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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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92. Richard Wagner and Mysticism 02 Dec 1907, Nuremberg
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Science itself is gradually beginning to admit the existence of a continent there in the far past—a continent to which we give the name of Atlantis. Atlantis was the home of our ancient forefathers whose form was very unlike our own. As I say, science is already beginning to speak of old Atlantis.
In old Atlantis, the atmosphere was quite different from the atmosphere around us to-day. There was no division of water and the sun's rays in the air.
It seemed to them that the waters of the Rhine had flowed out of the mists of old Atlantis. In those ancient times wisdom came to men from the rippling of brooks and the gushing of springs.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture VII 16 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
When such men died, the physical body was destroyed according to the laws of Atlantis. That physical body, which had been naturally ensouled by the Archangel, dissolved, but the etheric body did not dissolve.
EDITORIAL NOTES —A Spirit of Personality enters the Physical and the entity is called a Dyani-Buddha in Post-Atlantis.An Archangel enters the Physical and Etheric and the entity is called a Bodhi-Sattva in Post-Atlantis.An Angel enters the Physical, Etheric and Astral and the entity is called a human Buddha in Post-AtlantisBut there are different degrees of each, and it is possible for a being to be inspired by all three Spiritual Beings.
101. Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols: Germanic and Persian Mythology 28 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If we were to research the early times of Atlantis, we would recognize two regions: dense, cooler water vapors in the north and hot water vapors rising from the south.
Let us now recall how the heavy masses of fog from ancient Atlantis gradually descended, how Atlantis was flooded by great masses of water, and how gradually the physical emerged from the purifying air.
The rainbow was a phenomenon that people saw for the first time with the sinking of Atlantis. As the old clairvoyance of men vanished, they saw the rainbow rising for the first time, which had to form the bridge between them and the gods.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Mission of Manicheism 26 May 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Geologians, indeed, are beginning to discover traces of ancient Atlantis, of the minerals and flora of this ancient continent now submerged under the ocean that bears its name.
The frontal part of the human head began to develop in the European races which followed those of Atlantis. The focus-point of consciousness in the Atlanteans lay outside the brow, in the etheric head. Today it lies within the physical head, a little higher than the nose.
In that age the Earth was hotter and still enveloped by vaporous clouds. The continent of Atlantis was destroyed by a series of deluges, as a consequence of which the terrestrial atmosphere cleared,—Then and only then came the blue sky, the storm, rain, the rainbow.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Sigfried Saga 21 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
In the north there still remained something from the culture of Atlantis which had been brought over by Atlantean initiates. Wotan was an initiate of the northern peoples.
The possessors of the Nibelung treasure had these faculties. They originated in Atlantis, Atlantean initiates in particular had them. But they were also retained by the initiates of the fifth race and hence by Siegfried.
In an older version she wages war against the great initiates who continually come over from Asia from the remnants of old Atlantis. The initiates, the remnants of the Turanians, come over from Asia in a series of incarnations.
254. Significant Facts Pertaining to the Spiritual Life of the Middle of the 19th Century: Lecture III 07 Nov 1915, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual science points our attention to epochs of human evolution lying in the far distant past, to what man was like in Atlantis and in what changes he is involved in the course of his development. Think only of the following:—Recalling what we have heard about ancient Atlantis—what is to be said about the world of the animals and the world of men round about us? Everything was entirely different in the times of Atlantis! We know that it was during that epoch that men came down again as souls from their sojourn in the world of the stars.
We are living now in the fifth epoch (of the first main epoch after Atlantis), then comes the sixth and then the seventh, and in these sixth and seventh epochs, the etheric body, with its inflexibility, will exercise a very strong influence upon the physical, will make the physical body into a faithful image of itself.
54. Fundamentals of Theosophy: The Human Races 09 Nov 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
So that we can say: a part of the former Atlantean population migrated from Atlantis to Europe and farther to Asia and established colonies, a part stayed behind, so that we have the most manifold stages side by side.
Everything that the human being had in the times of the old Atlantis in this way got lost, and, therefore, he manufactured tools because he could no longer work as he worked once; hence, he required tools for the mechanical effect.
The structure of the Semitic-Egyptian languages express what developed in the fifth sub-race of Atlantis as a Primal Semitic culture. It is characterised by the first lighting up of the intellect in the human development.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Argonaut Saga and the Odyssey 14 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
And in fact, since the fifth culture-epoch of Atlantis, a particular host of Beings have participated in human evolution, the activity of whom had not hitherto been noticeable.
This race had borne the fleece to hidden realms. Still earlier, in Atlantis, this fleece, this wisdom, had been the common possession of human culture; then it had been carried into distant Mystery-schools.
We then come—so were the initiates instructed—to the first periods of Atlantis. The Atlantean acquires more and more the capacity to make use of the forces of life, to apply these forces for his own ends.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture II 10 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
In this way they possessed clairvoyant and magical powers. Those people in Atlantis best able to make use of their magical powers were the best technicians and engineers. What our present-day scholars and natural scientists represent, we can compare to the people most highly gifted with powers of clairvoyance in Atlantean times.
The great sun initiate of the sun oracle stood at the top; he saw prophetically the water catastrophe of Atlantis. Therefore, he had the task of seeing to it that the culture was guided through and beyond the catastrophe.
These four post-Atlantean cultures were inspired by the great sun oracle of ancient Atlantis, and the culture of the ancient Hebrew nation continued to develop uninterupted on a parallel course—a subgroup of this Hebrew nation always living contemporaneously with one of the named cultural epochs.
108. The Christmas Mystery. Novalis, the Seer 22 Dec 1908, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
When men went to sleep in the days of Atlantis, they beheld the divine-spiritual Beings who were their companions; they beheld those divine Beings who were once experienced as realities and who in later times were preserved as memories in different regions of the Earth, bearing different names: Wotan, Thor, Baldur, in Middle Europe; the names of Zeus, Pallas Athene, Ares, and so forth, were given to those divine figures who had once been visible to man's eyes of soul in old Atlantis.
As the physical plane grew clearer, man's vision on the spiritual planes grew dim. But in ancient Atlantis there were Initiates who as well as imparting the deeper teachings concerning the Gods of old whence men had come forth, proclaimed a truth which they presented in somewhat the following way.
That the world will give birth to a God, to the great God of the future—such was the prophecy made by the Initiates of Atlantis to their pupils and through them to the people. For like all Initiates, those of Atlantis saw into the future, foresaw the great events of the future.

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