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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 611 through 620 of 678

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192. Social Basis For Primary and Secondary Education: Lecture I 11 May 1919, Stuttgart
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Nature continually makes leaps; it is a leap from the green leaf of a plant to the sepal which has a different form—another leap from sepal to petal. It is so too in the evolution of man's life.
271. The Sensible-Supersensible in its Realisation Through the Arts 15 Feb 1918, Munich
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone sensitive to the metamorphosis of form, anyone. who can see how one form passes over into another—in the sense Goethe meant when he said the green leaf passes over into the colourful petal—will be able, on extending this mode of observation, to see that the human head is a whole, the rest of the organism another whole, and that one is the metamorphosis of the other, In a mysterious way the whole of the rest of man may be said—when suitably perceived—to be capable of transformation into a human head.
282. Speech and Drama: The Forming of Speech is an Art 05 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
He merely replied that he intended following it up with Goethe's Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily; and that if all went well, he would then go on to recite Goethe's poem Die Geheimnisse.
178. The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric: Individual Spirit Beings I 18 Nov 1917, Dornach
Translated by Barbara Betteridge, Ruth Pusch, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin, Margaret Ingram de Ris

Rudolf Steiner
Let us assume that the realm of such a brotherhood is here (small circle, green). This brotherhood spreads the teachings of materialism; it is concerned that people think purely materialistic thoughts.
13. An Outline of Occult Science: Cognition of the Higher Worlds — Initiation
Translated by Henry B. Monges, Maud B. Monges, Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Furthermore, I may say to myself that the human being has a greater perfection than the plant, but he has purchased this perfection at the price of permitting instincts, desires, and passions to enter into his nature besides the forces of the plant, which appear pure to us. I now visualize how the green sap flows through the plant and that it is an expression of the pure, passionless laws of growth.
In my thoughts I look now, for example, upon the rose and say, In the red rose petal I see the color of the green plant sap transformed into red, and the red rose, like the green leaf, follows the pure, passionless laws of growth.
61. Good Fortune 07 Dec 1911, Berlin
Translated by R. H. Bruce

Rudolf Steiner
This must lead to a point of view which, with a slight adaptation of Goethe's words, we may describe thus: Man stands with courage at the helm By wind and waves the ship is driven— The wind and waves do not affect him. Controlling them he looks in the green depths And trusts, no matter wrecked or safe in port, The forces of his inner being. 1.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Clairvoyance and Fantasy 07 Nov 1908, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
If we express the experiences of the clairvoyant in a different way, we have to say: our inner world, our soul world, is determined in ordinary life by what is going on outside. That I, for example, imagine a green stem with leaves on it, that I assert this image, comes from the fact that I am organized in a certain way.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Budapest International Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society 21 Jun 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
“When the leaves change, they become flowers; the petals are transformed stem leaves...” is not enough; one must also show how a green stem leaf can become a red petal. Thus, the Occidental does not deny anything of the Oriental, but adds something by characterizing the factors whereby stem leaves become petals.
114. The Gospel of St. Luke: The Event of Golgotha: Initiation Presented on the Stage of World History 26 Sep 1909, Basel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
Had this teaching been proclaimed in the early centuries of Christendom in the form in which it is proclaimed to-day, this would have meant demanding of human evolution the equivalent of demanding a plant to produce the blossom before the green leaves. Humanity has only now become sufficiently mature to assimilate the spiritual content of the teaching of Karma and Reincarnation.
139. The Gospel of St. Mark: Lecture III 17 Sep 1912, Basel
Translated by Conrad Mainzer, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
And he ordered them all to sit down on the green grass as if it had been a table. And they lay down as if for bed, by hundreds and by fifties. And he took the five loaves and the two fishes, looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before them; in the same way he divided the two fishes among them.

Results 611 through 620 of 678

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