Goethean Science
GA 1

In the collected edition of Rudolf Steiner's works in German, the volume containing the German text is entitled Goethes Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften, Einleitungen, (Vol. I in the Bibliographic Survey). It was originally published as introductions to Goethe's Natural-Scientific Works in Kürschner's Deutsche National Literatur, edited by Rudolf Steiner, with introductions, footnotes, and annotations in four volumes, 1883–1897.
This 1988 Mercury Press translation was made by William Lindeman. Cover graphic form by Rudolf Steiner (originally as a study for the book Truth and Science).
- Introduction
- How Goethe's Theory of Metamorphosis Arose
- How Goethe's Thoughts on the Development of the Animals Arose
- The Nature and Significance of Goethe's Writings on Organic Development
- Concluding Remarks on Goethe's Morphological Views
- Goethe's Way of Knowledge
- The Arrangement of Goethe's Natural-scientific Writings
- From Art to Science
- Goethe's Epistemology
- Knowing and Human Action in the Light of the Goethean Way of Thinking
- Relationship of the Goethean Way of Thinking to Other Views
- Goethe and Mathematics
- Goethe's Basic Geological Principle
- Goethe's Meteorological Conceptions
- Goethe and Natural-scientific Illusionism
- Goethe as Thinker and Investigator
- Goethe Against Atomism
- Goethe's World View in his Aphorisms in Prose