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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 101 through 110 of 359

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34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Theosophy as a Way of Life

Rudolf Steiner
Such “questions” arise from all areas of life: the social question, the legal question, the women's question, the educational and school question, the health and nutrition question, etc. The underlying cause of all this is that certain conditions in life must be newly regulated. And a fundamental difference from earlier times is that such regulations must now be brought about with the participation of the individual.
[ 10 ] The threads that have held and still hold the network of human social order together lead to the secret schools. Unconsciously, people were led to the goals of their lives.
72. Spiritual Scientific Results of the Idea of Freedom and the Social-Moral Life 30 Nov 1917, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
One has to live in the social life if one wants to be concerned with living concepts. One has to know the laws that prevail, otherwise, only in the subconscious, and must be able to implement them in life.
The old impulses of the instinctive consciousness—the Roman Law still belongs to it—have to be superseded by that which arises from Imagination for the social life, from Inspiration for the ethical-moral life, from Intuition for the legal life.
For the first time Roman Boos (1888-1952) attempted this in his excellent book The Whole Employment Contract According to Swiss Law. This has to progress if we want to search the realistic concepts. There is a simple means—there would be a simple means—which would be very helpful if it were tried in its radical form to show somewhere how the concepts of the usual consciousness cannot intervene in the moral-social life.
192. Humanistic Treatment of Social and Educational Issues: Twelfth Lecture 06 Jul 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It makes, not in the first generation, perhaps not even in the second, not the researcher himself, but only in the student and in those who then transform the scientific knowledge into world views, it makes anti-social, it justifies anti-social impulses. We must not ignore the fact that it is the consequence of permeating our entire soul with scientific views that we develop anti-social drives, in some dishonest, illusionary way, because that which allows us to penetrate the secrets of nature best removes us from the perception of our neighbor, the human being.
And this way of thinking, which, because everything is connected in the human soul, will in turn instill social instincts into humanity. And from this, social feeling will arise. For between the old world view, which relates to space, and the new world view, which relates to time, stands the impulse that has entered humanity as the impulse of Christianity, which means, as it were: away from the outer, mere spatial view – it steers towards the innermost nature of man.
He wants to understand the social order as one understands the external natural order. What has he achieved? A beautiful, magnificent, ingenious critique of the modern economic order.
177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: Into the Future 28 Oct 1917, Dornach
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual principles must be included in shaping the social structure; they have to be thought of, rather than people wanting to shape the world blindly on the basis of mere emotions.
This reminds me of an individual who taught criminal law and who tends to come to mind whenever we speak of the reasons for developments. This individual taught criminal law at a university.
Well, he did not produce much by way of real reasons: ‘Gentlemen, freedom has to exist, for if there were no freedom there would be no criminal law. The fact is that I am a professor of criminal law; therefore criminal law must exist; it follows that human freedom also exists.’
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Ludwig Jacobowski's Life and Character

Rudolf Steiner
The laws of artistic creation should not be derived from speculation, but from the scientific and psychological observation of human nature.
The last decade of the nineteenth century was only too suitable for presenting the most diverse questions to sharp minds with a broad horizon. The repeal of the Socialist Law gave the social movement a powerful outward appearance in its cultural significance. The old parties had disintegrated; their ideas and their momentum were no longer equal to the ever-advancing development.
The striving for simplicity, for a popular art form is a fundamental trait of his poetry. A genuine idealism is expressed in atmospheric images that seek vividness and plasticity.
196. The History and Actuality of Imperialism: Lecture III 22 Feb 1920, Dornach
Tr. Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
I doubt anyone will think that if the economy is organized as described in my book Towards Social Renewal—Basic Issues of the Social Question some kind of super-sensible forces will be present. When we eat, when we prepare our food, when we make our clothing, it is all reality.
Because only what is considered good for the present will be established. A fundamental concept for the western areas which are so mired in platitudes must be to see the social organism as something living.
At a people's meeting where three of us gave lectures about the Threefold Society, he talked against us, or rather against Dr. Steiner's Towards Social Renewal, although without much success. The guy has a certain influence in teachers' circles and he works in his own way in the sense of the social triformation in the school insofar as he is for freedom, but on the other hand he works against the social triformation and Dr.
196. The History and Actuality of Imperialism: Lecture II 21 Feb 1920, Dornach
Tr. Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
The reality came later, it is what has been happening since November 1918; it is those who are presently in power. The fundamental character of the Wilhelmian age is Gustav Noske [Minister of War]. The fundamental character of what had been developing for decades only became apparent when the present rulers appeared.
Then there are the degrees, which have nothing to do with the external social position of the members. The members are really united in a way which has nothing to do with their external social position.
And secondly no one would claim that in the external social order men are all brothers. They are not brothers. In the lodges, however, those who belong to them are brothers.
307. Education: Science, Art, Religion and Morality 05 Aug 1923, Ilkley
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And perhaps I am justified in thinking that those lectures, which dealt with the relation of education to social life, may have induced a number of English educationists to visit our Waldorf School at Stuttgart.
The moment we draw near to the human being with the laws of Nature, we must pass over into the realm of art. A heresy indeed, for people will certainly say: “That is no longer science.
Then we shall indeed be able to bring down the super-sensible to the earth again, to experience it in religious life and to transform it into will in social existence. Only when we see the social question as one of morality and religion can we really grapple with it, and this we cannot do until the moral and religious life arises from spiritual knowledge.
80a. Reincarnation and Immortality: The Essence of Anthroposophy 24 Jan 1922, Elberfeld
Tr. Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp, Adam Bittleston

Rudolf Steiner
It cannot reach beyond the world of the senses and its laws, and cannot comprehend more of the human being than that part of it which belongs to this sense world as the human physical, bodily nature.
One cannot imagine a nutshell being formed by any other laws than is the nut itself. It is the same when Anthroposophy has to build, paint or carve, in order to provide a surrounding for itself. Everything artistic then must in a sense proceed from the same laws from which proceed the ideas that are spoken from the rostrum, out of the perception of the spiritual world.
185. From Symptom to Reality in Modern History: The Relation Between the Deeper European Impulses and Those of the Present Day 03 Nov 1918, Dornach
Tr. A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
It was an organization based on aristocracy and this was its fundamental character. Now there was a time when this aristocratic, Celtic, monarchical element flourished.
In Western Europe, in the British Isles and later also in America, there survived however a certain remnant of the old aristocratic outlook such as existed in the feudal nobility, in the old aristocracy, in that element which is responsible for the social structure and introduces the spiritual into the social life. That the spiritual element was regarded as an integral part of the social life is evident from the Arthurian legend which relates that it was the duty of the Knights of the Round Table to slay monsters and to wage war on demons.
See Soziale und antisoziale Triebe im Menschen, [Social and Anti-Social Forces in the Human Being] Bern, 12th December, 1918 (in Bibl. Nr. 186).T3.

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