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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 21 through 27 of 27

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262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: 12. Letter to Rudolf Steiner in Stuttgart 08 Apr 1904, Stuttgart

Marie Steiner
She was also originally the patron of the women of the Memphis-Misraim Order, in which Franz Hartmann was involved (see GA 265, p. 86). In August 1911, she became a member of the Munich I branch of the German section.
The Temple Legend: enote
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Regarding the connection which Rudolf Steiner made in a quite definite external form with the Symbolic-Cultic Section of the Misraim-Memphis-Freemasonry of John Yarker, often deliberately misconstrued by his enemies, see Rudolf Steiner, An Autobiography, chapter 36, as also a forthcoming publication on the history of the Esoteric School, containing letters, circulars and other documents.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Marie Steiner on the History of Cognitive-Cultic Section

Marie Steiner
This book claims that Rudolf Steiner was commissioned by Theodor Reuß to work out a ritual for the Memphis-Misraim Order in Germany. This is refuted by the documents in the present volume. In addition to this, Rudolf Steiner's remark in the lecture Dornach, October 11, 1915, is worth mentioning: “Occult brotherhoods also made various suggestions to me; and when a very respected occult brotherhood suggested that I participate in the spread of an occult organization that also called itself a Rosicrucian, I left it unanswered.”
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Preliminary Remarks

Hella Wiesberger
One is the nature of such associations, which Rudolf Steiner characterized in his lecture on brotherhood and the struggle for existence, given in Berlin on November 23, 1905, one day before he entered the Memphis-Misraim Freemasonry: "Unity means the possibility of a higher being expressing itself through the united members.
It was therefore sometimes abbreviated to “FM” (Freemasonry), sometimes to “ME” (mystica aeterna), and later, at Rudolf Steiner's express request, to “MD” (Misraim Service) (see page 94). For the present publication, the term “cult of knowledge” was chosen because it best expresses the essence of Steiner's intentions.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Was Rudolf Steiner a Freemason?

Marie Steiner
Likewise, an “expert” should be aware of how much such designations as Misraim, Memphis, O.T. O (Oriental Order of Templars) [see “Some Notes” under “Egyptian Masonry”] and the like, which the document mentioned and which were for Rudolf Steiner shells robbed of their essence, have long since become mere names.
93. The Temple Legend: Freemasonry and Human Evolution (men only) 23 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Blavatsky (1831–1891) who was awarded the highest adoption degree of the Memphis-Misraim Freemasonry in 1888 by John Yarker (see note 16 to lecture 9 of 16th December 1904) after she had published her first great work: Isis Unveiled.
93. The Temple Legend: The Royal Art in a New Form 02 Jan 1906, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
[They consider] it would be a falling away from this great masonic idea, if it is claimed that masonry comprises only these three Symbolic or Craft degrees; whereas in fact the essence, the fundamental meaning of Freemasonry lies in the so-called Higher Degrees, which are best preserved in the so-called Scottish or Accepted Rite, which, in a particular respect, still conserves [a relic of] what is called the Egyptian, the Misraim or the Memphis Rite.7 Thus we have two tendencies confronting each other: the Craft Masonry, and the Higher Degree masonry.
or the same rite as that which corresponds, in a particular respect, to what is called the Egyptian, the Misraim, or the Memphis Rite.’ The Reebstein text (d) only has: ‘Scottish or Accepted Rite—Memphis Rite.’

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