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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1151 through 1160 of 1440

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55. Supersensible Knowledge: The Bible and Wisdom 26 Apr 1907, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
A residue of this dull, dim consciousness can be seen in today's consciousness in dreams. Our clear waking consciousness developed from it. At the time when in general a person's consciousness was dull and dim, though clairvoyant, a few were initiates.
96. Esoteric Development: The Path of Knowledge and Its Stages: The Rosicrucian Spiritual Path 20 Oct 1906, Berlin
Tr. Gertrude Teutsch, Olin D. Wannamaker, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
His physical body sleeps as usual, but a part of his sleep-condition becomes animated by significant dreams. These are the first heralds of his entrance into the higher worlds. Gradually, he leads his experiences over into his ordinary consciousness.
96. Festivals of the Seasons: The Mystery of Golgotha II 01 Apr 1907, Berlin
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Just as to-day when a sleeper is observed with spiritual eyes it is seen that only the physical body and etheric body He on the bed, while the astral body is outside and works upon the physical body (for the condition of sleep is produced through the astral body being outside), in the same way at that time one would have been able clairvoyantly to see these human beings always in this condition, but dreaming the most vivid dreams. When one human being approached another there arose in his soul a form of colour which signified sympathy or antipathy according as the other was a friend or a foe.
156. Festivals of the Seasons: A Christmas Lecture 26 Dec 1914, Dornach
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
If we investigate the path of worship of Mithras from East to West, we find that amongst the people who were worshippers of Mithras a large number were those who could see in those intermediate conditions between waking and sleeping, when the soul lives not in dreams, but in spiritual reality. These could see in such intermediate conditions the descent of Mithras from aeon to aeon, from stage to stage, from the spiritual world down to the earth.
171. Inner Impulses of Evolution: Lecture III 18 Sep 1916, Dornach
Tr. Gilbert Church, F. Kozlik, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
At best, it emerges from time to time in frightening dream pictures, but they, too, are only feeble. What is happening in the subsensible is unknown to the man of today, and under normal circumstances he knows little of the super-sensible.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Materialism and Spirituality 06 Feb 1917, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The case I mean, is when some one who has that tendency sees as in a dream, half in vision, his own coffin or funeral. He dies a fortnight afterwards. He saw in advance what was to occur fourteen days later.
138. Initiation, Eternity and the Passing Moment: Lecture IV 28 Aug 1912, Munich
Tr. Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
During sleep the soul does not know what it is because sleep runs its course either in a state of unconsciousness, or dreams play into it, which, to be rightly understood must be interpreted by the occultist. So, in considering the questions, “What is man?
169. Toward Imagination: Balance in Life 04 Jul 1916, Berlin
Tr. Sabine H. Seiler

Rudolf Steiner
We need only remember one of her pretty poems—I won't recite many such verses, but just this one: America, thou land of dreams, Thou world of wonder, broad and long! Thy trees of coconut how fair, Thy busy solitude how strong!
133. Earthly and Cosmic Man: The Forces of the Human Soul and Their Inspirers 23 Apr 1912, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But they possessed genuine clairvoyance, although it was dim and dream-like, lacking the light of intellect and reason in their present form. Before the dawning of the consciousness we know today, there were conditions, midway as it were between our waking and sleeping states, in which living memories arose of entirely different circumstances of life, when the relation of one human being to another was determined, not by anything like consciousness as it is at present, but by the old clairvoyance.
145. The Effect of Occult Development: Lecture III 22 Mar 1913, The Hague
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And without inaccuracy, speaking as it were in paradox about this experience, we might say that in the course of his esoteric or theosophical development the student gradually becomes conscious of his several muscles and his muscular system in an inner dreamy way; he always carries his muscular system about with him in such a way that he entertains vague thoughts, dreams of its activity in the midst of his ordinary waking consciousness. It is always very interesting to grasp the reason of this changing of the physical sheath because in this perception the student has something which informs him that in a certain direction he has made progress.

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