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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 51 through 60 of 395

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110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture VIII 17 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And to be able to indicate the right Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, one marks the spot by a certain constellation of stars. This is then a mark or sign. In this direction one would say are the Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, called Gemini, in another those called Leo, and so on.
Therefore that region where they were killed is called the ‘region of the Scorpion.’ At this point the constellation can be seen which rouses dead matter to life: the Eagle and also that wherein work the forces which kill: the constellation of the Scorpion [ 13 ] We can therefore say: in the region of the Lion are those forces of the Zodiac, which brought the original life of the germinal physical human body to rest; in the region of the Scorpion are these forces which had the power to kill life as such.
Therefore the culture of Egypt was closely related to the constellation of the Bull, and to the cult of the Bull generally. [ 17 ] Thus you see, that it is not all so easy to indicate the real events which happened during the origin of our heavenly bodies, and all connected with them.
137. Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy: Lecture IX 11 Jun 1912, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We can, therefore, say that when the Sun exerts his forces especially on that member of the human form to which we give symbolically the Sign of Leo, then a remarkable constellation is present in man. Another remarkable constellation is present when the Jehovah forces are especially strongly developed in their spiritual character,—let us say, in the Sign of Aries, which signifies the upright posture, or in the Sign of Taurus which denotes, as you know, the forward direction of the organs for the purpose of producing speech.
And we see the working of this influence in the fact that man's external destiny can be brought into connection with the constellations of the Stars, just as we had to connect with the constellations of the Stars what man has already become.
For as what man is today stands written in the heavenly spaces in the writing of the constellations of the Stars, so stands written there too what is yet to happen with him. This is the ground of true astrology.
54. Easter 12 Apr 1906, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
During the time when Christianity was in preparation, the Sun appeared in the constellation of the Ram or Lamb. The Sun passes through the signs of the Zodiac; each year the Sun advances some distance.
For 2500 years it advances through it. Before that the sun was in the constellation Taurus—Bull. In those days the nations celebrated events which appeared significant to them in connection with human evolution through the Bull, because the Sun occupied that sign or constellation.
Thus can Easter be brought into relation with the constellation of the Ram or Lamb, and be considered the festival of the Redeemer's resurrection, because he summons everything to a new life after the death of Winter.
173c. The Karma of Untruthfulness II: Lecture XXII 21 Jan 1917, Dornach
Tr. Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
It is very significant that the dead person leaves the physical world in close connection with the constellation arising for his life from the positions of the planets. For as long as the dead person is still connected with his etheric body, the constellation of planetary forces resounds and vibrates in a wonderful way through this etheric body.
Investigations are often made—unfortunately not always with the necessary respect and dignity, but out of egoistic reasons—into the starry constellation prevailing at birth. Much less selfish and much more beautiful would be a horoscope, a planetary horoscope made for the moment of death.
For several days the dead person bears within himself, in the etheric body he has not yet discarded, an echoing vibration of what comes from the planetary constellation. So the first phase is that of the direction in the starry constellation. It is meaningful as long as the human being remains connected with his etheric body.
316. Course for Young Doctors: Easter Course I 21 Apr 1924, Dornach
Tr. Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Question: A participant asked about the course of the year, the Calendar of the Soul, definite constellations of the stars and whether one must be consciously aware of these. That is not essential. You mean observation of the constellations as they are at a particular time. It is, of course, a help if one is able to look at the visible constellations.
Of course, if you have some specific, pathological condition before you, and when you look at the constellations you find, for example, that the condition definitely set in when Saturn was in opposition to the moon, this naturally has a certain significance.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture V 05 Sep 1910, Bern
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
Again, the best approach to this secret was to turn to movements and constellations in the Cosmos, to the manifestations of the stars themselves. As we have heard, 6 times 7 stages lead to the secrets of man's inner nature; the secrets of cosmic space are reached after 12 times 7=84 stages.
This is indicated in the stellar script itself, 7 being the number of the planets and I 2 that of the constellations of the Zodiac which the soul must traverse in cosmic space. As the seven planets group them-selves within the twelve zodiacal constellations and pass in front of them, when a man is ascending in soul into the Cosmos he must pass through 7 times 12, or rather 7 times it stages to reach the Spiritual. You can, if you like, picture the 12 constellations of the Zodiac as the spiritual periphery, with man himself in the centre. If he is to reach the Spiritual, he cannot begin by spreading as it were from the centre, but he must expand in spirals, gyrating in 7 spirals and passing all the 12 constellations in each complete circuit—therefore 7 times 12 stages.
323. Astronomy as Compared to Other Sciences: Lecture XI 11 Jan 1921, Stuttgart
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We can envisage it by taking one example; what we shall find in one region of the Heavens would be found in other regions too. Take then this constellation, which you know so well, the “Great Bear” or “Plough” in the Northern sky. Today it looks like this (Fig. 2).
Sum up the minute displacements and calculate what the constellation will have looked like very long ago, and you get this appearance (Fig. 1). You see, the fixed stars, so-called, have undergone considerable displacements. About 50,000 years ago, if we may reckon it from the minute changes observed, the constellation will have looked like this. If we continue to sum up the ascertainable displacements for the future,—assuming, as we surely may do, that they will continue at least approximately in the same direction—we may conclude that 50,000 years from now the constellation will have this appearance (Fig. 3).
221. Earthly Knowledge and Heavenly Insight: Man as a Citizen of the Universe and Man as an Earthly Hermit II 10 Feb 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
We do not look at the copper by looking up at Venus, we do not look at the lead by looking up at Saturn, we do not look at the primeval man by looking up at the constellation of Aquarius, and we do not look at that which passes over into certain inner impulses of human nature in the animal nature of the lion by looking up at the constellation of Leo, and the like.
Then he says to himself: Once I looked up at the constellation of the stars to fathom human destiny on earth; now I look at the human being and thereby learn to recognize how this human being, having already on earth become imbued with the humanity of the Christ-substance , shines out to the universe, and how it shines up to the heavens as the star of humanity after passing through the portal of death.
And in speaking thus, we say to ourselves: When we are confronted with an illness, what must we do? We must somehow, through certain healing constellations, call upon the etheric body to heal. Ultimately, all medicine does this: somehow call upon the etheric body of the person to heal, because it is the healer.
218. The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background 09 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Having lived during the second stage of sleep in the copy of the planetary movements, he now lives in the constellations, or rather in copies of the constellations, of the fixed stars of the zodiac. This experience is a very real fact during the third stage of the life of man by night.
In the third stage we learn to know the Sun in its constellation in relation to the other constellations of the stars, for example, of the zodiac. In short, we live our way into the cosmos with far greater intensity than was the case in the previous stage of sleep.
And now we learn that as by day we have in us stomach and lung and heart, so by night we have in us the constellations of the fixed stars. They constitute our inner being. Thus during sleep man becomes in very truth a cosmic being.
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 14 May 1913, Strasburg
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If a man looks at the moon with what astronomy gives him he then knows that in the time from new moon to full moon and back again there are certain equilibrium constellations, where one first sees a quarter, then a half and then a whole illumined surface. What a man no longer feels is that if the constellations were completely different, if the moon would change its position very slightly beings like men would no longer be able to live in their physical bodies; for reproductive forces flow from the moon.

Results 51 through 60 of 395

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