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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 101 through 110 of 514

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321. The Warmth Course: Lecture IX 09 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
It is not difficult then to see that we can go beyond \(X\) to \(Y\) and \(Z\) just as, for instance, we go in the light spectrum from green to blue, from blue to violet and to ultra violet. Z Y Xmaterialization—dematerialization Heat Realm Gaseous Bodiescondensation—rarefaction Fluid Bodies Solid Bodiesform U And now it is a question of studying the mutual relations between these different regions.
In the case of the spectrum also, when we try to get an idea of it as it exists ordinarily, we have to go from the green through the blue to the violet and then of to the infinite, or at least to the undetermined. So likewise at the red end of the spectrum. But we can imagine the spectrum in its completeness as a series of 12 independent colors in a circle, with green below and peach-blossom above, and ranged between these the other colors. When we can imagine the circle to become larger and larger, the peach blossom disappears above and the spectrum extends on the one hand beyond the red and on the other beyond the violet.
321. The Warmth Course: Lecture VIII 08 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
If you observe the usual spectrum you have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Infra red——————————roygrbiv——————————Ultra Violet You have the colors following each other in a series of approximately seven nuances.
But you know also that according to the color theory of Goethe, this series of colors can be bent into a circle, and arranged in such a way that one sees not only the light from which the spectrum is formed, but also the darkness from which it is formed. In this case the color in the middle is not green but the peach-blossom color, and the other colors proceed from this. When I observe darkness I obtain the negative spectrum. And if I place the two spectra together, I have 12 colors that may be definitely arranged in a circle: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. On this side the violet becomes ever more and more similar to the peach blossom and there are two nuances between.
146. The Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture IX 05 Jun 1913, Helsinki
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
In external nature a rajas impression would be that of a moderately bright surface, say of green, a uniform green shade; a dark-colored surface would represent a tamas impression. Where man looks out into the darkness of universal space, when the beautiful spectacle of the free heavens appears to him, the impression he gains is none other than that blue color that is almost a tamas color.
Though each has its right and proper point of contact, one must distinguish between them as between the stem of a plant and the green leaf, and the green leaf from the colored petal, though all together form a unity. If one tries with this truly modern occultism to penetrate with one's soul into what has flowed into humanity in diverse currents, one recognizes how the different religious faiths lose nothing of their greatness and majesty.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Children from the Tenth to the Fourteenth Years II 03 Jan 1922, Dornach
Tr. Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
A “golden tree”—could he mean an orange tree? But then, of course, it would not be green either. If it were an ordinary tree, it would not be golden. Perhaps Goethe was thinking of an artificial tree? In any case (a typical commentary would continue), a tree cannot be golden and green at the same time. Then there is the other problem of a grey theory. How can a theory be grey if it is invisible?
The word gold here does not have an image quality but expresses the warm feeling engendered by the glow of gold. Only the feelings are portrayed. The adjective green, on the other hand, refers to an ordinary tree, such as we see in nature. This is the logic of it.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): Precious Stones and Metals and their Relationship to the Evolution of Earth and Man 13 Oct 1906, Leipzig
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Let me remind you of the old man with the lamp in Goethe's Tale of the Green Serpent. His lamp changed all wood into silver, dead animals into precious stones, the dead pug dog into an onyx.
He only truly revealed his beliefs in his Tale of the Green Serpent and the Beautiful Lily. His initiation on the physical plan was done by a particular individual.
91. Cosmology and Human Evolution. Color Theory: The Theory of Color and Light V 08 Aug 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
400 trillion vibrations red 450 trillion vibrations orange 500 trillion vibrations yellow 532 trillion vibrations green 600 trillion vibrations blue-green 665 trillion vibrations blue indigo 750 trillion vibrations indigo 760 trillion vibrations violet 700 trillion vibrations ultraviolet An ultraviolet would be about the octave of prime = red.
91. Astronomy as Compared to Other Sciences: Editor's Note
Tr. Unknown

Vreede Elizabeth
It does not make any difference that there are also green apples and yellow apples; the point is that for the premises that are given, the conclusion is the correct one.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research 21 Feb 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Backward and forward, the plant is always leaf. The coloured petal is the transformed green leaf, also the stamens and the pistil are to him only transformed leaves, and everything of the plant is leaf.
Thus, The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily (1795) originated from forms at the end of Conversations of German Emigrants.
This lives in the composition of The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. Only in pictures, Goethe could grasp the problem that Schiller grasped in thoughts philosophically; but in pictures which are an entire world.
197. Polarities in the Evolution of Mankind: Lecture XI 22 Nov 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
He felt some hesitation about sharply defining the images he presented in his 'tale' of the green Snake and the beautiful Lily. He was hinting that he was really concerned with a social life of the future.
Years ago the idea came up of putting on a play in Munich and the intention was to present the creative potential of the essential values to be found in Goethe's ‘tale’ of the green snake and the beautiful Lily on the stage. This proved impossible. The whole thing had to be made much more real.
Spiritual science must guide us to find the reality of what Schiller attempted to express in abstract ideas in his letters on aesthetic education and what Goethe, trying to solve the same riddle, hinted at in his ‘tale’ of the green Snake and the beautiful Lily. The scientific spirit has to become personal again. The earth cannot help us with this.
59. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience II: What is Mysticism? 10 Feb 1910, Berlin
Tr. Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
The plant grows according to its natural laws; it unfolds its being according to these laws, and it stands before us, pure, with its green sap. Unless we indulge in fancies we cannot attribute to it any desires, passions or impulses which could divert it from the right path. If now we observe the blood as it circulates through man, the blood which is the external expression of human consciousness, of the human ego, and contrast it with the green chlorophyll sap permeating the plant, we shall realize that this streaming, pulsating blood is the expression as much of man's rise to a higher stage of consciousness as it is of the passions and impulses which drag him down.
His red blood may then be compared with what the green sap has become in the red rose. Just as the red rose shows us the plant sap in all its purity, and yet at a higher stage than it had reached in the plant, so the red blood of man, when purified and refined, can show what man becomes when he has mastered everything that might drag him down.”

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