Rudolf Steiner to Edith Maryon
Prague-Smichow, 1 April 1924
at Prof. Hauffen
Stefaniková třida 56
My dear Edith Maryon!
I received the two letters to my great satisfaction and thank you very much for them. I see from them that the improvement that occurred before my departure has lasted for the last few days. That makes me happy. Hopefully it will continue well and your health will strengthen.
I am doing well here, although there is still a lot to do. Sunday was taken up almost entirely from morning to evening by the meeting at which the Bohemian country society was formed. But everything is going according to plan with lectures and eurythmy events.
I have already written about my arrival in Dornach. It seems, however, that I will only just be able to arrive there before the lecture, so that we might not see each other before the lecture. But in any case, as early as possible.
I send you my warmest thoughts for the strengthening of health
and the very best greetings
Rudolf Steiner