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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 661 through 670 of 2237

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115. Wisdom of Man, of the Soul, and of the Spirit: Supersensible Processes in the Activities of the Human Senses 25 Oct 1909, Berlin
Translated by Samuel P. Lockwood, Loni Lockwood

Rudolf Steiner
A member of that people must feel the nature of the ego to be such as corresponds to the two a's, to “Adam.” The consequences are different when a people expresses the ego with the word “ich.” [TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Ich means I (or also, ego). As the vowel sounds are so important it should be kept in mind that the i in ich is pronounced as in the word “if.”] Such a people must have a different conception of the ego. A different feeling results when, in place of the two a's, the sounds “i” and “ch” are linked. A certain nuance, a certain color, is inherent in the “i,” suggesting what the Folk Spirit infuses into the individual organism in connection with the conception of the ego.
132. Evolution in the Aspect of Realities: Inner Aspect of Saturn-Embodiment of Earth 31 Oct 1911, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We know that the innermost core of our being meets us in what we call our Ego. This ego, the innermost core of our being, is, in reality, for people of the present day an absolutely super-sensible and imponderable entity.
This is only mentioned to point out how vague is official psychology respecting what we designate as the central point of the human being. If we could have a clear grasp of the ego and place it before us like the external physical body; if we could look for the environment upon which the ego depends in the same way as the physical body is dependent upon what is seen by the eyes and perceived by the senses,—if we could look for the environment of the ego in the same way as we do for that of the physical realm, in the clouds, mountains, etc., or, in the same way as the physical body does for its means of nourishment we should come at last to an expression of the cosmos, to a cosmic tableau, which even to-day is, as it were, imprinted upon our environment and is invisibly within it, similar to the cosmic appearance of ancient Saturn. This means that a man who wishes to learn to know the ego in its own world must represent to himself a world such as ancient Saturn. This world is hidden; to man it is a super-sensible world.
132. Inner Realities of Evolution: Inner Aspect of the Saturn-Embodiment of the Earth 31 Oct 1911, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We know that the innermost core of our being meets us in what we call our Ego. This ego, the innermost core of our being, is, in reality, for people of the present day an absolutely super-sensible and imponderable entity.
This is only mentioned to point out how vague is official psychology respecting what we designate as the central point of the human being. If we could have a clear grasp of the ego and place it before us like the external physical body; if we could look for the environment upon which the ego depends in the same way as the physical body is dependent upon what is seen by the eyes and perceived by the senses—if we could look for the environment of the ego in the same way as we do for that of the physical realm, in the clouds, mountains, etc., or, in the same way as the physical body does for its means of nourishment, we should come even to-day to an expression of the cosmos, to a cosmic tableau in which, as it were, our environment is imprinted invisibly and which is similar to the cosmic tableau of ancient Saturn. This means that a man who wishes to learn to know the ego in its own world must represent to himself a world such as ancient Saturn. This world is hidden; to man it is a super-sensible world.
148. On the Fifth Gospel: Lecture IX 06 Jan 1914, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
What had happened in Jesus himself was that together with the words, the Zarathustra-Ego had to a certain extent gone out of him. The being who now made his way to the Baptism in the Jordan was the Nathan Jesus as he had been up to his twelfth year, that is to say, without the Zarathustra-Ego; but the effects left by the Zarathustra-Ego were still present—the effects of all that the Zarathustra-Ego had been able to pour into the threefold sheath.
It is also obvious that this being was not like an ordinary human being, for the Zarathustra-Ego had gone out of him and only the effects remained. The “Fifth Gospel” reveals that as this being, Jesus of Nazareth, made his way to the Jordan, he met, firstly, two Essenes. They were two with whom he had often conversed on the occasions of which I have told you. But as the Zarathustra-Ego had gone out of him, for to physical eyes the outer physiognomy—which had developed under the influence of the indwelling Zarathustra-Ego—had not changed.
209. The Alphabet: An Expression of the Mystery of Man 18 Dec 1921, Dornach
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
What he also bears of his own being beneath the threshold of consciousness he experiences in his astral body and his ego, but not in the ordinary waking state. It remains unconscious and essentially forms the actual content of the etheric and the physical bodies.
Astral body = Experience of the planetary movements 4. Ego = perception of the echo of the Zodiac Nothing is said, my dear friends, by repeating that Man consists of physical body and etheric body.
Then we would have expressed in real cosmic speech what is abstractly expressed by the words: Man is made up of physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego. We remain entirely in the abstract by saying: Man is composed first of physical body, secondly of etheric body, thirdly of astral body, fourthly of ego.
225. Cultural Phenomena — Three Perspectives of Anthroposophy: A Century in Review: 1823 to 1923 06 Jul 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
So while the one party, the Dévorants, wanted to emphasize more what lives in human astrality, the Gavots wanted to emphasize more what, according to the then prevailing view, lay in the ego. Thus, the antagonism between these two parties is really based on the antagonism between human astrality, the astral body and the human ego.
The less differentiated the human being is between these two types, arterial blood and venous blood, the deeper their astral body and thus the present ego configuration is immersed in their ego; the more we find the ego the more we get into hotter climates.
In northern France, people seek what works more out of the astral, in southern France, rather what works more out of the ego. But for humanity to become one whole across the earth, these differences must in turn be blended.
226. Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution: Man's Being, His Destiny and World Evolution, Part III 21 May 1923, Oslo
Translated by Erna McArthur

Rudolf Steiner
We find our ego with all its experiences. When ancient man, living several millennia before the Mystery of Golgotha, looked into himself, he did not find his ego.
Thus he has become able to speak of himself, out of his innermost feeling, as an ego; to be a free ego-being. This was felt with especial strength by Paul when passing through the event of Damascus.
Not only the human being has, in regard to his own person, become an Ego-being, a free being, but also the earth has emancipated herself from the universe. In modern times, the earth stands no longer in so close a relation to the universe as was formerly the case, at least as far as mankind's evolution is concerned.
237. Karmic Relationships III: Spiritual Conditions of Evolution Leading up to the Anthroposophical Movement 11 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Again, when we consider the moment of falling asleep nowadays, the peculiar thing is this:—when the Ego and astral body leave the physical and etheric, the Ego very quickly absorbs the astral body. And as the Ego confronts the cosmos without any kind of support, being unable at its present stage to perceive anything at all, man as he falls asleep ceases to have perceptions.
This again was not so in the times of which I am now speaking. The Ego did not at once absorb the astral body; the astral body continued to exist, independently in its own substance, even after the human being had fallen asleep.
When he fell asleep the astral body was not immediately absorbed by the Ego. Now under such conditions the astral body itself is filled with sound. Thus from spiritual worlds there sounded into the sleeping human Ego,—though no longer so distinctly as in ancient times, still in a gentle and intimate way,—all manner of things which cannot be heard in the waking state.
130. Jeshu ben Pandira: Lecture Two 05 Nov 1911, Leipzig
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
The greatest of such transformations that ever occurred took place at the baptism by John. What occurred there was that the ego of Jesus, in the thirtieth year of his life, abandoned the flesh and another ego entered: the Ego of the Christ, the Leader of the Sun Beings.
Thus does he prepare for a great event. This will be as follows: The old ego passes out and another ego then enters. And this may be such an individuality as Moses, Abraham, Elijah. This ego will then be active for a certain time in this body; thus can that take place which must take place in order to prepare the Maitreya Buddha.
143. Experiences of the Supernatural: The Path to Knowledge and Its Connection with the Moral Nature of Man 15 Jan 1912, Zürich

Rudolf Steiner
– Of course one could say that this is a cheap, trivial objection; but what matters is that it is correct, significant and immediately valid. We live in connection with our ego from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep, and we cannot separate our ego from anything we think, feel or want.
But this does not prevent these from playing up into the conscious ego, that forces flow from the hidden depths of the human being into the conscious ego, as we saw in the case of the child that really happened.
They cannot possibly come from within ourselves, because what comes from within ourselves would have to come from the conscious ego. But apart from moral impulses, at most aesthetic judgments, which decide on beauty, and, in a sense, mathematical judgments arise from the conscious ego.

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