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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 741 through 750 of 1461

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254. The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century: Lecture I 10 Oct 1915, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
So that in those olden times, when full waking consciousness of the outer, material world was dimmed during sleep or dream, there was really nobody who would not have been connected with the dead who had been near him during life. In the waking state a man could have intercourse with the living; during sleep or dream, with the dead. Teaching about the immortality of the soul would have been as superfluous in those primeval times as it would be nowadays to set out to prove that plants exist.
227. The Evolution of Consciousness: During Sleep and after Death 26 Aug 1923, Penmaenmawr
Tr. Violet E. Watkin, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
We have to sleep on an experience for two or often three nights for it to unite with the other experiences already imprinted in the etheric and physical bodies. The dream-world is an actual expression, but only an outward expression, of this struggle. While a man is dreaming, his Ego and his astral body flow into his etheric and physical bodies and come to a sudden stop—as already explained.
If we have here the etheric body and the astral is there asleep, then on the verge of waking or of going to sleep a continuous struggle takes place, a movement full of life, expressed outwardly in the dream, but signifying inwardly this weaving of experiences into the etheric and physical bodies. It is only when a man has slept on some experience two or three times—perhaps more often—that the experience is united with the memories already bound up with his etheric and physical bodies.
219. Man and the World of Stars: Man's Relation to the World of Stars 03 Dec 1922, Dornach
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Really hardened criminals are never tormented during their sleep by bad dreams or the like. This only happens when they dip down again into their etheric bodies, for it is there that the moral qualities lie. It can much more easily happen to one who is striving to be moral, that through the constitution of his etheric body, he carries over something into his astral body and is then tormented by dreams as the result of comparatively trifling moral lapses. But generally speaking it is a fact that man does not carry over at all, or only to a very slight extent, the moral constitution he acquires during earthly existence but is exposed during sleep to the beings just referred to.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class I: Second Hour 22 Feb 1924, Dornach
Tr. Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
Perhaps I would have done it if I had thought about it, but I did not think about it any more. It was extinguished, just as a dream is extinguished. It is neither meaningless nor unimportant to ask yourselves such a question.
The first beast is the reflection of our will. The will does not only dream, it does not lie only half in the unconscious; it lies completely in the unconscious. I have often described to you, my dear friends, how the will lies deep in the unconscious.
196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: First Lecture 09 Jan 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If we first look at the West, preferably at the world of the English-speaking population, then today public opinion and what flows from public opinion for external events, for events within this English-speaking population is not merely dependent on what - I want to express myself quite decidedly today - the uninitiated dream and hold up as ideals in life. Particularly in the English-speaking population, there is a huge contrast between what appears in public consciousness as ideas and what those who are truly initiated into the events of world history mean behind the scenes of world history.
The uninitiated had never dreamed of such things! Nor do the uninitiated today dream of what is actually going on. But the events of external life are not a reflection of the knowledge of the uninitiated.
211. The Mysteries of the Sun and Death and Resurrection: On the Transformation of World Views 25 Mar 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
One could also say that these people felt, as they looked out into nature, as if they were in a surging, billowing, soul-spiritual universe, but they felt within it as a person of the present day would feel when dreaming in vivid images and could hardly wake up from these dreams. That is how they felt. But what did these individuals — let us call them the scholars of that ancient time — achieve when, through such special exercises, they distinguished themselves from this living surging and killed it in contemplation, so that they really felt that they now had a dead, corpse-like thing around them?
But precisely when one was a yogi in the former sense, one could think – the other people could not think, the other people could only dream – but one thought into the supersensible world, from which one had descended into earthly existence.
225. Cultural Phenomena — Three Perspectives of Anthroposophy: The Mystery of the Head and That of the Lower Man 06 May 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
In the Old Testament you will never find the illusion presented as if the brain concocted dreams! It says: “Yahweh tormented the man in his sleep in relation to his kidneys.” They knew that what is represented in dreams lies in the metabolic system.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: Modern Poetry I 07 Jan 1893,

Rudolf Steiner
A number of poems have sprung from the impressions that Tasso's traces left in the poet's mind: At your tomb all vain imaginings die, Here your glory sits enthroned in majestic peace, But where man suffered, I found tears, And I was allowed to sob and dream here like you! Under the title "Images and Figures", delle Grazie shares with us her feelings at the sight of great Italian works of art, such as Guercino's Sant' Agnese, Maderna's St.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution III 22 Oct 1904, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
They appear vaguely in what are called 'nightmares', dreams where one thinks a spirit is sitting on one's chest. When you gain astral visions, you first of all see these spirits.
89. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: Foreword
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Annie Besant was obliged to renounce her cherished dream and died at a very great age. It is rumoured that the question of the dissolution of the Adyar Society was considered but that this proved impossible owing to the extensive material possessions.

Results 741 through 750 of 1461

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