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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 501 through 510 of 512

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35. Human Life in the Light of Spiritual Science 16 Oct 1916, Liestal

Rudolf Steiner
Ordinary human observation can note, during the course of the year, how plants shoot up in the spring time, become increasingly clothed in green, later on developing colored blossoms and finally fruit. Then we see them wither and pass away We are aware of active growth during the summer succeeded by rest and repose during the winter Thus the succession of the seasons of the year appears to outer sense observation.
35. Poetry and the Art of Speech: Lecture VIII
Tr. Julia Wedgwood, Andrew Welburn

Rudolf Steiner
You yet may spy the fawn at play, The bare upon the green; But the sweet face of Lucy Gray Will never more be seen.
282. Speech and Drama: The Artistic Quality in Drama. Stylisation of Moods 16 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
You cannot paint into a red mood trees that are absolutely green; you will have to introduce a touch of red into their colour. And in order to provide something on which the eye can rest when Mary grows sarcastic, you can take yellow also on to your palette,—I should rather say, on to your brush; for one should never paint from a palette, but always with water colours.
93. The Temple Legend: The Royal Art in a New Form 02 Jan 1906, Berlin
Tr. John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
They are the same as the three Kings in Goethe's fairy story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily8 —the Gold King, the Silver King and the Brass King. This is connected with Freemasonry being called ‘the Royal Art.’
292. The History of Art I: Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael 01 Nov 1916, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Raphael: Madonna in Green. (Vienna.) Raphael: Madonna of the Goldfinch.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Poetry of the Present — An Overview

Rudolf Steiner
And it is certainly no less poetic to give words to man's deepest thoughts than to his inclination towards women or his joy in the green forest and birdsong. To the eulogists of so-called "unintentional creativity", who are quick with their doctrinaire objections when they sense something like a thought in poetry, it should be borne in mind that man's most precious asset, freedom, does not arise in the dullness of the unconscious, but on the bright heights of developed consciousness.
68d. The Mystery of the Human Temperaments 19 Jan 1909, Jena
Tr. Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
They color each other reciprocally. Just as blue and yellow, let us say, unite in green, so do the two streams in man unite in what we call temperament. That which mediates between all inner characteristics which he brings with him from his earlier incarnation, on the one side, and on the other what the line of heredity brings to him, comes under the concept temperament.
5. Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom: The Superman
Tr. Margaret Ingram de Ris

Rudolf Steiner
No living beings are found here. Only a kind of ugly green snake comes here in order to die. The “most ugly human being” has found this valley. He does not wish to be seen by anyone because of his ugliness.
13. An Outline of Occult Science: Sleep and Death
Tr. Henry B. Monges, Maud B. Monges, Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Thus a red stone appears greenish in the spirit land and a green stone, reddish. The other characteristics also appear In their complementary forms. Just as stones, earth masses, and so forth, make up the solid land—the continental regions—of the physical world, so the structures described above compose “the solid land” of the spirit world.
13. Occult Science - An Outline: Sleep And Death
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Seen therefore from Spirit-land, a red stone is experienced with a greenish and a green stone with a reddish hue. Other properties too appear as their antithesis. Even as stones, rocks and geological formations constitute the solid land—the continental region—of the world of Nature, so do the entities we have been describing constitute the “solid land” of the spiritual world.

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