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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 491 through 500 of 1469

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145. The Beginning of Spring, Easter Monday and Sunday 23 Mar 1913, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
What does the moonlight tell us, which is there in the darkness of the night like the dream in the sleep of man? The occultist learns that of the forces of the active sun, of the forces of the sun that renew the evolution of the earth again and again, as much is taken away as light from the sun is reflected back from the full moon. The human soul may dream itself into the moonlit magic nights, the occultist knows that as much of the power of sunlight and solar heat is taken as the full moon reflects back to Earth from that sunlight.
150. The World of the Spirit and Its Impact on Physical Existence: The Beginning of Spring, Easter Moon And Easter Sunday 23 Mar 1913, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
What does the moonlight tell us, which is there in the darkness of the night like a dream in a person's sleep? — The occultist learns that of the forces of the active sun, of the sun's forces that repeatedly and repeatedly renew the evolution of the earth, as much is taken away as the light of the sun is reflected by the full moon. The human soul may dream itself into the moonlit magic nights, the occultist knows that as much of the power of sunlight and solar heat is taken as the full moon reflects back to Earth from that sunlight.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Origin of Karma 14 Nov 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The spark of Manas did not help the others quickly, because that can only be when Kama sets the physical particles of the brain in motion. The thoughts are as if in a bed. It was a dream-like thinking that took hold here: dreamers, highly developed animals, dull humans. They would have continued to exist on earth if a third group had not intervened.
The Arhats, of course, only inherited perfect qualities, the dream beings inherited human qualities in ever-increasing potency. These inherited a deteriorated human form, and that is original sin.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Deification of Man – The Task of the Arts 15 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We have spoken of a special training of the dream-filled sleep consciousness, which leads to the knowledge of the three elemental realms, to the world of floating images, the formations of formless forces, and that of the world-forming clay. Now there are other experiences. It is the dream that has surrounded us with symbolic representations that can rise to a perception of the formative forces.
59. Spiritual Science and Speech 20 Jan 1910, Berlin
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritual activities preceding the operations of the Ego did not function in this way; they were more symbolical, picture-like, more or less like a dream. We may dream, for instance, that a shot is fired, and on waking find that a chair beside the bed has fallen down. The outer event and impression (the falling chair) are transformed in the dream into a sense image, the shot. The spiritual beings preceding the Ego “symbolised,” and this is what we ourselves do when we rise to higher spiritual activity through Initiation.
In this sense, Spiritual Science will fulfil the dreams of the greatest men. It will be able to conquer the super-sensible worlds through thought, and so to pour out the thoughts into sound pictures that speech can again become an instrument for communicating the vision of the soul in super-sensible worlds.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture IX 09 Mar 1915, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
This has been in preparation for a long time and we might say that just as there is the going-to-sleep stage before we sleep so we are able to observe a kind of dream-state and a struggle against sleep when it comes to gaining spiritual insight. It slumbers sweetly.
That was the struggle against sleep, and after this, sleep took over completely. Those were people who still found in their dreams what mankind now has to strive for in spiritual science, emerging from the sweet slumber of purely external, positivist cognition. We must really see this as a process, the way human beings enter into spiritual dreams to end up in a state of idleness, in the sleep of idleness. We may ask ourselves why there still was such a person as Julius Mosen, a man able to describe spiritual progress and depicting something of an initiation process in the travels of his knight.
174a. Central Europe Between East and West: Fourth Lecture 29 Nov 1915, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
This experience can really be compared to a kind of universal 'dream experience'. Life goes on for days in surging, weaving images that are meaningful and full of meaning.
This unfolds like a powerful, vivid panorama of images, not with a dull 'dream consciousness', but with a clear consciousness, in which not only images are seen, but in which everything that we have experienced in life in some other way is revived.
How is it reflected here on the physical plane? Well, you know that even in the ordinary dream experience you can see it: The I only very rarely becomes clearly aware of itself in the dream experience; the I becomes blurred with the experiences, with the images of the dream that emerge.
127. The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: The Birth of the Sun Spirit as the Spirit of the Earth. The Thirteen Holy Nights 26 Dec 1911, Hanover
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
During my visit to Christiania last year1 it was interesting to me to find the thought which in rather different words has been expressed in so many lectures on the Christ Mystery, embodied in a beautiful saga known as ‘The Dream Legend.’ Strange to say, it has come to the fore in Norway during the last ten to fifteen years and has become familiar to the people, although its origin is, of course, very much earlier.
(Translated from a German version of The Dream Legend, by E.C.M.) And so the poem goes on, relating how in his dream during the Thirteen Days and Nights, Olaf Åsteson is led through all that man must experience on account of Lucifer's temptation.
176. The Karma of Materialism: Lecture VII 11 Sep 1917, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
When he attempted to grasp his experiences in conceptual form; i.e. form mental pictures of them, these pictures would vanish in the very process of forming them just like a dream vanishes as we wake up. Thus he could not bring his experience of meeting spiritual beings into clear consciousness; he would forget as we forget a dream.
The reason was because he did have a dim knowledge, like a half-forgotten dream, of man's interconnection with the whole cosmos although he could not bring it into conscious conceptual form.
324. Anthroposophy and Science: Lecture II 17 Mar 1921, Stuttgart
Tr. Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
As we shall see later, our feelings by themselves have no greater intensity in our consciousness than our dreams. Dreams are rendered from the clear content of daily life, from the fully alert life of mental pictures; in this way they become distinct mental pictures in our consciousness.
In this way our feelings, which otherwise only possess the intensity of dream life, are brought to the distinct, fully conscious life of mental pictures. The will-movements remain completely in the subconscious.

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