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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 411 through 420 of 430

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174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Sixteenth Lecture 21 Mar 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who does not form an opinion out of prejudice but from expertise about these things, knows that basically everyone was actually quite unsuspecting except for the forty to fifty personalities who brought about the outbreak of war, who were actually active under the constellation of European conditions. During the war, I truly had the opportunity to talk about the situation with many people who were able to judge it, and I never minced my words.
343. Lectures on Christian Religious Work II: Twenty-first Lecture 06 Oct 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But nothing can be said about it because it will depend on what the whole world constellation is like. So we have beings that have nothing to do with original sin. Even those entities, which were the actual tempters of men in the course of the development of the earth, which are represented by the snake in paradise, these entities also have nothing to do with original sin, but with a sin freely committed by them.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: A Healthy Emotional Life and Spiritual Research 19 Mar 1916, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
And in a German magazine, a man writes - according to him, he is an Austrian German - the following words, really the following words: "The critic's accusation that Steiner has constructed opposing cultures from the current constellation of powers is justified. With the best will in the world, I am unable to perceive any essential difference between Central European and Western and Eastern European culture, as Steiner does.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: Zarathustra, His Teaching and His Mission 11 Dec 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Thus the five spirits of Ahriman are symbolized by the five dark winter constellations of the zodiac. And so there are twelve spiritual entities: Ormuzd with his servants and Ahriman with his servants.
66. Mind and Matter — Life and Death: Life, Death and the Immortal Soul in the Universe 22 Mar 1917, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I can only say: Everyone knows how the astronomer can calculate a future star constellation from a present one, how one can calculate future solar and lunar eclipses. What happens here through calculation happens when one finds the right relationship to what one learns about the two currents that I have indicated, in their relation to the final state of the earth.
98. Nature and Spirit Beings — Their Effects in Our Visible World: The Mysteries, a Christmas and Easter Poem by Goethe 25 Dec 1907, Cologne
Translated by Antje Heymanns

Rudolf Steiner
The influence of the colder North, the descent of the I into the threefold bodily nature, is expressed according to an old symbol taken from the constellation of the Bear, which shows a hand thrust into the maw of a bear. The lower bodily nature expressed by the fiery dragon will be overcome.
185a. The Developmental History of Social Opinion: Second Lecture 10 Nov 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
I do not deny that something took place on July 5th; but I absolutely deny that something took place that was an inauguration of the war, that had the prospect of success if it had not been for the constellation that I characterized yesterday. For many threads run side by side. The thread that led to the involvement of Central Europe, let us say Germany, in the war does not tie in with any earlier day than July 28 at the earliest.
188. Goetheanism as an Impulse for Man's Transformation: Clairvoyant Vision Looks at Mineral, Plant, Animal, Man 05 Jan 1919, Dornach
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
He takes old antiquated knowledge of which, it goes without saying, the venerable nature is certainly not to be disparaged, which, however, has need of explanation when applied in a new epoch—he calculates, reckons, breaks the thread of thought at any point, calculates constellation of the stars, and after that the thread of thought can break, and quite externally without any sequence in the thought this being of man as he appears on earth is supposed to develop without any thinking.
224. Pneumatosophy: The Riddles of the Inner Man 23 May 1923, Bern
Translated by Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, the spring festival, the Easter Festival, cannot be established only with reference to the earth, on a definite day, but must be regulated according to the constellations of the stars. There is a deep wisdom in this, which comes from the times when, as a result of the ancient instinctive clairvoyance, human beings were still able to perceive the spiritual reality in the course of the year.
172. The Karma of Vocation: Lecture X 27 Nov 1916, Dornach
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker, Gilbert Church, Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
Some people want to use Sir Oliver in order to attain definite special purposes. By using the constellations at hand, one very sorry occult brotherhood is likely to cite our case as characteristic when it makes its thrust to possibly, if you will, win over science to spiritism.

Results 411 through 420 of 430

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