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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 41 through 50 of 177

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69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Spiritual Science in Its Relationship to Religious and Social Movements of the Present Day 13 Mar 1914, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Every human being develops soul powers in the first years of their childhood that they could not get through life with if they remained throughout their whole life as they were in their first childhood years.
Just as the forces slumbering in the human being in the first years of life are developed in such a way that the human being can orient themselves in their sensory world, so too, if the human being really wants to recognize, look at and perceive the spiritual world, a change must take place in them in later life.
This language only needs to be developed. It slumbers in every human soul. It approaches the human soul directly and is awakened by the spiritual truths that the spiritual researcher brings from the spiritual world.
10. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (1947): Some Practical Aspects
Tr. George Metaxa, Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
[ 3 ] A particular effort must be made to cultivate the quality of patience. Every symptom of impatience produces a paralyzing, even a destructive effect on the higher faculties that slumber in us.
There is only one way to get rid of faults and failings, and that is by a clear recognition of them. Everything slumbers in the human soul and can be awakened.
For this purpose an organ of vision must have been developed in the soul. The beginnings of such an organ are latent in every human being, but remain ineffective as long as he is capable of anger.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Health Issues in the Light of Humanities 08 Feb 1909, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
When the words “health issues” are spoken, many of our contemporaries may reflect on how our views, our opinions of everyday life, of life in general, of all its blessings and woe; when the words “health issues” are spoken, however, it is particularly a feeling that may be evoked here that slumbers more or less consciously or unconsciously in every human soul: that man rightly regards health as a precious possession in this physical life.
They got to know the then famous and widely significant anatomist Hyrtl, the man who provided the basis for hundreds and hundreds of young doctors at the time, the basis that every doctor needs, the anatomical foundations... When he stood before his audience and built up the human being from the components of the human organism, which seemingly can only be expressed in the driest of terms for scientific observation, when he built the human being out of anatomical parts, then, listening to him, you had the feeling that behind this description, this explanation of the structure of the human organism, something else was still alive, something lived from a deep understanding of the spiritual, which builds the wonderful structure of the human organism... there was just something... something... there was something in Hyrtl's presentation that can only be expressed as follows: just as the creative power of nature itself, as the spirit of nature, allows the individual structures to sprout and grow into the entire structure of the human organism, so this human organism was anatomically built up before the audience.
They also know that the first higher limb in human nature, which truly and really lives for those who can observe human beings with higher abilities, is what we call the etheric or life body in spiritual science: the mysterious master builder who is there and builds up this human organism.
34. Reincarnation and Karma (GA 34): Reincarnation and Karma

Rudolf Steiner
The answer must be: Undoubtedly it is; but there is also a kind of school exercise which requires the children to describe the fate of a pen. The important point here is that the biography has the same fundamental significance in regard to the individual human being as the description of the species has in regard to the animal. Just as I am interested in the description of the lion-species in regard to the lion, so am I interested in the biography in regard to the individual human being.
But where these characteristics terminate, there begins for the human being his unique position, his task in the world. And where this begins, all possibility of an explanation according to the pattern of animal-physical heredity ceases.
56. The Mission of Occult Science in Our Time 10 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Who are such initiates? Imagine that there are human beings who live in a distant area where no railways and no machines exist. Now one comes along on the way to Europe and sees that there are railways and machines.
Everything that will be said in this winter course as a result of the research in the higher world could not be found without clairvoyance, not without developing the spiritual eyes and ears slumbering in every human being.
However, we search not so much satisfaction of the mind but deepening of the soul, of inner life. We want to find the divine in the feeling, in the sensation. This objection is done out of the depth of sensations, and just the human beings who stand firmly in the occult science can appreciate the significance of such an objection completely which says there: give us soul!
54. Easter 12 Apr 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The human being stands there as the crown of the remaining creation. Aeons had to precede until the universal wisdom was summarised in this human body. However, in the soul of the undeveloped human being the universal wisdom starts growing. There it hardly dreams of the great thought of the universal spirit that has built up the human being.
In this human body, the universal wisdom now slumbers to recognise itself in the human soul, to form an eye in the human being to grasp itself.
54. Easter and the Awakening to Cosmic Thought 12 Apr 1907, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
But in the surrounding world too we behold an array of crystallised wisdom. When we look out into the world, applying what knowledge we possess to the laws in operation there, and then turn to observe the human being, we see all Nature concentrated in him.
What was it that had necessarily to precede the building of the human body, what had to come to pass before the cosmic wisdom was concentrated in this human being? The cosmic wisdom is concentrated in the body of a human being standing before us. Yet it is in the soul of an undeveloped human being that this wisdom first begins to manifest. The soul hardly so much as dreams of the great cosmic thoughts according to which the human being has evolved.
266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 01 Jan 1912, Hanover
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This feeling arises because the pupil begins to pay attention to his subtle soul stirrings, especially to the untruthfulness that slumbers potentially in every man. We don't mean the cruder lies and hypocrisies that lower natures generate, but the finer nuances that we don't notice through our superficiality and which we often do not even acknowledge.
Another example will show us how much men live on the surface in all of their actions and even in their duties. (Followed by the example of teachers who were supposed to be tested a second time and didn't know what was in the textbooks that they used every day.)
It's only by going further on the path, by eagerly continuing the meditations that it'll dawn on him that maya must fall away before he can know the truth, spiritual reality; Azazel brings us this knowledge; he preserves man from spiritual or intellectual drowning. Then there's a fourth being, Mehazael. He awakens the feeling in us and makes us aware that we're bound to time and space.
80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: Anthroposophy and the Riddle of the Soul 20 Mar 1922, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
It applies to being truly human. If we ask ourselves impartially, are we actually human in the full sense of the word if we are not aware of our humanity?
But it can also follow the human being with his mental expressions; it can follow what significance that which we take in daily has for the mental life of the human being.
In spiritual and soul terms, the human being becomes a single sensory organ. In this way, I would say, the human being develops opacity in one direction by getting to know his organs and learning to relate them to the cosmos.
271. The Nature and Origin of the Arts 28 Oct 1909, Berlin
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Thou canst contrast them with the human forms of to-day, and show how pure and chaste the human form of the future is to be.” And out of the sea of changing figures in the imaginative perception there arose something resembling the archetype of the Venus of Milo.
Thou must dare to unite thyself with me! Then wilt thou be able to kindle in the souls of mankind on earth a faculty which again is a part of their inventive activity, and whereby thou wilt become an individual faculty in that whole which the youth earlier described thee as being” The soul of the woman resolutely undertook this deed, and by so doing she became something which was in actual fact very different and very remote from a human bodily figure, something which could have been appreciated only by one who has looked deep into the soul of man himself.
All the feelings which cause human language to shrivel up, or which would freeze to death if they were dependent upon verbal conception would be sheer poison, will attain through thee the possibility of breathing out the innermost being of the soul over the circumference of the earth, upon the wings of song and ballad, and the imprinting upon that circumference something that would otherwise not be there.

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