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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 701 through 710 of 1461

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31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: General Assembly of the Goethe Society 25 May 1891,

Rudolf Steiner
In Mephistopheles' "Nothing", Faust finds the symbol of all beauty, Helena, and brings her to the upper world, but initially only as a dream image, as a shadow. She needs to be embodied, to exist in the flesh. This can only be achieved if a germ of humanity is produced from the forces of nature that is capable of cloaking the shadow of beauty with real life.
9. Theosophy (1971): From the Prefaces to the First, Second, and Third Editions
Tr. Henry B. Monges, Gilbert Church

Rudolf Steiner
The first is that the cultivation of supersensible knowledge is a necessity for our age; the other is that the intellectual and spiritual life of the day is full of ideas and feelings that make a description like this appear to many as an absolute chaos of fantastic notions and dreams. Knowledge of the supersensible is a necessity today because all that a man can learn through current methods about the world and life arouses in him numerous questions.
40. The Song of Initiation (A Satire)

Rudolf Steiner
Goethe's light, too bright, does but confuse! Preferring then to dream his art, I choose The depth of sleep in which to do my work!” Und welcher Sonnenstrahl von Goethe, Als Bote führt er deine Seele Zum Reifen hoher Wissenstriebe?”
266-I. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes I: 1904–1909: Esoteric Lesson 30 Aug 1909, Munich
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
There are three revelations of the higher self: Through a dream, an inkling, and through meditation. If an esoteric has lived in his meditations, if he has tried to repeatedly live in his thoughts, words and deeds in accordance with the perfection principle, if he has repeatedly tried to be good—then at some point he'll realize: If I would place all the joy and suffering that I previously thought was in me outside me, then it would be as if it surrounded me like a soul-spiritual thing; I no longer live in what I have placed outside, I'm no longer touched by the waves of pain and joy.
266-III. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes III: 1913–1914: Esoteric Lesson 09 Dec 1913, Munich
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
A thing that's noted too little, that many people read over when they read the life of Darwin's friend Wallace is that a thought that led to one of the most important discoveries in connection with physical heredity came to him in a feverish dream. That this thought came to him in a condition in which his physical brain was unsuited for thinking should give the materialists who consider thinking to be a function of the brain much to think about.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 12
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But I, with my clear common sense, shall be Of much more use to him than mystic dreams; This for a long while bath been my desire; Yet knew I not how to accomplish it. At length a light is thrown athwart my path.
195. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Michael Path to Christ (Extract) 25 Dec 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Just as we learn to know a man when we look into his face, just as we draw conclusions about the gentleness of his soul from the gentleness of his countenance, and about his character from the way he looks at us, so the priesthood of the Old Testament, through the atavistic clairvoyance which flowed into their souls in dreams, desired to gain from the countenance of Jahve, from Michael, a knowledge of Jahve, whom it was not yet possible for mankind to reach.
54. German Theosophy from the Beginning of the 19th Century 15 Mar 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Schubert studied that soul life which is the border area between consciousness, semi-consciousness and unconsciousness, but also the border area between everyday consciousness, dream, and clairvoyance. With Schubert, you already find explanations about the principle that controls the dream world.
There he sits down, tired among nice physical things, in particular also because of that which nature speaks to him. He drops off to dream in a ghostly way. The temple is round him. The curtain is lifted from the veiled picture, and what does he see?
54. Siegfried and The Twilight of the Gods 22 Mar 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Schubert studied that soul life which is the border area between consciousness, semi-consciousness and unconsciousness, but also the border area between everyday consciousness, dream, and clairvoyance. With Schubert, you already find explanations about the principle that controls the dream world.
There he sits down, tired among nice physical things, in particular also because of that which nature speaks to him. He drops off to dream in a ghostly way. The temple is round him. The curtain is lifted from the veiled picture, and what does he see?
275. Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom: Technology and Art 28 Dec 1914, Dornach
Tr. Pauline Wehrle, Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
And don't we know how many people shy away from it, how many people would prefer to dream—the Lord gives it to His Own in sleep! They would far rather have things conjured up before them in all kinds of visions of the spiritual world than acquire knowledge through the activity of exerting their inner life of soul.
What spiritual science quite specifically has to want at the present time is that human beings do not sleep and dream through what world karma is imposing on them. Yet people who wish to know nothing about spiritual science do sleep and dream through all the influences of Ahriman and Lucifer.

Results 701 through 710 of 1461

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