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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 501 through 510 of 584

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83. The Tension Between East and West: Psychology 02 Jun 1922, Vienna
Tr. B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone, however, who can examine life impartially from the spiritual viewpoint I have established will conclude: noble and great is external appearance and the laws we discover in the external world of the stars and of the sun, which sends us light and warmth; noble and great is our experience when we either simply look—and we are complete men when we do so look—or when we investigate scientifically the laws by which the sun sends us light and warmth and conjures forth the green of plants; noble and mighty is all this—but if we could look into the structure of the human heart, its inner law would be even nobler and greater than what we perceive outside!
161. Perception of the Nature of Thought 10 Jan 1915, Dornach
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Plato and Aristotle did not think, but they could as little doubt that thought has a fully objective validity as a man seeing green on a tree can doubt that it has a fully objective validity. In the second period it was the intense belief in the Christ Impulse that gave certainty to the awakening thought.
273. The Problem of Faust: Faust's Knowledge and Understanding of Himself and of the Forces Actually Slumbering in Man 17 Jan 1919, Dornach
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
In Goethe himself we have the theory of metamorphosis, from leaf to leaf, from the green leaf of the foliage to the coloured petal of the flower, or from the spinal vertebrae, perhaps, to the bones of the head—this secret, if rightly understood, leading from one incarnation to another, from one earth-life to another, as I have often shown you.
114. The Gospel of St. Luke: Initiates and Clairvoyants 15 Sep 1909, Basel
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
Now imagine a world filled with such colour-forms, reflected in manifold ways and in perpetual metamorphosis; your vision must not be confined to the colours, as it might be when confronting a painting of glimmering colour-reflections, but you must imagine it all as the expression of beings of soul-and-spirit, so that you can say to yourselves: ‘When a green colour-picture flashes up it expresses to me the fact that an intellectual being is behind it; or when a reddish colour-picture flashes up it is to me the expression of a being with a fiery, violent nature.’
194. The Mysteries of Light, of Space, and of the Earth: The Dualism in the Life of the Present Time 12 Dec 1919, Dornach
Tr. Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
Well, nature is continually making leaps: it fashions step by step the green leaf, it transforms this to the calyx-leaf, which is of another kind, to the colored petal, to the stamen, and to the pistil.
190. Spiritual Emptiness and Social Life 13 Apr 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The majority would say: I came down to the earth in order to live on flat ground, among green things or upon verdant soil, in this or that kind of climate, and whether I have Roman or Germanic features is of no particular importance to me.
190. The Spiritual Background of the Social Question: Lecture V 13 Apr 1919, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The majority would say: I came down to the earth in order to live on flat ground, among green things or upon verdant soil, in this or that kind of climate, and whether I have Roman or Germanic features is of no particular importance to me.
258. The Anthroposophic Movement (1993): The Future of the Anthroposophical Society 17 Jun 1923, Dornach
Tr. Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
But Goethe also approached the spiritual world from another angle, from a perspective which he was able to indicate only through images, one might almost say symbolically. In his Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily,4 he wished to show how a spiritual element is active in the development of the world, how the individual spheres of truth, beauty and goodness act together, and how real spiritual beings, not mere abstract concepts, have to be grasped if we want to observe the real life of the spirit.
350. Learning to See in the Spiritual World: The Development of Independent Thinking and of the Ability To Think Backward 28 Jun 1923, Dornach
Tr. Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
It was not in the outer world for the person told you that the sky was red and the clouds green—all kinds of things. The sick one saw nothing properly in the outer world, But the inner being, which the person cannot use in the deranged state, is in the spiritual world.
30. Collected Essays on Philosophy, Science, Aesthetics and Psychology 1884–1901: A Unified View of Nature and the Limits of Knowledge 15 Jul 1893,

Rudolf Steiner
The right and left, the top and bottom, the red next to the green in my field of vision are in reality in uninterrupted connection and mutual togetherness. However, we can only look in one direction and only perceive what is connected in nature separately.

Results 501 through 510 of 584

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