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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 531 through 540 of 1469

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The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: Christmas at a Time of Grievous Destiny 21 Dec 1916, Basel
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
They experienced it, not in wide-awake consciousness, but as it were heralded in dream. Yet they were aware of its significance in regard to the connection between the secret of man and the secrets of the heavens.
In the ancient cult of the Wanen it became known in dream-consciousness to every woman who was to give a citizen to the earth that the Goddess worshipped later on as Nertus would appear to her.
But owing to the precession of the equinox, what had remained from olden days as a dream-experience was transferred to a later date and therefore became Ahrimanic. When the experience that had arisen in ancient times in the true Hertha cult was advanced about four weeks, it became Ahrimanic.
53. Goethe's Secret Revelation 02 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I had an ideal of myself, and appeared to myself sometimes in the dream as a giant!” We want to see now what Goethe wanted to say with this fairy tale. The race of dwarfs, created before dragons, giants and human being, leads us to the track.
This spark was enkindled in distant past in the human being who was only gifted with a vague dream consciousness. This spiritual spark which smoulders in the human soul preceded all physical states.
In the outset of the fairy tale, Goethe describes how the god Mercury appears to him as boy at Whitsun Sunday in the dream and gives him three nice apples, a red, a yellow and a green one. They change in his hand into precious stones and he sees three female figures in them for which he should select three worthy young men at Mercury's behest.
273. The Problem of Faust: Faust's Knowledge and Understanding of Himself and of the Forces Actually Slumbering in Man 17 Jan 1919, Dornach
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Why does Goethe choose a sea-festival, or rather the dream of a sea-festival? To understand his feelings, we must take ourselves back into the conceptions of the old Greeks, to which Goethe himself went back in his representation of this gay feast.
First, Goethe shows a festival of the sea, or rather, dreams evoked during this festival. Secondly, this festival took place during the night, under the influence of the Moon.
But, alas, it is as if one were grasping after reality in a dream, and the dream immediately fades away. It is as though one wished to hold fast what welds together the physical and the spiritual worlds.
117. Deeper Secrets of Human History: Lecture II 09 Nov 1909, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
Prophetic illuminations from the spiritual world come to Joseph in his dreams. Quite naturally he is thrust out from his people, because the gift he possesses is not in keeping with their mission, because a heritage of ancient clairvoyance appears again in him.
The circumstances associated with the birth of this Jesus-Child are like a reflection of the destinies of the ancient Hebrews. Among them was a Joseph who in his dreams possessed an inherited gift and was able to form the link between the Hebrew and the Egyptian peoples; now again there is a Joseph who has dreams and to whom it is shown in a dream, not only that Jesus will be born, but that he must go with Jesus to Egypt.
193. Lucifer and Ahriman: Lecture III 04 Nov 1919, Bern
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
To characterise these men accurately, one would have to say that when they were awake, they moved about with an instinctive life of soul like that of animals, but into this instinctive life of soul there shone something like dreams from their sleeping state, waking dreams. And in these waking dreams they perceived how they had descended, to use animal bodies merely as instruments.
A certain dimness, a certain lethargy, spread over the life of humanity; the cosmic dreams receded and instinct gained the upper hand. The attitude of soul formerly prevailing in men was preserved through the Mysteries, mainly through the Asiatic Mysteries.
193. The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman: Lecture Three 04 Nov 1919, Bern
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
To characterize these people accurately, one would have to say that when they were awake, they moved about with an instinctive life of soul like that of animals, but into this instinctive life of soul there shone something like dreams from their sleeping state, waking dreams. And in these waking dreams they perceived how they had descended, to use animal bodies merely as instruments.
A certain dimness, a certain lethargy, spread over the life of humanity; the cosmic dreams receded and instinct gained the upper hand. The attitude of soul formerly prevailing in human beings was preserved through the Mysteries, mainly through the Asiatic Mysteries.
184. Goethe, Comte and Bentham 07 Sep 1918, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
[Missing Diagram] The physicist, if he is sincere, can say none other than this:—“The ideal Ordering was a dream, it must sink and vanish like dreams. At the end of the earth our dream-ideal will no longer be there, it will have been buried.”
No conception of the world, my dear friends, which fails to recognise the destruction of what is sensible, can ever have a hope that the Ideal has the power to realise itself, for if what is sensible were eternal, if the conservation of force and matter did exist, them our ideal world would simply be a dream. It is of immense significance that man should at the present time, have this illumination:—that the Ideals of the present constitute the Nature of the future.
184. The Bridge between the Ideal and the Real: Lecture II 07 Sep 1918, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
[diagram is missing] The physicist, if he is sincere, can say none other than this:—“The ideal Ordering was a dream, it must sink and vanish like dreams. At the end of the earth our dream-ideal will no longer be there, it will have been buried.”
No conception of the world, my dear friends, which fails to recognise the destruction of what is sensible, can ever have a hope that the Ideal has the power to realise itself, for if what is sensible were eternal, if the conservation of force and matter did exist, then our ideal world would simply be a dream. It is of immense significance that man should at the present time, have this illumination:—that the Ideals of the present constitute the Nature of the future.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Sixth Hour 21 Mar 1924, Dornach
Tr. Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And when we feel our relationship with the world's water, with the water elements, then we realize: as far as water is concerned, we should not be human, but vegetables. And our feelings, which have a dream-like nature, as I have often explained, our feelings have a continuous tendency to be vegetable-like.
[The second verse is written:] You live with the water-element Through feeling's dream alone; Pervading wakening water-being Results in the soul becoming Essentially plant-like dull Your selfhood's lameness must Lead you to self-awakening.
You live with the water-element Through feeling's weaving dream alone; Pervading wakening water-being, Results in the soul becoming Essentially plant-like dull Your selfhood's lameness must Lead you to self-awakening.
81. The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech 11 Mar 1922, Berlin
Tr. Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
The life of soul rose to a higher level—still dreamily, yet in a conscious dream—with its inward living within the organism when the vocals and consonants were pronounced. Whoever uses such scientific tools for researching how speech lives within people, will find that everything resembling consonants depends upon people placing themselves into external processes, into things, and that the inner life of things with their own inner, but restrained gestures, want to copy it.
If one wishes to describe the word “manas” I have to say: In olden times people lived in their dream-like imaginations in the language, just as we experience speech consciously now. We no longer live in relation to speech in dream pictures, but our consciousness lies over speech.

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