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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 191 through 200 of 359

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310. Human Values in Education: Closing Words, the Relation of the Art of Teaching to the Anthroposophical Movement 24 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Tr. Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Authors of all kinds, who otherwise would have written on quite other subjects, wrote about “The Future of the State” or “The Future of the Social Order” and so on. Everywhere thoughts were turned towards what could now come about out of man himself.
It was provided with teachers drawn from the Anthroposophical Movement. The law pertaining to schools in Württemberg made it possible to choose as teachers men and women who were regarded as suitable.
1. It was then possible that a State law might prevent children from entering the school before the fifth class.2.
310. Human Values in Education: Anthroposophical Education Based on a Knowledge of Man 17 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Tr. Vera Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
This is a common state of affairs. It is the fundamental evil which underlies all social disturbances which are so widespread in the cultural life of today: the lack of paying heed to others, the lack of interest which every man should have for others.
If our thinking in regard to education is founded on anthroposophy we do not represent the child to ourselves as something we must help to develop so that he approaches nearer and nearer to some social human ideal, or whatever it may be. For this human ideal can be completely abstract. And today such a human ideal has already become something which can assume as many forms as there are political, social and other parties.
We behold in every child the unfolding of cosmic laws of a divine-spiritual nature; we see how God creates in the world. In its highest, most significant form this is revealed in the child.
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: The World as Illusion
Tr. Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
My intellect produces connections within the world of my sensations according to the laws of my reason. When I saw that the qualities I perceive in a body presuppose a matter with laws of motion, I also do not go outside of myself.
In this sense they are incomprehensible. But one of the fundamental manifestations of our consciousness is also that everything in this world depends on something that is unknown to us.
They argued as follows: The natural scientists observe the inorganic and organic facts of nature and they attempt to find general laws by combining the individual phenomena. Through these laws processes can be explained, and it is even possible to predetermine thereby the regular course of future phenomena.
100. Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Man's Descent into an Earthly Incarnation 21 Jun 1907, Karlsruhe
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This case in particular brings into clear evidence the law of Karma. Thus the various forces which man attracted during his former life exercise a determining influence when he is born again, both in regard to the structure of his body and the place of birth, and in regard to his later destiny.
“Trespasses” are something which brings man into connection with the social community, whereas “temptation” is something into which every man may fall, in so far as he is an individual being.
The etheric body can develop soundly, if we bring it into a right harmony with the social structure in which we live. The astral body can develop soundly, that is to say, it can be purged and purified, if we overcome all temptations.
181. A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future: Problems of the Time I 30 Jul 1918, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
‘Spiritual’ Science is, at best, Social Science, the science of human communities”. Of course this tendency has come to fruition differently in various parts of the civilized world, but the differences are no more than nuances.
The mark of Americanism is fear of the spiritual; it is by no means confined to America, but there it lives as a social characteristic, not simply a human one. Above all it is predominant in all science. Science has increasingly been founded on “fear of the spiritual”.
Science is universally “American” in so far as it clings to the fundamental axiom, “Everything subjective must be banished from an observation of Nature” . This is the fundamental result of the earlier severance from the spiritual in the fourth post-Atlantean period.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: The Lord's Prayer: An Esoteric Study, Prayer and Meditation 28 Jan 1907, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
If someone errs through his ether or life body, he is more liable to be a sinner among the people he lives or works with, failing to play his proper role in the social sphere that enables people to have a social life. Sins of a more individual nature, so that a person errs in a personal way, are due to the qualities of the astral body.
It delights you and there is no need to know anything about the great universal laws that have made it grow. The plant is there and can lift up your hearts. It could not have been created if it had not been for those original and eternal laws. Naive minds need not understand those laws, but a plant can only come into existence on the basis of these laws. To be effective, a prayer cannot just be invented at will but must have arisen out of the eternal laws of wisdom just as a plant arises on the basis of the eternal laws of wisdom.
140. Life Between Death and Rebirth: Life Between Death and Rebirth I 26 Nov 1912, Munich
Tr. René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
To being with, I wish to mention two fundamental points of clairvoyant perception that also will help in our understanding of life after death.
Whether we are social or lonely spirits depends upon still another factor. Whereas in the previous sphere was can be sociable only if this has been prepared on earth as a result of morality, in the Venus sphere the power that leads us into community, into a kind of social life, is due to our religious attitude on earth.
Here the essential thing is for the soul to feel that this makes us into social beings in the Sun sphere. If we feel enclosed in some creed, we become hermits there. We are social beings in the Sun sphere if we understand the universality of the Mystery of Golgotha.
207. Cosmosophy Vol. I: Lecture I 23 Sep 1921, Dornach
Tr. Alice Wuslin, Michael Klein

Rudolf Steiner
Whenever we were to promulgate a world conception, allowing action and social life to spring from it, the main thing was joy—joy that could be enhanced to the point of a complete giving of oneself to the world, that then could be enhanced to love.”
Actually, an echo of the ancient civilization still prevails in Asia, though strong European influences have been absorbed into its religious, aesthetic, scientific, and social life. This ancient civilization is in decline, and when the ancient Oriental sage says, “Love was the fundamental force of the ancient Oriental civilization,” then certainly it must be admitted that but little of this love can be traced directly in the present.
All this thus lives in the bodies of the human being from Asia, Europe, and America, and in their relation to one another in outer social life. With the crude intellect that has been applied in the last few centuries to the investigation of outer nature, we shall not be able to tackle the demands of modern social life; above all we shall not be able to find the balance between East and West, though this balance must be found.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: How Can Osiris Be Awakened to New Life? 06 Jan 1918, Dornach
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
In fact the whole evolution of earthly man is only accomplished according to the fundamental deed of the Elohim, of Jahve. I said that that is not the case in Egyptian or Greek mythology.
When the spirit-visitor, the new Typhon, had come to know of this, he gathered together the fourteen pieces, and with all the knowledge of natural scientific profundity he again made a being, a single whole, out of the fourteen pieces. But in this being there were only mechanical laws, the law of the machine. Thus a being had arisen with the appearance of life, but with the laws of the machine.
This new element, however, has its significance for the social life, for the pedagogy of humanity, when pedagogy, or the theory of Education, comes out of the tragic state in which it exists today.
293. The Study of Man: Lecture III 23 Aug 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Daphne Harwood, Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
And you know that this personality, of whom the Heilbronn people are to-day naturally extremely proud, is associated with what is called the law of the Conservation of Energy or Force. This law states that the sum of all energies or forces present in the universe is constant, only that these forces undergo certain changes, and appear, now as heat, now as mechanical force, or the like. This is the form in which the law of Julius Robert Mayer is presented, because it is completely misunderstood. For he was really concerned with the discovery of the metamorphosis of forces, and not with the exposition of such an abstract law as that of the conservation of energy.
You ought only to set up postulates, and not to give definitions which claim to be universal. And so we should not lay down a “law” of the conservation of force and substance, but we should find out what beings this law applies to.

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