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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 571 through 580 of 1469

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157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture XIV 06 Jul 1915, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Thinking activity is continuous. There are many different dream processes, processes in our dream-life, and part of all this is that man's ego and astral body enter into his ether body and physical body on waking.
It is the germ of our next incarnation and this is what we take into ourselves. Hence the prophetic nature of our dream life. Thinking is an immensely complicated process and man only takes a small proportion of what it involves into his consciousness.
301. The Renewal of Education: Three Aspects of the Human Being 21 Apr 1920, Basel
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
Finally, we have a third state between those two, which we encounter at the moment of awakening, namely, dream life. Waking, dreaming, and sleeping are the three aspects of spiritual life. But we should not associate trivial ideas about these things with a genuine understanding of spiritual life.
As strange as it may sound, those who can gain clarity about the differences between thinking and feeling as pure phenomena of consciousness will conclude that the same kind of experience occurs when we perceive our dreams as occurs in our feeling. We also find the same kind of experience in willing that we find in the unconscious state of sleeping, in dreamless sleep.
We do not sleep only between falling asleep and awakening; we also partially sleep when we are awake. We are awake only in regard to thinking, we dream in regard to feeling, and we sleep in regard to willing. Now please do not assume that willing should remain unconscious.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture I 04 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Much of that which buds in our souls today, much of that which surrounds us, and of which people speak and dream, has sprung like seed from the ancient Egyptian civilization without our people being aware of it.
Hence in the Roman kingdom there appears something very special, namely the comprehension of the rights of the citizen. All that lawyers dream regarding the origin of “justice” previous to this is very different from what in times of better research was rightly called “Roman Law.”
Anyone studying space from the standpoint of Spiritual Science knows that it is not the absolute void of which our ordinary mathematicians and physicists dream, but that it is differentiated. It is something that is filled with lines, with lines of force in this direction and in that, from above downwards, from right to left, straight and curved lines going in every direction.
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture II 05 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
It was not an ordinary sleep, but a kind of somnambulistic sleep which was so intensified that the patient became capable of having not chaotic dreams merely but of seeing orderly visions. During this sleep the patient perceived etheric forms in the spiritual world, and the wise priests understood the art of influencing these etheric pictures which passed before the sleeper; they could control and guide them.
Had the patient remained conscious, as in the waking consciousness of today, it would not have been possible for such forces to act upon him; this was only possible in somnambulistic sleep. The wise priest guided this dream-life in such a way that powerful forces were liberated during the etheric visions, and these restored to order and harmony the forces of the body which had fallen into disorder and discord.
When it is viewed and studied in such a way that it has an after effect upon the human soul, when this human soul can dream during sleep about the Madonna picture, it then possesses a healing power even today. Let us now ask what were the fertilizing forces at a time when the human being was not fertilized by his own kind?
105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture V 08 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
This may be compared in a certain sense with our present dream-consciousness, although our dreams have meaning only in exceptional cases. Upon the Moon this was different, the pictures which then rose and disappeared signified something. When another being approached a man he was unable to perceive its outer form and colour, but he perceived something which rose within himself (much as is now the case in dreams); a picture rose within him of the inner nature of the approaching being, and in accordance with the colour and character of this picture he knew whether this being was friendly towards him or the reverse—whether he should remain or flee.
238. Karmic Relationships IV: Lecture X 23 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. George Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Nay more, in his youth this personality had something like a dream-intuition of how Mid-Europe cannot and may not after all be truly Roman. For indeed he himself had lived as the nun Hroswitha.
And he represented the rougher region that had stood over against ancient Greece, namely Macedonia, as the present East of Europe. There were strange dreams living in this personality, dreams from which one could see, and this was very interesting, how he wanted to conceive the modern world in which he himself was living, like Greece and Macedonia.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture VIII 14 Jun 1924, Breslau
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
And now you will understand why I was able to say that we readily dream of individuals whom we meet in life and to whom we at once feel drawn or the reverse, quite independently of whatever outer impression they make.
We encounter everything we experienced in connection with this individual who has now appeared and who simply reminded us of something—we meet him as a bodily figure, but in a spiritual way. No wonder that we begin to dream of him; with ordinary consciousness we cannot do otherwise. But if we come across an individual for the first time, however beautiful or ugly his features may be or however strongly he interests us, in our sleep we never meet him, for he was never with us in earlier lives on Earth. No wonder we cannot dream of him! You see how transparent such things become when he facts are examined spiritually. Now what transpires between sleeping and waking in the forming of karma may follow a normal, perfectly normal course.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Midsummer and Midwinter Mysteries 23 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
In certain states of consciousness between those of full sleep and waking, in states where dreams were expressions of reality, the men belonging to that ancient humanity were still able to gaze into the spiritual worlds whence the human being descends into his physical body on the Earth.
I have, as you know, often said that what the men of those olden times beheld of the spiritual-supersensible world presented itself to them in pictures—not the pictures of dreams but somewhat resembling them. Whereas we know quite well that the pictures in our dreams are woven from our reminiscences, that they rise up from the organism and, unlike our thoughts, do not mirror reality, through the very nature of the Imaginations of the old clairvoyance men knew that they were the expressions—not, it is true, of any external, material reality nor of any historical reality, but of a spiritual world lying hidden behind the physical world.
219. The Spiritual Communion of Mankind 23 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
In certain states of consciousness between those of full sleep and waking, in states where dreams were expressions of reality, the men belonging to that ancient humanity were still able to gaze into the spiritual worlds whence the human being descends into his physical body on the Earth.
I have, as you know, often said that what the men of those olden times beheld of the spiritual-super-sensible world presented itself to them in pictures—not the pictures of dreams but somewhat resembling them. Whereas we know quite well that the pictures in our dreams are woven from our reminiscences, that they rise up from the organism and, unlike our thoughts, do not mirror reality, through the very nature of the Imaginations of the old clairvoyance men knew that they were the expressions—not, it is true, of any external, material reality nor of any historical reality, but of a spiritual world lying hidden behind the physical world.
348. Health and Illness, Volume I: Concerning the Soul Life in the Breathing Process 23 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
You are awakened from a fitful sleep by a quite frightening dream in which you perhaps experience that you came home to a locked house and cannot get in. Someone in the house is expecting you so you struggle to unlock the door. You may have experienced something like this. In dreams we do indeed experience such conditions of anxiety. Now, if you examine what actually happens when the human being has such nightmares, you always discover that something is amiss with the breathing.
If you take a handkerchief and plug up your mouth or cover your nose, you will dream the nicest nightmares as nightmares go because you cannot inhale properly. It is rather strange that our having such conditions of anxiety depends simply on inhalation and exhalation, in other words, on oxygen and carbon.

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