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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 581 through 590 of 1469

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101. Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols: White and Black Magic 21 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Between these two states of sleeping and waking, there is another state of consciousness that is little known to modern man; it is the state of dream-filled sleep, so to speak, as the last memory, like an atavism, an heirloom, where the consciousness of sleep is filled with the most diverse symbolic images that we have often described.
Anyone who is familiar with these conditions can tell you that most of the animal world has a kind of dream consciousness; and it is complete nonsense to raise the question of whether animals have a similar sense of self as humans have.
We have a kind of pictorial consciousness as a third state of consciousness, which is only present in a shadowy form in dreams, and this consciousness is present with increasing distinctness at the beginning of man's existence on earth.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Grand Duchess Sophie of Saxony 08 Apr 1897,

Rudolf Steiner
It is nice to see the past come alive in front of you from time to time, as if in a dream. The fact that Weimar is such a place today, which many people like to visit again and again to celebrate the great dead, and that they take good impressions home with them from their visits, is something to which the late Grand Duchess contributed a great deal.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Richard Wagner and Mysticism 28 Mar 1907, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Wagner felt that especially traits in European culture can be traced back to the time when natural instinctive love united human beings in interrelated groups, a time of which spiritual science also speaks when showing that everything in the world evolves, and that today's clear consciousness gradually evolved from a different type, of which there are still residues. In pictures of dream-consciousness Wagner recognized echoes of a former picture-consciousness that had once been the normal consciousness of all mankind.
The old consciousness that held sway in Nebelheim cannot be better described than in the words: My sleep is a dreaming My dream is a musing My musing is ruled by wisdom. The old consciousness was a dreaming consciousness, but in this dream human beings knew of the whole surrounding world. The dream encompassed the depth of nature and spun its wisdom from person to person, whose musing and actions all stemmed from this dreaming consciousness.
166. Necessity and Freedom: Lecture I 25 Jan 1916, Berlin
Tr. Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
Others go even further and see things of this kind symbolically in a dream. Someone dreams he experiences this or that. He dreams, for instance, that he is killed by a boulder. He wakes up and is able to say, “That was a symbolic dream; something has taken place in my soul life.” It can often be proved true in life that something took place in the soul that was of far greater significance than what happened to the person on the physical plane.
181. Anthroposophical Life Gifts: Lecture III 02 Apr 1918, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For instance, if you read a letter; as a rule you become conscious of the content, but in your subconsciousness much more than that goes on; there is not only happens that you are always either slightly vexed or pleased by the beautiful or ugly handwriting, but with every feature of the handwriting something passes from the writer into you which you do not observe with your ordinary consciousness but which lives as a dream, continuously through your whole life. We indeed find it so difficult to really to understand dreams for the reason that much appears in them which is not taken into consideration at all in our waking consciousness.
But all that remains in the subconscious soul, and into our dreams may enter just that which we hardly observed or noticed in our waking consciousness. This may very easily happen when in waking consciousness one directs one's attention to a particular subject, for instance, if when walking along the street plunged in thought and a friend passes by; perhaps one may not even have noticed him, yet one may dream of him, in spite of not knowing that he had passed one in the street.
143. Psychoanalysis in the Light of Anthroposophy: Reflections in the Mirror of Consciousness, Superconsciousness and Subconsciousness 25 Feb 1912, Munich
Tr. Mary Laird-Brown

Rudolf Steiner
We saw yesterday that we can go down deeper, into the realm of half-consciousness, the realm of dreams, and we know that dreams lift something up out of the depths of soul-life which we cannot lift up by straining the memory in the simple usual way. When something long buried in memory stands before a human soul in a dream picture—which happens again and again—the individual in most cases could never, through recollection alone, lift these things up from the hidden depths of soul-life because the ordinary consciousness does not extend so far down. But that which is inaccessible to this surface consciousness is quite within reach of the subconsciousness, and in the half conscious dream state much that has remained or been preserved, so to say, is brought up or rises up. Only those things strike upwards that have failed to produce their effects in the way usual to that emanation of human experience which sinks into the hidden depths of the soul.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Loki

Rudolf Steiner
One night, the Ases are terrorized by a terrible dream. Things never seen before are happening in the sky. Odin, the father of the gods, is awakened from his sleep.
We would have a joyful life, but one that would be like a dream. It is only through deprivation and misfortune that we learn what happiness is. But at the same time, they rob us of happiness along with insight.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Life of the Soul in Kamaloka 24 Aug 1906, Stuttgart
Tr. Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
This stretch of time appears to us as a kind of unconsciousness; only a few memories of the dream-state, sometimes confused and sometimes fairly clear, emerge from it. If we want to understand sleep properly, we must recall the separate members of the human entity.
Hence comes the need for sleep, and hence also its refreshing, healing effect. The question of dreams we will deal with later. When a man dies, things are different. The etheric body then leaves him, as well as the astral body and Ego.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: The Elemental World and the Heaven World. Waking Life, Sleep and Death 26 May 1907, Munich
Tr. Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Dreaming is an intermediate condition between waking and sleeping. Sleep that is filled with dreams is a condition where the astral body has, it is true, loosened its whole connection with the physical body, but is still connected with the etheric body. Man's field of vision is then pervaded with the pictures we call dreams. This is, in very truth, an intermediate condition because the astral body has detached itself completely from the physical body, while remaining connected, in a certain way, with the etheric body.
11. Atlantis and Lemuria: Humanity Before the Division of Sex
Tr. Max Gysi

Rudolf Steiner
The soul would have remained mindless had it not taken this indirect path. It would have remained at the stage of dream-consciousness. It was different with the superhuman beings already mentioned. The soul of such beings had at earlier stages developed soul-organs which required nothing physical to enable them to unite themselves with the mind.
The innocent soul of man loved thus before the separation of the sexes; nevertheless, it could not at that time know, for the very reason that it was still at a lower stage—in dream-consciousness. Thus too does the soul of the higher beings love; nevertheless, these beings can know in spite of this and on account of their advanced development.

Results 581 through 590 of 1469

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