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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 211 through 220 of 593

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223. The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth: Lecture III 02 Apr 1923, Dornach
Tr. Barbara Betteridge, Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
We see them merging into the general earth soul element and rising like a sort of cloud (red, yellow, with green). I might say that during the wintertime these elemental beings are within the soul element of the Earth, where they had become individualized; before this Easter time they had a certain individuality, flying and floating about as individual beings. During Easter time we see them come together in a general cloud (red), and form a common mass within the Earth soul (green). But by so doing these elemental beings lose their consciousness to a certain degree and enter into a sort of sleeping condition.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Moral Qualities and the Life after Death. Windows of the Earth. 01 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Physical knowledge tells us that this unfolding of the plant-world in spring and its fading towards autumn is connected with the Sun, also that, for example, the green coloring of the plants can be produced only under the influence of sunlight. Physical knowledge, therefore, shows us what comes about in the realm of physical effects; but it does not show us that while all the budding, the blossoming and withering of the plants is going on, spiritual events are also taking place.
The rays of the Sun penetrate into the plants, making them green, making them bud.’—All that is external. If we see the soul-and-spirit essence of the Sun, we cannot merely say: ‘The sunlight sparkles on the minerals, is reflected, enabling us to see the minerals,’ or, ‘The light and heat of the Sun penetrate into the plants, making them verdant’—but we shall have to say, meaning now the countless spiritual Beings who people the Sun and who constitute its soul and spirit: ‘The Sun dreams and its dreams envelop the Earth and fashion the plants.’
219. Man and the World of Stars: From Man's Living Together with the Course of Cosmic Existence Arises the Cosmic Cult 29 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
An incalculable number of natural processes reveal themselves from the life in the root, on into the life in the green leaves and in the colored petals. And we have an altogether different kind of process before us when we see, in Autumn, the fading, withering and dying of outer Nature.
Mineral and vegetative life begins to bud in him, although naturally in quite a different way from what happens in the green plants which grow out of the Earth. Nevertheless, with one variation, what goes on during sleep in the physical and etheric organism of man is a faithful image of the period of Spring and Summer on the Earth.
96. Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 17 Dec 1906, Berlin
Tr. Lisa D. Monges, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
From the wood cut from this bush, new shoots and green leaves continually burst forth. Within the flaming circle of the bush, however, was written, "I am He Who was, Who is, Who is to be."
4 They tell us that the tree of the Sacred Night has not yet become the wood of the Cross, but the power to become this wood begins to arise in it. The roses that grow from the green symbolize the Eternal that grows from the Temporal. The square is the symbol of the fourfold nature of man: physical body, ether body, astral body and ego.
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture III 28 Nov 1923, Dornach
Tr. Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir

Rudolf Steiner
I exclude all the other colours, let us say, I exclude red, orange, yellow, green, blue—then the indigo would come in and the violet—these also I exclude (Diagram missing.) (Diagram missing.)
Now, one can add the following: you see, when one proceeds further [drawing on the black-board.] to the so-called ultra-violet rays—here you have red-orange, yellow, green, blue—then indigo would come in, and the violet—the ultra-violet rays. On the other side, the infra-red rays.
90a. Theosophy, Christology and Mythology: On Devachan 18 Feb 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In such a person, the causal body appears as a form that is already more endowed with colors, as a form that is permeated by beautiful colors. In this case, it is the green colors, green-yellow and yellow color nuances. These are the nuances that the European has. Only when these colors expand a little further does the lower spiritual body appear.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: On the Transformation of World Views 25 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If we were to schematically depict what was there, we could say: Man once sensed nature (green) around him, but this nature everywhere ensouled and spiritualized (red). This was in an older period of human history.
In even later times, human beings again felt the soulless nature (green) within themselves, the “I am” (yellow). But the drama becomes fact. On Golgotha, the cross rises.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: Involution and Evolution 28 May 1906, Paris
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Currents of cold evoked the impression of shades of green and blue, silvery, rippling sounds. The rôle played by the pineal gland was thus of great significance.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: Yoga In East and West II 30 May 1906, Paris
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
This fusion is of benefit to man but he pays for it by the loss of clairvoyance. Imagine to yourself a green liquid, produced by a combination of blue and yellow elements. If you succeed in separating them, the yellow will descend and the blue will rise to the surface.
12. The Stages of Higher Knowledge: Preface by Marie Steiner
Tr. Lisa D. Monges, Floyd McKnight

Rudolf Steiner
[ 7 ] Also in the esoteric realm happenings unfold in historical continuity, in accordance with the law of ascending evolution and the flood tide and ebb tide of diminishing and flourishing life until the seemingly sudden moment when the rays of grace break forth, like the miracle of the radiant blossom in the green plant world. Yet without this transformation from form to form carried out by wise powers, and the constant enhancement in all domains of life, the new values, the gifts of the spirit, the fiery tongues of the Word would not descend upon us.

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