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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 181 through 190 of 359

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57. The Four Temperaments 04 Mar 1909, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Both natural and spiritual science ultimately try to solve this riddle—the former by understanding the natural laws that govern our outer being, the latter by seeking the essence and purpose inherent in our existence.
Certain characteristics we can attribute to heredity; on the other hand, as a person develops from childhood on, we can see unfolding out of the center of his being something that must be the fruit of preceding lives, something he could never have inherited from his ancestors. We come to know the law of reincarnation, of the succession of earthly lives and this is but a special case of an all-encompassing cosmic law.
When we move on to the world of plants, we notice that a plant cannot develop according to the same laws as does the crystal. It can only originate from another, earlier plant. Form is here preserved and passed on.
198. Roman Catholicism: Lecture II 03 Jun 1920, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
What the Catholic Church has become, what has spread over the civilized world as the configuration of the Catholic Church, and has its other aspect in Roman law and the abstractness of the whole Latin culture, all that belongs to the fourth cultural epoch. And the Catholic Church configuration has permeated the entire of civilization far more than men think.
What that book has to say on the subject of ethics stands in the same contrast to the social structure fostered by the Roman Catholic Church as in the last resort spiritual science stands to Roman Catholic theology.
Now that was not the case with the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception; consequently, one of the fundamental principles of the Catholic Church was broken, the principle which required that a doctrine shall only be made into a dogma if the faithful have previously signified an inclination towards it.
78. Fruits of Anthroposophy: Lecture VIII 06 Sep 1921, Stuttgart
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Let me first of all briefly describe two of the life fruits arising out of this very expansion of consciousness, out of its intensification. Today, we face the burning social question. The elements which influenced social life right to the present day arose from indefinite and subconscious human instincts. Men established social systems that arose as though by a law of nature, out of all kinds of instinctive backgrounds. This is evident to anyone able to review social life with an unbiased mind.
The inner life of man is the life of soul and spirit, or at least it is governed by soul and spirit. When we come upon the social order we therefore come upon something spiritual. No wonder it needs spiritual methods to penetrate social issues.
339. On The Art of Lecturing: Lecture II 12 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar, Peter Stebbing, Beverly Smith, Fred Paddock

Rudolf Steiner
One glides away from the reality very soon, and then talks about it thus: How will a small shop be set up in the threefold social organism? What will be the relation of the single person to the sewing machine in the threefold social organism?
But one cannot speak in the same sense of making the threefold social organism. Just as little can one speak of "organizing" in order to produce the threefold order.
It is hence necessary to show that the threefolding of the social organism is implicit in the very nature of both the human being and the social life. We see that the spiritual life in Europe was entirely independent and free until the 13th or 14th centuries, when, what was the free, independent spiritual life was first pushed into the universities.
4. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1963): The Idea of Freedom
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
It is true that laws obtained in this way are related to human conduct, as the laws of nature are related to a particular phenomenon.
[ 37 ] If human nature were not fundamentally social, no external laws could make it so! Only because individual human beings are one in the spiritual part of their being, can they live out their lives side by side.
Similarly the conventional laws of morality were first laid down by definite people and so too the laws of the state first arise in the head of a statesman.
177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: The Search for a Perfect World 01 Oct 1917, Dornach
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
It is the growing tendency to form utterly wrong opinions about what in the science of the spirit is called the physical plane. And the New Testament words that are fundamental in this respect: ‘My kingdom is not of this world’,1 are increasingly less understood today.
It tells us that it is illusory to think such levels of perfection can be achieved in the physical world. And if it is a law that there never can be perfection in the physical world, just as it is a law that the three angles in a triangle add up to 180°, then people will simply have to face such a truth boldly and not shrink from it.
When one is dealing with physical matter and mechanics, such a thing will soon be obvious. But in social and political affairs, and with reference to what in its widest sense may be defined as making everyone happy, it will not be immediately obvious.
260. The Christmas Conference : Rudolf Steiner's Opening Lecture and Reading of the Statutes 24 Dec 1923, Dornach
Tr. Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
Herewith I have at least hinted at the fundamental conditions which must be placed before our hearts at the beginning of our Conference for the founding of the General Anthroposophical Society.
To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy and science. 3. To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.32. See Note 2.33.
37. See Rudolf Steiner/Ita Wegman Fundamentals of Therapy. An Extension of the Art of Healing through Spiritual Knowledge, Rudolf Steiner Press, London 1983.
192. The Necessity for New Ways of Spiritual Knowledge: Lecture I 08 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
We have said again and again that men will not be able to make any further progress in matters social, if understanding of the facts in social life does not arise as the result of a spiritual deepening induced by the new methods of acquiring spiritual knowledge which are essential to it.
Or again, one might speak. of the necessity for bringing spiritual forces into the social life of humanity, because only by first recognising them and then incorporating them into the social order can any true reconstruction come about.
Religious Creeds and avowals. And the fundamental reason why this materialism pulsates through the social world conceptions to-day is that they have been apt pupils of what has proceeded from religious creeds through the centuries.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: Duality of the Human Being, Head and Trunk 12 Jan 1918, Dornach
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Hence when man's head ponders over the being of man and his connection with the social life, it has to bring something quite foreign into the social common life. And that is the modern socialism, expressed as social-democratic theory. There is nothing that is such pure head-knowledge as the Marxist social-democracy. This is only because the rest of mankind has shirked any concern in world problems, and in the Marxist circles they have only occupied themselves with social theories.
This is a fundamental error of present-day mankind, which can only be fully disclosed when people know about head-knowledge and heart-knowledge.
182. Death as a Way of Life: The Rebelliousness of Men Against the Spirit 30 Jun 1918, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
He then enters a profession similar to that of a lawyer, not by studying law, but by going through the practical experience in a law firm and making his way through it; by the time he is twenty-seven, everything has come to him in this way, but not in the extraordinary way of repeating ancient culture, but what the present can bring to him.
We cannot achieve social structures if we are unable to invigorate social thinking with thoughts that come from an understanding of the spiritual world. That is why the social sciences are so sterile and why humanity has brought itself into this catastrophic present, in which social structures create chaos throughout the world because people cannot let spiritual scientific thoughts flow into community life.

Results 181 through 190 of 359

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