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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 111 through 120 of 1029

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87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: Pauline Christianity and Johannine Christianity 05 Apr 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
[The person to be initiated] must first believe in a supreme deity, because the deity is deeply hidden, but a perspective opens up for those who want to walk the highest path to the [mysteries]. [God] is the Father of all things. That was the first article. 2 Then he has to believe in the second Logos. The first Logos was the Father himself, who then entered into things. This is how he came to take the form of the second Logos. The second Logos is therefore a kind of image of God, a spiritual reflection of God.
We are therefore dealing with writings that reflect the views of the early church fathers of the Greek Church. The author presents them to us as a development of the old mystery relationships, as the belief in God that is only accessible in a mystical way.
156. Festivals of the Seasons: A Christmas Lecture 26 Dec 1914, Dornach
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Thus men were to feel fully that they had to receive within their earthly habitation the great gift of cosmic Love, the Christ, sent by the God Who is called the Father-God; they were to learn to know Him fully as the Being Who henceforth was to remain connected with the ages as the meaning of the earth evolution; they were to learn to know Him fully in His life, from the first respiration as a Child to the spiritual deed of Christ on Golgotha which can be revealed to the hearts of men.
Here we have a verse evidently of Gnostic origin: ‘Behold, O Father, how, distant from Thy Breath, this being upon earth Wanders, the target and victim of all ill. Lo, ill, perplexed, it flies the deadly chaos—how can it find its way? Therefore send me, O Father, Descending, victory to bring, I traverse all the aeons, Teaching all sacred knowledge; Thus may God’s image be manifested, And thus to you I give The deeply hidden knowledge of the sacred way: “Gnosis” it is called for you.’
103. The Gospel of St. John: The Effect of the Christ Impulse Within Mankind 30 May 1908, Hamburg
Translated by Maud B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
A person inherited his standing, his rank and position from his father and his kinsmen, and in accordance with these impersonal things, which are not consciously connected with the ego, he acted and worked in the world.
When Moses, an Initiate of the Egyptian Mysteries, received those instructions from the Spiritual Guidance of the World which we were able to characterize with the words: “When thou speakest unto them of My laws, tell them that My Name is the ‘I AM,’” he was charged in these words: “Prepare them by pointing to the formless, invisible God. Point out that, while the Father-God is still active in the blood, the ‘I AM’ who is to descend even to the physical plane is prepared for those who can understand.”
Out of the Hebrew people we see streaming forth the mission to deliver to humanity the God who then descended deeper into matter and appeared in the flesh. First He was prophesied, then later He appeared to the physical eyes in the flesh.
198. Healing Factors for the Social Organism: Twelfth Lecture 09 Jul 1920, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
We have to send him out. There he will also conquer for us, the gods, what he cannot conquer for us here, what we gods cannot conquer for ourselves if we do not send people out into the other world.
We do not just experience things on earth for ourselves, but also for the gods, so that they too have them. It is precisely through this that life acquires meaning, and without such meaning one cannot live.
But then one must also include this Christ in the idea of immortality; then one must actually appeal to the transformation of human nature, to the Christification of human nature, not merely to the pagan inclusion of the idea of God in the creed without the person having changed. The fact that it has been accepted in the broadest circles of the Protestant confession that the theologian Harnack could say: Only the Father-God belongs in the Gospel of Jesus, not the Christ, for Jesus taught only about the Father-God, and it was only later that Christianity adopted the view that Christ Himself is a divine being. — That is today's most modern theology: to exclude the Christ from Christianity.
124. Background to the Gospel of St. Mark: The Son of God and the Son of Man. The Sacrifice of Orpheus 16 Jan 1911, Berlin
Translated by E. H. Goddard, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
A man such as Orpheus, descended from a Muse—you now know what that means—was still able to see into the spiritual world; but on the other hand, his capacity for experiencing the spiritual world was weakened by the life he led on the physical plane as the son of his father, the Thracian River-God. The Leaders in the second and third post-Atlantean culture-epochs who became mouthpieces for utterances of the spiritual worlds were able to perceive their own etheric body separated from the physical.
In that case there would be still another meaning in the words: ‘I and the Father’—that is, the cosmic Father—‘are one’. If you ponder deeply about these things you will get an inkling of what was experienced by St.
The events which then culminated in the happenings in Palestine were the outcome of the living together of the Son of God and the Son of Man.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Initiation Mysteries 01 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But at this point the contradiction seekers notice at once that Matthew tells of a genealogy reaching to Abraham, whereas Luke traces the line of descent back to Adam, and from Adam to Adam's Father: to God Himself. A further contradiction could be found in the following: According to Matthew, three Wise Men, or Magi, guided by a star, come to do homage at the birth of Jesus; while Luke relates the vision of the shepherds, their adoration of the Child, the presentation in the Temple—in contrast with which Matthew narrates the persecution by Herod, the flight into Egypt, and the return.
From their great teachers they had learned, in effect, that man had descended from divine heights, that the primordial human beings were the descendants of divine-spiritual beings and that therefore they traced the first man back to his Father-God. Thus man came down to earth and passed from one earth form to another. These men were primarily interested in what was bound to the earth, as well as in all that men had experienced when they had thought of divine-spiritual beings as their ancestors.
The old gods were dear to them because they could symbolize the fact that precisely the leading sons of the earth were “sons of the gods”.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): The ancient Hebrew consciousness of God 04 Sep 1910, Bern
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In the terms of Occult Science it would be inaccurate to describe the God Jehovah by saying, ‘He is the God of Abraham;’ but we must say, ‘He is the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and ofJacob—the Being Who passes from generation to generation, and Who reveals Himself through individual men in the consciousness of the race.’
Abraham had to be quite certain of the identity of his God with the God of the Mysteries. Certainty of this was brought home to him through a very special revelation.
Thus according to this conception, the God of the universe revealed Himself through the stars. If this God was to manifest in a special way in the mission of the Hebrew people, He must do so in accordance with the plan set forth in the starry courses of the heavens.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 25 14 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
We will only highlight the most striking passages: "In the army, the firm, unbreakable allegiance to the warlord is the legacy that passes from father to son, from generation to generation; and I also refer to my grandfather, the image of the glorious and venerable warlord, as it cannot be thought of more beautifully and appealing to the heart; to my dear father, who already earned a place of honor in the army as crown prince...
The proclamation of the new King of Prussia is reproduced here as his most important proclamation: To my people! God's decree has once again imposed upon us the most painful mourning. Now that the tomb over the mortal remains of my unforgettable grandfather has barely closed, my beloved father's majesty has also been recalled from this temporality to eternal peace.
The virtues that adorned him, the victories he once won on the battlefields, will be gratefully remembered as long as German hearts beat, and everlasting fame will glorify his chivalrous figure in the history of the Fatherland. Called to the throne of my fathers, I have taken over the government looking up to the King of all kings and have vowed to God, following the example of my fathers, to be a just and mild prince to my people, to cultivate piety and the fear of God, to protect peace, to promote the welfare of the country, to be a helper to the poor and afflicted, and a faithful guardian of justice.
193. Inner Aspect of the Social Question: Lecture II 11 Feb 1919, Zürich
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
In a certain sense that was a well-founded belief, for Jehovah, the God of this people, had chosen it as his people, and Jehovah was regarded as the one and only God.
But if one comes close to what these people mean by the Christ, one finds that no distinction is made between this Christ and God in general—the Father-God, in the sense of the Gospels. You will agree that Harnack, for example, is a celebrated theologian.
Not in such a way that people should speak in Harnack's style of the God who may equally well be the Jehovah-God, and is in fact nothing else, but so that it may be known: Christ is the God for all men.
173a. The Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture VIII 18 Dec 1916, Basel
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
Subconsciously the people knew themselves to be ruled by gods, the Vanir.4 They were not fully conscious in their intellect but lived in a ‘knowing dream-consciousness’.
Those connected with this Mystery centre called themselves ‘the ones who belong to the god, or goddess, Ing’: Ingaevones. In the external world only fragments remained of what was actually experienced.
At the first Council of Nicaea (325) the Athanasian creed (identity of the Son with the Father) was accepted. Arius denied this identity and stressed the oneness of God the Father. He gained many supporters, especially among the Germanic tribes, and the strife between the two schools of thought dragged on throughout the fourth and fifth centuries, until Arianism lost its influence.

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