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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Arthur Schopenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
But he was also filled with joy when he saw the magnificent works of nature during his journey, a feeling that increased in Switzerland at the sight of Mont Blanc or the Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen to the point of rapture at the sublimity of nature's workings. Later, in Book 3 of Volume II of his main work, he compared genius to the mighty Alpine mountain, because the frequently noted gloomy mood of highly gifted spirits reminded him of the summit, which is usually shrouded in a veil of clouds, and the peculiar cheerfulness that occasionally emerges from the general gloomy mood of genius reminds him of the magical glow of light that becomes visible when the veil of clouds breaks early in the morning and the summit becomes clear.
180. Mysterious Truths and Christmas Impulses: Sixteenth Lecture 17 Jan 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The only other powerful figure was the Count Palatine of the Rhine, who was still in a position to deal with his vassals – as they were later called, subjects – under the circumstances that had developed.
158. The National Epics With Especial Attention to the Kalevala 09 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Just as little shall we succeed if we take the figures in the Niebelungen saga, Siegfried of Xanten on the lower Rhine who was removed to the Burgundian court at Worms, who then wooed Kriemhilde the sister of Gunther, but who by virtue of his special qualities can alone woo Brunnhilde.
331. Work Councils and Socialization: Fourth Discussion Evening 14 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
These projects are concerned with major water connections between the Rhine and the Danube. Bavaria is, relatively speaking, extremely favored in Germany. According to recent studies, if everything were done in the best possible technical way – which of course will never happen, it is only the highest limit, the theoretical one, that could be achieved with technical means – one could obtain about six million horsepower from water power.
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age: About the Author, the People, and the Background of this Book

Paul Marshall Allen
A few months later, the Archbishop of Cologne who already had had sufficient trouble with so-called “mystical societies” which had sprung up along the Rhine in areas under his jurisdiction, decided that heresy certainly could not be allowed to set foot within the precincts of the college itself.
The Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life mingled freely with the world, and soon came to be recognized everywhere in Holland, Belgium and in the German Rhine valley by their plain grey habit and their simple, unassuming manners. Their life was devoted to the care of orphan children, the spreading of knowledge through the sale of books that they copied, and in the teaching of reading and writing to adults.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The Rejuvenating Power of the German National Soul 18 Feb 1915, Hanover

Rudolf Steiner
And in his last moments – and this was strangely characteristic of this seemingly abstract and at the same time most popular philosopher – in his last days, when his crystal-clear, life-energetic thoughts feverish fantasies, he was outside with the German armies, at Blücher's crossing of the Rhine, he took a faithful part in the fighting, and felt himself in the midst of the battle. Thus, even in the feverish fantasies of the dying philosopher, the strongest German philosophy led to intimate communion with the deeds of his people.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: Why do you call the people of Schiller and Fichte a “Barbarians”? 14 Jun 1915, Elberfeld

Rudolf Steiner
In his delirium, the feverish fantasy of the crystal-clear philosopher, it moves on the theater of war at that time, this feverish dream of the clear-thinking philosopher went to Blücher's crossing of the Rhine, and he spoke, when he received the news of German victories, expressing his deepest satisfaction with what he was only allowed to experience in a feverish dream.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Ludwig Uhland

Rudolf Steiner
He later wrote about his stay in Karlsruhe when he was in Koblenz: "Evening memories of Karlsruhe with tears." A diary entry that refers to the Rhine trip shows how Uhland liked to pursue mysterious connections in life and build his contemplative imagination on them: "Old view of Bacharach.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The Fundamental Power of the German Spirit in the Light of Spiritual Science 16 Jun 1915, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
So it is said of the father: He was a fine speaker, well built, if a little heavy, and the type of what is considered classical beauty in Germany: a broad, expressionless forehead, strong regular features and a curly beard: a Jupiter from the banks of the Rhine. Then he characterizes a number of chamber musicians, whom he considers typical of German chamber music, in the following way: They played neither very accurately nor very in time; but they never went off the rails and faithfully followed the indicated expressive markings.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The Forgotten Pursuit of Spiritual Science Within the Development of German Thought 21 Feb 1916, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Among those Germans whose gaze was turned to the German character, there was always an awareness of it - an awareness on both sides of the Erz Mountains, in Styria as well as on the Rhine and in the far east of Germany. And just as that which today is being forged together by the great events in Central Europe - basically, among those who understood it, always wanted to forge together - may show us a beautiful word from an Austrian German, a word written in 1862 by the Austrian German Robert Hamerling.

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