektrischen Funken, den Blitz. — Ja aber, meine Herren, jedes Kind könnte einwenden: Aber du mußt doch gerade das Wäßrige abhalten können, denn wenn du nur etwas Wäßriges an deinem Apparat hast, dann entsteht ja die Elektrizität nicht! - Das kann jedes Kind einwenden. Solcher Unsinn wird also gesagt. Es ist natürlich überhaupt gar keine Rede davon, daß da oben sich die Wolken reiben.

[ 16 ] Aber denken Sie, wenn das Wasser verdunstet und hinaufgeht, dann kommt es immer mehr und mehr in eine Region der Geistigkeit, entfernt sich von dem geistleeren Stoff da unten und dringt in die Geistigkeit oben ein, und der Geist ist es wirklich, der den elektrischen Funken erzeugt, den Blitz. Wir kommen nämlich, indem wir immer weiter und weiter hinaufgehen, in die Region des Geistigen hinein. Die Erde hat nur in der Nähe das Materielle. Weiter oben ist sie von dem Geistigen umgeben. Wir kommen also da wirklich in das Geistige hinein. Und so ist es, daß in dem Momente, wo der Wasserdunst hinaufgeht und in die Region des Geistes kommt, da kann aus dem Geiste heraus der Blitz entstehen. Das Wasser vergeistigt sich oben und kommt wieder verdichtet herunter. Man muß also, wenn man Naturbetrachtungen übt, auch schon zum Geiste hin kommen. Und nur dann, wenn man überhaupt nicht auf das Geistige Rücksicht nehmen will, kommt man zu allerlei solch absurden Sachen, wie die sind, die ich Ihnen vom Flugtraum gesagt habe oder von dem Eidechsenschwanz oder vom Blitz. Man sieht eben überall, daß man die Natur nicht erklären kann, wenn man nicht zuerst in das Geistige eindringt.

[ 17 ] Jetzt können Sie sich auch das klarmachen: Wenn der Mensch auf der Erde steht, so ist er eigentlich von unten herauf immer so, daß er mit dem Geistigen von unten verwandt ist; da kann er untertauchen wie ein Schwimmer. Wenn wir also in der Nacht mit unserem astralischen Leib und mit unserem Ich aus dem physischen Leib und aus dem Ätherleib herausgehen, so gehen wir eigentlich überall in die feste Umgebung hinein. Wir verbinden uns mit dem, was fest ist, denn in das Luftförmige können wir nicht hinein, und wandern tatsächlich im Festen herum.

[ 18 ] Dieses Herumwandern im Festen, das hat aber eine große Bedeutung. Wenn wir, wie ich Ihnen vorhin gesagt habe, uns zu der Wärme in der rechten Weise verhalten, dann kommen wir dazu, die geistigen Wesenheiten der Luft zu sehen. Wenn wir aber in der Nacht aus unserem Leibe herausgehen und uns mit dem Irdischen als Geist verbinden, dann kann es so sein, daß wir, wenn wir aufwachen, noch immer etwas von dem haben, was wir erlebt haben in dem festen Stoff der Erde drinnen. Da haben wir noch etwas drinnen in uns; in unserem Seelischen haben wir etwas drinnen.

[ 19 ] Nun, das ist etwas, was außerordentlich interessant ist. Denn Sie werden schon bemerkt haben: Wenn man aufwacht, so hört man sehr leicht Töne. Und wenn Sie recht achtgeben beim Aufwachen, dann werden Sie das Merkwürdige erleben, daß Sie sich sagen: Jetzt hat da jemand an meine Türe geklopft! - Das ist eben ganz merkwürdig: Wenn man in die Luft sich hineinlebt mit seiner Seele, dann schaut man etwas, dann entstehen Bilder. Wenn man sich aber in das Feste, in das Stoffliche hineinlebt mit seiner Seele, wie der Schwimmer im Wasser untertaucht, dann erlebt man Töne. Und gerade das ist das außerordentlich Wichtige, daß alle festen Stoffe fortwährend Töne von sich geben, die man nur nicht hört, weil man nicht drinnensteckt. Jeder feste Stoff hat fortwährend Töne in sich, und die hört man eben noch beim Aufwachen, weil man da noch halb drinnensteckt.

[ 20 ] Aber diese Töne können durchaus etwas bedeuten, und es ist durchaus richtig, daß, wenn zum Beispiel irgendwo in der Ferne jemand gestorben ist und der Mensch beim Aufwachen etwas hört wie An-dieTür-Klopfen, so steht das im Zusammenhang mit dem Gestorbenen. Nun ist der Mensch natürlich nicht fähig, diese Dinge in der richtigen Weise zu deuten. Denn denken Sie nur einmal: Sie würden ja alle nicht lesen können, also die Buchstaben auf dem Papier nicht deuten können, wenn Sie es nicht gelernt hätten. Ebensowenig können Sie dieses Wunderbare, was da wirkt, wenn man im Aufwachen Töne hört, deuten. Sie brauchen ja nicht zu glauben, daß da just der Verstorbene an der Tür ist und wie mit den Fingern klopft. Aber der Verstorbene, der in den ersten Tagen nach dem Tode noch anwesend ist auf Erden, der lebt in den festen Körpern drinnen. Und das ist etwas, was Ihnen gar nicht wunderbar zu scheinen braucht, daß da gerade durch die Verbindung mit dem Festen Töne entstehen, wie also immerzu erzählt worden ist in den Zeiten, wo man noch mehr achtgegeben hat auf solche Sachen. Daß die Menschen Ahnungen haben, wenn jemand in der Ferne stirbt, das hat seine gute Bedeutung. Ein Mensch ist gestorben. Er ist mit seiner Seele zunächst noch ans feste Erdreich gebunden. Da entstehen die Töne, die von ihm ausgehen. Der Mensch verläßt tönend das irdische Dasein. Das können Sie natürlich geradesogut in der Weite hören, wie Sie in der Weite lesen können, was einer in Amerika aufgibt. Ein Telegramm kann man in Amerika lesen. Solche Fernwirkungen durch den Erdenstoff sind da, sind auf Erden da, sie sind immer da. Und in den Zeiten, in denen man eben achtgegeben hat auf solche Sachen, hat man den Zusammenhang des Geistigen mit dem Irdischen durchaus gewußt. Das ist nicht bloß ein Märchen, das ist tatsächlich etwas, was in früheren Zeiten eben wahrgenommen worden ist. Also Sie sehen, man kommt da in ganz bestimmte Dinge hinein, die heute als Aberglaube gelten, die man ebenso wissenschaftlich, wie andere wissenschaftliche Dinge nachweisen kann.

[ 21 ] Nur muß man diese Dinge auch ganz genau kennen. Denn sehen Sie, wenn man dazu kommen würde, in der Luft die geistige Welt wahrzunehmen, wenn also die Menschen nicht gar so wehleidig sein würden, wie sie heute sind — Sie wissen doch, je zivilisierter die Menschen werden, desto wehleidiger werden sie in einer gewissen Beziehung, und diejenigen, die, sagen wir, durch ihre Arbeit in einer furchtbaren Hetze leben müssen, die haben nicht Zeit während ihres Arbeitens, die geistige Welt wahrzunehmen -, so würde ihnen die geistige Welt, die in der Luft lebt, nicht entgehen. Aber dieses, daß man in der Luft geistige Wesen sehen würde, das wäre eigentlich etwas ziemlich Ungefährliches. Das könnte jeder Mensch ohne weiteres wahrnehmen, ohne daß es für ihn gefährlich wird.

[ 22 ] Aber dieses Hören, wenn das zu stark den Menschen ergreift, und wenn er zu stark in einen Zustand kommt, wo er allerlei für den Menschen gefährlich. Die Sache ist ja diese: Es gibt Menschen, die kommen allmählich in einen Zustand, wo sie alle möglichen Worte hören. Es wird ihnen allerlei gesagt. - Diese Menschen sind auf dem Wege zum Wahnsinn. Man wird niemals eigentlich, indem man so die geistigen Wesen sieht, daß man sie in der Luft sucht, von einer Gefahr bedroht. Warum? Ja, ich muß Ihnen das durch einen Vergleich sagen: Wenn Sie in einem Boot fahren und ins Wasser fallen, können Sie ertrinken. Wenn Sie jemand nach oben zieht, so können Sie zwar auch allerlei erleben, aber ertrinken können Sie nicht. - Ebenso ist es, wenn die menschliche Seele nach oben herausgeht und allerlei sieht. Da kann ihr nichts passieren. Wenn sie nach unten in die feste Materie hineingeht, da kann sie, ich möchte sagen, geistig ertrinken. Und dieses Geistig-Ertrinken tritt ein, wenn die Menschen eben ihr Bewußtsein so verlieren, daß ihnen innerlich allerlei Dinge gesagt werden. Und das ist das Schlimme. Sehen Sie, wenn der Mensch äußerlich das Geistige sieht, ja, dann ist es ja gerade so, wie wenn er in der Welt herumgeht, und wie er sich vor dem Stuhl, den er sieht, nicht fürchtet, so fürchtet er sich nach und nach auch nicht vor dem äußerlich Geistigen, sondern er hat es sogar gern. Aber dasjenige, was innerlich gehört wird — wir sinken ja in die feste Erde hinein mit unserem ganzen Geistigen und mit unserem ganzen Seelischen —, was da innerlich gehört wird, das nimmt einen ganz hin. Da ersäuft man drinnen, da hört man auf, Mensch zu sein. Daher muß man immer mit einer gewissen Wachsamkeit auf diejenigen Menschen hinschen, die sagen, allerlei wird ihnen innerlich gesagt. Das ist immer etwas Gefährliches. Nur derjenige, der wirklich schon ganz fest in der geistigen Welt drinnensteht und sich auskennt, der weiß ja, was da eigentlich gesagt wird: daß es niemals besonders hohe geistige Wesen sind, die da zu einem sprechen, sondern daß es eigentlich immer diejenigen Wesen sind, die also eher niedriger Art sind. Sehen Sie, meine Herren, ich habe Ihnen diese Dinge jetzt ganz unbefangen gesagt aus dem Grunde, damit Sie sehen: Man muß wirklich als Mensch zu ganz anderer Auffassung der Außenwelt kommen, wenn man in die geistige Welt hineinkommen will.

[ 23 ] Es gibt natürlich Menschen, die sagen: Ja, warum haben uns die Geister das so unbequem gemacht, sie kennenzulernen? — Ja, aber denken Sie einmal, was der Mensch für ein Wesen wäre, wenn er sich gar nicht anstrengen müßte, um hineinzukommen in die geistige Welt, wenn er immer drinnen wäre! Er wäre ja der reine geistige Automat. Erst dadurch kommt er zu den geistigen Wesen in ein rechtes Verhältnis, daß er sich eben anstrengen muß. Und es kostet die allergrößte innere Anstrengung, um in der geistigen Welt forschen zu können.

[ 24 ] Es ist natürlich leicht, sich am Laboratoriumstisch breit zu machen und allerlei Versuche zu machen, es ist leicht, Leichen zu zerschneiden und allerlei kennenzulernen, aber es erfordert wirklich eine starke innere Arbeit, um wirklich in die geistige Welt hineinzukommen. Zu dieser Arbeit ist die heutige gebildete Welt zu faul. Und wegen dieser Faulheit ist es eigentlich auch immer, daß die Leute sagen: Ich habe Übungen gemacht aus «Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten ?», aber ich habe nichts gesehen. — Die Leute glauben, daß ihnen das äußerlich gegeben werden soll, daß sie nicht die Sache innerlich erarbeiten müssen. Meine Herren, das ist es eben, daß die Leute heute sich alles vormachen lassen wollen! Ich habe Ihnen schon gesagt: Der Mensch will alles verfilmen heute, er will überall einen Film machen lassen daraus, damit es äußerlich an ihn herantritt.

[ 25 ] Wenn man richtig geistig vorwärtskommen will, muß man überall darauf sehen, daß, indem man etwas aufnimmt von der Welt, man es durcharbeiten muß. Daher werden diejenigen mehr zum Geistigen kommen, die in der Zukunft möglichst vermeiden, sich alles vorfilmen zu lassen, sondern recht viel mitdenken wollen, wenn ihnen von der Welt gesprochen wird. Und, sehen Sie, ich habe Ihnen keinen Film vorgeführt. Natürlich ist nicht die Zeit dazu da, aber wenn auch die Zeit da wäre, würde ich nicht versuchen, mit einem Film die Sache vorzuführen, sondern ich habe Ihnen Zeichnungen gemacht, die im Moment entstanden, wo Sie sehen konnten, was ich mit jedem Strich will, wo Sie mitdenken können. Das ist auch dasjenige, was schon in unseren Kinderunterricht heute einziehen muß: möglichst wenig fertige Zeichnungen, möglichst viel von dem, was da im Augenblick entsteht, wo das Kind jeden Strich sieht, der entsteht. Dadurch arbeitet das Kind innerlich mit, und dadurch werden die Menschen zur innerlichen Tätigkeit angeregt, die dann dazu führt, daß sie mehr ins Geistige sich hineinleben und wiederum Verständnis bekommen für das Geistige. Man soll auch nicht den Kindern wiederum ganze fertige Theorien vorbringen, denn dann werden sie ja dogmatisch. Sondern das, worauf es ankommt, ist, sie wiederum zur Selbsttätigkeit zu bringen. Dadurch wird auch ihr ganzer Körper freier.

[ 26 ] Nun möchte ich Ihnen, weil das auch in einer der Fragen enthalten ist, noch etwas anderes anführen. Sie werden ja vielleicht schon gehört haben, daß die Kartoffel erst zu einer bestimmten Zeit in Europa eingeführt worden ist. Kartoffelesser waren ja die Menschen in Europa nicht immer.

[ 27 ] Es ist da zwar einmal eine eigentümliche Geschichte passiert. Sehen Sie, es gibt ein Lexikon, an dem ich sogar mitgearbeitet habe, aber nicht an dem Artikel, von dem ich jetzt rede. Da steht etwas sehr Komisches drinnen, nämlich, es werde überall gesagt, daß ein gewisser Drake die Kartoffel in Europa eingeführt habe, sich dieses große Verdienst erworben habe. - In Offenburg, das jetzt die Franzosen besetzt haben, steht auch ein Drake-Denkmal. Nun war es mir einmal furchtbar komisch, als wir nachschauten im Konversationslexikon und da wirklich drinnen steht: Drake wurde in Offenburg ein Denkmal errichtet, weil er irrtümlich im Rufe gestanden habe, die Kartoffel nach Europa gebracht zu haben! — Also wenn von irgendeinem Menschen etwas angeblich gesagt wird, so wird ihm ein Denkmal errichtet in Europa! Nun, ich will aber davon nicht reden, sondern ich will davon reden, daß zu einer bestimmten Zeit die Kartoffel nach Europa gebracht worden ist.

[ 28 ] Schauen wir uns einmal die Kartoffel an. Von der Kartoffel essen wir ja nicht eigentlich die Wurzeln. Die Wurzeln sind nämlich diese kleinen Dinger (es wird gezeichnet). Wenn da die Kartoffel wäre, so sind da diese Würzelchen erst daran. Die Kartoffel selber ist ein etwas dickerer Stengel. Also wenn eine gewöhnliche Pflanze wächst, so hat sie da die Wurzel, und nun wächst der Stengel. Wenn aber der Stengel sich da verdickt, wie es bei der Kartoffel ist, so entsteht eine sogenannte Knolle, Sproßknolle. Aber das ist eigentlich ein verdickter Stengel, so daß man es bei der Kartoffel nicht mit einer Wurzel zu tun hat, sondern mit einem verdickten Stengel. Also, merken Sie sich das sehr gut: Wenn man eine Kartoffel ißt, so ißt man einen verdickten Stengel. Man nimmt seine Nahrung vorzugsweise aus einem verdickten Stengel. - Wir müssen uns nun fragen: Was hat das für eine Bedeutung für den Menschen, daß er mit der Kartoffel, die nach Europa gebracht worden ist, lernt, vorzugsweise einen verdickten Stengel zu essen?

[ 29 ] Wenn Sie die ganze Pflanze anschauen, so besteht sie aus der Wurzel, aus dem Stengel, aus den Blättern und aus der Blüte (siehe Zeichnung). Es ist sehr merkwürdig bei der Pflanze: Die Wurzel da unten, die wird dem Erdboden sehr ähnlich und enthält namentlich viel Salze, und die Blüte da oben, die wird sehr ähnlich der warmen Luft. Da ist es so, wie wenn an der Blüte durch die Sonnenwärme fortwährend gekocht wird. Die Blüte enthält daher Öle und Fette, namentlich Öle. So daß wir also, wenn wir eine Pflanze anschauen, unten die Salze haben, die sich absetzen. Die Wurzel ist salzreich, die Blüte ist ölreich.

[ 30 ] Nun, die Folge davon ist, daß wir, wenn wir die Wurzel essen, dann viel Salze in unsere Gedärme hinein bekommen. Diese Salze, die finden den Weg bis zum Gehirn hin und regen unser Gehirn an. Also die Salze, die regen unser Gehirn an. Und es ist zum Beispiel, wenn jemand nicht an migräneartigem Kopfschmerz, sondern an den Kopfschmerzen leidet, die den Kopf ausfüllen, ganz gut, wenn er Wurzeln ißt. Sie können ja sehen, wie eine gewisse salzige Schärfe in vielen Wurzeln enthalten ist. Sie können das feststellen durch den Geschmack. Wenn Sie aber Blüten essen, da ist eigentlich die Pflanze schon halb gekocht. Da heraußen sind schon die Öle; das ist etwas, was vorzugsweise den Magen und die Gedärme einfettet, das hat seine Wirkung auf den Unterleib. Das muß auch der Arzt berücksichtigen, wenn er Tee verschreibt. Niemals wird jemand, wenn er einen Tee aus der Blüte kocht, auf den Kopf eine starke Wirkung ausüben; dagegen wenn er die Wurzeln abkochen und das den Kranken trinken läßt, wird er eine starke Wirkung auf den Kopf ausüben. Also sehen Sie, während wir beim Menschen vom Bauch zum Kopf gehen müssen, von unten herauf, müssen wir bei der Pflanze den umgekehrten Weg machen, von der Blüte zu den Wurzeln. Die Wurzel der Pflanze ist mit dem Kopf verwandt. Die Blüte der Pflanze ist mit den Gedärmen und so weiter verwandt. Wenn wir das bedenken, wird uns gewissermaßen ein Licht aufgehen über die Bedeutung der Kartoffel. Denn die Kartoffel, die hat Knollen; das ist etwas, was nicht ganz Wurzel geworden ist. Man ißt also, wenn man viel Kartoffeln ißt, vorzugsweise Pflanzen, die nicht ganz Wurzel geworden sind. Wenn man sich also beschränkt auf das Kartoffelessen und zu viel Kartoffeln ißt, kriegt man nicht genug in den Kopf hinein. Es bleibt unten in dem Verdauungstrakt. So daß es also so ist, daß mit dem Kartoffelessen die Menschen in Europa ihren Kopf, ihr Gehirn vernachlässigt haben. Diesen Zusammenhang sieht man erst, wenn man Geisteswissenschaft treibt. Da sagt man sich: Seit in Europa diese Kartoffelnahrung immer mehr und mehr überhand genommen hat, seit der Zeit ist der Kopf der Menschen unfähiger geworden.

[ 31 ] Und es werden durch die Kartoffel vorzugsweise Zunge und Schlund angeregt. Wenn wir bei der Kartoffelpflanze hinuntergehen, so gehen wir nicht ganz bis zu der Wurzel. Ebenso ist es beim Menschen: Wenn wir nicht ganz bis zum Kopf heraufgehen und bleiben bei Zunge und Schlund, so werden die besonders angeregt durch die Kartoffel, und daher ist die Kartoffel als Mitspeise, als Zuspeise für die Leute sehr schmackhaft, weil sie dasjenige anregt, was unter dem Kopf ist und den Kopf unbelästigt läßt.

[ 32 ] Wenn man Rote Rüben ißt, dann, meine Herren, bekommt man eine furchtbare Sehnsucht, viel zu denken. Das macht der Mensch ganz unbewußt. Wenn man Kartoffeln ißt, so bekommt man eigentlich die Sehnsucht, recht bald wieder zu essen. Die Kartoffel macht so schnell hungrig, weil sie nicht ganz bis zum Kopf geht. Die Rote Rübe macht sehr schnell satt, weil sie tatsächlich, was das Wichtige ist, bis zum Kopf geht und der Kopf das Wichtigste ist, weil sie ihn ganz durchsetzt mit Tätigkeit, wenn sie richtig in den Kopf hineingeht. Das ist ja den Menschen natürlich furchtbar unangenehm, daß sie denken sollen, und daher lieben sie manchmal eben mehr die Kartoffel als die Rote Rübe, weil die Kartoffel nicht zum Denken anregt. Da wird man faul. Sie regt nicht zum Denken an, man wird faul im Denken. Dagegen die Rote Rübe regt sehr stark das Denken an, weil sie eine richtige Wurzel ist, Sie regt sehr stark an zum Denken, aber sie regt so an, daß man eigentlich denken will, und wenn man nicht denken will, dann liebt man Rote Rüben nicht. Wenn man eine Anregung zum Denken braucht, so muß man insbesondere die salzige Anregung zum Beispiel von Rettichen brauchen. Wenn jemand nicht sehr regsam im Kopfe ist, so tut ihm das gut, weil ein bißchen die Gedanken in Bewegung gebracht werden, wenn er Rettich zu den Speisen hinzunimmt.

[ 33 ] So sehen Sie, daß diese merkwürdige Sache auftritt: Man kann sagen, Rettiche regen das Denken an. - Und man braucht gar nicht selber sehr tätig zu sein im Denken; da kommen die Gedanken, wenn man Rertich ißt, so starke Gedanken, daß sie sogar noch ganz mächtige Träume machen. Wer viel Kartoffeln ißt, dem kommen nicht starke Gedanken, dagegen kommen ihm Träume, die ihm schwer machen. Und derjenige, der also fortwährend Kartoffeln essen muß, der wird eigentlich fortwährend müde sein und fortwährend schlafen und träumen wollen. Daher hat es eine große kulturhistorische Bedeutung, große geschichtliche Bedeutung, was für Nahrungsmittel eigentlich an die Menschen herankommen.

[ 34 ] Da könnten Sie sagen, meine Herren: Ja, aber die Sache ist doch so, daß wir ja eigentlich ganz und gar von dem Stoffe leben! - Und doch ist das nicht wahr. Ich habe Ihnen schon oft gesagt: Wir Menschen haben ungefähr alle sieben Jahre einen neuen Körper. Der erneuert sich fortwährend. Dasjenige, was wir vor acht oder zehn Jahren an Stoff in unserem Körper hatten, das haben wir jetzt nicht mehr drinnen. Es ist heraus. Das haben wir uns mit denNägeln weggeschnitten,mit den Haaren abgeschnitten, es ist durch den Schweiß herausgegangen. Das geht heraus. Manches geht recht schnell, manches langsam, aber es geht heraus.

[ 35 ] Nun, wie stellt man sich die Geschichte mit dem Menschen eigentlich vor? Sehen Sie, man stellt es sich ungefähr so vor - ich will jetzt schematisch zeichnen ($. 212, rot) -: Da wäre der Mensch (hell). Nun sondert der Mensch fortwährend Stoff ab und nimmt immerfort neuen Stoff auf (Pfeile blau). So daß man sich also denkt: Durch den Mund kommt der Stoff herein, durch den After und Urin geht der Stoff wieder hinaus, und der Mensch ist so ein Schlauch. Er nimmt den Stoff auf durch Essen, behält ihn eine Zeitlang, und wirft ihn wieder heraus. — So denkt man ungefähr, sei der Mensch aufgebaut.

[ 36 ] Aber in den wirklichen Menschen geht nämlich gar nichts von dem Erdenstoff herein, gar nichts. Das ist bloß eine Täuschung. Die Sache ist nämlich so. Wenn wir, sagen wir, zum Beispiel Kartoffeln essen, dann handelt es sich gar nicht darum, etwas von der Kartoffel aufzunehmen, sondern die Kartoffel ist bloß etwas, was uns anregt, anregt in Kiefer, Schlund und so weiter. Da wirkt überall die Kartoffel. Und nun entsteht in uns die Kraft, diese Kartoffel wieder herauszutreiben, und während wir sie heraustreiben, kommt uns aus dem Äther, nicht aus dem festen Stoff, dasjenige entgegen (Pfeile hell), was unseren Körper im Laufe von sieben Jahren aufbaut. Wir bauen uns eigentlich gar nicht aus dem Stoff der Erde auf. Was wir essen, essen wir bloß, damit wir eine Anregung haben. In Wirklichkeit bauen wir uns aus dem auf, was oben ist. So daß das Ganze, was sich die Menschen vorstellen, daß da die Nahrung hereinkomme und daß dort die Nahrung wieder herausgehe und in der Zwischenzeit etwas drinnen bleibe, gar nicht stimmt; das bildet nur eine Anregung. Da kommt eine Gegenkraft aus dem Äther heran, und wir bauen uns unseren ganzen Körper aus dem Äther heraus auf. Alles, was wir an uns haben, ist nicht aus dem Stoff der Erde heraus aufgebaut. Sie sehen, wenn wir hinstoßen und es stößt wieder her, so dürfen Sie den zweiten Stoß nicht verwechseln mit dem Hinstoßen. Sie dürfen nicht die Tatsache, daß wir Nahrung brauchen, damit wir nicht faul werden im Wiederherstellen unseres Körpers, verwechseln damit, daß wir diese Nahrung in uns hineinnehmen.

[ 37 ] Nun ist es so, daß allerdings Unregelmäßigkeiten eintreten können. Wenn wir nämlich zuviel Nahrung aufnehmen, dann bleibt allerdings die Nahrung zu lange in uns drinnen. Dann sammeln wir unberechtigten Stoff in uns auf, werden korpulent, dick und so weiter. Wenn wir zuwenig aufnehmen, haben wir zuwenig Anregung und nehmen zuwenig das, was wir brauchen, aus der geistigen Welt heraus, aus der ätherischen Welt.

[ 38 ] Aber das ist etwas so Wichtiges, meine Herren, daß wir uns gar nicht aufbauen aus der Erde und ihren Stoffen, sondern daß wir uns aufbauen aus dem, was außer der Erde ist! Wenn das so ist, daß in sieben Jahren der ganze Körper erneuert wird, wird ja auch das Herz erneuert (rot). Das Herz, das Sie also in sich getragen haben vor acht Jahren, das haben Sie jetzt nicht mehr in sich, sondern das ist erneuert worden, erneuert worden nicht aus dem Stoff der Erde, sondern erneuert worden aus dem, was im Lichte die Erde umgibt. Zusammengedrücktes Licht ist Ihr Herz! Sie haben Ihr Herz tatsächlich aus dem Sonnenlicht zusammengedrückt. Und das, was Sie an Nahrung aufgenommen haben, das hat nur angeregt, daß Sie das Sonnenlicht so weit zusammendrücken. Alle Ihre Organe bauen Sie auf aus dem, was die durchlichtete Umgebung ist, und daß wir essen, daß wir Nahrung aufnehmen, das bedeutet nur die Anregung.

[ 39 ] Sehen Sie, das einzige, was uns die Nahrung gibt, das ist, daß wir so etwas in uns haben wie eine Art inneren Sessel. Wir spüren uns, kommen dadurch im gewöhnlichen Leben zum Ich-Gefühl, daß wir physische Materie in uns haben, physischen Stoff. Wir spüren uns geradeso, wie wenn Sie sich auf den Sessel setzen. Da spüren Sie ja auch den Sessel, der auf Sie drückt. Und so spüren Sie Ihren Körper, der auf das, was Sie aus dem Weltenall gemacht haben, fortwährend drückt. Wenn Sie schlafen, spüren Sie ihn nicht, weil Sie da aus sich heraußen sind. Sie spüren Ihren Körper; das ist eine Art Ruhebett, das Ihnen gemacht ist, bei dem einen härter, wenn er knochig ist, bei dem anderen weicher. Das ist eine Art von Ruhebett, in das sich der Mensch legt, und man spürt ja auch den Unterschied zwischen einem weichen Federbett und einer Holzbank! Und so spürt der Mensch den Unterschied von dem, was in ihm hart und weich ist. Aber das ist nicht der eigentliche Mensch, sondern der eigentliche Mensch ist das, was da in ihm drinnen sitzt,

[ 40 ] Nun werde ich Ihnen das nächste Mal klarmachen, wie das mit der höheren Erkenntnis zusammenhängt. Die Menschen nämlich, die heute erkennen wollen, beschäftigen sich gar nicht mit der menschlichen Tätigkeit, sondern sie beschäftigen sich nur mit demjenigen, was der Sessel ihnen darbietet.

Wandtafel 1
Wandtafel 1
Wandtafel 2
Wandtafel 2

Settling into the Outer World – Nutrition: The Effects of Potatoes, Beetroot and Radishes

[ 1 ] Some of the questions that were asked recently still remain. Just as I recently took up a scholar's remark about dreams, today I would like to take up something that seems to have caused a contemporary scholar quite a headache – which will also lead us to our discussion: the lizard's tail. You know, if you have a larger lizard in particular and you want to grab it by the tail, the tail breaks off. It is said that the lizard is brittle. And it is really very difficult to get larger lizards when you grab them by the tail, because the tail is brittle, it breaks off, and the lizard runs on quite quickly without it. The attempts of scholars go to the point of fathoming whether the animal's tail is actually pulled out or whether it is left behind by the animal. Now, contemporary science is based on materialism, and so one thinks about how the animal has very weak muscles that hold these parts of the tail together, and how it can no longer hold these muscles together when it is caught.

[ 2 ] Now, however, there is a strange fact, and people take it into account very little. This is the fact that when lizards are caught, if they have lived in captivity for a long time, they lose this peculiar way of easily having their tail pulled out. Then the tail strengthens and it cannot be pulled out so easily; it holds better. It is a peculiar phenomenon that the lizards lose their tails easily when they are outside; when they are in captivity, it holds better. Why is that?

[ 3 ] You see, people think long and hard about how this could be achieved by the small muscles on the tail, whereas the fact that the animal is less likely to lose its tail in captivity very easily points to the reason. This is because the animal will be somewhat afraid if it is caught outside. It is not usual for him to be caught outside. This is the first time. It is the first time that a human being has come close to him, so he is afraid, and because he is afraid, he becomes so brittle that he loses his tail. When he gets used to people in captivity, when people come close to him at every moment, he is no longer afraid and does not lose his tail.

[ 4 ] So we see how even a very superficial examination leads us to the conclusion that the lizard's terrible fear plays an important role here. But now we have to go further and say: Yes, this fear that the lizard has when the human comes near it and wants to catch it, is only something that comes out of the animal when the human intercepts it, but which is always inside the animal, and it is this fear that holds the animal's matter together and makes it strong.

[ 5 ] To illustrate this, I will mention a very strange phenomenon in human life. You may have heard that people who are very dependent on their emotional life get diarrhea when they feel fear. Fear causes diarrhea. And what does that mean? It means that what is in the intestines is no longer held together. Yes, but what held that thing together in the intestines? You see, when fear rises up into the soul, it no longer holds things together in the intestines; but when fear is down in the intestines, it holds the material together.

[6] And so it is with the lizard. When you look at a lizard (it is drawn), this lizard, just like our own abdomen, is continually filled with fear, and thus with something of the soul. And in particular, the tail is filled with fear. When the animal squeezes out its fear, the tail breaks, but the fear still remains in the animal. The animal does not feel the fear when it is in captivity because it has become accustomed to humans, and as a result, the fear can then hold the tail together. There we see a very specific emotional quality that has a certain significance for the physical condition.

[ 7 ] We humans also have fear within us. In our big toe, in the legs, in the belly, everywhere is fear. Only through the diaphragm she does not dare to come up, comes up only when we have frightening dreams. But fear is within us. But fear has its good purpose; it holds our organism together. And the bones are where the greatest fear is. The bones are so firm because there is a terribly strong fear in them. It is fear that holds the bones together. The moment you feel your bones too intensely, you get rickets. Therefore, you will very easily find this confirmed in anxious people, those who were already anxious in their youth, where the bones are not yet hard, but the people are anxious, and you can therefore heal rickety children by driving out their fear through something, namely in a spiritual way. But it would be quite wrong to say: So there is fear in us, something of the soul. We just need to draw the fear a little higher, then we could gain higher insights. — That would not be good, because we would make ourselves mentally and physically ill at the same time. We must do something else instead.

[ 8 ] You see, if we want to gain knowledge of the spiritual world, we have to really live ourselves into the outer world. Now, how do people live in the outer world? You have been able to see this wonderfully again in the last few weeks. Isn't it true that we were freezing terribly, and afterwards we were sweating terribly. Well, that is how most people live in the world, they feel nothing but that one time they are sweating terribly, the other time they are freezing terribly. But that is not the only way to live in the outer world; rather, it is the case that one develops a certain ability within oneself, so that one not only feels cold when it gets cold, but when it gets cold, it points to the cold and one gets a kind of fear, and one knows that when it gets warm, this fear passes. When you develop this in yourself, that you have a certain fear of snow and a certain sense of well-being when you feel the warm rays of the sun, then this is simply something that leads to higher knowledge, that belongs to the other thing that I have described to you. And it is indeed the case that anyone who wants to gain higher knowledge must feel something when he approaches a glowing piece of iron, and he must feel something when he approaches a pebble. When he approaches a glowing iron, he must feel inwardly: This is something akin to your own warmth, it does you good. But when he picks up a pebble, it must feel eerie, he must feel anxious.

[ 9 ] Well, gentlemen, from this you can see at the same time that anyone who wants to acquire higher knowledge must not be nervous, as one says today, otherwise, when he takes a pebble in his hand, he would immediately drop it because it frightens him. One must be courageous and endure the fear. And in the same way, he must not do as the gnat does, which has such great lust for the light that it even rushes into it and finds its death. It is precisely by observing the insect that rushes into the flame that you can see how the flame is related to the spiritual-soul.

[ 10 ] And so we can say: We must acquire an inner feeling, an inner sense of what is out there in nature. What do we get as a result? Yes, you see, gentlemen, the earth first has the solid rock (drawing $. 201, light-colored at bottom). The materialists believe in the solid rock of the earth, because they can walk on it; it is hard when you touch it. The materialists believe in the solid rock. But just before the solid rock, anyone who wants to acquire higher knowledge experiences a certain anxiety.

[ 11 ] This fear is not there at all when man is in the warmed air. I will now draw the warmed air over it, over the solid rock. When a person looks at the warmed air, this anxiety is not present at all, because the warmed air - I will draw it warmed by making it somewhat reddish - does not make one anxious. But one can still bring it about that the warmed air also makes one anxious. This is precisely the case when one tries to become more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and The more comfortable you feel, the more anxious the warm air makes you.

[ 12 ] So if you now get used to feeling quite comfortable with the warm air, if you get more and more used to the warmth, so to speak, such things are necessary if you want to gain spiritual knowledge. You have to put yourself in the position of nature as a whole. Then things start to get quite strange. I will make it even clearer for you. Most people seek to cool down when they become warm. Naturally, they know nothing else but to become cooler. But when one endures the warmth, when one remains in the warmth, when one perceives the warmth precisely as a feeling of well-being, then that which I have schematically drawn here in the air (yellow) begins to be filled quite strangely with all kinds of images ( light above) and the spiritual world begins to emerge properly - the spiritual world that is otherwise contained in the air, but which man does not feel in the air, does not perceive in the air, because he does not want to endure the warmth of the air.

[ 13 ] When one has become accustomed to seeing all these spiritual entities that are contained in the air but that humans do not perceive because they do not want to endure the warmth of the air – when one has become accustomed to seeing these entities, then little by little one also comes to perceive something strange with regard to solid rock. You realize that when you touch a stone with your clumsy hand, it is hard. But when you start to perceive spiritual things more and more, when you become more and more spiritual, when not only the material but also the spiritual surrounds you, I cannot slip into the ground with my physical body of flesh and blood, but I can start slipping into the ground with my astral body, of which I have spoken to you. That is very interesting. The moment you start to perceive spiritual things in the air through all the means I have mentioned, you slip out of your body to such an extent that you no longer feel the stones as an obstacle, but dive into the solid ground like a swimmer into the water. You enter it yourself (drawing, red below). That is extremely interesting. You can't enter the air as a spirit, because other spirits appear there. Into the ground – which is actually empty for the spirit – you can easily creep in, you can submerge like a swimmer.

[ 14 ] And, you see, the middle state is the one with the water (blue). The water evaporates upwards and comes down again as rain. Up there – you have already seen that – lightning often forms (red above). The water is between the solid ground and the air. It is thinner than the solid ground, it is denser than the air. Yes, but what does that mean? It means something that can best be seen by looking up at the lightning. When lightning strikes, the experts say that it is an electric spark. Why do the experts say that it is an electric spark? Well, you may already know – otherwise I'll tell you now – if you take a stick of sealing wax and rub it with a piece of leather, it becomes electric, and if you then have small paper shreds, they are attracted to the stick of sealing wax. And so you can make the most diverse objects electric by rubbing them or in other ways. This is already being shown to children at school.

[ 15 ] But there is something very specific that is needed. If you are in a stuffy classroom, no bar of sealing wax will become electric – nor will the other things in experiments – and you must first wipe everything clean with a completely dry cloth, because the aqueous does not produce electricity. Then you can produce electricity. Now the scholars say: Up there are the clouds, they rub against each other and make the electric spark, the lightning. Yes, but, gentlemen, any child could object: But you must be able to keep out the watery, because if you have anything watery in your apparatus, electricity will not be produced! Any child can object to that. So such nonsense is said. Of course, there is no question at all of the clouds rubbing against each other up there.

[ 16 ] But think about it: when water evaporates and rises, it comes more and more into a region of spirituality, away from the spiritless substance down there, and penetrates into the spirituality above, and it is really the spirit that produces the electrical spark, the lightning. We actually enter the region of the spiritual by going further and further up. The earth only has the material close by. Further up it is surrounded by the spiritual. So we really get into the spiritual there. And so it is that at the moment when the water vapor goes up and comes into the region of the spirit, lightning can arise out of the spirit. The water spiritualizes itself up and comes down again condensed. So when you are observing nature, you must also come to the spirit. And only when you do not want to take the spiritual into account at all do you come to all sorts of absurd things like those I have told you about the dream of flight or the lizard's tail or lightning. You can see everywhere that you cannot explain nature if you do not first penetrate into the spiritual.

[ 17 ] Now you can also realize this: When man stands on the earth, he is actually always like this from below, so that he is related to the spiritual from below; he can dive under it like a swimmer. So when we leave our physical body and etheric body at night with our astral body and our ego, we actually enter the solid environment everywhere. We connect with what is solid, because we cannot enter the airy, and actually wander around in the solid.

[ 18 ] This wandering around in the solid has a great significance. If, as I told you earlier, we relate to warmth in the right way, then we come to see the spiritual entities of the air. But when we go out of our body at night and connect with the earthly as a spirit, it may be that when we wake up, we still have something of what we have experienced inside us in the solid substance of the earth. We still have something inside us; we have something inside our soul.

[ 19 ] Now that is something extremely interesting. Because you will have noticed: when you wake up, it is very easy to hear sounds. And if you pay close attention when you wake up, you will experience the strange feeling that someone has knocked on your door! That is really quite remarkable: when you live in the air with your soul, you see something, images arise. But when you live in the solid, in the material with your soul, like a swimmer in the water, you experience sounds. And that is precisely what is so extraordinarily important, that all solid materials continually emit sounds, which you just do not hear because you are not immersed in them. Every solid substance emits sounds continuously, and you can still hear them when you wake up because you are still half inside.

[ 20 ] But these sounds can mean something, and it is quite true that if, for example, someone has died somewhere in the distance and the person hears something like knocking at the door when they wake up, it is related to the deceased. Now, of course, people are not able to interpret these things correctly. Just think about it: you would not be able to read, that is, you would not be able to interpret the letters on the page if you had not learned to do so. You are just as incapable of interpreting the wonderful things that take effect when you hear sounds when you wake up. You don't have to believe that it is the deceased at the door, knocking with his fingers. But the deceased, who is still present on earth in the first days after death, lives inside the solid objects. And that is something that does not need to seem strange to you, that sounds arise through the connection with the solid, as has always been told in the times when more attention was paid to such things. That people have premonitions when someone dies in the distance has a good meaning. A person has died. He is still bound to the solid earth with his soul. That is where the sounds that emanate from him come from. The person leaves earthly existence making sounds. Of course, you can hear that in the distance just as well as you can read in the distance what someone in America is giving up. You can read a telegram in America. Such long-distance effects through the earth's substance are there, are on earth, they are always there. And in times when people paid attention to such things, they definitely knew about the connection between the spiritual and the earthly. This is not just a fairy tale, it is actually something that was perceived in earlier times. So you see, you can get into very specific things that are considered superstition today, but that can be proven just as scientifically as other scientific things.

[ 21 ] But you have to know these things very well. Because, you see, if you were to perceive the spiritual world in the air, if people were not as snivelling as they are today – you know that the more civilised people become, the more snivelling they become in a certain respect, and those who, let us say, have to live in a terrible agitation because of their work, they do not have time to perceive the spiritual world while they are working – so the spiritual world, which lives in the air, would not escape them. But this, that one would see spiritual beings in the air, that would actually be something quite harmless. Every person could perceive this without further ado, without it being dangerous for them.

[ 22 ] But this hearing, when it takes hold of a person too strongly, and when he comes too strongly into a state where he hears all kinds of dangerous things for a person. The thing is this: there are people who gradually come into a state where they hear all kinds of words. They are told all kinds of things. These people are on the way to madness. You are never really threatened by danger when you see spiritual beings in this way, when you look for them in the air. Why? Yes, I have to explain this to you by way of comparison: if you are in a boat and fall into the water, you can drown. If someone pulls you up, you may experience all kinds of things, but you cannot drown. It is the same when the human soul goes out upwards and sees all kinds of things. Nothing can happen to it there. When it goes down into solid matter, I would say that it can spiritually drown. And this spiritual drowning occurs when people lose their consciousness in such a way that all kinds of things are said to them inwardly. And that is the bad thing. You see, when man sees the spiritual outwardly, yes, then it is exactly the same as when he walks around in the world, and as he is not afraid of the chair he sees, so he is little by little also not afraid of the outward spiritual, but he even likes it. But what is heard inwardly – we sink into the solid earth with our whole spiritual and with our whole soul – what is heard inwardly, that takes you completely. You drown in it, you cease to be human. Therefore, one must always be vigilant with those people who say that all kinds of things are said to them inwardly. That is always something dangerous. Only someone who is already firmly established in the spiritual world and knows his way around knows what is actually being said: it is never particularly high spiritual beings who speak to you, but always those beings who are of a rather lowly nature. You see, gentlemen, I have told you these things quite impartially for the reason that you should see: A person must really come to a completely different view of the external world if they want to enter the spiritual world.

[ 23 ] Of course there are people who say: Yes, why did the spirits make it so uncomfortable for us to get to know them? — Yes, but just think what kind of being man would be if he didn't have to make any effort to get into the spiritual world, if he were always in it! He would be a pure spiritual automaton. It is only by making an effort that he comes into the right relationship with spiritual beings. And it takes the greatest inner effort to be able to research in the spiritual world.

[ 24 ] It is of course easy to spread out at the laboratory table and do all kinds of experiments, it is easy to cut up corpses and get to know all kinds of things, but it really requires a strong inner work to really get into the spiritual world. The educated world of today is too lazy to do this work. And because of this laziness, it is actually always the case that people say: I have done exercises from “How to Know Higher Worlds,” but I have not seen anything. — People believe that this should be given to them externally, that they do not have to work on it internally. Gentlemen, that is just it, that people today want to be deceived about everything! I have already told you: Man today wants to film everything, he wants to make a movie out of everything, so that it approaches him externally.

[ 25 ] If one wants to make real spiritual progress, one must always bear in mind that, when one takes in something from the world, one must work through it. Therefore, those who avoid being spoon-fed everything in the future and think for themselves when the world is spoken of will come closer to the spiritual. And, you see, I have not shown you a film. Of course there is no time for that, but even if there were time, I would not try to demonstrate the matter with a film, but I have made drawings for you that were created at the moment when you could see what I wanted with each stroke, when you could think along with me. This is also what must be introduced into our children's lessons today: as few finished drawings as possible, as much as possible of what is created in the moment when the child sees every stroke that is made. In this way the child works inwardly with the picture, and in this way people are stimulated to inner activity, which then leads to them living more in the spiritual and in turn gaining understanding for the spiritual. On the other hand, children should not be presented with whole finished theories, because then they become dogmatic. Rather, the important thing is to bring them to work independently. This also frees up their whole body.

[ 26 ] Now, because this is also included in one of the questions, I would like to mention something else. You may have heard that the potato was only introduced to Europe at a certain time. People in Europe have not always been potato eaters.

[ 27 ] There is a peculiar story that happened there. You see, there is an encyclopedia that I even worked on, but not on the article I am talking about now. There is something very strange in there, namely, it is said everywhere that a certain Drake introduced the potato to Europe and earned this great merit. In Offenburg, which has now been occupied by the French, there is also a Drake monument. Now, it was terribly funny for me once when we looked it up in the encyclopedia and it really says there: Drake was erected a monument in Offenburg because he was mistakenly credited with bringing the potato to Europe! — So if something is supposedly said by some human being, a monument is erected in Europe in his honor! But I don't want to talk about that; I want to talk about the fact that at a certain time the potato was brought to Europe.

[ 28 ] Let's take a look at the potato. We don't actually eat the roots of the potato. The roots are these little things (it is drawn). If there were a potato, these little roots would be on it first. The potato itself is a somewhat thicker stem. So when an ordinary plant grows, it has roots, and then the stem grows. But when the stem thickens, as it does in the potato, a so-called tuber, a sprout tuber, is formed. But this is actually a thickened stem, so that in the case of the potato, it is not a root that is involved, but a thickened stem. So, remember this very well: when you eat a potato, you eat a thickened stem. You prefer to get your nutrition from a thickened stem. We must now ask ourselves: what does it mean for a person to learn to eat a thickened stem with the potato that was brought to Europe?

[ 29 ] If you look at the whole plant, it consists of the root, the stem, the leaves and the flower (see drawing). It is very strange about the plant: the root down there becomes very similar to the soil and contains a lot of salts, and the flower up there becomes very similar to the warm air. It is as if the sun's heat is constantly cooking the flower. The flower therefore contains oils and fats, especially oils. So when we look at a plant, we see the salts below, which settle. The root is rich in salts, the flower is rich in oils.

[ 30 ] Now, the consequence of this is that if we eat the root, we get a lot of salts in our intestines. These salts find their way to the brain and stimulate our brain. So the salts stimulate our brain. And it is good, for example, if someone who suffers not from migraine-like headaches but from headaches that fill up the head eats roots. You can see how a certain salty pungency is contained in many roots. You can determine this by the taste. But if you eat flowers, the plant is actually already half cooked. The oils are already out there; this is something that preferably lubricates the stomach and intestines, and has an effect on the abdomen. The doctor must also take this into account when prescribing tea. If you boil a tea from the flower, it will never have a strong effect on the head; on the other hand, if you boil the roots and let the patient drink it, it will have a strong effect on the head. So you see, whereas we have to go from the belly to the head in the case of humans, from the bottom up, we have to go the other way around with plants, from the flower to the roots. The root of the plant is related to the head. The flower of the plant is related to the intestines and so on. If we bear this in mind, it will, to a certain extent, help us to understand the significance of the potato. Because the potato has tubers; it is something that has not fully become a root. So when you eat a lot of potatoes, you are preferably eating plants that have not fully become roots. If you limit yourself to eating potatoes and eat too many potatoes, you won't be able to get enough into your head. It stays down in the digestive tract. So it is that by eating potatoes, people in Europe have neglected their head, their brain. This connection can only be seen by studying spiritual science. One says to oneself: Since this potato diet has become more and more prevalent in Europe, since that time people's minds have become less capable.

[ 31 ] And the potato primarily stimulates the tongue and throat. If we go down in the potato plant, we do not go all the way to the root. It is the same with humans: If we do not go up to the head and remain with the tongue and throat, these are particularly stimulated by the potato, and therefore the potato, as a side dish, is very tasty for people because it stimulates what is under the head and leaves the head undisturbed.

[ 32 ] When you eat beetroot, gentlemen, you get a terrible longing to think a lot. Man does this quite unconsciously. When you eat potatoes, you actually get the longing to eat again very soon. The potato makes you hungry so quickly because it doesn't go all the way to the head. The beetroot makes you full very quickly because, importantly, it actually goes all the way to the head, and the head is the most important thing because it permeates it with activity when it goes right into the head. Of course, people find it terribly unpleasant that they are supposed to think, and that is why they sometimes love the potato more than the beetroot, because the potato does not encourage thinking. You become lazy. It does not encourage thinking, you become lazy in thinking. On the other hand, the beetroot strongly encourages thinking because it is a real root. It strongly encourages thinking, but it encourages you to think so much that you actually want to think, and if you don't want to think, then you don't love beetroot. If you need a stimulus to think, then you particularly need the salty stimulus of radishes, for example. If someone is not very active in their mind, it will do them good because a little bit of thought is set in motion when they add radish to their food.

[ 33 ] So you see that this strange thing happens: you can say that radishes stimulate thinking. And you don't even have to be very active in thinking yourself; when you eat radishes, thoughts come that are so strong that they even make very powerful dreams. If you eat a lot of potatoes, you will not have strong thoughts, but you will have dreams that will trouble you. And the person who has to eat potatoes all the time will actually be constantly tired and constantly want to sleep and dream. Therefore, it has a great cultural and historical significance, great historical significance, what kind of food actually comes to people.

[ 34 ] You could say, gentlemen: Yes, but the fact is that we actually live entirely on the substance! - And yet that is not true. I have told you many times: We humans have a new body about every seven years. It is constantly renewing itself. What we had in our bodies eight or ten years ago, we no longer have in them. It has come out. We have cut it away with our nails, cut it off with our hair, it has come out through sweat. It comes out. Some of it comes out quite quickly, some of it slowly, but it comes out.

[ 35 ] Now, how do you actually visualize the story with the human being? You see, you imagine it something like this – I will now draw it schematically ($. 212, red) –: There is the human being (light). Now, the human being continually secretes substance and continually absorbs new substance (arrows, blue). So that one thinks: through the mouth the substance comes in, through the anus and urine the substance goes out again, and man is thus a tube. He takes in the substance through eating, retains it for a time, and throws it out again. — So one thinks, roughly, that man is constructed.

[ 36 ] But in reality, no earthly substance enters the human being at all. That is merely an illusion. The fact of the matter is this. When we eat, say, potatoes, for example, it is not a matter of absorbing anything from the potato; the potato is merely something that stimulates us, stimulates our jaws, throats and so on. The potato is effective everywhere. And now the power arises in us to expel this potato again, and while we expel it, that which builds up our body over the course of seven years comes to meet us from the ether, not from the solid substance (arrows light). We are actually not built from the substance of the earth at all. We eat what we eat merely to have a stimulus. In reality, we build ourselves from what is above. So that the whole thing that people imagine, that food comes in there and goes out again there and in the meantime something stays inside, is not true at all; that only forms a stimulus. A counter-force comes from the ether, and we build our whole body out of the ether. Everything about us is not built out of the substance of the earth. You see, when we push and it pushes back, you must not confuse the second push with the pushing. You must not confuse the fact that we need food so that we do not become lazy in rebuilding our body with the fact that we take this food into us.

[ 37 ] Now it is the case that irregularities can occur. If we take in too much food, then the food stays in us for too long. Then we accumulate unnecessary material in us, become corpulent, fat and so on. If we take in too little, we have too little stimulation and take too little of what we need from the spiritual world, from the etheric world.

[ 38 ] But this is something so important, gentlemen, that we do not build ourselves from the earth and its materials, but that we build ourselves from what is outside the earth! If it is the case that the entire body is renewed in seven years, then the heart is also renewed (red). The heart that you carried within you eight years ago is no longer within you now, but has been renewed, renewed not from the substance of the earth, but renewed from that which surrounds the earth in the light. Your heart is compressed light! You have actually compressed your heart from sunlight. And the nourishment you have taken in has only stimulated you to compress sunlight to such an extent. You build all your organs from the light-permeated environment, and the fact that we eat, that we take in nourishment, only means the stimulus.

[ 39 ] You see, the only thing that food gives us is that we have something inside us like an inner chair. We feel ourselves, and in ordinary life we develop an ego-feeling that we have physical matter inside us, physical substance. We feel ourselves just as you feel yourself when you sit down on a chair. There you also feel the armchair pressing on you. And so you feel your body, which constantly presses on what you have made out of the universe. When you sleep, you do not feel it because you are outside yourself then. You feel your body; it is a kind of resting place that is made for you, harder for someone who is bony, softer for someone else. It is a kind of resting place where a person lies down, and you can feel the difference between a soft feather bed and a wooden bench! And so a person feels the difference between what is hard and soft within him. But that is not the real person; the real person is what sits inside him.

[ 40 ] Next time, I will explain to you how this is connected to higher knowledge. Namely, people who want to understand today do not concern themselves with human activity at all, but only with what the armchair offers them.

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