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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 61 through 70 of 5831

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32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Franz Ferdinand Heitmüller 14 Jul 1900,

Rudolf Steiner
She describes this victory to the doctor of the country town, with whom she has become friends during the child's illness; she talks about how she has become free in the rural solitude, and how she now wants to carry this freedom into the city, where people can never understand such things, but where she wants to defy the lack of understanding. “The fact that I am here among people who are more or less indifferent to me and who are of no concern to me, that I am here, in a strange environment, so to speak, confessing my child, is not so bad after all.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: A Gottsched Memorial 11 Aug 1900,

Rudolf Steiner
Erected by Eugen Reichel in Memory of Gottsched I A book 1 to stir up the minds lies before us. Eugen Reichel has undertaken to redraw the picture of his East Prussian compatriot Gottsched. He considers the image that the world has created of this man to be a distorted one.
With these words, Eugen Reichel introduces his “Gottsched Monument”. Under the current conditions of German intellectual life, only a man who stands on the high ground of the freest judgment could think of this fight, or even fall for it.
To be unjust to Gottsched was a necessity for this current. One can certainly understand such injustice. But what reason is there to drag on forever the judgments that were passed on Gottsched at that time?
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Loki

Rudolf Steiner
One must point out two main characteristics of Jacobowski as a person if one wants to understand why he was so successful as a poet in his “Loki”: one, the power of plastic creation, and the other, an enchanting lyrical swing.
Thus Jacobowski's “Loki” has grown out of a philosophical view of life. And just as a philosophical understanding of life cannot harm man in his full, all-round activity, so the “Novel of a God” is not impaired in its poetic value by the fact that it is steeped in a world of philosophical ideas.
An elven old woman, Sigyn, continues to care for him in a motherly way. He grows up under her protection. He becomes a strong, serious being. The Asinnen have driven all cheerfulness out of him.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Correction 09 Nov 1901,

Rudolf Steiner
She has to do everything in this direction behind her parents' backs, because they can only see all this as a distortion of the true character of a girl. She finds a man who understands her soul's inclinations. If circumstances were favorable, this man would secure a position for himself and then, although he could never find the full sympathy of his parents as a writer, he would at least find “mercy” from them.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: The Rebirth of Man 23 Sep 1892,

Rudolf Steiner
The content should be limited to a third of the space and the arrangement should be based on the various pages from which the matter has been understood over the course of time. In this case, even the adherents of completely opposing views, to which I count myself, would have to be grateful for the book. A modern thinker will naturally not understand sentences such as the following: “If our inner being is already reflected in our physical appearance in the present, why should we be deprived of this in the future, since we do not lose any of the essential inner conditions, and the external means for this will also be found, according to the future stage of existence?”
Anyone who thinks that this is a Goethe quote has no understanding of Goethe's world view. In other places, too, passages from philosophical writers are quoted that have nothing whatsoever to do with metempsychosis and that are not understood and are taken out of context.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Felix Dörmann Single People 20 Nov 1897,

Rudolf Steiner
He is captivated by an unhealthy-looking face; a healthy complexion and full cheeks are anathema to him. He likes to sing the praises of dark circles under the eyes.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Kürschner's Literature Calendar 07 May 1898,

Rudolf Steiner
Now, at last, he reports to my “highborn” using the aforementioned rubber stamps, expressing his particular “astonishment at having fallen under the table. He is neither ‘proud’ nor ‘conceited, to be ’stingy” after being included, but believes he “can claim a right” that “others are undeservedly granted”.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Modern Poetry 15 Apr 1899,

Rudolf Steiner
Here, where my sweetheart fell into my arms, loud Love sobbed the red mouth of a flower is silent, it was quiet around me. My mother's coffin collapses under the earth! And if you still haven't had enough, dear reader, I'll give you a second sample: This morning I sang three love songs over the melting snow into the soft air.
[ruffled] * Robert Hess writes in his “Fables” (Berlin 1899): The evening sky is shining metallic. Under dark branches a shepherd is blowing. The goats are still gambolling. mosquitoes dance.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: On German National Poet's Struggle in Austria

Rudolf Steiner
The poetic fighters of the present include: Aurelius Polzer - who publishes his poems under the pseudonym Erich Fels -, Adolf Harpf - under the name Adolf Hagen -, Keim, Naaff and many others.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Memorial Service for Theodor Fontane 22 Oct 1898,

Rudolf Steiner
He showed how close the two poets were to each other in their understanding of human relationships and mental processes, and how they touched on social criticism in their works.
Even when the “young” behaved somewhat boisterously, Fontane did not confront them with the aesthetic rules in a blustering manner, as other “old” people did. He understood them even in their excesses, for he knew that many futile attempts must be made if something fruitful and future-proof is to develop in the end. For him, even the rejection of the younger generation by his contemporaries was incomprehensible. He could not really understand why the old trees did not want to tolerate the young offspring that had grown from the seeds they themselves had ripened.

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