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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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353. The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations: About Comets and the Solar System, the Zodiac and the Rest of the Fixed Starry Sky 17 May 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
For centuries it has been observed that the distances in the constellation of Hercules are getting larger and larger. This shows that the sun really is moving towards the constellation of Hercules.
But if you look at the constellation of Leo, the moon always passes through the constellation of Leo after a certain period of time.
The moon, which passes by the constellations every four weeks, also brings about the fact that within four weeks we always have a point in time when this influence is not exerted on any zodiacal constellation; and with the other constellations it is always the same.
93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture VIII 03 Oct 1905, Berlin
Tr. Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Eight hundred years before Christ the sun stood in the constellation of Aries. Earlier it stood in the constellation of Taurus, still earlier in Gemini and still earlier in Cancer. Now already for some hundred of years it rises in the constellation of Pisces. After this comes Aquarius. The advance of civilisations is also connected with the progression of the sun from one constellation to the other.
Thus conditions change also with the constellation. With the progression from one sign to another new conditions also arise, so that rebirth has meaning.
151. Human and Cosmic Thought (1961): Lecture III 22 Jan 1914, Berlin
Tr. Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Hegel was simply able to seek out everything in the world that can be found as thought, to link together thought with thought, and to make an organism of it—Logicism! One can develop Logicism in the constellation of Idealism, as Hegel did; one can develop it, as Fichte did, in the constellation of Psychism; and one can develop it in other constellations.
It arose because his soul was attuned to Voluntarism, while he came under the mental constellation of Monadism. If we had the time, we could mention examples for each soul-mood in each constellation.
Thus someone may be a good Logician, but his logical mood stands in the constellation of Sensationalism; he can at the same time be a good Empiricist, but his empirical mood stands in the constellation of Mathematism.
151. Human and Cosmic Thought (1991): Lecture III 22 Jan 1914, Berlin
Tr. Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Hegel was simply able to seek out everything in the world that can be found as thought, to link together thought with thought, and to make an organism of it—Logicism! One can develop Logicism in the constellation of Idealism, as Hegel did; one can develop it, as Fichte did, in the constellation of Psychism; and one can develop it in other constellations.
It arose because his soul was attuned to Voluntarism, while he came under the mental constellation of Monadism. If we had the time, we could mention examples for each soul-mood in each constellation.
Thus someone may be a good Logician, but his logical mood stands in the constellation of Sensationalism; he can at the same time be a good Empiricist, but his empirical mood stands in the constellation of Mathematism.
180. On the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Times: Realities Beyond Birth and Death 29 Dec 1917, Dornach
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
In the ancient Mysteries they felt in a very living way the peculiar unison, the sounding-together of the human constellation after birth with the heavenly constellation. Now you will bear in mind that a very special constellation existed in the age of Aries, precisely in the Mystery of Golgotha. For at that very time the whole of mankind, with that portion of the human being which corresponds to the head, was in harmony with the constellation of Aries in the Spring. Here was another reason why those who knew the Mysteries felt something quite peculiar in this correspondence of the human constellation of the head with the constellation of the Cosmos.
They perceived the manifold secrets of these constellations of the stars; and they always knew that with every secret of a starry constellation a human secret is connected.
209. Cosmic Forces in Man: Cosmic Forces in Man 24 Nov 1921, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Even our mechanistic astronomy to-day speaks of the fact that the Sun rises in a particular constellation at the vernal equinox, that in the course of the coming centuries it will pass through others, that during the day it passes through certain constellations and during the night through others.
When the constellations lie beneath the Earth, they work upon the limb-structures. And in days of yore there was consciousness of the fact that the forces by which the limbs are given shape are connected with these particular constellations.
The Capricorn man is one who has charge of animals, in contrast to the hunter, the Sagittarius man. The third constellation of this group is Aquarius, the water-carrier. But think of the ancient symbol. The true picture of this constellation is a man walking over hard soil, fertilising or watering it from a water-vessel.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: Man's Communal Life Between Death and a New Birth. Birth into the Physical World 29 May 1907, Munich
Tr. Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The changes on the earth are closely connected with certain constellations of the stars. This is a most significant fact. At the beginning of spring the sun rises in a certain zodiacal constellation. The sun began to rise in the constellation of Aries (the Ram) 800 years before Christ; before that epoch it rose in the adjacent constellation of Taurus (the Bull).
And they connected this young, fresh power of spring with the constellation from which the sun was shining. They said: This constellation is the bestower of the sun with its new vigour, it is the bestower of the new, divinely creative power.
349. The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity: Dreaming, Death and Rebirth 09 Apr 1923, Dornach
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
And since then, astronomers have become lazy and they continue to do so, even though the sun no longer rises in the constellation of Aries, but in the constellation of Pisces. Let's assume that the constellation of Pisces has a certain size. There are twelve such constellations. When the sun rises next year, as I said, it will be somewhere in the constellation of Pisces on March 21.
Then it will have advanced so far that it will no longer come out at Pisces, but at Aquarius. So now it passes through the constellation of Pisces, then later through the constellation of Aquarius, and even later through the constellation of Capricorn, and so on.
316. Course for Young Doctors: Easter Course III 23 Apr 1924, Dornach
Tr. Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Now the moon does not only circle around the earth, but there are all kinds of different constellations in space. The moon is always passing these constellations, and as it passes them it modifies the forces which proceed from them.
In the formation of the human head, the influence of the moon is also united with the forces that go out from Mercury and Venus and the constellations into which they enter with the other planets. If these other constellations were not combined with the moon constellations, we should all be born as hydrocephalics. Organic metal is incorporated into us because the constellations of Mercury and Venus are working in conjunction with the moon constellation. We should get a terrible form of rickets, not only bow legs but legs that would be elastic, and our arms would be jelly-like structures if the planets that are more oriented to Saturn were not to combine with the moon constellation and if Saturn himself were not to work together with Jupiter and Mars.
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: The Interrelationship of Human Beings in Devachan and on Earth 25 Sep 1907, Hanover

The point in the spring sky where the sun rises keeps moving. We are in the constellation of Pisces. At the time of Jesus' birth, the sun had been rising in the constellation of Aries for eight hundred years; two thousand one hundred and sixty years before that, it had been rising in the constellation of Taurus, and before that in the constellation of Gemini and Cancer. Thus, in about two thousand one hundred and sixty years, the sun passes through one constellation after another until it completes its cycle. After the Atlantean world, the Indian epoch emerged, under the sign of Cancer, which is a spiral-shaped vortex and represents the Indian cult.
In nature, everything is formed in a whirling manner, so Indian culture curled up into the Atlantic one. When the sun has passed from one constellation to another, the earth has always received a new face. The Indians under the sign of Cancer always longed back to the deity, their ancient home; the Persians had to distinguish light and darkness in the sign of Gemini, the Egyptians worshiped the sacred bull.

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