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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 111 through 120 of 514

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327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture III 11 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Tr. Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
This physical carrier which, with the help of sulphur, brings the vital activities out of the universal ether into the body is oxygen. Thus, the part which I have coloured green in my sketch can be regarded, from the physical point of view, as oxygen, and also as the brooding?
I could indicate everywhere here how the nitrogen drags into the blue lines which I have indicated schematically with the green lines. But the whole of the very delicate structure which is formed in the living being must be able to disappear again.
These plants have also the tendency to colour their leaves, not with the ordinary green, hut with a rather darker shade. The actual fruit, moreover, undergoes a kind of atrophy, the seed remains capable of germinating for a short time only and then becomes barren.
233a. Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation: Research into the Life of the Spirit During the Middle Ages 04 Jan 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[Footnote: A sketch of a rainbow was made on the blackboard with chalks of the colours as seen in the sky: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.] But if you look at the rainbow with a little imagination, you may see there elemental Beings.
They move across and the moment they reach the lower end of the green they are drawn to it again. You see them disappear at this point (green). On the other side they come out again.
301. The Renewal of Education: Understanding the Human Being: A Foundation for Education 22 Apr 1920, Basel
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
You all know these after-images, which occur in the eye itself. You need only expose your eye to, say, a green surface and then turn away from this sharply delineated green area. You will see the same area as an after-effect that is subjectively red.
From an external perspective, we also can see a certain similarity between what briefly takes place in a sense organ and what happens in the human organism in regard to memory. Just as the green surface continues for a short time as red, a thought with its associated images resulting from a direct experience exists in our organism, only the time periods are quite different.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 2
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
See how these colours play among these cliffs, How calmly dumb the bare expanses lie, How twilight clothes the woods in green and blue; This is the world in which Johannes' soul Will rest and weave to-morrow's fantasies.
From the left of stage come sylph-like figures, slender and almost headless; their feet and hands are partly fins and partly wings. Some of them are bluish-green, others yellowish-red. The yellowish-red ones are distinguished by sharper outlines than the bluish green ones.
207. Cosmosophy Vol. I: Lecture IX 14 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Alice Wuslin, Michael Klein

Rudolf Steiner
If the astral body is here (see next drawing, red) and the I here (green), then all that modern man experiences is here in the I, and his thoughts are nothing but what the astral body casts into the I as shadow images (yellow).
It would have been preceded by ancient Moon, Sun, and Saturn. Here we would have the next planet, Jupiter (green), which will be transformed from the earth after the earth has passed through its decline. On Jupiter, then, there participate intensively those members of the human being that exist now, as seed: the physical body, etheric body, and astral body; the I, however, takes part only under a certain condition.
295. Discussions with Teachers: Discussion Ten 01 Sep 1919, Stuttgart
Tr. Helen Fox, Catherine E. Creeger

Rudolf Steiner
Only when the flowers are first beginning to sprout—when the March violet, for example, is still green, before flowers appear, and again when leaves are falling—that the plant world can be compared to dreams.
In the drawing, the red parts of the two smaller squares already lie within the square on the hypotenuse. By moving the blue and the green triangles in the direction of the arrows, the remaining parts of the two smaller squares will cover those parts of the square on the hypotenuse still uncovered.
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 6
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Torquatus' Soul: (Figure visible as far as the breast, blue aura, green wings.) Only desire's reflection dost thou see Which I allow to shine from my soul's sheath Into thy sphere in loyal spirit-troth.
Bellicosus' Soul: (Figure visible like that of Torquatus' soul, but with blue-violet aura and blue-green wings.) Make strong thy spirit-ear to understand What says the soul who rays out meekness' light.
93. The Temple Legend: Goethe and His Connection with Rosicrucianism (date uncertain) 01 Jan 1906, Berlin
Tr. John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Makarius's vision is such an act of contemplation) The Fairy Story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily is a portrayal of an alchemistical initiation as established by Christian Rosenkreutz; this is written correctly—not as in the defective tradition of the Lodges—as 030 degree (vulgarly known in Freemasonry parlance as the 30th degree.
14. Four Mystery Plays: Beings and Persons Represented

Rudolf Steiner
Similarly the stole, mitre, and crosier of Romanus are bronze and the emblems green. Retardus' costume is a mixture of the above three. Germanus wears long brownish robes and is made to appear like a giant with heavy clogs, as if tied to earth.
188. Goetheanism as an Impulse for Man's Transformation: Paganism, Hebraism, and the Greek Spirit, Hellenism 11 Jan 1919, Dornach
Tr. Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
For the whole fairy tale of the Green Snake end the Beautiful Lily breathes forth this mood of expectation. Where Plato stands in the culture of the Greeks, Goethe stands in the fifth post-Atlantean period. The question “Where does Goethe stand” leads us on to say: As Plato with the definition of the Divine as the Good pointed to the Mystery of Golgotha as a key to understanding the fourth post-Atlantean period, in all that rings forth from his fairy tale of The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, Goethe was pointing to the fresh understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha that had perforce to come.
Then when we prepare ourselves by paganism, as one might say, through something of the nature of the hymn in prose, with all the widening of soul we can get from this, with all the deepening of soul that makes itself felt within us, with all the ennobling of soul we can experience, we shall sink deeply into what there is in many of the scenes in Faust or in the fairy tale of The Green snake and the Beautiful Lily, where we shall find expressed the mood of waiting for a new understanding among the most modern people of the Mystery of Golgotha.

Results 111 through 120 of 514

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