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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 71 through 80 of 374

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109. The Principle of Spiritual Economy: The Principle of Spiritual Economy in Connection with Questions of Reincarnation 21 Jan 1909, Heidelberg
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
The area that is today covered by the Atlantic Ocean used to be the continent of Atlantis, which was destroyed by great catastrophes, as is reported by many peoples in their “saga of the great flood.”
These great beings were exclusively on the sun during the time of ancient Atlantis. Later, when the great Being who was to be called the Christ united with the earth, this was no longer the case.
When they fell asleep at night, they did not lose consciousness, but rather the sense world disappeared and there arose in its place the spiritual world in which they were the companions of divine-spiritual beings. The advanced people in Atlantis had begun to develop their intellect, yet they were simple people who possessed inner warmth and were deeply devoted to their leader.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): The medieval view of the world in Dante's Divine Comedy 11 Feb 1906, Düsseldorf
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
About ten thousand years before the Christian era18 the vast continent known as Atlantis was gradually sinking. Theodor Arldt19 has given scientific proof of the existence of Atlantis in the journal Kosmos.
The ancestors of the people who now live in Europe and Asia lived on Atlantis. The mythologies of all these nations show profound similarities. German mythology speaks of Atlantis, calling it Niflheim, home of mists.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 17 Dec 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Before Europe, Asia and Africa were cultivated land, those ancestors lived on Atlantis, which has gone down beneath the waves. Norse mythology still holds memories of Atlantis in the legends of Niflheim, home of mists. For Atlantis did not have clear air. Vast, mighty masses of mist rolled and boiled above the soil, similar to the experience we may have today walking in the clouds and mists at high altitudes. Sun and moon were not clearly visible in the sky. On Atlantis they appeared surrounded by rainbow haloes the sacred iris. People were then still much more able to understand the language of nature.
133. Earthly and Cosmic Man: Evidences of Bygone Ages in Modern Civilisation 19 Mar 1912, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
As we today see the rain falling from heaven and moistening the Earth, so did the people of Atlantis see human beings coming down from heavenly heights, uniting with substance provided by the Earth and then wandering over its surface.
It would not, of course, be possible for such a people, in the Post-Atlantean epoch, to have experiences in the form they had taken in Atlantis. But there would certainly be something in their phantasy distinguishing it from that of new races—races which cannot really be said to be survivals of Atlantean peoples.
As the products of a race surviving from ancient Atlantis, their trend and content do not surprise us. It is interesting that a number of similar stories has been collected by Martin Huber and published by Rütten and Loening in Frankfurt-am-Main under the title of Chinese Ghost and Love Stories.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: Old Myths as Pictures of Cosmic Facts 12 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
We must go about the matter in a much more complicated way. Already in Atlantis we meet beings who were among men as our fellows are today, but whom man saw and learned to know when he was in the spiritual world, severed from the body.
Much of the Wotan-being spoke in the Buddha. Hence it is that stragglers from Atlantis have shown the deepest understanding for the Buddha-teaching. Among the Asiatic population there are races that have remained at the Atlantean level, although externally they must, of course, move ahead with the earth evolution. Among the Mongolian peoples much of Atlantis has remained. They are stragglers from the old population of Atlantis. The stationary character in the Mongolian population is a heritage from Atlantis.
170. The Riddle of Humanity: Lecture XV 03 Sep 1916, Dornach
Translated by John F. Logan

Rudolf Steiner
But that will come! This ideal from Bacon's Nova Atlantis will also be fulfilled. In Bacon we encounter for the first time the idea of airships that can be guided, and the idea of boats that can submerge.
Now that the theory of idols and all that is contained in Nova Atlantis has made its appearance, the last remnants of the great atavistic spiritual theories, views and experiences have been extinguished.
Just as it was necessary, in the fourth epoch of Atlantis, for the materialism of Atlantis to be formulated in the head of an old Atlantean, so the fifth post-Atlantean epoch needed its Nova Atlantis, which has a similar function for this epoch.
104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Lecture III 20 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Ancient Atlantis came to an end through the waters of the Atlantean flood. Our epoch will come to an end through what we call the War of All against All, by frightful devastating moral entanglements.
We know that when the Atlantean flood had swept Atlantis away, the ancient Indian civilization came as the first, and that it was succeeded by the ancient Persian civilization.
In the first post-Atlantean age of civilization men were possessed by a great longing for what their ancestors had seen in ancient Atlantis, on which, however, the door had closed. Our ancestors saw the ancient wisdom with their own spiritual eyes, though dimly.
107. Four Human Soul Groups 29 Oct 1908, Berlin
Translated by Manfred Maier

Rudolf Steiner
Just call to mind that if we go back in human evolution, through the various epochs of the post-Atlantean age, as far back as Atlantis, and then back to the older periods even in Atlantis—that then, if we turn our spiritual gaze on the events of that time, we find quite different forms of humanity.
Only through the gradual entry of the etheric head, through the gradual assimilation of substances, parts of the head become densified, and thus separated from their environment. Even in the later Atlantis man was still endowed, to an extraordinary degree, with what has been retained—but as a pathological state—as water on the brain, as a watery brain.
94. Popular Occultism: Evolution of Man and Solar System 05 Jul 1906, Leipzig
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have followed the evolution of mankind back as far as Atlantis and will now proceed to the study of Lemuria and speak of the Lemurian human forms. These human beings are the first representatives of real men with bodies permeated by souls.
Also the relation between ape and man may be viewed in this light. On Atlantis, the human form was still ape-like. During the Lemurian age the sole possession of a body which was even less perfect.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture VIII 17 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
The human physical body had the most varied colorings and forms; one could already see in its gelatinous substance indications of the physical organization, for example the blood system and the skeleton. Toward the end of Atlantis the air was cleared of thick watery masses. Only then could human beings become the creatures of air and earth that we are today.
If a portion of humanity in the early stages of Atlantis had not wanted to descend into a “densified” physical body, then the human form would have remained as it was—with all the instincts, desires, and passions still expressed in the physical form.

Results 71 through 80 of 374

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