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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 721 through 730 of 1461

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111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: The Relationship of the Self to the Other Elements 24 Sep 1907, Hanover

When a person falls asleep, the physical and etheric bodies remain in bed; the astral body and the ego withdraw, along with everything that develops through the ego. The dream is an intermediate state when the astral body is still connected to the etheric body in a certain way.
94. Popular Occultism: Man's Different States after Death 30 Jun 1906, Leipzig
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In my next lecture I will describe man's experiences in Devachan. Life in Devachan is not a dream-condition, for the human being does not sleep through the spiritual world. There, his consciousness is a much higher one, it is more alive than here on Earth.
94. Popular Occultism: Evolution of Man and Solar System 05 Jul 1906, Leipzig
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The Lemurian constantly lived in a sleep-like condition which may be compared with our dream-consciousness in which a living image-world appears. He could only perceive in this manner and he knew the meaning of the single images, thus recognizing the soul-aspect of things.
173a. The Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture II 09 Dec 1916, Dornach
Tr. Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
So we must reckon with the fact that there is in the East an element which bears a certain future within it, that emerges as though out of the blood, an element that today is still basically naive and does not know itself, yet prophetically and instinctively contains within itself something which will one day evolve from it. It is often present in dreams. As every spiritual scientist further knows—not externally, but as a cultural fact—the Polish element comes forward in a quite particular way as the most advanced and culturally secure, because it is both political and religious; this element differs from all the other Slav elements in that it possesses a uniform, firmly-rooted spiritual and cultural life that is exceptionally vigorous and energetic.
‘For Russia the Balkan question is no guerre de luxe, no adventurous dream of the slavophiles. Its solution is without doubt an economic and political necessity. The Russian budget is based on export; if her balance of payments becomes negative the Russian treasury will be bankrupt, because it will be incapable of paying the interest on its enormous foreign debts.
A number of other things are said which demonstrate clearly that in this head there is a dream of what is to happen soon. Whether the head in question imagined that the time was so close is another question; but this head, together with its body and limbs, of course, now set out to visit its teacher in Berlin.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture III 28 Nov 1914, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
It is the thought that, fundamentally speaking, external life—life on the physical plane as man normally encounters it, not in its reality—is Maya, a kind of ghostly dream, and that the truth, the reality, lies only behind this. It must be clear to us that this truth of the Maya cannot be grasped by theories only, nor indeed just with the intellect.
This gives him inner experiences of things that normally remain hidden behind the outer impressions of the world, the ghostly dreams of the world. One thing I said in yesterday's lecture was that the folk spirit, the folk soul, lives specifically in the etheric body of man, and we are within this body from the moment we wake until we go to sleep.
It is not only that our intellect, being what it is, does not want to see that things are different in their depths than in the outer ghostly dream they present, but our feelings, our will, also rise in protest against something which holds true for the spiritual world.
193. The Social Question as a Problem of All Humanity 08 Feb 1919, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Imagine hypothetically: what the beings — be they the beings of the higher hierarchies, who never take on an earthly body, or be they even the not yet born human beings, human beings who have not yet entered earthly life through the portal of birth — what these beings belonging to the supersensible world think, what they experience in their soul life, that lives; that lives in a kind of dream-like image in the earthly-spiritual cultural world. So that we can justifiably always ask the question when any artistic, any religious, any educational fact of life comes to us: What lives in it?
This is the economic sense of the totem, which in the area where this totem prevailed was at the same time a mystery culture. Mystery culture, which, contrary to the dreams of modern man, is not only in higher regions, but which, precisely because of the conclusions of the gods, which could be researched by the members of the mysteries, ordered this human life down to the last detail.
For God, the Divine, lives not only in what man dreams in the heights of the clouds, but in the most trivial everyday things. When you take the salt pot on the table, when you take a spoonful of soup to your mouth, when you buy something from your fellow human being for five pfennigs, the Divine lives in all things.
182. Death as a Way of Life: Signs of the Times: East, West, Central Europe 30 Apr 1918, Ulm

Rudolf Steiner
Our feelings do not live more strongly in our consciousness than our dreams. And our will impulses, we oversleep them. We know how to remember dreams in our imagination, but in our ordinary consciousness we do not even know how our will works when we move our arm. We dream in feeling, we sleep in willing. Because we are sentient beings who feel and will, there is a world of spirit around us that we cannot see into in our ordinary consciousness.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: The Main Currents in German Literature from the Revolutionary Period (1848) to the Present

Rudolf Steiner
This causes in them that terribly painful mood of the soul which must arise when one says to oneself that what is valuable is the world beyond, the world of pure ideals and heavenly goods, and when one realizes at the same time that this world is an empty fantasy, an insubstantial dream. One spirit in whom this painful mood has found a grandiose poetic expression is Marie Eugenie delle Grazie.
To her, the earth is the ruthless all-mother, who uselessly and pointlessly creates new beings and destroys them again just to serve her greed, and who from time to time also creates prophets - Socrates, Christ, Robespierre - who dream of ideals in order to deceive people for a short time about the nothingness of existence. Without these idealistic dreamers, they would prefer annihilation to existence.
94. The Gospel of St. John: Lecture I 19 Feb 1906, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
You can get some idea of astral vision if you think of the flow of dream life. In dreams we have symbolic pictures—true symbols. One sees symbols. One loses consciousness of what takes place here in the physical world, but one can experience in symbolic pictures such events as the life of Christ Jesus as John describes it from his own experience in the astral world.
95. At the Gates of Spiritual Science: Oriental and Christian Training 03 Sep 1906, Stuttgart
Tr. Charles Davy, E. H. Goddard

Rudolf Steiner
The inner sign is an astral vision which will quite certainly come: he sees himself washing the feet of a number of persons. This picture rises up in his dreams as an astral vision, and every pupil has the same vision. When he has experienced it, he will have truly absorbed this whole chapter.
The outer sign of this is that the pupil feels a kind of prickling pain all over his body. The outer sign is that in a dream-vision he sees himself being scourged. The third stage is that of the Crowning with Thorns, and for this he has to acquire yet another feeling: he learns to stand firm even when he is scorned and ridiculed because of all that he holds most sacred.

Results 721 through 730 of 1461

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