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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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104. The Apocalypse of St. John: Lecture VI 23 Jun 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Hence in ancient Atlantis that which you know as the rainbow could not appear. You might search the whole of Atlantis and you would not find it.
Thus it was in early Atlantis. All objects were seen indistinctly, not with clear outlines and surfaces as to-day, everything was as if enveloped in coloured mist.
Ever more and more man will learn to understand what the earth has become through that moment of Golgotha, and what man can develop towards in that consciousness which he has gained since Atlantis. What, then, has man gained since Atlantis? Two things: the “I”-consciousness and the faculty of sight in the external world.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Novalis's Novel in Prose, “Heinrich Von Ofterdingen” 26 Apr 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
It is not for nothing that the Nordic sagas called Atlantis 'Niflheim', that is, Mistheim. There was no distinction between rain and sunshine, only a gradual transition from water to air.
Everything that humans bring forth from within as myth, the people of Atlantis had experienced and seen with their own eyes. The great poets of our time have preserved the images of their poetry from what they had seen on Atlantis itself. Novalis interweaves his own memories with the story of “Heinrich von Ofterdingen” and brings the ancient Atlantis to life in his tales. He then takes us to more recent times, to the period of city foundations.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Reflection of Cosmic Events in the Religious Views of Men 03 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
Thus we could point in a sketchy way to the mysterious connections in the cultures of the post-Atlantean time, which follows after the time of the Atlantis that perished through powerful water-catastrophes. This age that follows Atlantis will perish in turn.
In Atlantis man was entirely different from today, but he had reached the point where he could move about within the air-sheath as a soft, swimming, floating mass. Only gradually did he develop a bony system. About the middle of Atlantis he had progressed so far as somewhat to resemble our present form. But in Atlantis man had a clairvoyant consciousness.
109. The Principle of Spiritual Economy: More Intimate Aspects of Reincarnation 07 Mar 1909, Munich
Translated by Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
All the souls that are present today had already been incarnated in Atlantis, but in bodies that were in part considerably different from the ones we are accustomed to seeing.
Other groups had to be governed by the forces acquired through the knowledge of Venus, or Mercury, and so on. In ancient Atlantis there were actually human beings alive whom we could call “Jupiter People” or “Mars People,” and there were seven oracle centers because the populace in ancient Atlantis was divided into seven groups according to racial characteristics.
Now we have to get a clear picture of the situation. It took Atlantis a long, long time to come to its end. Great masses of people were continually moving from the West toward the East.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On German Mythology 10 Dec 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
The ancient Germans also descend from Atlantis. The similarity of the religions is evident from the names. The Nordic god “Wotan” is equivalent to “Buddha”. The ancient religion comes from Atlantis. It was well aware of the lost continent. The last echoes of the old Druid religion died out under the reign of Queen Elizabeth; the last Druid lodges were abolished.
The Edda is an echo of the immigration of Atlantis. “Edda” and “Veda” are the same word. Thus we recognize the connection between all ancient and old religions.
103. The Gospel of St. John: Human Evolution in Its Relation to the Christ Principle 27 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
If we wish to understand how the present evolution became possible, we must consider a little the physical conditions in ancient Atlantis. If you had been able to walk through ancient Atlantis, out there in the west, you would not have been able to experience the conditions of rain, fog, air and sunshine that we have now in our present earth.
But the peopling of ancient Europe came about for the most part through the migrations of great hordes of people out of Atlantis who settled there. Other great groups of people who had been driven from other parts of Atlantis, even some from ancient Lemuria, had come into Asia at a still earlier period and now encountered each other during this migration.
Wherever you might have gone in Europe, you would still have found vivid memories of what existed on Atlantis. What did exist there? Something one might call a natural, living companionship with the beings of the spiritual world, with what is today called Heaven.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): The Reasons for the Existence of the Theosophical Movement 25 Apr 1906, Leipzig
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
This Flood was the great event which came when the greater part of Atlantis went down. The actual end of Atlantis covered vast spaces of time. Like everything important told in the Bible and the oldest records—much treasure trove still waits to be found there—the rainbow which came into being in Noah's day207 is something of great significance.
Human beings of post-Atlantean times were only able to live after the sinking of Atlantis. The rainbow could only develop when both rain and sunshine had become possible on earth. We read of dirigible airships in records of Atlantis.
208. E.g. in W. Scott-Elliot's The Story of Atlantis, preface by A. P. Sinnet
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XII 16 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
So that we can say that people saw the spirit in a physical way in ancient Atlantis. After Atlantis came the post Atlantean epoch with its seven ages. A repetition of the physical happenings in Atlantis at a soul level really occurred in the fourth post Atlantean age.
Man will know what he was when he looks into a kind of a reflection of the Græco-Roman age and then behind this into what existed in Atlantis. This perception that is of considerable interest for us because it will begin soon is something where we look right into the Apocalypticer's heart, because it is so close to us.
Even though this ego only entered man's inner nature much later; since this point in the middle of Atlantis evolution occurred in such a way that although men were not as conscious of their ego in an elemental way as they are today, they became ever more conscious of it because the mysteries drew their attention to it.
107. The Being of Man and His Future Evolution: The Manifestation of the Ego in the Different Races of Men 03 May 1909, Berlin
Translated by Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
The human bodies that could become bearers of the most advanced human souls developed best in those regions of ancient Atlantis known today as the temperate zones. Now all the various stages of evolution leave so-called stragglers behind and there are also stragglers left from these ancient times.
Through the fact that the better sections of the Lemurian population migrated to Atlantis, the human body evolved its form to the extent that it could become the bearer of self-consciousness in a harmonious way.
This is why the Negroes are black. Thus both east of Atlantis in the black population and west of Atlantis in the red population we find survivors of the kind of people who had not developed their ego-feeling in a normal way.
113. The East in the Light of the West: The Children of Lucifer and the Brothers of Christ 27 Aug 1909, Munich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Shirley M. K. Gandell

Rudolf Steiner
We know that the spiritual life of the present had its origin in old Atlantis. That an ancient spiritual life developed upon a land in the West lying between modern Europe and America, and that such Asiatic, African and American civilisations as exist are the last remnants of those of ancient Atlantis. Atlantis is the Father and Motherland of all the cultured life of today. Before the mighty catastrophe which changed the face of the globe into its present configuration, there were to be found in old Atlantis species of men very different from those of the present time, men guided by high initiates and leaders.
Just as in plant life the male and female elements develop independently, so in human evolution from the time of Atlantis there had to be formed not one stream but two, passing from old Atlantis towards the East. It was necessary that these streams of civilisation should develop separately for a while, and then meet again to fertilise each other at a definite period.

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