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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1041 through 1050 of 1443

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302a. Meditatively Acquired Knowledge of Man: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational 21 Sep 1920, Stuttgart
Tr. T. Van Vliet, Pauline Wehrle, Karla Kiniger

Rudolf Steiner
Just as you can be thinking about something when you wake up that could have taken weeks to happen, yet it shot through your head in no time at all—what comes to you out of the spirit can stretch out in time. Just as everything contracts in a dream, things we receive from the spirit expand in time. So by doing a meditation like this, you can, if you are 40 or 45 years of age, carry out the whole inner transformation you need for your teaching, in five minutes, and you will be quite different in ordinary life than you were before.
118. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount: The Sermon on the Mount 15 Mar 1910, Munich
Tr. Frieda Solomon

Rudolf Steiner
Kali Yuga was preceded by an age in which man was not dependent only upon his outer senses and intellect, but then he still retained a memory, more or less, of the ancient dream-like condition in which he was able to feel a connection with the spiritual world. It is of this primeval age that we wish to create a picture.
348. Health and Illness, Volume I: The Formation of the Human Ear; Eagle, Lion, Bull, and Man 29 Nov 1922, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
They were seized by the feeling emanating from thoughts and therefore dreamed of them. These people dreamed true dreams. The whole human being appeared as an image to them, and from his forehead they saw an eagle looking out, from the heart, a lion, and from the abdomen, a bull.
90b. Theosophy, Christology and Mythology II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology I 30 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This sevenfold lunar epoch is characterized by the fact that people at that time did not yet have the bright consciousness of the mind that people have today, but rather a consciousness similar to a dream trance. This is the echo of the earlier dull consciousness. Furthermore, we are dealing with a planet that can no longer be found in our space.
90b. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1963): Compiled Notes

Paul Marshall Allen
His philosophical work, which has often been summed up in his words, J pense, donc je suis (Cogito ergo sum), “I think, therefore I am,” was given significant impulse by a dream he had on November 10, 1619. This revealed to him the method of philosophical speculation he was to follow, and his subsequent work is said to have stemmed from this experience.
37.See Weygandt, Entstehung der Träume, Appearance of Dreams, 1893. (Reference given by Rudolf Steiner.) 38.See note 34, above.
60. Turning Points Spiritual History: Moses 09 Mar 1911, Berlin
Tr. Walter F. Knox

Rudolf Steiner
Laistner draws attention to the fact that certain myths appear to form a sequel to events typical of experiences in a dream world. He did not advance so far as the study of Spiritual Science, and he was quite unaware that he had in reality laid the foundation stone of a true knowledge and understanding of the Ancient Mythologies. We ( annot, however, regard Myths and Legends merely in the light of transfigured typical dreams, as Laistner has done, but we must recognize in them the products of a by-gone condition of human consciousness in which man could apprehend the Spirit-World in pictorial visions, that later found expression in mythical imagery.

159. The Mystery of Death: The Relation of the Human Being to the Realms of Nature and the Hierarchies 13 May 1915, Prague
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I have sometimes given another example: when at a determining hour the army of Constantine marched against Rome, these were not also the generals who brought about the victory and defeated the five times stronger army of Maxentius who led his armies before the gates of Rome against Constantine. Constantine followed not his generals, but a dream that said to him, he should make his armies carry the monogram of Christ. Dreams and Sibylline oracles brought the armies together at a particular place and decided everything in those days.
159. The Mystery of Death: Christ's Relationship to Lucifer and Ahriman 18 May 1915, Linz
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
So he positioned his troops in the free field against the army of Constantine. However, Constantine had a dream before the battle which indicated to him: if you go in the sign of the Mystery of Golgotha against Maxentius, you arrive at a big goal.
One must say: it does not depend on that which people knew about the Christ Impulse in those days, but on the fact that it was there, the Christ Impulse, that it induced the necessary events by Constantine, by a dream of Constantine. It depends on the reality of Christ, on the real power of Christ. In our spiritual science, we only begin understanding the Christ Impulse.
153. The Inner Being of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth: The Task and Goal of Spiritual Science and Spiritual Searching in the Present Day 06 Apr 1914, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
Many a father and mother has the most beautiful ideas about all the things that should develop in a child, and yet sometimes a real rascal can arise. What monism dreams of as a true cultural child is not important; what is important is what really arises. Mere belief in the material will produce the belief that spirits too can only operate and reveal themselves materially.
But in its quest, when time becomes more and more imbued with spiritual science, it will be touched by it in a way that many today still cannot even dream of. Spiritual science still has many opponents, understandably so. But in this spiritual science one does feel in harmony with all those spirits of humanity who, even if they have not yet had spiritual science, have sensed those connections of the human soul with the spiritual worlds that are revealed through spiritual science.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture IX 13 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Man lives a dull existence during sleep, and only retains a general feeling about this on awaking, or he sees things in dreams, which emerge from sleep in the way which has often been described. Now if we don't think anything else than this; we have man's astral body and ego in the spiritual world, and they stand in that world in such a way that they can receive no direct impressions of Christ and his real nature.

Results 1041 through 1050 of 1443

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