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December 27 GMT

Year Lecture Title Book Title City Volume
1923 Atlantean Wisdom in the Mysteries of Hibernia, Gilgamesh and Eabani at Ephesus, Logos Mysteries of Artemis at Ephesus World History in the light of Anthroposophy Dornach 233
1914 The Birth of Christ Within Us The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas Basel 156
1923 Continuation of the Foundation Meeting The Christmas Conference Dornach 260
1918 The Evolution of Christianity from the Mysteries of pre-Christian Times How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Dornach 187
1921 Health and Illness I Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education Dornach 303
1910 Lecture I Occult History Stuttgart 126
1911 Lecture I The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit Hanover 134
1922 Lecture IV The Origins of Natural Science Dornach 326
1919 Lecture V The Light Course Stuttgart 320
1915 The Representative of Life The Representative of Life Dornach 165
1922 Why do We Become Sick? Influenza; Hayfever; Mental Illness Health and Illness, Volume I Dornach 348
1910 Yuletide and the Christmas Festival Yuletide and the Christmas Festival Stuttgart 125
1904 Creation of Races up to the Fertilization with Manas (Animal Separations) Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I Berlin 90a
1907 Group Ego and Individual Ego Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols Cologne 101
1915 Lecture Two The Ancient Christmas Plays and a Forgotten Spiritual Current in Humanity Dornach 165
1915 Discussion During the Third Annual General Assembly of the Johannesbau Association The History of the Johannesbau and Goetheanum Associations Dornach 252
1914 Words at the Grave of Albert Faiss Not Yet Available Dornach 261
1923 December 27, 1923 Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays Dornach 274
1919 The World Balance of the Intellectual and Spiritual Life of the Present Day Freedom of Thought and Social Forces Stuttgart 333
1920 Orientation Lecture on Threefolding and “Futurum” Propaganda I Current Social and Economic Issues Dornach 332b