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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 211 through 220 of 682

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210. Old and New Methods of Initiation: Lecture X 25 Feb 1922, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
We see this transformation given living expression in the intimate form of his fairy-tale1 about the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, in which, out of certain traditional concepts of beauty, wisdom, virtue and strength, he created the temple with the four Kings.
To study the rhythmical human being we have to say that in this rhythmical surging the watery element and the airy element mingle together (see diagram, green, yellow). Into this, the head sends the possibility for the solid parts, such as those in the lungs, to be present (white).
Then in the nineties he explored the aspect of moral ideas which we find in the fairy tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. Then, in Faust, he wants to depict the human being as he stands in the world.
14. Four Mystery Plays: Persons, Apparitions and Events

Rudolf Steiner
Humble in lilac; M. Steadfast in blue; M. Dauntless in green; E. Stay-at-Home in light and dark cherry; K. Counsel in cerise; L. Fear-God in brown; Fox has red hair, and a red-brown suit.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Atlantis 27 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The green parts = remains of the Lemurian continent. On Earth, everything is in development. We would encounter a very different configuration of the Earth in Lemuria; a much higher temperature.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Cosmology and the Development of Consciousness 24 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Our present physical state would shine for the clairvoyant in a color that most resembles a beautiful green; the astral state in a bright yellow; the rupa-form state in orange; the arupa-form state in rose red.
36. Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos: The Flight from Thinking 20 Aug 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
A plant knows only the relation to the When and Why. The pressing of the first green tips out of the winter-earth, the swelling of the buds, the whole mighty process of blossoming, giving out aroma, shining, ripening: all this is the wish for the fulfilling of a destiny and a continuous yearning question after the When.”
168. Relationships Between the Living and the Dead 16 Feb 1916, Hamburg
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And now he proceeds by experiencing something that is in a certain sense alive—when he sees red, blue green, etc. Gradually, we begin to realise that, after all, we live in the physical world—especially our modern materialistic age—in a very coarse way—that we do not notice the finer experiences which come to us.
Green works upon us in such a way that we are able, in part, to penetrate into it, while at the same time it comes back again toward us. When we look out upon the wide green field, we have this impression, that we enter into something; yet, at the same time, that it comes toward us.
20. The Riddle of Man: Thought - World, Personality, Peoples
Translated by William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
Thoughts struggling for a knowledge of the spirit are often repellent to that attitude of soul which is far too eager to cite Goethe in opposing such thoughts: “Gray, dear friend, is all theory—and green the golden tree of life.” That attitude of soul disregards the fact that these words come from Goethe's sense of humor and are put into the devil's mouth as a teaching the devil considers good for a pupil of his. It does not affect a life-sustaining thought to be called gray by a view catering to comfortableness in thinking; this view regards the grayness of its own theory as the golden radiance of the green tree of life. [ 2 ] It goes against the feeling of many to speak about the effects of a people upon the world views of personalities who spring from this people.
28. The Story of My Life: Chapter XIX
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But so much the more living did the colour variations boil up into the “green snakes” in the valley of the most hateful man. In this part of the picture all of Fröhlich lived.
But to place him thus unchanged as a copy in the picture where Zarathustra's soul revealed itself shining in countenance and in apparel, when the light conjures forth true colour-being out of its intercourse with the green snakes – this ruined the painting of Fröhlich. Thus the picture failed to become what I had hoped might come to pass through Otto Fröhlich.
68c. Goethe and the Present: Esotericism in Goethe's Works 28 Nov 1906, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
Goethe describes his view differently in the fairy tale of the green snake and the beautiful lily. The way the “fairy tale” was created should make it clear that what is expressed here is possible.
Goethe wrote to him that he could not express what he had to say in a philosophical way, but that he would present it in a pictorial form. So he wrote the fairy tale of the green snake and the beautiful lily. If we want to understand what Goethe meant by the “fairytale”, we only need to read what Schiller wrote to Goethe at the time.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology I 30 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Further notes, presumably on a question-and-answer session regarding the lecture of January 30, 1905 When you look at the Earth from the outside, it appears to be a sphere with a green undertone. [The Earth has a green base color.] While it is relatively easy to examine the earlier stages, it is difficult to see the later ones.

Results 211 through 220 of 682

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