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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 41 through 50 of 220

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293. The Study of Man: Lecture IX 30 Aug 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Daphne Harwood, Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
First you bring what you see in the lion to your consciousness; and only by this bringing to consciousness do you gain an understanding of your perceptions of the lion.
You must give the child such concepts as are capable of change in his later life. The educator must aim at giving the child concepts which will not remain the same throughout his life, but will change as the child grows older.
What then is the fundamental impulse, the completely unconscious mood of the child before the change of teeth? This fundamental mood is a very beautiful one, and it must be fostered in the child.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Education Based on Knowledge of the Human Being III 26 Dec 1921, Dornach
Tr. Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
An old person develops certain animal characteristics within the physical, but a child’s entire life is filled with a sensitivity toward the vegetative organic processes that also affect the child’s soul life.
This in turn redeems the thoughts from their previous abstract nature; they become image-like. This happens in full consciousness, just as all healthy thinking takes place. It is essential that we do not lose full consciousness, and this distinguishes meditation from a hallucinatory state.
We will have developed the faculty of consciously forming images that, under normal circumstances, appear only in dreams, during a state that escapes ordinary consciousness and is confined to the time between falling asleep and awaking. Now, however, this condition has been induced in full consciousness and freedom.
258. The Anthroposophic Movement (1938): Foreword
Tr. Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood

Marie Steiner
What you call Knowing!’ ‘Why, who dare give the child its proper name? ‘The few who had some knowledge of these things, ‘And, fool-like, set no guard on their full hearts, ‘Revealed their feelings, visions, to the herd, ‘—These from of old they crucified and burnt.’
What is more, she did not understand herself, and suffered horribly each time on awaking from states that eluded her consciousness. Those will do her memory best service, who interpret her in the light and connection of one who was involved with the first attempts of the occultists to break through the enchanted circle of materialism.
There is no need for shame-faced concealment of our faults; on the contrary; out of their darkness we must evoke the light that brings self-knowledge. Communal consciousness is hard to be won. The common ‘I’ can only grow up strong and firm amongst us on a soil of vigorous wakefulness, of will to active knowledge, of courage for truth.
302a. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: The Three Fundamental Forces in Education 16 Sep 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
We acquire the reverence we need in our teaching activity, something that can have a religious quality, if we raise this to consciousness: the forces I draw forth from the child around his seventh year, which I make use of when he learns drawing or writing—these are really furnished me by heaven.
And this reverence is something that works on the child with enormous formative effect. Thus in what is happening to the child at the change of teeth we have something that is a direct transference of spiritual forces from the spiritual world through the child into the physical world.
During this time something is stirring to life in the regions of the soul which are not already irradiated by the consciousness—for the consciousness is only now forming itself, and something is streaming into us continuously from the outer world unconsciously—something that is gradually emerging into consciousness wakens to life now, something that has irradiated the child from the outer world since his birth, that has collaborated in the building up of the child's body and has entered into the child, into his formative forces.
217. The Younger Generation: Lecture X 12 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Goethe records how he was cured of certain childlike religious ideas by the Lisbon earthquake, thus about the time when he was changing his teeth, and how puzzling everything was for him. He tells how as a small child he began to reflect: Is there a good God ruling the world, when one sees that countless people have been swept away through these terrible fiery forces in the earth?
They felt the black signs to be witchcraft. The feeling of the child is very similar. But let us awaken in the child what it means to look at black, red, green, yellow, white.
He really has not the slightest kinship with it. it has taken the human being thousands of years to acquire this relationship. The child must acquire an aesthetic relation to it. Everything is exterminated in the child because the written characters are not human; and the child wants to remain human.
311. The Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture One 12 Aug 1924, Torquay
Tr. Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
Then one thinks how best to teach so that the child can learn such and such a thing quickly. But what is a child, in reality? A child remains a child for at most twelve years, or possibly longer, but that is not the point.
It is quite easy to be a full-grown person but extremely difficult to be a child. The child himself is not aware of this because his consciousness is not yet awake. It is still asleep, but if the child possessed the consciousness he had before descending to earth he would soon notice this difficulty: if the child were still living in this pre-earthly consciousness his life would be a terrible tragedy, a really terrible tragedy.
And when he comes to school at the age of the changing of the teeth it is again milk that you must give him, but now, milk for the soul. That is to say, your teaching must not be made up of isolated units, but all That the child receives must be a unity; when he has gone through the change of teeth he must have “soul milk.”
304a. Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy II: Education and Art 25 Mar 1923, Stuttgart
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch, Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
There is one strange omission in this general demand for a renewal of education, however: the necessity to base educational demands on a clear insight into the evolving human being, into the child, rather than to depend on the teachers’ vague subconscious instincts. The opinion is that, while nature can be known, it is impossible to penetrate human nature in depth and in full consciousness in a way that would help educators.
If we look at social life today, we could characterize the difference between the child at play and the adult at work in the following way: Compared to the activities of the adult, which are dictated by necessity, the child’s play is connected with an inner force of liberation, endowing the playing child with a feeling of well-being and happiness.
Everyone agrees that it is essential to train the child’s intellect. This notion has become so deeply ingrained in modern consciousness that indifference toward training the intellect is very unlikely to spread.
108. The Answers to Questions About the World and Life Provided by Anthroposophy: Life between Two Reincarnations 02 Dec 1908, Breslau

Rudolf Steiner
These are the four links that we want to look at first. And human life, human consciousness, depends on the way in which they are connected with each other. Only in day consciousness, in waking, do the four aspects of human nature interpenetrate.
It is the same in the relationship that exists between mother and child. A mother's love for her child is the answer to the prenatal love of the child for the mother, who, because of the affinity of her soul with the child, felt drawn to her as a result of her longing for re-embodiment.
The face of the earth, the regions, the animal kingdom, the plant cover, all this is constantly changing in a relatively short time. Think back a hundred years. What a difference compared to today! It is not so long ago that every child learns to read and write by the age of six, as is the case in our society today.
130. Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Christ Impulse in Historical Development II 19 Sep 1911, Locarno
Tr. Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
Those people in particular who have this attitude, and who have the good fortune to live so close to nature should pay heed right now to the way everything is changing at the present time! It is changing, in fact it is changing throughout the cosmos. It is wrong to say nature makes no leaps.
Whilst in outer physical nature relatively little will be seen of the great change at the turn of the twentieth century, the spiritually awakened soul will feel: times are changing, and we human beings have the task of preparing spirit knowledge. It will become more and more important to observe such things and carry them in our consciousness.
If our souls are stirred by this message that angel beings hovered in the aureole above the angelic child, we should know that in this aura around Jesus the forces of the Nirmanakaya17 of the Buddha were active.
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: Introduction to Theosophy IV 28 Mar 1909, Rome

In the course of evolution, this etheric head retreated more and more into the physical head, thereby changing the profile. Now, at the point in question, we have the organ whose development will give humanity back its clairvoyance: the pineal gland.
We see the last hint of the Lemurian crown on the head of a newly born child, namely the small opening at the top, which remains open until about a year old. or something:maehr.
As we can see, the influence of these forces has a good and an evil side, because on the one hand they seduced humanity, but on the other hand they gave it freedom. Our present consciousness comes from the clairvoyant consciousness, and we find the latter more and more developed the further we go back in human evolution.

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