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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 511 through 520 of 1469

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270. Esoteric Instructions: Second Lesson in Prague 05 Apr 1924, Prague
Tr. John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
With feeling it is somewhat different, for we regard feelings just as we regard dreaming, for feelings are no more intensive than dreams. The feeling person dreams, but in dreaming something of real existence certainly lives, there semblance and substance mingle, just as in our approach to feelings.
What lies in between, the crossing over in willing, is for customary awareness just as unknown to us as what we experience in spirit between falling asleep and awakening. Just as feeling is submerged in dreams, just so is willing submerged in sleep. But in this willing we put to sleep true existence, the genuine reality of existence.
Yes, my dear brothers and sisters, we experience that we have blood in us, that we have satisfaction through eating, that we have semblance of thoughts, that we have dream-like feelings. But in our ordinary awareness we do not experience how spirit streams through us, just as our blood does.
162. Artistic and Existential Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science: Second Lecture 24 May 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Now you know that, to a certain extent, the development of humanity on Earth falls into two halves. In the older times, there was a kind of dream-like clairvoyance. Through this dream-like clairvoyance, people knew that behind this world, which is ultimately grasped by people in their thoughts, there is a world of real spiritual entities. For in the old dream-like clairvoyance, people did not perceive mere thoughts, just as the newer clairvoyant, who, for example, through the methods of “How to Attain Knowledge of Higher Worlds?”
So that we can say: There are two developmental periods of humanity on earth, separated by an intermediate epoch. The first is a period in which dream-like clairvoyance prevailed: people knew that they were connected to a spiritual world, they knew that not only thoughts haunt the universe, but that there are world beings behind the thoughts, beings like ourselves who think these world thoughts.
16. A Road to Self-Knowledge: Second Meditation
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
At the beginning it will generally happen that the soul during sleep wakes up, as it were, in a dream. But we feel at once that this experience cannot be compared with ordinary dreams. We are completely shut off from the world of sense and intellect, and yet we feel the experience in the same way as when we are standing fully awake before the outer world in ordinary life.
118. The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric: The Etheric Vision of the Future 10 May 1910, Hanover
Tr. Barbara Betteridge, Ruth Pusch, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin, Margaret Ingram de Ris

Rudolf Steiner
Another will see something rising before him like a dream-picture with a strange content. If this person has just performed a deed or action, something will appear to him that will rise like a picture in his soul.
They call it ‘the etheric body of man,’ and what rises up in you like a dream-picture they call ‘karma.’” Spiritual science has had to appear so that this age of etheric clairvoyance, which redeems the age of thinking that is controlled by an understanding bound to the brain, should not pass by unrecognized.
69e. The Humanities and the Future of Humanity: Theosophy and Anti-theosophy 09 Dec 1913, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
The first periods of childhood appear to us like a dream. Our powers of consciousness are still as in dream life. We only remember back to a certain point in childhood, [to] where full self-awareness sets in.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Germanic Mythology 15 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It was originally populated by people who, as individuals, wandered around like dream beings. If they had been left to their own devices, they would not have been able to do anything.
In the regions that are located north of us, there lived people, nations, who were endowed with a dream consciousness that was more distinct than the Pitri consciousness. On the whole, we must not imagine that the people who lived up there also remained up there.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On Planetary Evolution 18 Mar 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
He is then in a kind of plant trance; he carries out the [vegetative] functions quite well during this time. The state of consciousness is that of dream sleep, which is much lighter than the previous one; but even then, man does not receive any sensory impressions as he does in the waking state.
After a pralaya, the moon manvantara begins. This is when the image consciousness of dream sleep develops. In the third moon round, this actual moon stage is developed. Man then becomes an image-conscious being, outwardly like a kind of animal state.
29. Collected Essays on Drama 1889–1900: A Girl's Dream 11 Dec 1897,
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Such a girl is also the subject of Max Bernstein's "Girl's Dream". In both plays, the natural instincts within the girl's soul triumph over the notions of virtue caused by a false education, which are conceived as coldness in the face of the passion of love.
59. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience II: Spiritual Science and Language 20 Jan 1910, Berlin
Tr. Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritual activities which lie before the advent of our ego do not work in this manner; they work more symbolically, in the image, rather like a dream works. A dream works in the following manner, for example, that someone dreams of a shot being fired; and when he wakes up he sees that the chair next to the bed has fallen over. What is outer happening and outer impression—the falling over of the chair—is transformed into an image in the dream, into the shot. In this way the spiritual beings preceding the ego work symbolically in the same way that we will work again when we achieve a higher spiritual activity by initiation; here we try—but this time with full consciousness—to work towards a symbolic view, an imaginative conception, away from the purely abstract outside world.
The first elements of our language were created by imitation, but then this developed further by tearing itself away, as it were, from outward impressions. The ether body assimilates—such as in the dream—those things which no longer correspond to outer experiences; that is the developing element in sound.
136. Occultism and Initiation 12 Apr 1912, Helsinki
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Whoever speaks of occultism today should realize that much of what they have to say will be taken, not simply as a compilation of doubtful hypotheses, but even as dreams and fantasies. Regarding any disagreement aroused by what I will say tonight among hearers who are involved with contemporary culture or science, let me assure them that I, for one, fully understand their objections.
One might say that this new experience exactly resembles the pictures of a dream; yet compared with ordinary dreams, these visions have a far stronger intensity, and possess, so to speak, an obtrusive, almost importunate reality.
It exactly resembles a world lying outside our own being: it stretches out before us in the manner of a spatial world; it reveals processes governed by time, just like the processes of the external physical world; it calls up altogether the delusion that we are facing a reality, like a dream enhanced to the utmost degree of lifelines. People who neglect such precautions and who do not recognize that they themselves have created this visionary world naturally fall prey to dreams and empty fancies.

Results 511 through 520 of 1469

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