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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

238. The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis: The Last Address by Rudolf Steiner 28 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
For the being of Elijah appeared again in Lazarus-John—who are in truth one and the same figure, as you will have understood from my book “Christianity as Mystical Fact.”
The truth is, my dear friends, this earthly personality of Raphael was completely yielded up and was only present through what Lazarus-John gave to this soul to be poured out into colour and line for all mankind. Such was the life of this being.
And so we see Raphael die young, Novalis die young—one being, who came forth from Elijah-John, appearing before mankind in two different forms, preparing through art and through poetry the true Michael mood of soul, sent down by the Michael stream as messenger to men on Earth.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: A Description of the Initiation Process 15 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And if you know how to understand mystical symbols, if you are used to reading mystical writings, then you are pointed out - as a Freemason is pointed out that he is dealing with another Freemason - you are pointed out when a deeply mystical theme is struck, just as in the Gospel of John the resurrection of Lazarus is told. Lazarus lies prostrate with an illness. It only relates to his previous life.
He therefore wants to carry out the initiation process on Lazarus. The illness is for the glory of God, so that the person is led to divinity. "But Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus ...
So we see that there was indeed a deep reason for the unease that appears in various commentators, and we also see that in the raising of Lazarus according to John, we are dealing with an outstanding initiator in Jesus. Answer to the question: The Church has made the initiation process an inspirational process.
112. The Gospel of St. John: What Occurred at the Baptism 03 Jul 1909, Kassel
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
That is what precedes the Raising of Lazarus. And now, keeping all these considerations in mind, try to grasp the John Gospel in respect to its composition.
Oh, you will find everything in the John Gospel so closely knit that, if only you understand it, you will realize that not a sentence could be omitted.
That is the point of departure of the Gospel according to St. John; and if you grasp it in conjunction with the mighty cosmic influence exercised in the event that occurred on the bank of the Jordan, then you will also understand that an accurate description of such an event—the first description of it—could only have been achieved by one whom Christ Himself had initiated, by the risen Lazarus “whom the Lord loved,” thenceforth always mentioned as the disciple whom the Lord loved.
114. The Gospel of St. Luke: The Event of Golgotha: Initiation Presented on the Stage of World History 26 Sep 1909, Basel
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
In what manner Christ made such provision for the ages following the Event of Golgotha is related by the writer of the Gospel of St. John. He shows us how, in Lazarus, Christ Himself ‘raised’, ‘awakened’, that Individuality who continued to work as ‘John’, from whom the teaching proceeded in the form described in the lectures on the Gospel of St.
He regarded John as being the last to transmit, in its pure form, the teaching belonging to past ages. The ‘Law and the Prophets’ held good until the coming of John.
Immediately after these words in the Gospel comes the scene of the Transfiguration, when three disciples—Peter, James and John—are led up into the spiritual world. The figures of Moses and Elijah appear before them in that world and, simultaneously, Christ Jesus in Glory.