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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 201 through 210 of 515

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181. The Earth As Being with Life, Soul, and Spirit: The Earth As Seen by the Dead 01 Apr 1918, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We acquire a picture of the earth when we imagine a sphere floating in cosmic space, gleaming on one side in shades of blue and violet, on the other side burning, sparkling red and yellow; and between a belt of green. Conceptions which have the character of pictures gradually carry us over into the spiritual world.
6. Goethe's World View: Epilogue to the New Edition of 1918
Tr. William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
(One will find in my book, Goethe's Faust and the Fairy Tale of the Green Snake, something of what there is to say about Goethe from the particularly spiritual scientific point of view.)
6. Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age: About the Author, the People, and the Background of this Book

Paul Marshall Allen
In the Ill River near Strassburg was a little island called daz Grüne Woerth, The Green Island. In the twelfth century a convent had been established there, but had long since been deserted and had fallen into ruins.
Five years later Merswin completed arrangements whereby the group was acknowledged as a branch of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, and the place became known as “The House of Saint John of the Green Island.” Not long after this Merswin's wife died, and he spent his remaining years on the Green Island, devoting himself to the Friends of God who came there from far and near. Rulman Merswin died in the House of St. John of the Green Island on July 18, 1382. Four days after his death a sealed chest was opened which had been discovered in his room.
288. Architecture, Sculpture and Painting of the First Goetheanum: The Symbolism of the Building at Dornach III 12 Jun 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Inside the nut is the fruit, and around it is the shell. Let us first look at the hard shell inside the green shell. If you study the whole configuration, the shape of the nut shell, you will say to yourself: it could not be any different than it is, because the nut is as it is.
One is not concerned with the horizon line, but above with the blue firmament, below with the green sea, and where the two colors meet, the line and the form arise by themselves. This is how I have tried to paint here: everything from the color.
That is why all the windows are large panes of glass in a single color. These panes – red, green, blue – are engraved, etched out of the glass, which then gives the glass its visual effect. This visual effect is there when the sun shines through the windows.
175. Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha: Lecture IV 12 Apr 1917, Berlin
Tr. A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
The plants I have already mentioned which follow normal metamorphosis are those which develop green leaves and stems, the herbaceous plants. I pointed out in my previous lecture that physical man, as at present constituted, does not answer to his inherent potentialities; his physical body was originally destined for immortality.
He would have looked out upon a world from which he received external impressions; he would be aware not only of colours and tones, not only of external impressions, but also of spirit emanating from things on every hand—from the colour red the spirit of red, from the colour green the spirit of green, and so on. At all times he would have been aware of the spirit. This was anticipated by Goethe when he said: if the Urpflanze, the archetypal plant, is nothing more than an idea, then I can see my ideas with my own eyes and they are realities in the external world like colours.
100. Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Progressive Development Through the Different Cycles of Culture 26 Jun 1907, Karlsruhe
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
On the other hand, everything that gives us a decaying impression is in a descending development, whereas our green, leafy, plants will in future attain to higher stages. Our minerals developed entirely upon the Earth; there were no minerals upon the Moon, such as exist to-day.
The clairvoyant says: Feldspath in gneiss appears to spiritual vision quite clearly as the petrified stalk and the green leaves of plants, the petrification of those parts which built them up; whereas the mica foundation is related to that part of the plants which still develops to-day as the plants sepals and corollae.
115. Wisdom of Man, of the Soul, and of the Spirit: The Position of Anthroposophy in Relation to Theosophy and Anthropology 23 Oct 1909, Berlin
Tr. Samuel P. Lockwood, Loni Lockwood

Rudolf Steiner
This takes place by reason of an external material substance being either transparent or opaque, or by the manner in which it permits light to pass through it, that is, how it is colored. An object that rays out green light is internally so constituted that it can reflect green light and no other. The outermost surface of things is revealed to us in the sense of smell, something of their inner nature in taste, something of their inner essence in sight.
203. Social Life: Lecture II 23 Jan 1921, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
While I was studying these carefully, (pardon these personal observations, but they are connected with the objective side), I also studied Goethe's “Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily,” and those two things were carried on absolutely side by side, and fundamentally it was from that which flowed to me then out of my study of the “Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily,” that twenty one years later, 3x7 years after, there flowed that which led to my first Mystery Play, “The Portal of Initiation.”
208. Cosmosophy Vol. II: Lecture VII 04 Nov 1921, Dornach
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Fig. 21 To draw it (Fig. 21), I would have to put the head here, with the process of sensory perception (red), then comes the activity of forming an idea (blue, green) based on sensory perceptions, and this really shows a Janus24 face. In front it is the pale idea which comes to conscious awareness; at the back it is the Imagination which does not become conscious.
The spirit, then, is spirit in the forward direction; it is soul at the back, where it faces the organism (green). In the sphere of the soul, however, it immediately begins to go down into half conscious and unconscious spheres, uniting with the living body.
238. Karmic Relationships IV: Lecture VI 16 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. George Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Transformed and changed and in miniature we have this picture set down by Goethe in his fairy story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily ... There was, then, a great super-sensible action in which those above all took part who had partaken in the stream of Michael, in all the revelations super-sensible and sensible, of which I told you.
It was in vision of that super-sensible action that my Mystery Plays came into being, and for this reason the first Mystery Play, different as it is from Goethe's fairy story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, nevertheless reveals distinctly similar features. For a thing that would contain real impulses of a spiritual kind cannot be arbitrarily conceived.

Results 201 through 210 of 515

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