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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 41 through 50 of 430

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347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: On the Origin of Language and Languages 02 Aug 1922, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
For him, the following only comes into consideration: When the sun has moved over here (it is drawn), it stands here, for me in Virgo, in the constellation of Virgo. The forces are weak in that direction. Instead of telling the whole process now, I can say: If someone is born in an area where, at a certain time, let's say at the time of his birth, the sun is in the constellation of Aries, then he learns to speak more consonantly; if he is born at a time when the sun is in the constellation of Virgo, then he learns to speak more vowels.
I must always be clear about the fact that it is not the constellations that do this, but that the constellations are there to read. From this you can see that the zodiac can tell us a great deal.
So that one could draw the starry sky, and anyone who has studied this connection can indicate from a particular constellation what language is common under that constellation. So you see that just when we start observing the spiritual life of man, that is, where his mind is formed through language, we have to look up at the starry sky if we want to understand something.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: Planetary influences on animals, plants and stones 09 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
If in the present epoch we look at the point in the heavens where the sun rises on the twenty-first of March, we find behind the sun the constellation of the Fishes (Pisces). The sun has been rising in this particular constellation for hundreds of years, but always at a different point.
Going back through a few centuries we find that the point at which the sun rose in spring was still in the same constellation, but if we go back as far as the year 1200 AD. we find that the sun rose in the constellation of the Ram (Aries). Again for a long time it rose in spring in the constellation of the Ram. Still earlier, however, let us say in the epoch of ancient Egypt, the sun rose in the constellation of the Bull (Taurus); and earlier than that in the constellation of the Twins (Gemini), and so on.
15. The Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity: Lecture Three 08 Jun 1911, Copenhagen
Translated by Samuel Desch

Rudolf Steiner
Here the gospel writer points out that this healing was connected with the constellation of the stars, that in those days the necessary constellation was present only after the sun had set.
The false view mentioned above, however, claims that, because Christ's life is expressed in the gospels through cosmic constellations, it follows necessarily that the gospels are only an allegory of these constellations and that Christ did not really live on earth.
Only once could the entire cosmos be reflected as it was in Christ; the constellation that existed then will not appear again. This constellation had to work through a human body in order to be able to impart its impulse to the earth.
15. Introduction

Ruth Pusch
Each consonant has been “spoken” by one of the constellations; each vowel has been “sung” by a planet. We can discover, too, the relationship of our physical body in its structure and movement to the heavenly creative world.
In each of the twelve stanzas of the “Twelve Moods”, with its seven lines “spoken” by the seven planets—always in the same sequence—there is inbreathing and outbreathing; there are ever-changing moods according to the constellation, expressed by the speech sounds—alas! not to be attained to any degree in the English translation.
Jan Stuten's music, introducing each zodiac verse, and the reciting by the Goetheanum Speech Chorus, trained in the earlier days by Marie Steiner, match in objective grandeur the movements of the nineteen eurythmists, twelve standing in an immense outer circle, seven others moving slowly like the hour hand of a clock from one zodiacal figure to the next; the Sun alone, like the minute hand, circles twelve times through the rainbow colors of the “day signs” (Aries through Libra) and the night spectrum (Scorpio through Pisces). Each of the twelve constellations, standing in its unique formative gesture, sings out in movement when its own consonant sounds forth.
216. The Fundamental Impulses of Humanity's World-Historical Becoming: The Experiences of the Human Being Between Death and a New Birth 16 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And he enters into a world of spiritual beings, of which, as I have already said, the physical, sensory image is the constellations of the stars, those star constellations which, when understood in the right way, are the expression, so to speak, the written characters from which one can experience the peculiarity, the deeds and the volitional intentions of the spiritual beings in the sphere of the stars.
This looking is only represented in the image of space. We look inward. If we have the constellation of Aries here (red at the top left) and if we see the sun (yellow) standing in the constellation of Aries from the earth, so that the sun, as it were, covers the constellation of Aries for us, and if we then go out into space, we see Aries standing in front of the sun.
When we then look back and see, as it were, the constellations — but all in a qualitative rather than a spatial sense — above the sun, one time this, the other time that, then we recognize in what we are experiencing, by connecting it with the memory we have of how the metals and minerals, after the plant paths had been completed, had sounded in the planets, then we experience that this sounding, which was initially a world music, is transformed into the cosmic language, into the Logos.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture IV 04 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
The positions and relation-ships of the planets in the Zodiac formed constellations from which was drawn the language used to proclaim the deeds of the Gods in the Universe. The firm bond demonstrated in the Zodiac and in the relations of the planets to the twelve constellations was to come to expression in the blood-kinship of the descendants of Abraham. The twelve sons of Jacob, also the twelve tribes of the Hebrew people are therefore images of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. Just as the language of the Gods is pressed in these twelve constellations, so does Jahve manifest himself in the blood flowing through the generations of the Hebrew people, divided into thc twelve tribes descending from the twelve sons of Jacob.
—This same Spirit created the heavenly order that is expressed in a certain way in the constellations of the stars. The original Initiates of the Christ-Mystery felt that the blend of blood in Jesus of Nazareth was an image of the work accomplished by Ruach-Elohim throughout the Cosmos.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Answers to Questions from Lecture 14 04 Sep 1906, Stuttgart
Translated by Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
How did the names of the zodiacal constellations originate? The whole animal kingdom was once within man; this means that he was at a stage between the human realm and the animal kingdom of today.
And within each group the separating off was again gradual: thus the beasts of prey, for example were separated earlier than the apes. When the lions were separated, the constellation in which the Sun then stood was called Lion, and when the bull-nature was separated, the relevant constellation was called Bull. The names of the four apocalyptic creatures in the Revelation of John—Eagle, Lion, Bull, Man—point in the same direction. But the names of all the zodiacal constellations are not thereby explained. The Moon in earlier times—before the Earth separated from it—consisted of soft plant-substance, like living peat or spinach-stuff, penetrated by a woody structure which has today hardened into rock.
93. The Temple Legend: Atoms and the Logos in the Light of Occultism 21 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Eight thousand years ago the sun entered the constellation of the Crab for the first time. The time during which the sun traverses a constellation, this time that then elapses, lasts some two thousand six hundred years.
At about the turn of the 18th to the 19th century, the sun left the constellation of the Ram for that of the Fishes, so that it now stands in the constellation of the Fishes at the spring [equinox].
If the sun shines on the earth from a different aspect, then the situation there changes too. Hence the entry of the sun into a new constellation also leads each time to a new incarnation. Above, in the heavens, is the progression of the sun, below, on earth, an alteration in climatic conditions in vegetation and so forth.
215. Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: The Life of the Soul During Sleep 10 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Lisa D. Monges, Doris M. Bugbey, Maria St. Goar, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
The soul lives within these spiritual beings of the stars during the third stage of sleep. It feels after-images of the star constellations, that is to say, it feels the relationships that exist between the activities of the spiritual star-beings. The soul experiences such constellations. Ancient dreamlike science specifically described how the life of the fixed star constellations and zodiac streamed into the soul.
As man cognizes these spiritual beings who correspond to the sun or the constellations of the other fixed stars, he then recognizes that the impulse comes from the spiritual beings whose reflection in our physical world is the moon.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: The Theory of Heredity, Old Isis Inscription 08 Jan 1918, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
The clever ones in Philisterium, to be sure, call it ‘superstition’ if one speaks of a certain connection of man with concrete constellations of the cosmos. One must only understand this connection rightly. Superstition—what is superstition?
This is what is shown us from the celestial constellations as the great swing-over that had been accomplished for man. And this is connected with the beginning of the material, the materialistic age.
With a certain justification to each of these constellations—Moon-Cancer, Mercury-Gemini, Venus-Taurus, Mars-Aries, Jupiter-Pisces—have been assigned three decanates, as they are called.

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