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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Separation of the Scottish, Memphis, and Misraim Rites

Theodor Reuß
Proclamation by Theodor Reuss on the separation of the united three rites (Scottish, Memphis, Misraim) into three independent bodiesin “Oriflammes, 5th year, no. 2, July-December 1906. EDICT of the Sovereign Grand Master General of the United Rites of Scottish, Memphis and Misraim Freemasonry, 33rd = 95th, in and for Germany.
We, Albert Karl Theodor Reuß, 33rd, 90th, 96th, Sovereign Grand Master ad Vitam of the Order of the United Rites of the Scottish, Memphis and Misraim Freemasons in and for the German Empire, Sovereign General Grand Commander, Absolute Grand Sovereign, Sovereign Pontiff, Sovereign Master of the Order of Oriental Templar Freemasons, Magus Supremus Soc.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Preliminary Remarks

Hella Wiesberger
This can be seen precisely from the facts about the establishment of the new Misraim service. Regarding the establishment of the new Misraim service So what I have established has nothing to do with what used to be called the “Memphis-Misraim Grade” in Germany.
Egyptian Freemasonry is primarily understood to mean the Misraim Rite, while the Memphis Rite is considered to be its imitation, created in the 19th century. Both rites were combined, but are said to have always been practiced separately, so that the term “Memphis-Misraim” refers not to one rite but to two different rites.
Anyone who wants documentary proof of this is referred to the published German translation of the “Rituals of the Misraim Rite (Rite Egyptien dit de Misraim)” by Bernh. Beyer, printed in “Das Freimaurer-Museum. Archive for Masonic Rituals and Historical Research.
93. The Temple Legend: The Essence and Task of Freemasonry from the Point of View of Spiritual Science III 16 Dec 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
In fact, the whole of Freemasonry, as I have described it, is called the Egyptian rite, the rite of Memphis and Misraim. The latter traces its origin back to King Misraim who came from Assyria—from the Orient—and, after the conquest of Egypt, was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries.
The Rite of Memphis is said to be a copy of the Rite of Misraim and was founded in Paris in 1839. It is supposed to have been combined with the Misraim Rite towards the end of the nineteenth century, since when it has been known as the ‘Memphis-Misraim Rite.’
The four kinds of instruction described by Rudolf Steiner are enumerated by Heckethorn (p. 299), where he deals with the ‘Organisation of the Rite of Misraim.’ He says: ‘Then arose the Rite of Misraim with ninety degrees arranged in four sections, viz. 1.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: A. W. Sellin to Rudolf Steiner 12 Dec 1904, Berlin

A. W. Sellin
Report on Memphis-Misraim Freemasonry Hamburg, December 12, 1904 1 Egyptian Freemasonry Cagliostro is considered the founder of so-called Egyptian Freemasonry.
The order's legend claims that Misraim, a son of Ham, moved to Egypt, took possession of it and named it after his name (Misraim, i.e.
Scottish (33°) and A. & P. Rite of Memphis and Misraim (95°). Chapter “Phoenix to the Truth” No. 3 in the Valley of Hamburg.3 Working lodge every second Thursday of the month.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Difference Between the Cultic Knowledge and Freemasonry 16 Dec 1911,

Rudolf Steiner
From now on, however, this name should be dropped for our temple and our activities should be called “Misraim Service”. If one wants to hint at our occult service, one may abbreviate this with the letters “M.D.”
What is done here is an occult service called the Misraim service, which means something like: the effecting of the union of the earthly with the heavenly, of the visible with the invisible. The Misraim service was already known in ancient Egypt and was one of the most frequently practiced occult services in the mystery schools.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Appointment of Rudolf Steiner as Grand Master 15 Jun 1907,

Theodor Reuß
From now on, however, this name should be dropped for our temple and our activities should be called “Misraim Service”. If one wants to hint at our occult service, one may abbreviate this with the letters “M.D.”
What is done here is an occult service called the Misraim service, which means something like: the effecting of the union of the earthly with the heavenly, of the visible with the invisible. The Misraim service was already known in ancient Egypt and was one of the most frequently practiced occult services in the mystery schools.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Contract between Theodor Reuß and Rudolf Steiner

Theodor Reuß
& A. 33° RITE SOVEREIGN SANCTUARY OF THE ORDER OF ANCIENT FREEMASONS OF THE MEMPHIS-MISRAIM RITE Bureau of the Grand Master General Berlin, S.W. 47, den .......190... Contract and fraternal agreement Between Theodor Reuß, Sovereign General Grand Master ad vitam, 33° 90° 96° and sole head of the Order of the Ancient Templar Freemasons of the Scottish, Memphis and Misraim Rite for the German Reich, and Br.Dr.Rudolf Steiner, General Secretary of the Theosophical Society and President of the Mystical Temple and Chapter “Mystica aeterna” 30° 67° 89° in Berlin, the following treaty and fraternal agreement has been concluded and signed.
Steiner, to initiate an unlimited number of members of the Theosophical Society or of persons who do not belong to the Theosophical Society into his chapter and mystical temple “Mystica aeterna” in Berlin, in the Order of the Ancient Templar Freemasons of the Scottish, Memphis and Misraim Rites for the German Reich, and to perfect it to the 30th degree A. & A. In return, Dr. Steiner undertakes to pay Dr.
° (stamp) (stamp) Postscript by the Editor: Of all the conditions of this contract, the only ones that mattered to Rudolf Steiner were that he was legally entitled to admit members of his choice, for whom the regular dues were to be paid, and that after the hundredth member was admitted, the Misraim Rite would be represented by him alone. Cf. his letter to A.W. Sellin dated August 15, 1906, page 67 in the present volume.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Ritual Text for Opening the Lodge

Rudolf Steiner
Master: Hammer blow The man on the left (administrant): It is my duty in the Order of the Misraim to draw your attention, my sisters and brothers, to the stroke of the holy T (Tau) sign. At a significant hour, you received its sacred meaning, with the bandage over your eyes.
Overseer (South): It is my task, in the order of the Misraim service, to call you my sisters and brothers to work. May that which the worker in the building of the Temple of Humanity calls “beauty” inspire my commission.
Overseer (West): It is my duty in the service of the Order of Misraim to dismiss you, my sisters and brothers, from work. What the laborer in the building of the temple of humanity calls “strength” may inspire my commission.
265a. Lessons for the Participants of Cognitive-Cultic Work 1906–1924: Wisdom, Beauty, Strength, Sign, Grip and Word 16 Dec 1911, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Until now, our occult current for the world has still borne the name of Freemasonry, because from an occult point of view, one should always tie in with what already exists, but from now on this name should be dropped for our temple and our activities should be called “Misraim Service”. When our occult service is to be referred to, this may be abbreviated with the letters M.D.
What is done here is an occult service called the Misraim service, which means something like: bringing about the union of the earthly with the heavenly, the visible with the invisible. The Misraim service was already known in ancient Egypt and was one of the most occult services in the mystery schools.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Preparatory Lesson I 07 May 1912, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
Promise Formula Two handwritten templates by Rudolf Steiner from notebook archive number 611 I I try to understand how I can find development in the service of my self in Misraim and approach the holy secret that demands reverent silence. I want to try to open up the cultivation of this development to my fellow human beings by caring for the symbolic sanctuary and to understand the inner nature of human wisdom by preserving the sense of the degrees of truth.
II I ---- born in ----- residing in ---- do hereby vow and promise to faithfully keep and follow the rules of the genuine and true Misraim service; to keep the holy secret strictly, to take care of and advocate for the preservation of the sanctuary to the best of my ability, and to unreservedly recognize the Grand Master as the highest decision-making authority in all Misraim matters.

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