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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Prometheus Saga 07 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
This Manas-thinking of the fifth root-race has yet another peculiar characteristic, which we understand if we look back to the Atlantean root-race. In Atlantis there was more of an instinctive thinking which was still bound up with the life-force. The Atlantean root-race was still able to make motor-power from the force in seeds.
Chronos (Time) becomes the ruler of the second generation of gods from the middle of Lemuria right up to the beginning of Atlantis. The Greeks symbolised these leading Beings as, first of all Uranus, later Chronos, and after that they went over to Zeus.
7. The Story of Atlantis, by W. Scott-Elliott, published by the Theosophical Publishing Co., London, 1896. See also Rudolf Steiner's Atlantis and Lemuria.
109. The Principle of Spiritual Economy: From Buddha to Christ 31 May 1909, Budapest
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
If we went further back in human evolution to the remote age of Atlantis and its end, this would lead us to the event that separates us from an even more ancient epoch of humanity where our souls led lives greatly different from the ones they lead in our present physical bodies.
Of the seven oracles, which were named after the seven planets in ancient Atlantis, the Sun Oracle stood out from all the others, but next to it the Vulcan Oracle prepared itself in secrecy for its future task.
Now the Great Initiate took something very valuable with him when he journeyed from ancient Atlantis to Europe. To accomplish this, he had—let me put it this way—traveled to and inspected the other oracles.
121. The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: The Five Post-Atlantean Civilizations. Greek and Teutonic Mythology 14 Jun 1910, Oslo
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
They had an insight into the hidden workings of that world. Now imagine yourselves for a moment in old Atlantis before the migrations towards the East had begun. The air was still permeated with water vapour and misty exhalations.
Their ego had awakened at the stage of existence when the Folk Spirits and those spiritual Beings who were still subject to the Folk Spirits were still active in their souls; hence these peoples were nearest to the events that took place in old Atlantis. In old Atlantis man beheld the spiritual Powers and spoke of a kind of unity of the Godhead, because he enjoyed direct perception into the old primeval states of human evolution.
The old Gods, however, who were active before the Gods intervened in the life of the human soul, and who could now be seen and with whom men felt themselves to be united, those divine Beings who were active in the very far distant past at the time of old Atlantis, were called the Vanir. After Atlantis men saw the weaving of the Angels and Archangels whom they called the Aesir.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture I 04 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The northern myths have remained behind as remembrances of the wisdom of Atlantis. We know that the successors of the Atlanteans carried the wisdom of ancient India and Persia into Asia. We also know that Egyptian wisdom was partly re-animated by Asia, but that it also streamed directly from the West, from Atlantis, towards Africa. Now what sort of wisdom was it that was referred to by the ancient sage when he spoke of the “ancient truth”?
You will recall from previous lectures that in Atlantis the etheric body of man was not so intimately bound up with the physical body as it is now, the etheric head projected far beyond the physical head.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Trojan War 28 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
In the course of our fifth root-race, thus, in the time lying between the end of Atlantis and the beginning of the next, the sixth, root-race, an advance in human evolution of the highest importance will be made; the leaders of mankind, their Manus, will arise in mankind itself.
This was not the case during the Lemurian period, nor even in Atlantis. Both in Lemuria and Atlantis those who helped mankind forward, those who ruled and guided mankind, those who were political leaders and leaders of great religious communities, were under the influence of higher beings.
A worldly king, a king who was not a priest, would, in the early stages of the fifth root-race, have been quite impossible. It was impossible in Atlantis, when the leader still worked with other forces, when the impulse did not yet pass through the thinking mind.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Atlantean Culture 26 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Everything we have similar to an Areopagus still comes from Atlantis. All the forces that were closer to nature, as with undeveloped people. They could use, for example, life force or plant seed power.
The peoples were very obedient, which decreased among the Turanians. They were the infamous black magicians of Atlantis. They were also great technicians, did not make big plans, but had a firm grip on things; they knew how much rock could be carried when they cut it out.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Logos and the Word 09 Jun 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Occult science leads us back beyond this Stone Age to the epoch of Atlantis. In those times, man's physical appearance was not at all the same as it is today. It is known that the brow of prehistoric man was not developed, for, in effect, the development of the brow and forehead runs parallel with the development of the brain and of thinking.
To the measure in which intellectuality, the faculty of reflective thought and calculation unfolded in the men of Atlantis, to that measure their powers of instinctive clairvoyance declined. If we go still further back in the history of Atlantis, we come to a very remote period when expression through speech, that is to say, expression in articulate sounds, first became possible.
171. Inner Impulses of Evolution: Lecture II 17 Sep 1916, Dornach
Translated by Gilbert Church, F. Kozlik, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
You will not be surprised when I say that for this fifth post-Atlantean age, too, a powerful impetus had to be present bearing along with it the after workings, in a luciferic and ahrimanic sense, from Atlantis. We know that the Atlantean influences spread out from a region that was called Atlantis even by Plato. Let us make a diagram and imagine Atlantis here, then over here on the right would be Europe and Asia, and here on the left would be America.
With the help of the special forces that had been preserved from Atlantis, it was the intended purpose to carry an influence into the West that would make its culture visionary.
96. The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 17 Dec 1906, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Before Europe, Asia and Africa were scenes of human civilisation, these early forefathers of ours lived on the continent of Atlantis which was finally submerged by mighty floods. In the Germanic sagas of Nifelheim or Nebelheim, the memory of Atlantis still lives. For Atlantis was not surrounded by pure air. Vast cloud-masses moved over the land, like those to be seen to-day clustering around the peaks of high mountains.
The man of Atlantis heard and understood it, feeling that Tao pervaded the whole universe. Finally, the cosmic symbol of Man is the pentagram, hanging at the top of the tree.
122. Genesis (1982): The Moon Nature in Man 25 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
What had crystallised out as man during the latter part of Lemuria and during Atlantis was gradually endowed with soul-spirits of differing characteristics, according to whether they came from Mars, or Mercury, or Jupiter and so on.
Much which today is solid at that time still permeated the atmosphere in the form of steam. And far on into Atlantis everything was permeated by those volumes of watery mist. But that was the very period when what had previously existed in a much more spiritual condition began to take on physical form.
It was during the time lasting from the end of Lemuria right on into Atlantis, the time when a state of mist developed in the periphery of the earth, and then gradually grew lighter, that what previously had been etheric became transformed into a condition somewhat resembling what we know today.

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