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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 81 through 90 of 5842

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33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Poetry of the Present — An Overview

Rudolf Steiner
Gradually, it became second nature to the creative spirits. They were under its spell without being aware of it. [ 3 ] One such spirit is Theodor Storm.
He has a feeling for the broad, simple lines of the world's context. He is understood by the naive mind, and he has the same effect on the philosopher who struggles with the eternal riddles of existence.
[ 28 ] It is understandable that the most intimate art, poetry, also reveals to us the deepest secrets of a woman's heart.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Ludwig Jacobowski's Life and Character

Rudolf Steiner
Modern criticism - the first traces of which can be discovered in France with Sainte-Beuve, Taine and others - has to live beyond "good and bad", beyond "praise and blame". Psychological understanding is the only and first thing that criticism can achieve. That is why Klinger's dependence on the great Briton to understand psychologically must be understood as something naturally necessary.
They cloud the bright days of life, the moments of happiness. But one understands, one only feels the shining days in their true power when they stand out from the Loki mood. With such feelings in the background, Jacobowski has brought together his poems from the years 1896 to 1898 under the title "Leuchtende Tage" (J.
In it, he wanted to talk about the experiences that led to his Volkshefte and similar endeavors, and also about the results of such undertakings. [ 39 ] Another link in Jacobowski's efforts to serve his time was the publication of an "Anthology of Romantic Poetry" under the title "The Blue Flower".
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: An Introduction to Friedrich Schiller

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction to "Kabale Und Liebe" [ 12 ] Under the most oppressive circumstances, Schiller drafted and executed the plan for his tragedy "Kabale und Liebe".
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Arthur Schopenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
[ 9 ] Kant endeavored to seek out the conditions under which the human striving for knowledge can arrive at truths of unconditional and necessary certainty.
The rules according to which man organizes his actions are taken from his life experiences. Understanding and reason have their organ in the brain. Without the brain there are no views and no concepts.
[ 20 ] Schopenhauer's doctrine of salvation and compassion emerged from his doctrine of the will under the influence of Indian views: Brahmanism and Buddhism. Schopenhauer studied Indian religious ideas as early as 1813 in Weimar under the guidance of the Orientalist Friedrich Majer.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Jean Paul

Rudolf Steiner
Those were two difficult hours for the boy. "I lay with my head under the comforter in the sweat of ghostly fear and saw in the darkness the weather light of the cloudy ghostly sky, and I felt as if man himself were being spun by ghostly caterpillars.
One morning, as a very young child, I was standing under the front door and looking to the left at the wood, when suddenly the inner face, I am an I, came before me like a flash of lightning from the sky, and remained shining ever since: then my I had seen itself for the first time and forever."
Jean Paul felt the same way about Jacobi, the philosophical fisherman in the murky waters, as he did about Herder. Understanding and reason penetrate reality and illuminate it with the light of the idea; feeling clings to the dark, the unrecognizable, to the world of faith.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Ludwig Uhland

Rudolf Steiner
He agrees to the first condition; he does not want to become a traitor to Werner under any circumstances. Like Ernst, the Emperor does not abandon the position he has once taken. Ernst and Werner remain loyal to each other.
[ 20 ] It is understandable that Uhland had doubts about his dramatic talent after the failure of so many dramatic attempts.
The idea is to dissolve the hero and his story into poetry, into legend, precisely into the underlying ballad. Squire Waters leaves his father's house and goes to court; a minstrel joins him as the song that echoes the knightly life of action.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Christoph Martin Wieland

Rudolf Steiner
The well-traveled, well-versed Democritus is placed in the midst of a population who, in their foolishness, understand nothing of his greatness and yet, in their naïve arrogance, judge everything the wise man says and does.
This novel not only brilliantly portrays those who understand nothing in the narrowest of parochial politics and participate in everything in order to accomplish the most stupid things, but also those who are least aware of it.
The material is borrowed from a translation of "One Thousand and One Nights", which Galland had published under the title "Contes Arabes". Here, Wieland has the opportunity to portray a king as he should not be.
34. Reincarnation and Karma (GA 34): Reincarnation and Karma

Rudolf Steiner
For—and this must be emphasized again and again—the attitude of thought which underlies the anthroposophical conception of today is no other than the one underlying the scientific dictum that insects, worms and fish originate from life germs and not from mud.
The reasons are being sought for the fact that the souls of a group of children are so different from one another, although the children all grew up and were educated under identical circumstances; that even twins differ from one another in essential characteristics, although they always lived at the same place and under the care of the same nurse.
[ 27 ] Just as the nature researcher, in order to understand certain animal forms, studies the animal forms out of which these former have evolved, so the psychologist, rooted in natural science, must, in order to understand a certain soul form, study the soul form out of which the former has evolved.
34. Reincarnation and Karma (GA 34): How Karma Works

Rudolf Steiner
I myself have been changed by them. Let us suppose that I have undertaken something in which I succeeded only partially. I have pondered on the reason for this partial failure.
Because he has a corporeal existence, the human being acts under the influence of impulses, desires, and passions. And these have a significance in two directions.
It brings with it the results of the experiences undergone in previous lives, transformed into the capacities of its being.—In order to realize the far-reaching character of this fact we need only elucidate the process by a single example.
34. Reincarnation and Karma (GA 34): Answers to Some Questions Concerning Karma

Rudolf Steiner
The laws of karma, however, belong to higher worlds. Therefore, if we try to understand an event which meets the human being as being brought about by karma in the same way in which justice is applied in the purely earthly-physical life, then we must of necessity run up against contradictions. We must realize that a common experience which several people undergo in the physical world may, in the higher world, mean something completely different for each individual person among them.
Question: “Is it possible to understand, according to the law of reincarnation and karma, how a highly developed human soul can be reborn in a helpless, undeveloped child?

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