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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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130. Cosmic Ego and Human Ego 09 Jan 1912, Munich
Translated by Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
And so for the evolution of the Christ Being it was normal, when He descended from the macrocosm to our earth, to bring into it the great impulse of the macrocosmic ego, in order that the microcosmic ego, the human ego, might take up this impulse, and be able to go forward in its evolution. It was normal for the Christ to have the macrocosmic ego-impulse—not the microcosmic ego-impulse—just as much evolved as man upon the earth had developed the microcosmic. Thus the Christ Being is a Being Who in a certain sense is like the human being, only that man is microcosmic and has brought his four principles to expression microcosmically, and hence has his ego also microcosmically as earth-ego—but the Christ as Cosmic Ego. His evolution was such that He was great and significant because of the perfect development of this ego, which He brought down to earth.
101. Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols: Group Ego and Individual Ego 27 Dec 1907, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
We emphasized yesterday that only humans, as they live here on the physical plane, have an individual soul, an ego, and that the animals that surround us have a group ego, a group soul, which lives on the astral plane and can be found there as a closed entity.
He will only have this completed individual soul when the earthly existence is more or less complete. For the vast majority of people today, their ego is an intermediate product between a group ego and an individual ego. The further back we go in the past, the more the human ego is still a group ego.
When the clairvoyant gaze looks at the etheric body, as the physical gaze looks at the physical body, it finds humans divided into human-humans, lion-humans, bull-humans, and eagle-humans. Their group ego is astral in nature. On the astral plane, the clairvoyant finds the human group ego standing between the animal group ego and the human individual ego.
17. The Threshold of the Spiritual World: Concerning Mans Real Ego
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
If it arrives at this, there emerges from the forgetfulness it has itself brought about the real nature of the ego. The super-spiritual environment gives the human soul the knowledge of that real ego. Just as clairvoyant consciousness can experience itself in the etheric and astral bodies, so too can it experience itself in the real ego. [ 3 ] This real ego is not created by clairvoyance; it exists in the depths of every human soul. Clairvoyant consciousness simply experiences consciously a fact appertaining to the nature of every human soul, of which it is not conscious.
And at a definite point of time between death and rebirth, the living thought-beings of the spiritual environment exert such a strong influence that, without any act of will, the oblivion which has been described is brought about. And at that moment life emerges in the real ego. Clairvoyant consciousness, by strengthening the life of the soul, brings about as a free action of the spirit that which is, so to speak, a natural occurrence between death and rebirth.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): The Initiation of the Ego 09 Sep 1910, Bern
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The stage of human development described as raising the soul to spiritual realms was only attainable in pre-Christian days within the Mysteries, and then only through a certain dimming of the ego. Human development, however, was destined to receive so powerful an impulse that those who could rise to it would be able to retain full ego-consciousness on entering the world of spirit.
He said: What formerly was attained through the darkening of the human ego, and through man receiving other beings into himself; can now be achieved with complete retention of the ego-consciousness!
But to return to our main theme; Christ Jesus inaugurated an evolution in human nature, based on the retention of the full consciousness of the ego. He inaugurated the initiation of the ego. We can therefore say that the most essential part of the human being to-day is the ego; in it all human nature is centred; everything brought into the world through the Christ Event for this ego, can enter also into all the other members of man's being.
234. Anthroposophy, An Introduction: Respiration, Warmth and the Ego 03 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
It is a grand spiritual process, a process that conceals innumerable secrets and shows of itself that the real driving power at work within man is not his present ego at all. What man calls his ego in ordinary life is, of course, a mere thought. But it is the ego of man's past lives on earth that is active in him here. In the whole course of these processes, especially of the warmth-processes, you perceive the real ego, working from times long past. Between death and a new birth this ego has undergone an evolution in time; it now works in an entirely spiritual way.
You behold the real, active ego of man, working from primeval times and organising him. You now begin to know that the ego and astral body have actually left the physical and etheric bodies during sleep.
117. The Ego: Group-Soulness and Ego-hood 04 Dec 1909, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
That is the deeper task of the anthroposophical movement today, to send over to their next incarnation a number of human beings with an ego in which they remember themselves as an individual ego. They will be the human beings who form the kernel of the next period of civilisation.
It is not merely a matter of being clairvoyant—humanity will already be clairvoyant in the future—it is a matter of having cultivated the ego in this incarnation, or not. If one has not cultivated it, it is not there as an inner human being; one looks back, and remembers as a group-ego, what one had in common.
And we will not meet groups among those who are seized of the ego, but the individual will express itself externally. That will form the distinction between human beings.
234. Anthroposophy, An Introduction: Love, Intuition and the Human Ego 02 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Thus we see in the earthly, solid man the physical body, in the fluid man the etheric body, in the airy man the astral body, and in the warmth element the ego proper. (The ego of the present incarnation is never complete; it is always developing.) It is the ego of the former life on earth, working in subconscious depths, that is the ego proper.
If, however, we know that we bear within us, from our last incarnation, our ego which has become entirely spiritual and now acts upon our warmth-man, we have the required connection.
What we can regard as the earthly elements—the solid, liquid, gaseous and warmth elements—is permeated everywhere by what can be designated as the etheric, the astral and the ‘ego-like’, i.e. what is of like nature with the ego. In this way we see the connection between man's members and the universe, and gain an idea of the extent to which man is a ‘portion’ of time, not only of space.
127. The Work of the Ego in Childhood 25 Feb 1911, Zürich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The Ego is indeed within the child only he is unaware of it, just as during sleep a person is connected with the Ego but is not cognisant of it.
During the first years of life the Ego is very active. When the Ego becomes conscious of itself, we could ask in vain: how have you managed to construct this brain with such artistry?
The acquisition of speech depends upon the Ego sojourning among other human Egos. If a human being were transported to a remote island he would not learn to speak.
129. Wonders of the World: The ego-nature and the human form 23 Aug 1911, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
Let us begin with the innermost member of the human being, the ego, which as you know we regard as the youngest—or better call it ‘the ego- bearer’. The outstanding characteristic of this human ego occurs at once to anyone who studies the world with even a little intelligence.
Although we know quite well that there are many egos upon the Earth, only one of them is to be perceived, and that is our own. In the physical world, or for physical instruments of knowledge, each man has only one opportunity of perceiving the ego, that is his own ego.
This old clairvoyant consciousness had to be lost to man in order that a new ego-consciousness could arise. To this end the old form of the ego, the old Dionysos Zagreus had to be destroyed.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On the Ego in the Cosmic World Order

Rudolf Steiner

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