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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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55. Supersensible Knowledge: The Significance of Supersensible Knowledge Today 11 Oct 1906, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
It wishes to show that all the great world religions are based on the same fundamental truth. From these lectures it will become apparent that spiritual science reflects an aspect of all of them.
When conflict arises nowadays over spiritual or social issues, there is nowhere people can turn for counsel concerning life's most important questions. Let us look at what usually happens in such cases.
Ethics, that is, moral philosophy, influences not only morals, and acts of will, but also all social arrangements, all laws, and all affairs of state. It influences art, which belongs to the sphere of feeling.
96. The Lord's Prayer: An Esoteric Study 28 Jan 1907, Berlin
Tr. Floyd McKnight

Rudolf Steiner
Whatever the object of the prayer, this fundamental temper of mind must echo readily as an undertone in the soul of the petitioner for his prayer to be given in a Christian manner.
This comparison is not exact, but only a faint indication. Yet the fundamental character of this highest of the divine principles in us is of the nature of will—a kind of willing.
It delights you, though you may know nothing at all of the great universal laws according to which it has come into existence. It is there, and may have interest for you, but it would never have been created if primal, eternal laws had not existed according to which the necessary creative forces flowed into it.
339. The Art of Lecturing: Lecture II 12 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Fred Paddock, Maria St. Goar, Peter Stebbing, Beverly Smith

Rudolf Steiner
One glides away from the reality very soon, and then talks about it thus: How will a small shop be set up in the threefold social organism? What will be the relation of the single person to the sewing machine in the threefold social organism?
But one cannot speak in the same sense of making the threefold social organism. Just as little can one speak of "organizing" in order to produce the threefold order.
It is hence necessary to show that the threefolding of the social organism is implicit in the very nature of both the human being and the social life. We see that the spiritual life in Europe was entirely independent and free until the 13th or 14th centuries, when, what was the free, independent spiritual life was first pushed into the universities.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture I 27 Sep 1920, Dornach
Tr. Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
The further evolution of humanity demands new concepts, new notions, and new impulses for social life generally: we need ideas which, when realized, can create social conditions offering to human beings of all stations and classes an existence that seems to them humane.
Not only in Marxism but in many other movements as well there has come about what one might call a transformation of the old social instincts into conscious concepts. But what was this new element that had entered into social science, into this favorite son of modern thought?
1. “... that social renewal must begin with the renewal of our thinking.” The original German (“... dass die soziale Erneuerung vom Geiste ausgehen musse”) might be translated alternately “that social renewal must proceed from the spirit.”
186. The Challenge of the Times: The Innate Capacities of the Nations of the World 08 Dec 1918, Dornach
Tr. Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
We must take account of the fact that both social and antisocial impulses exist in him and must come to expression regardless of what social structure exists and what social ideas are brought to realization.
He knows that he must first gain a knowledge of mathematics, of mechanics, of dynamics. Thus must a person learn the laws of the being of man if he wishes to have true social judgment even in the simplest matters. People are simply not identical in their natures over the whole earth, as Trotsky imagines, but are at most differentiated as groups when they belong to single peoples, or are actually individualities.
This is connected with everything that ought to live within us in the form of social judgment and social feeling. In other words, I have wished to acquaint you once more from a certain point of view with what may give direction to social judgment and a social feeling.
197. Polarities in the Evolution of Mankind: Lecture V 24 Jun 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
A view of history known as ‘historical materialism’ plays a great role in Marxist philosophy, particularly the dogma of the fundamental importance of the modes and relations of production. Millions of proletarians have accepted this dogma according to which tradition, law, science, religion and so on are like smoke, like an ideology rising from the modes and relations of Production—you will find further details in my book Towards Social Renewal31—and that the modes and relations of production are the Only reality on which to base one's view of history.
The same applies if we consider the real situation in comparing the social and the human organism. The economic sphere of the social organism actually compares to the activities of the human head.
The only possible outcome of proceeding in this way is to help the world to its death, for the simple reason that the laws of death are inherent in the things that are being done there. You can see the eminent social importance of these things.
307. Education: Principles of Greek Education 06 Aug 1923, Ilkley
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The aim is rather to investigate the inner forces now ruling in the nature of man in order to be able to take them into account in the sphere of education, and thereby to find a true place in social life for the human being in body, soul and spirit. For—as we shall see in the course of these lectures—education has always been a concern of social life, and still is so at the present time. It must be a social concern in the future as well. In education, therefore, there must be an understanding of the social demands of any given epoch.
He drew in his breath in accordance with a definite law; held it back and breathed it out again according to a definite law. The whole process was conditioned by the body.
307. An Esoteric Cosmology: Foreword
Tr. René M. Querido

Edouard Schuré
Again, another characteristic, no less remarkable,—This philosopher-mystic, this thinker-seer related all experiences of soul to the immutable laws of physical Nature. These laws were used to explain and classify the super-physical phenomena which, to begin with, appear before the seer in overwhelming variety and almost bewildering abundance.
In spite of many gaps and ultimate digressions, this theoretical system of oriental thought which originated in India and derived its name Theosophy from Alexandrian tradition, served to recall to the uninitiated West, the two fundamental tenets of all esoteric tradition: (1) The plurality of the progressive lives of the human soul under the law of karma, and (2) The ascending evolution of man under the influence of spiritual Powers.
Many historians have stated that the great crises in history (wars, revolutions, social upheavals) are nearly always accompanied and followed by earthly cataclysms (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions).
107. The Astral World: The Astral World 19 Oct 1908, Berlin
Tr. M. Gotfare

Rudolf Steiner
If we make a study of these beings, we come to what we can call the constitution, the social life in the astral world. People, as they live here on the physical plane, are not merely individuals.
In a certain way, the social connections of those beings on the astral plane, of whom we have been speaking, must also be regulated.
It is impossible here to place yourself on the spot where someone else is already standing; impenetrability is a law of the physical world. In the astral world it is not; there, the law is penetrability. And it is absolutely possible—it is even the rule—for beings to penetrate each other, and where already one being is, another presses in.
217a. The Task of Today's Youth: The Youth Movement 20 Mar 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
That is one aspect of the youth movement. Other forces, more fundamental than ideological ones, for example, hold it together and keep it together. There are many personalities within the youth movement who could not give a clear and precise answer to the question of what they want; they could not say, consciously, what they want.
An American once asked me: I have read your writings, including your social writings. Do you think they will still be valid for future ages? I answered: They are constructed in such a way that they can metamorphose, and then quite different conclusions can arise for the coming time than for the present.
Although this only takes place at the individual level, social conditions arise through inner laws. [Rudolf Steiner points to his book “The Philosophy of Freedom” and continues:] You cannot arrive at a new life in one leap, least of all through programs.

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