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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 11 through 20 of 374

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11. Atlantis and Lemuria: The First, or Polar, Race
Translated by Max Gysi

Rudolf Steiner
11. Atlantis and Lemuria: The Second, or Hyperborean, Race
Translated by Max Gysi

Rudolf Steiner
94. Popular Occultism: Effects of the Law of Karma 04 Jul 1906, Leipzig
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Natural science also begins to be interested in the continent of Atlantis [See Rudolf Steiner's “Akasha Chronicle”.]. Atlantis always existed and was always known to occult investigation.
For example, Noah's rainbow, it's not a symbol, but it expresses the fact that a rainbow could only arise after the descent of Atlantis and the receding of the mists. There could be no rainbow in the ancient Atlantean epoch. Noah (“Bringer of Peace”) should be looked upon as the leader (the Manu) whose task was that of guiding the peoples out of the sinking Atlantis.
The German saga speaks for example of “Nifelheim”. This is the misty land of Atlantis. “Nibelungen-land” is a metamorphosis of the word “Nifelheim-Nebelheim”—meaning land of fogs. The animal and vegetable world upon Atlantis differed from the present one as greatly as the human being of that time differs from modern man.
109. Rosicrucian Esotericism: Stages in the Evolution of our Earth. Lemurian, Atlantean, Post-Atlantean Epochs 10 Jun 1909, Budapest
Translated by Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
It was thus that the concept of race developed in ancient Atlantis. In occultism it is said that there were human beings in Atlantis whose bodies were inhabited by souls who had previously been on Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and so on.
This great leader of the Sun Oracle, the greatest initiate of Atlantis, directed his attention above all to that section of human beings who differed from the ordinary population in ancient Atlantis.
At that time, in Atlantis, the representatives of culture, the old magicians, also looked down with disparagement upon the small number of those who had developed the new faculty, which was useless in ancient Atlantis.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): Adept Schools of the Distant Past 07 Mar 1907, Düsseldorf
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
A different, earlier humanity preceding it was the fourth root race whose continent, Atlantis, lay somewhere between present-day Europe and America. Our forebears on Atlantis looked very different.
The word Nibel or Nifl indicates that the Rhine and all the rivers in the area are waters remaining from the masses of mists in ancient Atlantis. The wisdom that has survived from Atlantis is referred to as the treasure that lies hidden in the waters.
Massive fires destroyed ancient Lemuria, massive floods ancient Atlantis. Our own civilization will also perish, and this will be through the war of all against all—this lies before us.
100. Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Further Stages of the Development of Our Earth 25 Jun 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
On the other hand, the continent of Atlantis existed, in the West, stretching between the present Europe and America. This scientist only speaks of the fauna and of the flora of Atlantis, which is of course natural.
The clairvoyant, however, can look back as far as the time of Atlantis, and he knows that this ancient Atlantean continent, which Plato describes, really existed. Essentially speaking, the whole surface now covered by the Atlantic Ocean was once Atlantis, and this continent was inhabited by the physical predecessors of the present human race.
But there was one phenomenon which was unknown to the Atlantean—the rainbow. When the waters of Atlantis began to leave the atmosphere, when rain alternated with sunshine as is the case to-day, then the Atlantean learned to know the rainbow, for there no rainbows in the moisture-filled atmosphere of ancient Atlantis.
108. The Answers to Questions About the World and Life Provided by Anthroposophy: Occult History 14 Feb 1909, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
We have talked about the way our souls perceived and recognized things back then; today we want to talk about something else, namely that there were already initiates in Atlantis who had accordingly advanced in what our ancestors in Atlantis had around them in the world, who were at a higher level of clairvoyance and were able to ascend to high degrees of knowledge and activity through the independent cultivation of their psychic abilities.
Because it was used by the stragglers of ancient Atlantis, it best describes those peculiar places that stood between places of worship or churches and schools.
It was already proclaimed in ancient Atlantis. This initiate of the oracle of the sun had now been given a very specific task to accomplish in a very specific time.
97. Adept-School of the Past 07 Mar 1907, Düsseldorf
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Folk-lore, which never contains anything haphazard or thought-out, has preserved the memory of ancient Atlantis in a beautiful way, when it speaks of “Nibelheim”, for instance, in the Nibelung Poem. In a delightful way it speaks of the Rhine and all these rivers as waters which have remained behind from the mists of ancient Atlantis.
Our race, the fifth root-race, or the post-Atlantean era, must develop Manas, the Spirit-Self. But the achievements of Atlantis did not die, when Atlantis was submerged, for the essence of everything that existed in the Atlantean School of Adepts was rescued by a small group of men.
Mighty flames of fire destroyed ancient Lemuria, and mighty floods ancient Atlantis. Our civilisation will also perish, through the war of all against all. This is what we must face.
101. The World Ash: Yggdrasil 07 Oct 1907, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This capacity streamed into him from without. Let us take another look at old Atlantis. The land was covered with large masses of watery mist. This watery mist varied in density. Especially in the first and last periods of Atlantis, it was different in the neighbourhood of present-day Ireland from what it was in the other regions. In the south this watery mist was warm, like warm or hot vaporous matter; toward the north it was cool. Towards the end of Atlantis it became colder. It was this northern cold which brought out in men, as if by a spell, the new vision, the new soul-life.
This transformation of the heart was brought about by the warmer region of Atlantis. You must imagine a people who began to undergo a transformation of the heart, while at the same time the other part of their nature was being stimulated by the cold north.
The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls: Synopses

A. H. Parker
Today race is less predominant. The civilization-epochs of post-Atlantis: India, Persia, Egypt-Chaldea, Greece, Rome and Europe of today. Westward movement brings decline of creative powers—an aging process.
Red Indians preserved a clairvoyant memory of Atlantis before the separation of the races. Lecture Seven In post-Atlantean times the Archangels advance to the rank of Time Spirits or Archai. They are concerned with the events of late Atlantis and the transition to post-Atlantis. Distribution of races took place in early Atlantis; in late Atlantis a second migration took place.

Results 11 through 20 of 374

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