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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 321 through 330 of 374

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323. Astronomy as Compared to Other Sciences: Lecture VIII 08 Jan 1921, Stuttgart
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
More dim and hazy than our life in sense-perception, this inner life of ideation, mental imagery, is related to those earlier phases in the evolution of man's nature which preceded the last glacial epoch, or which—to speak in anthroposophical terms—belonged to old Atlantis. What must it then have been like for man? In the first place he must have had a far more intimate inner connection with the surrounding world than he has today through sense-perception.
54. The Kernels of Wisdom in Religions 16 Nov 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The first way to determine this connection, to look for the ancient Tao of Atlantis, is the religion of the ancient India. This received the instructions of the holy Rishis, great initiates in ancient times whose elated teachings still go on sounding in the marvellous Vedic poems and in the Vedanta philosophy of the ancient Brahmans, which extends to the loftiest levels of human understanding.
113. The East in the Light of the West: Lucifer and Christ 28 Aug 1909, Munich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Shirley M. K. Gandell

Rudolf Steiner
We have spoken of two spiritual streams, flowing through different peoples, and passing from old Atlantis towards the East. We saw the difference in their development and how they were enabled to prepare future events; and we observed how the southern stream more particularly tended to deepen the power of penetration to the spiritual world which lies behind the soul world of man, while the other more northerly spiritual stream directed man's attention to his earthly environment in order to make him aware of the spiritual world behind the world of the senses.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture III 03 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
What we to-day call reflection about the things of the physical world, in other words an inner activity, began to develop only when the old clairvoyance was fading away. In the early epochs of Atlantis, man had no inner life such as he has to-day—an inner life of feelings, sentient experiences, thoughts and mental concepts, which actually constitute the creative impulse in culture and civilization.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture VI 06 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
Before the epoch of Abraham, man's whole constitution of soul was different from what it subsequently came to be, and this applies above all to the power of memory. During the still earlier epoch of Atlantis, the difference in this power was far greater still. A man did not, as he does to-day, remember the experiences of his own personal life only, but his memory extended through his own birth and beyond that to what his father, grandfather and other ancestors had experienced.
124. Background to the Gospel of St. Mark: The Tasks of the Fifth Post-Atlantean Epoch 07 Nov 1910, Berlin
Translated by E. H. Goddard, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The evolution of mankind in the period between the catastrophe which overwhelmed Atlantis and the one that will bring the post-Atlantean epoch to an end may be thought of as a macrocosmic process; humanity as a whole evolves as one great being through the seven post-Atlantean epochs.
124. Excursus on the Gospel According to St. Mark: Lecture Three 19 Dec 1910, Berlin
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In speaking of it we have described, in a deeper sense, what we have often considered before: the two great streams of civilisation of post-Atlantean times. After the great catastrophe of Atlantis one of these streams continued to spread and develop throughout Africa, Arabia and Southern Asia; the other, which took a more northerly course, passed through Europe and Northern Central Asia.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: The Lord's Prayer: An Esoteric Study, Prayer and Meditation 28 Jan 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Going back from our present age, through the Graeco-Latin, then the Egyptian, Assyrian and Chaldean, the Persian and also the Indian civilizations, we gradually come, as we go further and further back, to the great Atlantean flood that lives on in the mythologies of all peoples, and to our ancestors who lived in the land that lay between Europe and America, a land which we call Atlantis. Further back we come to ancestors who lived in primordial times in a land which then lay between Australia and India.
121. The Mission of Folk-Souls: Lecture Four 10 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
To refresh humanity with the new youthful force, the migration to the East takes place, which, coming from Atlantis, moves across Europe to Asia. Then a repetition of the migration to the West takes place. But the repetition is not now the movement of races, it is a higher stage of racial development, as it were, the development of the various civilizations.
121. The Mission of Folk-Souls: Lecture Nine 15 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In connection with this it has been said, that in some respects those belonging to the ancient Indian civilization were the very first who, after they had been able in old Atlantis to look into a spiritual world by means of the old clairvoyance then still to be found in humanity, were transposed straight out of this clairvoyant state into the physical world.

Results 321 through 330 of 374

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