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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 71 through 80 of 1029

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346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture X 14 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Of course, when they're put into the physical World one gets a picture of three persons, so that one has to distinguish between the Father God who underlies all facts of nature, including the ones which work into human nature, the Son God who has to do with everything which leads to freedom in the soul's experience and the Spirit God who lives in a spiritual, cosmic order which is far away from nature and foreign to nature.
And so of course, the Apocalypse must be read in this light. One shouldn't distinguish between the Father God, the Son God and the Spirit God as directly as one would do this in the physical world. Thus the one who approaches us on a white horse in that magnificent Imagination is none other than the unified God.
And the name of this vesture dipped in blood is the logos of God, the Logos, God, the word of God. Thus the one who should live in us and should give the light in us through his own understanding fills us with the word of God.
342. Anthroposophical Foundations for a Renewed Christian Spiritual Activity: Third Lecture 14 Jun 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Consider that today, in general, there is only the awareness that the Creator of the world is found in the Father God. God the Father, who is also confused with the Jewish god Yahweh, is regarded as the Creator God, whereas the Gospel says: “In the beginning was the Word, and all things came into being through Him; and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. — That which we have within us as something created is the creative, the word in the truest sense of the word, and one should actually have the idea of the Father God that he subsists in everything, and in the Son of God he has given the world that which signifies the creative of the world.
But we were obliged, simply in the question of the one who performs the sacrificial act, to address the child, asking whether it wants to strive for the Spirit of God, and in response: “Yes, I will seek Him, I will seek for the Spirit of God,” to give at least a hint in words of the real relationship.
Everything was imbued with the truth of what Father Klinckowström proclaimed. It is not that this was due to the particularly happy disposition of this priest.
185. From Symptom to Reality in Modern History: The Relation Between the Deeper European Impulses and Those of the Present Day 03 Nov 1918, Dornach
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
It arose from a conflict between Arius and Athanasius which began at Alexandria and was given new impetus in Antioch. Athanasius maintained that Christ is a God, like God the Father, that a Father-God therefore exists and that Christ is of the same nature and substance as the Father from all eternity.
Thus at the root of Roman Catholicism is the belief that the Son is eternal and of the same nature and substance as the Father. Arius opposed this view. He held that there was a supreme God, the Father, and that the Divine Son, i.e. Christ, was begotten of the Father before all ages. He was a separate being from the Father, different in substance and nature, the perfect creature who is nearer to man than the Father, the mediator between the Creator, who is beyond the reach of human understanding, and the creature.
353. The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations: Supra-physical Connections in the Human Mind 05 Mar 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And above all, they believed that these spiritual fathers were in closer contact with the gods than they were outside; they outside must first receive the message, the knowledge, from the fathers.
People simply said: If you want to be a real human being, then you either have to be a father yourself, then you communicate directly with the gods, or you have to learn something about the gods from the fathers. So you are a human being because those who are in the schools, in the mysteries, tell you something. This is how the distinction between children of God and children of men, between sons of God and sons of men, came about. Those who were in the mysteries were called the sons of God because they, in turn, looked up to the gods as to their fathers.
233a. The Easter Festival in the Evolution of the Mysteries: Lecture II 20 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
That deity is the one of whom we speak in our Christian conception as the First Person of the Godhead, as God the Father. Now all the religions in which the concept of the Father-God played a part had a greater or lesser awareness of his connection to the cosmic moon forces, forces that stream down to the earth from the moon; the Mystery priests were particularly aware of this connection.
Our physical being is severed from these forces only when we pass through the gate of death. To look up lovingly to these divine Father forces, to express devotion to them in ritual and prayer, this was the substance of certain ancient monotheistic religions.
Although knowledge of our dependence on the moon or Father forces remained with people for a long time, consciousness of our dependence on the sun forces, or we must really say, of our emancipation through those forces, disappeared much earlier.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Christ Impulse as Conqueror of Matter 14 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Translated by Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
At that time the soul traveled first the path of the fathers and then the path of the gods. Now the various cultures did not come to abrupt ends. The essence of the Indian culture remained, although it underwent a change.
Among other things, the Indians now took up the view of the path of the fathers and the path of the gods. As a man became more initiated, freed himself more from dependence on home and the fathers, became more homeless, the path of the gods became longer and the path of the fathers became shorter. One who clung closely to the fathers had a long father-path and a short god-path. In the terminology of the Orient, the way of the fathers was called Pitriyana and the way of the gods was called Devayana.
187. How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?: Distribution of Man's Inner Impulses in the Course of His Life 25 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translated by Alan P. Shepherd, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Mankind must know that we bring equality with us out of the spiritual world. It comes, one might say, from God the Father, and is given to us to bring to earth. Then brotherliness reaches its proper culmination only through the help of the Son.
Otherwise the only passages from the Gnosis that are known are those refuted by the Church Fathers. That means really that the Gnosis is only known from the writings of opponents, while anything that might have given some idea of it from an external, historical point of view has been thoroughly rooted out.
Even from what has been historically preserved, such mighty images radiate to us as the following: Jaldabaoth said, “I am God the Father; there is no one above me.” And his mother answered, “Do not lie! Above thee is the Father of all, the first Man, and the Son of Man.”
209. Nordic and Central European Spiritual Impulses: Father-consciousness and Christ-consciousness 07 Dec 1921, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This is the failure to look at the source of the content of the consciousness of God. The consciousness of God cannot come from the contemplation of external nature alone, but from the whole of man's coexistence with external nature, with the world of the senses. It may seem paradoxical that I say that the consciousness of God must come from man's coexistence with the world of the senses. But this God-consciousness must not be taken as the fulfillment of a moment, so to speak, but as the content of earthly life from birth to death.
Two experiences are absolutely necessary: First, the consciousness of the Father, but I would like to say that in the present development of humanity, there is a clouded consciousness of the Father.
125. The Christmas Festival In The Changing Course Of Time 22 Dec 1910, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Beloved singers mine, so strong and smart, With greetings do we want to start. Let us greet God-Father on His highest throne And let us greet also His only Son. Let us greet the Holy Spirit by name And then greet all three together again.
Let us greet the honored council of this place By God ordained to serve in this space. Let us greet them through the roots, large and small, Which are in the earth, many and all.
Let us greet our teacher, who indeed, With God's help taught us what we need. Beloved singers mine, note well this thing, To all of these we did now sing.
147. Secrets of the Threshold: Welcome 24 Aug 1913, Munich
Translated by Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
How can our modern mentality nowadays understand the contention that led to the division of eastern and western Europe: whether what is known as the Holy Spirit originates from the Father God above, as the Eastern church has it, or originates from both Father and Son (filio), as the West maintains? There were valid reasons for the West at that time to add filioque to the origin of the Holy Spirit from the Father; involved in this were all the forces of culture and civilization developing for the future of Europe.
Of importance are the soul events expressing themselves once upon a time in such a way that the former unified faith was divided between those who said that the Spirit comes from the Father and the Son, while others believed that the Spirit originates only from the Father. That statement expresses what is working into our own time, bubbling and boiling under the surface, something that can be understood only when you venture a little way into the mysterious activity in the occult depths of the folk souls.

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