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Date Lecture Title Book Title City Volume
04 Jan The Nature of Mythical Thinking, Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution Dornach 180
05 Jan The Change of Soul in the Change of Consciousness Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution Dornach 180
06 Jan How Can Osiris Be Awakened to New Life? Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution Dornach 180
06 Jan Introductory Words to a Performance of the Oberufer Paradise and Nativity Plays Not Yet Available Dornach 274
08 Jan The Theory of Heredity, Old Isis Inscription Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution Dornach 180
11 Jan The Getting Younger of Humanity while Advancing in Time Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution Dornach 180
12 Jan Duality of the Human Being, Head and Trunk Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution Dornach 180
13 Jan Man Is the Solution of the Riddle Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution Dornach 180
14 Jan Mystery Truths and the Christmas Impulse XV Not Yet Available Dornach 180
17 Jan Mystery Truths and the Christmas Impulse XVI Not Yet Available Dornach 180
22 Jan The Present Position of Spiritual Science Earthly Death and Cosmic Life Berlin 181
24 Jan Aim and Being of Spiritual Research The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
29 Jan A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Human Being Earthly Death and Cosmic Life Berlin 181
05 Feb The Living and the Dead Earthly Death and Cosmic Life Berlin 181
07 Feb The Human Being as Being of Soul and Spirit The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
08 Feb Preface The Mission of Folk-Souls Berlin 121
08 Feb Preface The Mission of the Individual Folk-Souls Berlin 121
10 Feb The Dead are with Us The Dead Are With Us (1973) Nuremberg 182
10 Feb The Dead are with Us The Dead Are With Us (1964) Nuremberg 182
11 Feb Body, Soul and Spirit of Man Not Yet Available Nuremberg 71b
12 Feb Revelations of the Unconscious in Psychic Life Not Yet Available Norrköping 71b
14 Feb Michael's Battle and Its Reflection On Earth I The Mission of the Archangel Michael Munich 174a
15 Feb The Sensible-Supersensible in its Realisation Through the Arts The Physical-Superphysical: Its Realisation Through Art Munich 271
16 Feb Man as a Spirit and Soul Being Not Yet Available Munich 71b
17 Feb Michael's Battle and Its Reflection On Earth II The Mission of the Archangel Michael Munich 174a
17 Feb The Sensible-Supersensible in its Realisation Through the Arts Not Yet Available Munich 271
18 Feb Revelations of the Unconscious in Psychic Life Not Yet Available Munich 71b
19 Feb On Eurythmy (combined with next lecture) Not Yet Available Munich 277a
21 Feb Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
23 Feb Sleeping, Dreaming, Waking and Willing, Feeling, Thinking. The Relationship Between the Living and the Dead. The Impulses of the Dead in Historical Life. The Role of Central Europe Not Yet Available Stuttgart 174b
24 Feb Not Yet Available Stuttgart 174b
25 Feb Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul Stuttgart 71b
26 Feb The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul Nuremberg 71b
26 Feb On Eurythmy Not Yet Available Stuttgart 277a
28 Feb Mind, Soul and Body of the Human Being The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
05 Mar The Cosmic Thoughts and our Dead Earthly Death and Cosmic Life Berlin 181
07 Mar Nature and Her Riddles in the Light of Spiritual Science The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
12 Mar Man's Connection with the Spiritual World Earthly Death and Cosmic Life Berlin 181
14 Mar The Historical Life of Humanity and Its Riddles The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
19 Mar Feelings of Unity and Sentiments of Gratitude: A Bridge to the Dead Earthly Death and Cosmic Life Berlin 181
21 Mar Manifestations of the Unconscious Manifestations of the Unconscious Berlin 67
26 Mar Confidence in Life and Rejuvenation of the Soul: A Bridge to the Dead Earthly Death and Cosmic Life Berlin 181
28 Mar Life in Art and Art in Life Not Yet Available Berlin 71b
30 Mar Lecture I Anthroposophical Life Gifts Berlin 181
30 Mar The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit Berlin 181
01 Apr Lecture II Anthroposophical Life Gifts Berlin 181
01 Apr The Earth As Seen by the Dead The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit Berlin 181
02 Apr Lecture III Anthroposophical Life Gifts Berlin 181
09 Apr Lecture IV Anthroposophical Life Gifts Berlin 181
15 Apr The Animal and Human Realms. Their Origin and Development The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
16 Apr Lecture IV Anthroposophical Life Gifts Berlin 181
18 Apr The Supersensible Human Being The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
20 Apr The Questions of Free Will and Immortality The Eternal human Soul Berlin 67
23 Apr The Life Between Death and Rebirth in Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition. Luciferic and Ahrimanic Impulses in Past and Present Not Yet Available Stuttgart 174b
24 Apr Free Will and Immortality Reincarnation and Immortality Nuremberg 71b
25 Apr The Historical Evolution of Humanity and the Science of the Spirit Reincarnation and Immortality Nuremberg 71b
26 Apr The Disciples of Humanity. Proper Aging of the Individual. The Mood of Expectancy toward Life as an Educational Impulse Not Yet Available Stuttgart 174b
29 Apr Death as a Change of Life III Not Yet Available Heidenheim 182
30 Apr Death as a Change of Life IV Not Yet Available Ulm 182
01 May Supernatural Man and the Question of Freewill Not Yet Available Munich 71b
02 May Middle Europe Between East and West XI Not Yet Available Munich 174a
03 May Human History and Morality Not Yet Available Munich 71b
04 May Middle Europe Between East and West XII Not Yet Available Munich 174a
05 May The Source of Artistic Imagination and the Source of Supersensible Knowledge Not Yet Available Munich 271
06 May The Source of Artistic Imagination and the Source of Supersensible Knowledge II The Sources of Artistic Imagination and the Sources of Supersensible Knowledge Munich 271
11 May Supernatural Man and the Question of Freewill Not Yet Available Leipzig 71b
14 May Lecture VI Anthroposophical Life Gifts Berlin 181
21 May Lecture VII Anthroposophical Life Gifts Berlin 181
27 May How Can One Scientifically Recognize Spiritual Life? Not Yet Available Vienna 71b
29 May Human History Not Yet Available Vienna 71b
01 Jun The Sensible-Supersensible. Spiritual Knowledge and Artistic Creativity Not Yet Available Vienna 271
02 Jun Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance Not Yet Available Vienna 277
12 Jun Spiritual Scientific Note on Goethe's Faust Vol. II Goethe's Personal Relationship to his 'Faust' Prague 273
14 Jun How Can One Recognize the Superrnatural Life of the Human Soul? Not Yet Available Prague 71b
25 Jun States of Consciousness A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future Berlin 181
28 Jun Introduction to a Eurythmy Performance Not Yet Available Berlin 277
30 Jun The Relationship of Living to the dead. The Aging Process as a Hope and Expectation of the Individual. The Working of the Subconscious. Spiritual Science and Historical Science Not Yet Available Hamburg 182
01 Jul Scientific Knowledge of the Supernatural Not Yet Available Hamburg 71b
01 Jul Scientific Knowledge of the Supernatural Not Yet Available Hamburg 71b
03 Jul The Building at Dornach A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future Berlin 181
09 Jul East and West A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future Berlin 181
16 Jul History and Repeated Earth-Lives A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future Berlin 181
23 Jul The Being and Evolution of Man A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future Berlin 181
30 Jul Problems of the Time I A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future Berlin 181
06 Aug Problems of the Time II A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future Berlin 181
17 Aug Lecture I Occult Psychology Dornach 183
18 Aug Lecture II Occult Psychology Dornach 183
19 Aug Lecture III Occult Psychology Dornach 183
20 Aug Extract Before a Performance of "the Classical Walpurgis Night" from Goethe's "Faust" Not Yet Available Dornach 277
23 Aug Extract Before a Performance of "the Classical Walpurgis Night" from Goethe's "Faust" (continued) Not Yet Available Dornach 277
24 Aug Lecture I Mysteries of the Sun and of the Threefold Man Dornach 183
25 Aug Lecture II Mysteries of the Sun and of the Threefold Man Dornach 183
25 Aug Introductory Words to a Eurythmy Performance. Goethe's "Faust": Prologue in Heaven Not Yet Available Dornach 277
26 Aug Lecture III Mysteries of the Sun and of the Threefold Man Dornach 183
31 Aug The Science of Becoming Human VII Not Yet Available Dornach 183
01 Sep The Science of Becoming Human VIII Not Yet Available Dornach 183
02 Sep The Science of Becoming Human IX Not Yet Available Dornach 183
06 Sep Lecture I The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real Dornach 184
07 Sep Lecture II The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real Dornach 184
07 Sep Goethe, Comte and Bentham Goethe, Comte and Bentham Dornach 184
08 Sep Three Streams of Human Evolution III Not Yet Available Dornach 184
13 Sep Three Streams of Human Evolution IV Not Yet Available Dornach 184
14 Sep Three Streams of Human Evolution V Not Yet Available Dornach 184
15 Sep The Polarity between Eternity and Evolution in Human Life The Polarity between Eternity and Evolution in Human Life Dornach 184
20 Sep The Threefoldness of Space and the Unity of Time The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind Dornach 184
20 Sep Memorial Words to Mark the Death of Maria Hahn (died 20 Sept. 1918) Not Yet Available Dornach 261
21 Sep Lucifer and Ahriman The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind Dornach 184
22 Sep Romanism and Freemasonry The Cosmic Prehistoric Ages of Mankind Dornach 184
22 Sep Words at the Grave of Maria Hahn Not Yet Available Regensburg 261
27 Sep Some Spiritual-Scientific Observations in Connection with the “Classical Walpurgis-Night” The Problem of Faust Dornach 273
28 Sep Spiritual Science Considered with the Classical Walpurgis-Night The Problem of Faust Dornach 273
29 Sep Goethe's Life of the Soul from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science The Problem of Faust Dornach 273
04 Oct Lecture I Three Streams in Human Evolution Dornach 184
05 Oct Lecture II Three Streams in Human Evolution Dornach 184
06 Oct Lecture III Three Streams in Human Evolution Dornach 184
06 Oct St Augustine, St Simon and Auguste Comte St. Augustine, St. Simon and Auguste Comte Dornach 184
08 Oct Can a method of gaining insight into spheres beyond the sense-perceptible world be given a scientific basis? Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science Zürich 73
09 Oct The Work of the Angels In Mans Astral Body The Work of the Angels in Man's Astral Body Zürich 182
09 Oct What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body? What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body? Zürich 182
10 Oct The spiritual scientific make-up of psychology Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science Zürich 73
11 Oct Lecture IV Three Streams in Human Evolution Dornach 184
12 Oct Lecture V Three Streams in Human Evolution Dornach 184
13 Oct Lecture VI Three Streams in Human Evolution Dornach 184
15 Oct The study of nature, social science and religious life seen in the light of spiritual science Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science Zürich 73
16 Oct How Do I Find the Christ? How Do I Find the Christ? Zürich 182
17 Oct Modern history in the light of spiritual-scientific investigation Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science Zürich 73
18 Oct The Birth of the Consciousness Soul From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
19 Oct Symptomatology of Recent Centuries From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
20 Oct Characteristics of Historical Symptoms in Recent Times From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
25 Oct The Historical Significance of the Scientific Mode of Thinking From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
26 Oct The Supersensible Element in the Study of History From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
26 Oct Evil and the Future of Man Evil and the Future of Man Dornach 185
30 Oct The Nature of the Soul and Body of Man as Illuminated by Spiritual Science Freedom, Immortality and Social Life Basel 72
30 Oct Brief Reflections on the Publication of the New Edition of ‘The Philosophy of Freedom’ From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
31 Oct Justification of Supersensible Knowledge Through Natural Science Freedom, Immortality and Social Life Basel 72
01 Nov Incidental Reflections on the Occasion of the New Edition of ‘Goethes Weltanschauung’ From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
01 Nov Document Not Yet Available 252
02 Nov Religious Impulses of the Fifth Post-Atlantean Epoch From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
03 Nov The Relation Between the Deeper European Impulses and Those of the Present Day From Symptom to Reality in Modern History Dornach 185
03 Nov 6th Annual General Meeting of the Goetheanum Society (fka St. John's Building) Not Yet Available Dornach 250
03 Nov Document Not Yet Available 252
08 Nov Moral, Social and Religious Life Not Yet Available Basel 71b
09 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements I Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
10 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements II Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
15 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements III Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
16 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements IV Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
17 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements V Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
22 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements VI Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
23 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements VII Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
24 Nov Historical Development Underlying Social Judgements VIII Not Yet Available Dornach 185a
29 Nov East and West from a Spiritual Point of View The Challenge of the Times Dornach 186
30 Nov The Present from the Viewpoint of the Present The Challenge of the Times Dornach 186
01 Dec The Mechanistic, Eugenic and Hygienic Aspects of the Future The Challenge of the Times Dornach 186
06 Dec Social and Antisocial Instincts The Challenge of the Times Dornach 186
07 Dec Specters of the Old Testament in the Nationalism of the Present The Challenge of the Times Dornach 186
08 Dec The Innate Capacities of the Nations of the World The Challenge of the Times Dornach 186
09 Dec Justification for a Science of the Soul in the Sense of Anthroposophy Freedom, Immortality and Social Life Bern 72
11 Dec Moral, Social and Religious Life from the Standpoint of Anthroposophy Freedom, Immortality and Social Life Bern 72
12 Dec Social and Anti-social Forces In The Human Being Social and Anti-Social Forces in the Human Being Bern 186
13 Dec The Transforming of Instinctive into Conscious Impulses The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times Dornach 186
14 Dec The Logic of Thought and the Logic of Reality The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times Dornach 186
15 Dec The Metamorphosis of Intelligence The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times Dornach 186
20 Dec The New Revelation of the Spirit The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times Dornach 186
21 Dec Understand One-Another The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times Dornach 186
22 Dec The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Basel 187
22 Dec The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul Basel 187
24 Dec The Entrance of Christianity into the Course of Earth Evolution How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Dornach 187
25 Dec Distribution of Man's Inner Impulses in the Course of His Life How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Dornach 187
27 Dec The Evolution of Christianity from the Mysteries of pre-Christian Times How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Dornach 187
28 Dec The Change in the Human Soul Constitution How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Dornach 187
29 Dec Transformation of the Human Being in the Course of Evolution How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Dornach 187
31 Dec Experiences of the Old Year and Outlook over the New Year I How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again? Dornach 187

Search by Day

July 27 GMT

Year Lecture Title Book Title City Volume
1921 Nature Knowledge and Spirit Knowledge Not Yet Available Darmstadt 77a
1922 Creative Speech Not Yet Available Dornach 280
1922 Lecture IV World Economy Dornach 340
1923 The Spiritual Individualities of Our Planets The Spiritual Individualities of the Planets Dornach 228