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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 61 through 70 of 220

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191. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge 04 Oct 1919, Dornach
Tr. T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
Nothing must go beyond the child's mental capacity. These visual aid lessons get frightfully trivial and trite. It is bound to lead to nothing but commonplace concepts if they avoid giving the child anything beyond its own mental capacity.
For standardised education still plays a great part, that is, the kind of education that works with a whole set of standard rules. Education is learnt, how to teach a child is learnt, how to arrange the lesson is learnt. Comparing this with our present day consciousness it would be like learning that man consists of carbohydrates, protein and so on—these are our constituents and they undergo such and such changes inside our body, and we cannot eat before we have understood this; for we do not eat in a physiological sense until we understand it.
For the moment the child stands in front of him again he will again be electrified by the growing child and will know what he has to do with him.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Moral Qualities and the Life after Death. Windows of the Earth. 01 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
On the one side the physical body and the etheric body lie there in a state of unconsciousness; but the Ego and the astral body are also without consciousness. We may now ask: Are these two unconscious sides of human nature also related during sleep?—We know indeed that in the waking state, where the ordinary consciousness of modern man functions, the two sides are related through thinking, through feeling and through willing.
In the case of the living human being, we see through this outer form and perceive soul-and-spirit. For ordinary consciousness the Sun is changed as it were into a papier-maché cast. We do not see through its outer husk that is woven of Light.
324. Anthroposophy and Science: Lecture IV 19 Mar 1921, Stuttgart
Tr. Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
We are quite clear that the strength of our soul which brings these memory pictures to consciousness is related to our ordinary bright, clear power of understanding. It is not itself the power of understanding, but it is related to it. One can say: What we have been striving to attain—that our consciousness will be illuminated by this imaginative cognition in all our activities as it is in mathematical activity—happens for us when we come to these memory pictures.
And if we search for the factors through which we have changed inwardly, we will find the following: We may notice first of all what has happened to our physical organism—for this is always changing. In the first half of life it changes progressively through growth; in the second half it is changing through regression.
305. Spiritual Ground of Education: Body Viewed from the Spirit 19 Aug 1922, Oxford
Tr. Daphne Harwood

Rudolf Steiner
Such is the fine and delicate knowledge that one must have in order to educate in a proper way. This is the manner of a child's life up to the changing of the teeth. It is entirely given up to what its organism has absorbed from the adults around it.
We must say to ourselves with regard to the child: clever a teacher or educator may be, the child reveals to us in his life infinitely significant spiritual and divine things.
Love for what we have to do with the child. Respect for the freedom of the child—a freedom we must not endanger; for it is to this freedom we educate the child, that he may stand in freedom in the world at our side.
68b. The Human Cycle Within The World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Mystery of Death and the Riddle of Life 01 Feb 1908, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
However, this is only the case if the ego and the astral body do not lose consciousness. The astral body must remain within the etheric body. Another example of the etheric body being disconnected from the physical body in places is when a limb, for example a hand, has fallen asleep.
If we look at the development of the earth, we have to realize that everything on earth is changing. People will not reappear on earth until they can have new experiences on earth. Imagine Europe a few centuries before Christ, when everything was covered with mighty forests, and how every corner of the earth has changed since then. The face of the earth is constantly changing, and so is the cultural face of the earth. Our children learn something completely different at school than the children of ancient Rome learned.
146. The Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture IX 05 Jun 1913, Helsinki
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Thus the lowest region of soul-life was a picture-like consciousness, and this was illumined from the higher region—of sleep consciousness—through inspiration. In this way they could rise to still higher conditions.
Together they produce the self-consciousness man must have in the further course of his evolution—the self-consciousness that makes it possible for him to become ever more perfect as an individual being.
At the time when the Krishna impulse was received by the Luke Jesus child mankind was in the midst of this development, this increase of self-consciousness and estrangement from the outer world.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: The evolution of human culture 06 Aug 1924, Dornach
Tr. Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
This is something in the history of culture that constitutes a real step forward for the human race: that man acquired consciousness, that he is a free being. He no longer feels the spirit driving him as instinct drives the animal.
During our recent trip to Holland we bought an illustrated paper, and on the last page there was a curious picture: a child, a small child, really a baby—and as its nurse, taking care of it, bringing it up, an ape, an orangutan.
It even makes a difference whether they strike their flail on the out-breathing or the in-breathing or whether they do it as they are changing over from one to the other. Now why is this? You can see that it has nothing to do with intellect, for today this old way of threshing is almost unheard of.
307. Education: Arithmetic, Geometry, History 14 Aug 1923, Ilkley
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Education can only be filled with the necessary vitality and give rise to a real interplay between the soul of the teacher and the soul of the child, if the teacher fully realizes the consequences of his actions and methods. He must know exactly what effect is made on the child by the treatment he receives in school, or anywhere else.
But this mere adding of one or more units must only be introduced as a second stage, for it has significance only here in physical space, whereas to divide a unity into its members has an inner significance such that it can continue to vibrate in the etheric body even though quite beneath our consciousness. It is important to know these things. Having taught the child to count in this way, the following will also be important.
That is, we go from the sum to the items composing it, from the whole to the parts. The method we should use with the child is first to set down the sum before him and then let the child himself perceive how the given sum can be divided into several items.
106. Egyptian Myths and Mysteries: The Genesis of the Trinity of Sun, Moon, and Earth. Osiris and Typhon. 07 Sep 1908, Leipzig
Tr. Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
The clairvoyant consciousness perceives that the body of the man of that time consisted only of a fine mist-form or vapor-form; it was a body of air or gas, a gas-body rayed through and entirely permeated by light. If we imagine a cloud formed with some regularity, a chalice-like formation expanding in an upward direction, the chalice glowing with inner light, we have the men of that time who, for the first time in this earth-evolution, began to have a dim consciousness, such a consciousness as the plant-world has today. These men were not like plants in the modern sense.
Formerly, man had the consciousness, “I have a dark form, but I am connected with the eternal being.” Who was it that destroyed this consciousness?
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: The Apocalypse 22 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Basically, it is the same view that emerged from the Jewish consciousness. I would say, from the pagan point of view, while the deity is emphasized more in Christ, in Apollonius it is said more that he is a man who has come to divinity, a man loved by God, not a god.
We see that the sun, in its annual course, in its annual movement, is a symbol of the eternally changing, sinking and renewing world. Given the brevity of time, I can only hint at what the main point is.
Then the dragon stood before the woman who was to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. 005 And she brought forth a son, a little child, which should feed all nations with a rod of iron.

Results 61 through 70 of 220

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